Kingdom Hearts III -Imagineering A Video Game


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Probably a few hundred times. I'm really only playing it to look for new inspiration for the series, thankfully enough, I didn't really need to play the game to find much.

Though KH4 will be a lot like KH2, however, it'll be new and refreshing. If there was a KHV, it'll be going back to basics.


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After leaving Olympus Coliseum, the pathway to Neverland reopens.

Neverland (2nd Visit)

The team finds themselves in a now dark and abysmal Pixie Hollow Grove. The team wonders what has happened to this world to cause such a change of scenery. They continue into the Forested Pathways area, when suddenly, a new group of Heartless appears, forcing the team into battle.

The new Heartless are called Haste Agers and are solely exclusive to Neverland. These trickery Heartless get their name because they start out as youthful, ferocious monsters, yet every combo move unleashed on them makes them age rapidly. One combo move and it gets older. Two combo moves and it starts looking pale. Three combos and it grows elderly. On the fourth combo, it explodes into dust.

After the fight, Peter Pan flies into the area, closely followed by Tinkerbell. He spots the team and fills them in on all of the missed details. He explains that Captain Hook, who had been lucky enough to escape Tic Toc, the crocodile, had anchored ship in Skull Rock and is now using the cavernous skull as a fortress. Ever since he appeared, with handyman Mr. Smee, the flow of Heartless has only been increasing. To make matters worse, Hook has kidnapped Wendy, John and Michael. Peter joins the party to put a stop to Hook.

The trail continues to the Neverland Crossroads. Once there, you should take a left into the Indian Camp first. Once there, proceed inside the Camp: Tent so you can save your game.

Afterwards, continue back into the Neverland Crossroads. If you take the path straight ahead of you now, you’ll arrive back in the Lagoon. There’s not much to do here now except fight Heartless, so you can skip over this area if you don’t want to level up. Now, proceed down the northern pathway of the Neverland Crossroads, the pathway that leads to Skull Rock.

Along the long, rocky path, you spot a trail of Heartless waiting to attack. A flood of darkness seeps through the eye sockets of the large skull. The Heartless are blocking the team from proceeding any further, so it seems Sora’s got some fighting to do. Hurt first, ask questions later!

After the encounter with the Heartless, the darkness doesn’t seem to stop flowing. The team has to make a run for it. They elude the Heartless and enter into the dark opening of the Skull Cave.

Inside, Captain Hook’s ship, the Jolly Roger is docked. The team thinks of how to go about rescuing Wendy, John and Michael. It’s really up to you, go the stealthy route or bust onto the ship with keyblades blazing. For now, we’ll take the stealth route. Go to the save point before entering a dark Cavern.

Once entering the cavern, you’ll travel through the dark rock passageway, which leads the team up into the eye sockets of the rock. The entire time, through the stone breaks in the rock wall, the team sees and encircles the Jolly Roger. The cavern passage takes them down to a stone landing, located at the rear of the Jolly Roger, where they successfully sneak onto the ship. If all this walking isn’t your thing, you can always just head right onto the ship, jumping right into the action! But that means you’d have to withstand the barrage of Heartless guarding the ship.

Once onboard, the team enters the Captain’s Stateroom, the familiar room from KH1, where the team fought Anti-Sora. After exploring the rather small room, head through the heavy wooden door, onto the Ship’s Deck.


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Once outside, uh oh. Captain Hook ambushes the team, while Smee stands, rather meagerly, behind him. Wendy, John and Michael are tied to the ship’s wooden beam, held captive by Captain Hook. Just as the Captain is about to do them all in, a strange ticking noise is suddenly heard. Hook knows just what the noise is. As he looks over the side of the boat, he spots Tic Toc, the crocodile that ate his hand. This sends Hook on a terrible emotional spree. Just as he is about to retreat into his quarters, Sora blocks off any passage.

-Boss: Captain Hook-

This boss fight practically mimics the first fight in the original Kingdom Hearts game. Remember, you can fly in these battles, so use that to your advantage. Captain Hook seems to never stand still, so with your best efforts, try to remain constantly locked onto him and don’t lose sight of him.

After a successful combo, Captain Hook may fall overboard, as Tic-Toc jets out of the water, snapping at him, sending Hook flying into the air, frightened. Use this to your advantage and attach Hook while he’s suspended in the air.

After the battle, Captain Hook is successfully thrown overboard, while Smee rows away in his tiny rowboat. Hook balances himself between the wide jaws of the crocodile, as it anxiously tries to snap his heavy jaws closed. Captain Hook flies out of the crocodile’s mouth, speeding across the water, the crocodile not far behind. They speed off into the distance.

Peter unties Wendy, John and Michael and now claims Captain Hook’s pirate ship as their own. They graciously thank Sora, Donald and Goofy for coming to their rescue. With that, Tinker Bell uses her pixie dust to illuminate the ship in a bright golden glow, as the entire ship soars out of Skull Rock and high into the sky, over all of Neverland.

The ship, now a subdued golden color floats, majestically, across the sky, past a field of stars. As Sora looks behind him, they notice their leaving the entire universe of Neverland. Behind him, he can make out the island of Neverland slowly fading behind an abyss of color, when suddenly, the Keyblade reacts. Across the star-covered Neverland, a Keyhole appears within the stars. Sora raises the Keyblade and a long ray of energy seals the Keyhole, as they sail off into the distance.

The ship arrives in London, at the Nursery, which belongs to Wendy’s parents. Wendy, John and Michael arrive through the window and take off to bed quickly, before their parents arrive home. As Peter Pan wishes a sad goodbye to Wendy, he promises that he’ll take her on an amazing adventure one day, so they can fly high over Neverland together. The ship takes off into the sky.

The team returns to Neverland, where Peter Pan gives Sora the Starred Phoenix Keyblade. Sora, Donald and Goofy return to the Gummi Ship.

Wendy stares out her bedroom window, into the starry night sky of London, at the twinkling second star to the right.


Jiminy’s Journal- Neverland (2nd Visit)

Sora, Donald and Goofy arrived in Neverland, when Peter Pan told the team that Captain Hook had landed in Skull Rock and kidnapped Wendy, John and Michael. They had to stop Captain Hook at all costs.

They made their way to Skull Rock, where an army of Heartless appeared. They made it past the enemies and made it inside the skull. They stealthy snuck around the inside of the skull, into the Jolly Roger, Captain Hook’s ship. Once arriving on deck, Hook, along with Smee, ambushed them.

Suddenly, the crocodile appeared, scaring the life out of Hook. Before he could escape to his quarters, Sora blocked any passage and forced him to fight. After the battle, Captain Hook wounded up over board, being dangerously chased by Tic Toc. Smee rode away on his own stowaway boat, gleefully waving goodbye to the Captain.

Peter Pan claimed the ship as his own. With the help of Tinker Bell’s pixie dust, the ship began to soar into the air and turn golden, leaving a trail of magic behind. The ship took off into the sky, towards London. As they flew off, Sora sealed the Keyhole, found in the abyss barrier of Neverland’s star field.

At the nursery, Peter said goodbye to Wendy, John and Michael and promised to take them all on an adventure one day, before setting sail back to Neverland.

Wendy waits for the day Peter will return.


  • Peter Pan
  • Tinker Bell
  • Wendy
  • John
  • Michael
  • Tiger Lily
  • The Chief
  • Tic Toc
  • Peter’s Shadow
  • Captain Hook
  • Smee
-Starred Phoenix Keyblade

-Air Pirate
-Battle Ship
-Luna Pirate
-Moon Sage
-Star Seeker
-Haste Ager

-Captain Hook


Well-Known Member
I liked Neverland, too, especially how the fight with Hook turns out to be every bit the same as in KH1. However, I would change one thing: I would make Tinkerbell be a summon now. Her function here would be the same as in KH1, to revive Sora when defeated in battle.


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I liked Neverland, too, especially how the fight with Hook turns out to be every bit the same as in KH1. However, I would change one thing: I would make Tinkerbell be a summon now. Her function here would be the same as in KH1, to revive Sora when defeated in battle.
Well, I wanted Tink to have more of a storyline revolving around Peter and Neverland, even though she doesn't talk much, or at all. I wanted her to stay in Neverland for the duration of the game. That's why references of Pixie Hollow, her Neverland home, were even added to the game. I thought, making her a summon again would just be repeating KH1, pretty unoriginal. She'd be thinking "Why am I still doing this for a guy who has a perfectly fine Cure spell?" I'm leaving summon spells open for very rare, special and unusual characters who'd most likely never have any sort of appearance in the game, or characters who'd be pretty suprising and unexpected.
Omg, you don't even know how awesome it is to log on after a few days and see not one, but 3 story updates!!! YAY!!!! I was so upset that I couldn't log on, but I've been working sooo much, that I didn't get to log on even for a minute. :cry:

I absolutely LOVE the BatB story and plotline, and the Hercules Titan fight was EPIC!!! :eek: I like the fact that they aren't impossible to defeat either.

I can't wait to see how the rest of the story turns out, and I will be waiting very impatiently for the next installement. :lookaroun

And I'm glad you agree with my Alice as a princess dislike. Because that's lame. Although I can't think of another "princess" before 2001, I still don't care. Lame. :D

I wanna go to WDW....I'm having a withdrawal....I the fact that I'm too poor and far away from my "other home" to be able to go every year. It's like, once every 4 years. And that's not NEAR enough for me.:cry::cry::cry::cry:

Carry on guys, carry on....


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In the Parks
Omg, you don't even know how awesome it is to log on after a few days and see not one, but 3 story updates!!! YAY!!!! I was so upset that I couldn't log on, but I've been working sooo much, that I didn't get to log on even for a minute. :cry:

I absolutely LOVE the BatB story and plotline, and the Hercules Titan fight was EPIC!!! :eek: I like the fact that they aren't impossible to defeat either.

I can't wait to see how the rest of the story turns out, and I will be waiting very impatiently for the next installement. :lookaroun

And I'm glad you agree with my Alice as a princess dislike. Because that's lame. Although I can't think of another "princess" before 2001, I still don't care. Lame. :D

I wanna go to WDW....I'm having a withdrawal....I the fact that I'm too poor and far away from my "other home" to be able to go every year. It's like, once every 4 years. And that's not NEAR enough for me.:cry::cry::cry::cry:

Carry on guys, carry on....
Thanks so much!

I like the way the whole BATB storyline wrapped up, too. It just brought the whole storyline full circle. Hmmm...I'm still debating whether to bring this world back or not. I think Belle and the prince deserve some days (or YEARS) off. We'll see...

And yes, I thought the Titan fight was pretty good, too. Though,...they're dead, so I have some new Coliseum baddies.

Alice is NOT a princess. (Gasp!) Maybe a secret Princess of Heart storyline of Alice not being a princess, reulting in Maleficent finding the actual seventh princess. Noo..The deed is done. Alice is officially a princess in the Universe of Kingdom Hearts.

Atlantica is coming up in a bit.


Well-Known Member
I can't wait for Atlantica, and how Ursula will be vanquished this time around!

BTW, in about a week or so, I'm off to Disneyland!


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So, I have some last minute company over, which means I won't be able to post the Atlantica Revisit section tonight, But I'll have it up in the morning.
*sadness*:cry: I guess I'll have to accept the fact that Kingdom Hearts will have a 9 year old selfish, mischievous little girl as a Princess of Heart.

Moving on.

MHarrington! :mad:You just like rubbing it in my face that you get to go. lol:fork: It's okay. I'm glad you get to go.:) Have fun!

And now we have to wait......

Carry on guys, carry on.


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In the Parks
After having completed Neverland, you continue along the gummi route trail to Atlantica.

Atlantica (2nd Visit)​
Sora, Donald and Goofy arrive in the Royal Hall of Prince Eric’s Castle. Strange, they had thought they were going to arrive in the waters somewhere near King Triton’s palace. They stare down the long, lavish castle hallway, lined with glass windows, overlooking the ocean. Everything seems fine. Suddenly, Eric bursts from the Kitchen doors, followed by a group of Heartless. The team quickly heads into battle with the monsters.

After the small battle, Eric informs them that the sudden power of darkness had turned Ariel back into a mermaid and that the Heartless roaming about the area have grown stronger. He’s so worried about Ariel and he wants to ensure her safety. Sora suggests venturing into Atlantica with them. Eric’s unsure how that would go over. With Sora’s influence and Donald’s strong magic, Eric agrees and they head out of the castle.

Together, they head down the stone steps of the castle, as Scuttle stares on from his island, trying to get the team’s attention. After accidently, tying an anchor to his leg and falling off the island, he mentions that Flounder and Sebastian have told him some pretty bad news. They said that King Triton had been injured pretty badly and the trident had been stolen, leaving all of Atlantica unguarded. They quit the dilly-dallying and head straight to the Seashore.

After arriving at the Seashore, Sora, Donald and Goofy enter the water. Donald waves his scepter, as he works his magic. Suddenly, their legs melt into a disperse of bubbles, as they descend into the water. As they emerge from the water’s surface, they are in their undersea forms. Now, it’s Eric’s turn for his transformation. Eric steps into the shallow surface of the sea, when Donald waves his scepter. The segment happens to Eric. His legs melt away, as he descends into the water. The team descends into the depths of the water, into the Underwater Trench.

As the team descends into the ocean, they see Eric in his new mermaid form. His legs, now a dark blue mermaid fin. It takes him a bit of getting used to, but he thinks he’ll be okay. For the first time in the series, Eric joins the party. They decide to make their way to King Triton’s palace.

They travel through the Underwater Trench, fighting Heartless along the way. They continue into a dark passage, into the Sea Cavern. You pass by the familiar entrance to Coral Sea, as you continue through the disorienting rock passageways, following the trident markers on the dark stone walls. You exit into the beautiful undersea expanse of Triton Gardens, which leads up to the entrance of Triton’s Throne Room.

As you enter, you see King Triton, on his throne, slouched, obviously injured. The team rushes to his aid, as Sebastian and Flounder look on, worried. He manages to tell them that the Heartless invaded the palace and stole his trident, delivering it right into the hands of Ursula, the one person he feared. On top of that, he’s heard that Ariel’s in danger, as well. Sora says that he can count on them to take care of everything. With that, they head out in search of either Ariel or Ursula.

As they head into the Triton Gardens, they see Ariel swimming just into the Sea Cavern. Wait, I thought she was in danger? They quickly follow Ariel, but not before fighting another sporadic burst of Heartless. You follow Ariel into the caverns.

As you proceed through the dark cavern, you hear Ariel’s enchanting voice echoing against the walls of the cavern, enticing you to proceed further through the dark foreboding cavern. Suddenly, the shadow of Ariel moves across the stone cavern, as a secret passageway has opened. Ariel proceeds into the secret stone passageway. The team approaches the rock and questions whether they should proceed or not. With enough courage, the team enters the new cavern. As they enter, Ursula’s eels Flotsam and Jetsam are seen spying on the team.

They proceed into the Dark Canal, which separates into two different rocky passages. Let’s take the one to the left first. Down that passage, you’ll arrive in a room known as the Hidden Alcove. Inside, there is a save point, as well as a few unlockable treasure chests. You proceed back to the forked path, and you now take the opposite pathway.

You proceed through the Abandoned Passage, preparing for whatever lies ahead.


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You arrive in the large open waters of the Magma Crater, littered with several sunken sea ships. Ahead, a rather shocking sight. Ariel holding the trident? She stole it and has been hiding this entire time! As you head towards her, she points the trident exactly in your direction, as a wicked smirk spreads across her face. Something’s not right.

Then, Ariel’s figure warps and shifts, as her mermaid tail splits into several tentacles, her skin growing purple; Ursula, the sea witch. She tricked them into coming here. Seconds later, Flotsam and Jetsam arrive on the scene and with a wave of her hand; Ariel appears in a cover of dark smog. Now, that they’re all here together, she can finally have her revenge on ALL of them.

Just as she is about to send a ray of energy straight towards Eric, Ariel grabs hold of her hair, yanking it back, causing her to misfire, instead, hitting Flotsam and Jetsam with the ray of energy, as they explode into thousands of little particles.

Enraged, she holds up the trident towards the water’s surface, as it glows with power. Ink jets out from beneath Ursula, covering the entire scene in smoke. Is it just them, or is Ursula growing at a rapidly increasing height? Ursula jets out off the water, rising high above the surface, in the middle of a fierce thunderstorm. She uses the power of the trident to create a huge whirlpool, which raises several sunken ships to the water’s surface.

-Boss: Ursula-

This fight is greatly influenced by the Ursula battle scene in the movie.

Ursula uses the power of the trident to strike down Sora and the others. However, in this fight, she also uses her tentacles for attacking. However, the whirlpool in the middle of the ocean setting can be a hassle. Main way to avoid it is to go NOWHERE near it. If you happen to get sucked into it, Ursula will start shooting rays of energy towards you, but you can use the “Soaring Swim” attack to safely escape the whirlpool.

Now, move your attention to the four tentacles she uses for attacking. Each one has about a bar of health. Strike each one down and they disappear beneath the ocean. At this point, Ursula will hold up the trident to the sky, forgetting there’s a major lightening storm, and be shocked as a lightening bolt strikes the trident, dealing major damage to her HP.

Continue this tactic throughout the battle and you should come out victorious.

After the battle, Ursula raises her trident high in the air, as Ariel falls into the pits of the whirlpool. Donald casts a spell on Sora, as his legs re-emerge. Sora makes his way onto one of the floating ships. As Ursula is about to strike Ariel, Sora steers the pointed mast of the ship directly through Ursula’s stomach, impaling her. She holds her stomach, as she screams out in pain, when suddenly lightening bolts emit from the sky and fatally electrocute her, as she disappears beneath the sea.

The trident falls into the depths of the ocean. Eric dives beneath the water and claims the trident. Sora, weakly arrives on the seashore, as the storm dies off in the distance.

Sora obtains the Undersea Crystal Keyblade.

Back in Triton’s Throne Room, everyone has gathered. Sora is now a merman again. Eric returns the trident to King Triton. In turn, King Triton states what a wise choice Ariel has made. He thinks humans aren’t so bad, after all. However, his injury in the previous situation deeply worried him.

If something had happened to him, no one would be the rightful heir to the trident and all of Atlantica. With that, King Triton appoints Eric the heir to all of the undersea kingdom of Atlantica. Prince Eric decides to stay under the sea, with Ariel, much to Sebastian and Flounder’s approval. Though, he could still become human whenever he wants.

King Triton lifts the trident into the air, as it emits a subdued glow. A ray of light shoots from within the trident and reveals the keyhole. Sora uses the Keyblade to seal the Keyhole.

Ariel can’t thank them enough for all their help. They can always return here.


Jiminy’s Journal-Atlantica (2nd Visit)

The team arrived at Prince Eric’s castle, when suddenly the Heartless appeared. Eric stated that the power of darkness had turned Ariel into a mermaid again and she had disappeared. Together, they ventured under the sea to King Triton’s palace.

Upon arrival, the found that he was gravely injured and the trident had been stolen. They willingly decide to track down the trident and its thief.

Once they leave, they find Ariel swimming through the secret caverns, as she opens a secret passageway. They follow her through the cavern and into the Magma Crater, where she caused an ambush. Ariel’s figure warped and changed and was revealed to be Ursula, who had held Ariel captive. As she is about to strike down Eric, Ariel distracts her, causing to misfire hitting Flotsam and Jetsam instead. Angered, she grows to the size of a giant, but in the end, she met her match, as she was impaled with a sunken ship.

Eric returned the trident to King Triton, who appointed him as the rightful heir to the entire kingdom of Atlantica. Eric wanted to stay beneath the sea with Ariel. The trident revealed the keyhole. Sora used the Keyblade and sealed it.


  • Ariel
  • Prince Eric
  • King Triton
  • Sebastian
  • Flounder
  • Scuttle
  • Grimsby
  • Carlotta
  • Chef Louis
  • Ursula
  • Flotsam
  • Jetsam

-Undersea Crystal Keyblade

-Sea Neon
-Search Ghost
-Coral Creeper
-Water Stiker
-Coral Mushroom


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