Kingdom Hearts III -Imagineering A Video Game


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In the Parks
Yes, I am! The only time I would ever want to wake up at 5 in the morning is to catch a flight to Disney!

And I'm writing your PM now. I accidently deleted it before it sent.


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Is there another as-yet-unexplained summonable character or does Tod and Copper fill the need for two summons? Because T&C work together as one, like Peter Pan and Tinker Bell do in KH2.


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In the Parks
Todd and Copper count as one summon. They work together as a team. There are more yet-to-be-revealed summons on the way.


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In the Parks
So, I just finished writing the last installment, which is the turning points/cliffhangers. It's long, but good and intense!


Well-Known Member
Hey, KingMickey, before you leave and dismiss this idea, hear me out: how would you feel if there was a second "optional" world, like Coral Sea? It worked before with KH2, which had two optional worlds: 100 Acre Wood and Atlantica.

I was thinking of calling this world The Big Top and having it be themed to Dumbo. It would first become available after you clear out Olympus Coliseum the first time, and, like Coral Sea, different episodes would become more and more available as you go through.

And here's an idea for the world music (non-battle) to give you an idea for the mood of the world:

I've also decided that by the time of your impending cliffhanger, there would already be two chapters in The Big Top that have opened. So please just give this a gander. I could do the two episodes over the course of your absence. I was thinking of having the second chapter of Dumbo's world open after clearing Port Royal the first time.

So what do you think? Just hear me out on this, please?


New Member
Hey, KingMickey, before you leave and dismiss this idea, hear me out: how would you feel if there was a second "optional" world, like Coral Sea? It worked before with KH2, which had two optional worlds: 100 Acre Wood and Atlantica.

I was thinking of calling this world The Big Top and having it be themed to Dumbo. It would first become available after you clear out Olympus Coliseum the first time, and, like Coral Sea, different episodes would become more and more available as you go through.

And here's an idea for the world music (non-battle) to give you an idea for the mood of the world:

I've also decided that by the time of your impending cliffhanger, there would already be two chapters in The Big Top that have opened. So please just give this a gander. I could do the two episodes over the course of your absence. I was thinking of having the second chapter of Dumbo's world open after clearing Port Royal the first time.

So what do you think? Just hear me out on this, please?

I think that it sounds a little dreary and down for a Dumbo world. I don't think that the side worlds should have up beat music.


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In the Parks
Radiant Garden (3rd Visit)
Part 1-In the Eyes of a Witch

It was a normal day, like any other, in Radiant Garden.

Sora, Donald and Goofy arrive in the Marketplace. Everything looks fine, but there must be more to the story. While wandering through the marketplace, you can stop at Hewey, Dewey and Louie’s three different shops, to stock up on items and armor.

While running up the stairs that leads to the above section of the marketplace, you’ could also stop in at Ludwig Von Drake’s Synthesis Store or Scrooge McDuck’s Sea-Salt Ice cream shop. The two ducks both report some strange activity going on in the valley. Sora, Donald and Goofy make this their cue to investigate further. They leave the Marketplace and proceed to the Town Plaza.

Once arriving in the plaza, a storm of Heartless raids the area. After taking out each Heartless, the team proceeds to Merlin’s House to see what’s going on.

Inside the entire Radiant Garden Restoration Committee is found. Of course, the Committee includes Leon, Cid, Yuffie, Aerith, Cloud, Rinoa, Yuna, Rikku, Paine, Merlin and of course, Sora, Donald and Goofy. Inside, the large group discusses the strange happenings that have been occurring in the world lately. Cid is rapidly typing in data into his computer, while the team is listening. The Heartless are becoming more powerful, even after the world’s keyhole had been sealed. Also, the town’s defense mechanism, the Claymores, have been glitching out of control.

They decide to lead an investigation to see what’s causing these strange events to occur and to put a stop to them. The entire Restoration Committee splits up into different groups, all with a different purpose and mission they have to fulfill.

Leon and Rinoa stay at Merlin’s House to hold ground and use it similar to a base for protection. Cloud, Aerith, Yuffie and Cid are heading to the castle, where, in Ansem’s Study, they’ll try to gain access into the computer, so they can research the events further. Yuna, Rikku and Paine are going to the Markeyplace, so they can keep a close watch on the town from above. That leaves Sora, Donald and Goofy. The several groups head out of Merlin’s House and begin to make their way to their assigned locations. They start to follow out their tasks.

Sora, Donald and Goofy decide to take on the Heartless head-on and stop the cause of the strange events. Before they leave, Merlin wants to join their group, so he can truly see the power of the keyblade. Also, he believes that his magic will be of great use to them. Merlin goes to Sora and tells him, “You are the one who will open the door to light.” They head out into the town. Sora obtains the SpellCaster Keyblade.

Arriving in Town Plaza, a familiar gummi ship blasts into the town. Onboard, Riku, Kairi and Pluto arrive out of it. They are so happy to see the gang. Sora quickly catches up with them and tells them all about the events that are taking place. To ensure their safe, Sora insists that Riku, Kairi and Pluto proceed into Merlin’s House

Meanwhile, the villains are all gathered at Villains’ Vale. Using a dark blobish portal on a wall, they see the actions that the Restoration Committee is taking. The illusionary visions of the characters appear in the dark orb. Maleficent suddenly cringes, she senses something. “That idiotic wizard is assisting Sora and the others.” It seems she may need a change of plans. She’ll take care of the others. However, she has a special job for the Evil Queen. While she defeats Sora, the queen must have her own task to accomplish. Kairi’s image appears in the dark glob.

Cruella DeVil insists that she could be the only rightful leader of the group, while Maleficent is appalled. How dare she say something like that, especially after Maleficent took her under her wing! To prove her worth, Maleficent sends Cruella out, to stop the team from destroying their goal. Maleficent thinks “Everything is going wrong.” She must think carefully of how to carry out the remainder of her plans.


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In the Parks
The team travels through the Town Plaza and arrive in the Bailey. Now, as mentioned earlier, the Bailey had been completely restored after the events of the War at Hollow Bastion a year ago. A beautiful waterfall runs across the gaping hole that once stood. Now, Merlin shows his talents, using his wand, he parts the waterfall, which opens to a new path. They proceed through the waterfall and down the Garden Perimeter.

The Garden Perimeter is the area that separates the actual “town” from the surrounding mountains and valleys. A large curved stone wall encloses the area. Waiting ahead, the team sees Cruella DeVil, who blatantly points out that she leads the Villains’ group. She starts to mention her plans on how to control all the worlds, when Sora and the other are like “Um…no…” Cruella DeVil unleashes her anger and proceeds to attack the team.

-Boss: Cruella DeVil-

This cannot even be considered a boss fight. Cruella DeVil wants to show how tough she is, when she’s not impressive at all. So, show this wanna-be-villain who’s the boss. She will rarely attack you with her razor sharp finger nails.

However, she does summon Heartless that will cause more problems than Cruella, herself, so take the dark monsters out first. Merlin will also help throughout the battle, casting a series of spells. After the battle, Cruella shuns off the group and makes her way back towards Villain’s Vale. The team is left wondering “Who was that?”

At the Marketplace, Yuna, Rikku and Paine are seen sitting on the ledge, enjoying Sea-Salt ice cream, just bought at Scrooge’s shop.

At Merlin’s House, Leon and Rinoa are seen studying several of the books, which lay on the floor. Riku, Kairi and Pluto are seen talking about something.

At the Castle, Cid is rapidly searching for anything of substance on the computer, while Cloud, Aerith and Yuffie closely examine, while half-heartedly reading books behind him.

Back at Villain’s Vale, Cruella DeVil arrives, much to Maleficent’s displeasure. Cruella simply states that she went easy on them. Maleficent know otherwise; she watched the entire event take place through her orb portal. Maleficent in angered, especially with Cruella posing as leader. It seems she to trim her group down.

The team makes their way across the Garden Perimeter and arrive in the Dark Valley.

The Dark Valley is a dark blue/purple landscape which leads down into a valley. The valley leads towards Villains’ Vale. Along the entire valley, sporadic blasts of Heartless appear. New one, stronger one, bigger ones, in all different shapes and sizes. The team and Merlin make their way through the valley. However, there’s a broken cavern in the valley. Sora and the others enter.

In the Crystal Cavern, the team will find a last minute save point, which to rest up for. Who know what may lie ahead. Anything can happen. The team recoups and heads back out into the valley.

After reaching the end of the valley, Villain’s Vale lies ahead. The team enters the Dark Meridian.

Back at Villain’s Vale, Maleficent senses the approach of the team. She asks the Queen and the other Villains to take their positions. Their plans are finally hatching. The, she notices Xehanort. He’s doing some last minute inter-connected data placement for their plan. Things are finally looking up. Cruella DeVil is about to head out, but Maleficent stops her. She’s about to strike her, but the light of Sora causes her to cringe. He must be stopped. She disappears in a sea of flames, leaving Cruella alone. Cruella decides to tell Sora all about Maleficent’s plan. She rushes to Sora.


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Back at Merlin’s House, a shrouded figure pulls Kairi through a dark portal, which closes behind them. Riku searches the wall for some way to find the portal.

The team arrives at the Dark Meridian. Sora runs into the area, followed by Merlin. As Donald and Goofy follow close behind, a barrier wall appears, blocking them from entering the area. Then, Maleficent appears in a sea of flames. She despises the team for destroying all of her precious Heartless. Now, it’s time to wreak vengeance!

-Boss: Maleficent-

Surprisingly, this boss fight with Maleficent isn’t as hard as her previous encounter. Sora fight alone, with the help of Merlin’s magic. Maleficent no longer turns into an orb, but her attacks have slightly increased in damage.

She casts thunder spells, as well as whips up a few mini-cyclones along the way, blasting Sora up into the air. Merlin’s magic can be of amazing use in this battle.

After the battle, Maleficent laughs wickedly. She uses flamed chains to pin Sora against a rocky wall. She builds up a ray of dark energy, with her magic scepter. The ray of dark magic shoots from her scepter and heads right for Sora! Just as Sora is about to expect the pain, Merlin jumps in front of him!

Maleficent disappears, as do the chain binding Sora. They quickly rush over to Merlin, who lies motionless on the ground. There are no signs of life. Sora, Donald and Goofy not only have to defeat the Heartless, but now, also have a score to settle with Maleficent.

Back at Villain’s Vale, Kairi falls to the floor. The Queen, disguised as an old peddler woman, waits for Kairi to recoup. When she’s back on her feet, the peddler woman approaches Kairi and takes her to the door, which has remained in the back of the room. The door is connected to a dormant Kingdom Hearts. The peddler woman reveals to Kairi that beyond the door lays her locked powers. She states that she can grant Kairi any wish, as long as Kairi helps her open the door. Kairi is unsure. First, unsure whether she should open it or not, then, unsure what should her wish be?

Kairi starts to state the wish aloud, but the peddler woman states that the wish must be locked deep within her heart, or it won’t come true. Kairi grasps the handles of the door and pushes it open.

A flood of darkness pours out from the door and into the pits of the valley. Maleficent sends at a flaming ball, signaling her fellow cohorts. The flood of darkness falls into the ravine, building up a wave of force and energy. Connected to the door is Kingdom Hearts, which is filling with darkness, affecting one world after the other, in a variety of ways.

Sora, Donald and Goofy see the flood of darkness seep through the world and run to tell everybody. Just as they leave the area, Cruella DeVil runs after them, in hot pursuit.

Maleficent stands at the highest peak of Villains’ Vale and notices “that wicked wench” running after Sora. She raises her scepter high into the air and starts chanting a mystical spell. Suddenly, bolts of lightening jolt out of the scepter, creating a storm, which morphs into a moving tornado, which destroys everything in its path. Suddenly, the area is becoming vapid and dangerous. Flying pieces of debris and buildings start whipping through the area.

The force of darkness and the speed of the whirlwind pick up speed, heading straight towards Cruella. Cruella tries to outrun the wind; however, her fur coat gets the best of her. The wind rapidly approaches and sucks Cruella straight into the heart of the cyclone, killing her. The tornado rips through the valley, as the team makes their way through the Garden Perimeter.

In the Marketplace, Hades has gone on a rampage of destruction, while Gaston pilfers items from the presumably abandoned shops. The buildings are crackling with fire, as the entire marketplace looks like a huge fire pit. Streams of fire blow with the wind, causing many shrubs and plants to catch on fire, as well. Scrooge and Ludwig’s shop is burnt to the ground, but where are they?! And the Gullwings, as well! The huge tornado sweeps buildings, rooftops and debris throughout the area.

In the Dark Valley, Ursula is moving about, causing a mountainous tidal wave to mount. She uses her power to create a giant flood, which floods the entire valley, as well the town. The valley is a mix of water and darkness, causing Heartless you’d never expect to see arrive in Radiant Garden. Now, Ursula uses her powers to control this body of water as she sees fitting. The powerful waves of water and darkness break through the castle walls and flood the area, causing a series of waterfalls, mixed with darkness, to trickle down the sides of the mountain.

In the castle, Cid, Yuffie, Cloud and Aerith feel the sudden shaking. It’s not just an earthquake or tornado, but it feels worse. It feels as though the castle were to fall apart. Cid looks out of the observatory window, just as he sees the mounting tornado whipping through the world. They take cover deep within the castle.

Sora, Donald and Goofy arrive in the Bailey, as the tornado whips rabily through the world. Pieces of fallen houses, turrets and bushes sweep throughout the area. It’s so harsh, they can barely move. They have no choice but to take cover immediately. Luckily enough, a hallowed piece of debris falls right next to them. It almost looks similar to a piece of the rooftop of Merlin’s House. The three rush behind the fallen structure and press themselves against the Bailey wall, sort of using the debris as a shelter.

The huge tornado approaches the castle, engulfing it in a smog of darkness. The wind rapidly whips around the castle, as pieces of debris and spires fall to the ground.


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Maleficent watches from the balcony, as the series of fatal events spiral out of control just as she planned.

She then focuses on Kingdom Hearts, as darkness swells throughout it. She smirks to herself. Now, she has her own matters to attend to. She disappears in a sea of flames. She can only imagine what destruction is going about the other worlds.

One by one, these cutscenes take place.

In Native Camp Grounds, Pocahontas stares on from the overhanging cliffs, as the river is consumed by a sea of darkness and Heartless. A group of Heartless ambush her. Frightened, she missteps and takes a leap off the cliff. A native Indian, Kocoum, sees the event happen, but just as he’s about to dive in and rescue her, the Heartless attack him, stealing his heart, killing him.

In Fairytale Forest, the Dwarves are working steadily in their mine. The suddenly, the cavern starts shaking rapidly. The vibrating walls collapse at the entrance, causing a cave-in. Luckily, none of the dwarves are hurt, but then, a series of Heartless sprawl about the cave. Hmmm, it seems the dwarves would have to use their already pick-axes and shovels for different reasons.

In Château de France, Prince Adam is in his beautifully decorated chambers, looking at himself in the mirror. When suddenly, a rush of darkness sweeps through the castle, blinding him. When he regains his sight, he notices that his chamber has been destroyed and dismantled. He then notices his reflection in the mirror. He is a beast.

In Olympus Coliseum, the Underworld is sweeping with darkness. The mysterious eyes beneath the water summon the darkness forward. The darkness floods the water and cracks the lightning-padlocked cage open. The four worldly titans spring from the cage and unleash their power. They stomp their way towards Mount Olympus.

In Neverland, a flood of dark pixilated lights extinguish the bright illuminating lights in Pixie Hollow. A flood of darkness, almost like a waterfall seep through the eye sockets of the skull of Skull Rock. A barrage of Heartless appear.

In Atlantica, a large storm is stirring, while Prince Eric is at sea. Lightning strikes the ship, as it catches on fire. A blinding smog of darkness consumed Ariel’s legs, as it dragged her beneath the sea and turned her back into a mermaid. Beneath the sea, a huge Heartless monster attacks King Triton and steals the trident. King Triton slumps back into his throne, fatally injured. The Heartless deliver the trident into the hands of the wrong person. All of Atlantica is left defenseless.

In Port Royal, Davy Jones finally gets his hands on the Dead Man's Chest. His first stop, the village of Port Royal.

In Haunted Grounds, Madame Leota predicts evil beings of darkness unveiled in the house. The only human ever seen in this world, the Caretaker, arrives in the mansion. Suddenly, a huge chandelier crashes down, killing him.

In Castle of Dreams, the Heartless invade the palace, storming it to find any sort of prized possessions. They get their hands on the prince’s glass slipper, which will be used to find his princess. Without it, how will he ever know who his princess is?

In Enchanted Dominion, Aurora sits, waiting in the Royal Chamber. Suddenly, the fireplace distinguishes, as a floating green orb takes its place. She’s seems hypnotized by the orb. She follows the orb through the Secret Hallways, up a staircase and into a lonely room. The only room’s furnishing, a spinning wheel. An evil force flares, “Touch the spindle! Touch it, I say!” Aurora gently lays a single finger on the tip of the spindle and falls to the ground, as Maleficent laughs wickedly to herself and disappears.

Then everything went quiet. The world had fallen silent. Not the slightest sound or sight of movement. Everything stopped.

Maleficent stood on the balcony of the Villain’s Vale headquarters and with her eyes, she saw everything.

Her eyes focused on the Dark Valley, as it was awash with a mix of darkness and water. Her eyes moved along the line of the valley and saw the destroyed walls of the Castle Perimeter, the only town’s defense of keeping wandering strangers out. Her eyes moved towards the Bailey, where a pile of debris stood in a pile; a single piece of debris lay flat up against a wall.

Her eyes moved to the Marketplace, as she saw the burnt houses and shops, the fiery pieces of debris sending smoke across the world. Her eyes moved to the Town Plaza, where she saw the roof of Merlin’s House had been completely torn off; laying there in debris, the surrounding town houses, looking just as terrible. Her eyes moved to the Garden Walkways, a once beautiful flowered pathway, now a pile of debris, house pieces and turrets.

Her eyes moved to the Castle and it was no longer there.

So, that's a wrap for two weeks! I'll be back to continue the games, worlds, storylines and Journal from their. See ya soon!

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