Kingdom Hearts III -Imagineering A Video Game


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After passing through the Dark Abyss gummi route, the next world opens.

Haunted Grounds

The team finds themselves in the Foyer of an old, abandoned mansion. More importantly, they find themselves dressed in 1800s butler attire. Cobwebs and dust line the walls. A dim-lit chandelier is suspended from the ceiling. In the corner of the room, lies an extinguished fireplace, with a portrait of a young man suspended above it. As the team stares at the portraits the young man’s image proceeds to grow into the grim appearance of a skeleton. They try to head out the front door, but to their surprise, it’s locked. The door into the next chamber opens. You can use the save point in the foyer, if you wish.

After entering the chamber, a mysterious voice is heard, “Welcome, foolish mortals, to the Haunted Mansion. I am your host, your Ghost Host.” The foreboding voice begins to explain the origin of this Portrait Gallery. Along the walls are four different portraits of the mansion’s inhabitants. Donald has seen enough and turns to the exit, only to discover, it’s no longer there! The room starts to stretch out of shape, stretching the portraits, along with it. The grim fate of the portraits is revealed. Suddenly, darkness consumes the room and a skeleton is seen hanging from above. When the lights return, the room is filled with Heartless. However, they seem to be invisible.

After each Heartless is defeated, the voice returns and opens up a secret passage for you. The passage leads you to the Staircase. There is a small room where a piano quietly sits in the corner. Sora approaches and it starts to play itself! As they proceed through the room, approaching the staircase, the invisible Heartless appear yet again.

After you defeat this round, you proceed up the staircase, only to discover that there are several different pairs of staircases, in all different sizes, all heading in opposite directions. Along the steps of the staircases, green footprints occasionally walk up the set of stairs. Candelabras attached to the several positioned staircases barely light the paths up the stairs. As they reach the top of the staircase, several pairs of dangerous eyes blink as the team continues into the Endless Hallway.

In the Endless Hallway, anything can happen, so watch out! It can get pretty dangerous. The hall is split into the East Side and the West Side. All along the walls of this never-ending hallway are several doors. Most of them lead nowhere. However one special door on the east side of the hallway will take you to the Parlor Room, where a save point is located.

As Sora enters the hallway, a floating candelabra guides the team down the east side. The flickering flame of the candle only dimly lights the hall a few feet ahead of you, so you never know if the invisible Heartless are waiting up ahead of if a dead end is coming. Occasionally, the invisible Heartless will burst from within the doors, sending you straight into combat.

Upon reaching the end of the hallway, you arrive at a fanciful maroon curtain, which lies right next to the quiet ticking of a madly spinning grandfather clock. You enter through the curtain. You find yourself in a Séance Room. Ahead of you lies a tarot card covered table. On top, is a shrouded, green crystal ball. A tall chair stands nearby, as a raven is perched a top it. The team approaches the crystal ball, when suddenly a face appears within it. The face looks possessed, yet somewhat terrified, as the spirit lifts the table off the ground.

-Boss: Madame Leota-

Madame Leota’s main attack is casting spells, such as fire, blizzard and thunder. So, as long as you can avoid them, no physical harm should be taken. However, she will summon a series of invisible Heartless. Quickly defeat the monsters and then return to the spirit within the floating crystal ball.

The quickest way to win this battle is to use the Demi spell to stun Leota and then move in to attack her. After the battle is won, the ball descends back down onto the table.

Madame Leota explains that the powers of darkness must have gotten the better of her and she apologizes. As a reward, she gives Sora the key to the west side of the Endless Hallway. From here on in, Madame Leota remains a friendly accomplice in this mansion. She holds a séance, where she summons the spirits of the mansion to illustrate the figures of the Heartless.


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In the Parks
Sora, Donald and Goofy move back into the Endless Hallway, where the West Side has now opened. The two halls are identical, so it’s nearly impossible to tell them apart. And remember to make sure what direction you’re going in, or you might retrace your steps! However, you’ll notice that no Heartless are attacking. You arrive at the end of the hall and enter through the passageway.

They find themselves in the Grand Ballroom. It’s quiet, almost too quiet. Ahead, there is a long banquet table, topped with several dishes and plates, not to mention the decaying display of fruit and flowers. Behind that is a huge organ. Suddenly, the organ starts to play. You see a ghostly organ player ahead. The Heartless are summoned. However, the Heartless are finally visible. Madame Leota’s séance must have worked. The onslaught against the Heartless pursues.

After the fight, the ghost approaches you and asks why the team summoned the monsters, catching them by surprise. The team thought the organ player summoned them. Nope, turns out he was just enjoying playing his “dreadfully deadly music.” In fact, the ghosts in this mansion are quite sick of the Heartless. At first, it was fun to enjoy the fright, but since they’re already dead, the Heartless have no purpose there.

Suddenly, a faint beating is heard throughout the room. It appears to be coming from the attic doorway. The team goes to investigate the Attic.

Upon the arrival into the highest reaches of the mansion, the team hears the faint beating growing louder. They see several wedding paintings; the same bride, several different grooms. Slowly, the heads of the grooms disappear completely. Ahead, they see a lonely feminine ghost, wearing a wedding dress, a bouquet of flowers in her hands, her blood-red heart, beating slowly. She stands before a moon-lit attic window. They approach the veiled-bride. Suddenly, the bouquet of flowers materializes into an axe, which she attacks the team with.

-Boss: Constance-

This deadly bride turned out to be the one who murdered her ex-husbands for their money. Don’t let her do the same to you! She swiftly attacks with her small hatchet, which can cause a lot of damage in a very small amount of time.

If lucky, you can attack at the same time as her, causing her attack to withdraw. Then, you could counterattack, scoring several major hits. As she’s defeated her axe falls to the ground.

Constance backs away from the group, clutching her beating heart. The heart slowly stops beating, leaving her body and disintegrating into the air. Constance weakly steps backwards, away from the group. She’s lost her heart, her only trait of a living being; it’s only a matter of seconds before she dies. She steps on her wedding dress, losing her balance, causing her to fall backwards, through the attic window and down into the graveyard below.

All that is left behind is a bouquet of flowers, next to a picture of the same bride and a groom; the groom smiling brightly, while the bride is holding back tears.

Then, a noise is heard coming from the attic. This time, a friendly, beautiful bride, Emily, reveals herself from hiding. She holds a candelabra in her hand and says that she helped guide you through the mansion. She’s greatly appreciative for getting rid of “that evil bride”. Apparently, Constance had summoned the darkness here, as a way to control the mansion.

Just as the team is about to leave, Emily’s candelabra begins to float in the air. The candelabra builds up a ray of energy, which reveals the keyhole. Sora points the keyblade at the keyhole and seals it.

Sora obtains the Aura Spell.
Sora obtains the Dreadful Demise Keyblade.

Jiminy’s Journal-Haunted Grounds

Sora, Donald and Goofy arrived at a abandoned mansion, where they were met by the mysterious voice of the Ghost Host. The Ghost Host led them throughout the mansion, but soon, Sora, Donald and Goofy were on their own.

The Heartless in the mansion had turned invisible. A floating candelabra led the team down a seemingly endless hallway and brought them to a séance room, where a medium, Madame Leota, summoned the spirits of the mansion to reveal the figures of the Heartless.

While going to the ballroom, the team met another friendly ghost after a severe attack by the Heartless. The team continued to the attic, where a deadly bride, Constance, waited. After losing her heart, Constance plummeted to her death, crashing out of the attic window.

A friendly, warm bride, Emily, came out of hiding, holding a candelabra. She reveals that Constance had been controlling the darkness and she was the spirit that led them down the hallway. The candelabra emits a glow, which reveals they keyhole. Sora seals it.


  • The Ghost Host
  • Emily
  • Madame Leota
  • The Organ Player
  • Constance
Abilities Gained:
Aura Magic Spell

-Creeper Plant
-Gargoyle Knight
-Search Ghost
-Wight Knight
-Ghoulish Goblin
-Dark Nocturne
-Crawling Spider
-Dark Centipede

Madame Leota, Constance

Obtained the Deadly Demise Keyblade.

Disneyson 1

New Member
So... did all of the ghosts in the ballroom show themselves, or just the Organ Player? I like it, it's weird and fun! And I can't wait to see what becomes of the "Ghost Host"...


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Now that you have the Aura spell, you can go back to Coral Sea and continue the adventure. You head back to Altantica, through the same tiny passage and arrive at Coral Sea.

Coral Sea (2nd Visit)

In the beautiful coral garden, you’ll find Marlin and Dory swimming about. If you approach Dory, she’ll mention something about trying to find “Elmo” and then proceeds to introduce herself. Approach Marlin and he’ll ask whether you’re ready to move the seaweed with the Aura spell. You oblige and head into the Coral Ravine. Sora uses the spell to push the seaweed away and you proceed into the next area.

In the area, they find a scuba diving mask. It must have been dropped by that boat that took Nemo. There seems to be some strange writing on it, but Sora can’t seem to make it out.

While swimming through the water, Dory starts to wonder why the team is following her…or who they even are. It seems she suffers from memory loss. Just as they are about to reach an ocean clearing, a shadow passes over them. They look behind to see nothing. They turn around and see Bruce, the Shark! Bruce is apparently having a little get together, one which Dory is overly excited for. He takes Marlin, Dory, Sora, Donald and Goofy beneath his fins and brings them into the ruins of an abandoned submarine.

Inside, a “Fish Eaters Anonymous” meeting takes place. Bruce’s fellow shark friends, Anchor and Chum, pleasantly greet the group. Dory seems overall excited to be there, while Marlin just wants to get away from the sharks and find his son. Marlin and Dory fight over the mask, which accidently hits Dory in the nose, causing a few trickles of blood to dissolve in the water. Bruce gets one sniff of the blood and goes on a feeding frenzy. The next mini-game starts.

In this game, Bruce is rapidly chasing you throughout the depths of the submarine. You must swim through the bubble rings ahead of you to build up a boost of power and outrun the shark. The chase continues outside the submarine, where you rapidly swim past floating destructive mines. The team accidently drops the mask into a dark gorge, where nothing is visible at all. As the mini game ends, the team and Marlin and Dory swim into a small nook of the sub, which Bruce cannot enter.

Bruce starts crashing into the sub, causing pieces of it to crash off and float into the sea. The pieces start heading towards the mines and with the slightest touch, several hundred mines begin to explode, as the team takes cover in the submarine nook.

After the explosions end, there is no sign of the sharks anywhere. Now, they must retrieve the mask from that dark valley. However, as they descend down, they cannot see a thing, not even what’s right in front of them.

They agree that they will not go exploring down there unless there’s some display of light. Sora needs Aurara magic to continue down into the gorge.

Disneyson 1

New Member
AWWW! That was going to be awesome!!!! Soooooooooooo... new world? Or are you done for the day...?

P.S. The mini-level today was really good!


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In the Parks
  • Saturday: New World Coming (I'm typing it now.)
  • Sunday: New World Coming, plus Extra Stuff
  • Monday: Nothing (I might do a recap of characters, worlds, keyblads, spells, etc. that there is so far. I won't get into the individual stories of each of the worlds.)
  • Tuesday: Radiant Garden (3rd Visit)
  • Wednesday: 12 DAY VACATION BEGINS
When I come back, I'm going to do another recap post for the events that went down in Radiant Garden, so that it's familiarized and all the cliffhangers are mentioned, before I continue the story.


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Ok, change of plans I might be posting the cliffhanger on Monday, because if I did t on Tuesday, it won't be until after...6-ish.


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Well, I'll probably do it on Tuesday. I'll have the entire thing written up on Monday, but I'm going away Monday-Tuesday, so when I get back on Tuesday, it won't be until later that day. So, it'll be posted later than a section normally would be.
Back on the World Map, a new gummi ship route, Gummi Glass Highroad, has opened. After successfully accomplishing the gummi ship route, you make your way to the next new destination.

Castle of Dreams

You arrive in a quality decorated room. There is a bed in the corner, which lies right next to a wardrobe. Across from the bed is a window, which overlooks a beautiful, tall castle. Oh yeah, there’s one detail missing, you’ve shrunken to the size of a mouse. There must be different laws regarding newcomers into this world.

Suddenly, two smaller mice Jack and Gus come out from a mouse hole. They wonder who these new friends are. The team asks where they are. The little mice state that this is Cinderella’s Stepmother’s house. This is Cinderella’s Room.Cinderella has been working for her stepmother, after the events at Hollow Bastion two years ago. Cinderella does all the cooking and the cleaning for her stepmother and her two cruel stepsisters, Anastasia and Drizella. The two mice lead the team to a mouse hole. Before heading over to the hole, you go to the save point in the corner of the giant room.

The mouse hole leads to the top of the Stairs. Surprisingly, going up and down these stairs is a huge feat. It’d take at least one big leap to get from one step to the other, not to mention, the Heartless are appearing, even though their mini-sized, their still just as big as you! You make your way fighting down the huge staircase and arrive at the Entrance Hall, where Cinderella is seen, washing the floor, in scullery maiden clothes. Delicate bubbles float about the room, projecting the image of Cinderella washing the floor. The team runs up to meet her.

Cinderella is surprised to see them, especially at that kind of stature. Before any serious conversation takes place, the loud shrieks of Cinderella’s stepsisters call her away, leaving the team alone with the mice. However, lurking behind them, Lady Tremaine’s cat, Lucifer, is getting ready to pounce on the group. Before he gets the chance, Sora fends him off, using the keyblade.

-Boss: Lucifer-

This huge cat seems to be a mighty beast. If you were actual size, this would be no problem, but this cat is trying to kill you. The main struggle of this fight is that you have to protect Jack and Gus from being hurt.

Lucifer will try to attack the mice, but if you put a stop in his plans, he’ll head for you instead. Lock onto his nose and continue to slash away.

At the end of the fight, Lucifer slowly walks back to his bed in Lady Tremaine’s Quarters. They hear Lady Tremaine talking with Cinderella in the next room. They proceed to the Hall.

While sneaking around a corner, they see Lady Tremaine, Anastasia and Drizella giving Cinderella a list of chores to do while they attend the prince’s ball. The three promptly leave the room. The team rush to cheer Cinderella up. She lefts all of them up with the palm of her hand. She had wanted so much to go to the ball. Then it occurs to her, she might still have a chance. She leads the group out the front door and into the Courtyard Garden.

In this beautiful garden, just off the side of the side of the house, Cinderella stands before a stone bench, as Sora, Donald and Goofy watch from behind. The entire nighttime garden becomes aglow with flickering blue light. Suddenly, the twinkling lights merge together, revealing Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother. Cinderella asks her godmother for someway that she could get to the ball. The Godmother doesn’t think it should be too hard.

First, she takes out her magic wand and flickers a wave at magic at Cinderella’s dress. The scullery maid outfit turns into a beautiful princess dress. She especially loves the glass slippers. Next, she takes a nearby pumpkin and transforms it into a beautiful coach.

There’s one more thing missing: coachmen. As Sora is about to reject, the godmother zaps the team, causing their attire to turn into royal coachmen’s attire, while the mice are turned into horses. The team notices that they are normal sized again. The Godmother warns that the magic only lasts until midnight. The team quickly takes their place aboard the coach, as Sora is steering the horses, Donald and Goofy wait on the back and Cinderella gets inside. She waves goodbye to the Fairy Godmother as they make their way towards the castle.


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They arrive at the Steps of the Palace, where Cinderella enters the palace. Sora, Donald and Goofy wait at the palace entrance. Cinderella arrives at the ball and sees the prince. Cinderella instantly gets the prince’s attention. They began to dance. Just as all is going fine, the Heartless attack the ball. The team hears the shrieks coming from the Ballroom and enter to fight the Heartless.

After the Heartless are destroyed, the ball resumes, while Sora, Donald and Goofy keep a close watch on the time. You can proceed to the Castle Balcony, where a save point is located. As they re-enter the ball, they cannot seem to find Cinderella anywhere and time is running out. In the distance, they see the Prince and Cinderella in the garden together. The team pushes their way past the dancers and make their way to Cinderella. They grab Cinderella and take her out of the palace, just as the prince is about to learn her name.

In hot pursuit of the prince, the team rushes down the stairs with Cinderella. She trips down a step, before being helped up by Sora. They enter the coach and speed home. The clock begins to strike midnight, as the prince finds a single glass slipper on the steps.

As they return home, midnight is approaching. They see the pumpkin begin to twist out of shape. Their clothes are turning back to normal. Directly ahead, they see a wall of Heartless in the courtyard, awaiting the arrival of the coach. They have no choice but to jump. They leap from the carriage. The horses turn back into mice and scatter to Cinderella. The Heartless consume the pumpkin, creating an odd monster.

-Boss: Perilous Pumpkin-

Who would’ve thought that carriage would be turned into a Heartless monster? This thing is tough. The Heartless has an array of thick vines that whip far across the courtyard, knocking the team off-balance.

There are several different targets to strike, most of them being the vines, while there is also the central Heartless pumpkin. The easiest way to win the fight is to take out each of the vines first, then defeat the Heartless pumpkin.

After the battle, Cinderella comes out of hiding, holding the glass slipper, the only item she has to remember tonight. The slipper starts to emit a glow. It builds up a ray of energy, which reveals they keyhole. Sora points the keyblade at the keyhole and seals it, unlocking a new path.

Sora obtains the Blizzara Spell.

Jiminy’s Journal- Castle of Dreams

Sora, Donald and Goofy, shrunken down to the size of a mouse, reunited with Cinderella at her stepmother’s home. Her stepmother, Lady Tremaine and her two stepsisters, Anastasia and Drizella had planned on going to the ball, leaving Cinderella alone to do chores.

With the help of her Fairy Godmother, Cinderella received a beautiful dress, along with a carriage. Sora, Donald and Goofy served as coachmen, who escorted her to the ball. The Fairy Godmother reminded them that the magic only lasts until midnight.

Upon arriving at the castle, Cinderella and the Prince were instantly attracted to each other, while the team kept a close watch on the time. As time was running out, the team found Cinderella and rushed her out of the palace. As the prince followed close behind, the team and Cinderella boarded the carriage, leaving one of her glass slippers behind.

As the team approached the house, they escaped from the carriage while the Heartless consumed it in darkness, turning it into a Heartless Pumpkin. The team defeated the monster. Cinderella held onto her single glass slipper, which revealed the keyhole. Sora sealed it.


  • Cinderella
  • Jack
  • Gus
  • Lady Tremaine
  • Anastasia
  • Drizella
  • Lucifer
  • Fairy Godmother
  • Prince Charming

Abilities Gained:
Blizzara Magic Spell

-Bubble Trouble
-Pumpkin Patch
-Tree Stomper

Lucifer, Periling Pumpkin


Well-Known Member
Wow! Great job over the last few worlds! Sorry I haven't been around the last few days; I've been busy.

In regards to the Pixar-themed worlds, I see that one of them is themed to Finding Nemo and that's the optional world for this game. I was thinking, for that world, Sora and co. would be transformed for this world. Donald and Goofy would be simply smaller versions of the octopus and turtle, respectively, from Atlantica. For Sora, how about making him a small fish?

I assume the other Pixar-themed world will be themed to Toy Story?

And I think for Haunted Grounds, maybe the Ghost Host's dialog should be archival sound (voiced by Paul Frees and everything) from the Haunted Mansion.

So just so I'm on the right track, the following worlds thus far are these:

  1. Destiny Islands
  2. Disney Castle
  3. Radiant Garden
  4. Native Campground
  5. Fairytale Forest
  6. Chateau de France
  7. Olympus Coliseum
  8. Neverland
  9. Toontown
  10. Atlantica
  11. Coral Sea
  12. Port Royal
  13. Haunted Grounds
  14. Fabled Countryside

And I was totally not expecting Tod and Copper (from "The Fox and the Hound") as summons, either! Is there another unexplained summon or is that it?


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In the Parks
Wow! Great job over the last few worlds! Sorry I haven't been around the last few days; I've been busy.

In regards to the Pixar-themed worlds, I see that one of them is themed to Finding Nemo and that's the optional world for this game. I was thinking, for that world, Sora and co. would be transformed for this world. Donald and Goofy would be simply smaller versions of the octopus and turtle, respectively, from Atlantica. For Sora, how about making him a small fish?

I assume the other Pixar-themed world will be themed to Toy Story?

And I think for Haunted Grounds, maybe the Ghost Host's dialog should be archival sound (voiced by Paul Frees and everything) from the Haunted Mansion.

So just so I'm on the right track, the following worlds thus far are these:

  1. Destiny Islands
  2. Disney Castle
  3. Radiant Garden
  4. Native Campground
  5. Fairytale Forest
  6. Chateau de France
  7. Olympus Coliseum
  8. Neverland
  9. Toontown
  10. Atlantica
  11. Coral Sea
  12. Port Royal
  13. Haunted Grounds
  14. Fabled Countryside
And I was totally not expecting Tod and Copper (from "The Fox and the Hound") as summons, either! Is there another unexplained summon or is that yet?
Well, for Finding Nemo they're smaller versions of themselves. If Sora'd be able to cast spells as a fish than it could work.

As for Toy Story, it was planned, but I scrapped it, along with three other worlds. Toy Story was going to be part of Radiant Garden, but it didn't fit right compared to previous world, like 100 Acre Wood or Space Paranoids. I didn't want to put Toy Story as it's own separate world, mainly because it wouldn't make much sense for you to explore a "world" while being the size of a toy, when actually Sora and Co. should be regular size, like Andy.

The storyline wasn't all there and most of the movie takes place in one room; Andy's Room and in KH, Andy wouldn't exist, Sora would be considered Andy. Even so, the world would have come right before the cliffanger and going from Toy Story into an intense world situation, didn't hold much consistency throughout the story.

There are a few more unveiled summons. And I wanted to do something Fox and the Hound related. Not only is it one of Disney's better movies left out of the KH series, but Disney's kinda overlooked it for many years.


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So, today, I have a lot of festivities going on, so expect to have the last "new" world up by midday. Of course, that's more of an estimated guess for when it'd be up. And this really isn't the "last" world, but whatever.

Also, any other questions or topics that would need discussing, post them either today or tomorrow. On Tuesday night, I'm zipping on here, posting the last bit of the first half of the game and then heading off.

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