Kingdom Hearts III -Imagineering A Video Game


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Let me tell you, I love this level. I never thought you could stretch Atlantica into another full world, but you did, somehow. Pretty amazing, if you ask me!

P.S. I think Eric should transform into a merman at least ONCE. Ariel's doing all the work and he's sitting at home staring at the wall! Seriously, that's what I call sexism!!
Thank you.

Well, I never really thought about Prince Eric being a merman, mainly because a scenario like that never took place in any of the films, but now that you mention it, I really like the idea. I'll have to make some huge storyline in the 2nd half that would give him a purpose to go under the sea.


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Now the choice to explore the optional world becomes available. It may not be what you’d expect. You return to Atlantica and enter the Cavern. While exploring a shadowed cavern wall, you find a small hole. Sora uses the keyblade and continues striking the hole until he could swim inside.

As Sora, Donald and Goofy swim through the hole, they find that the cavern gets bigger and bigger. The cavern mounts in size, until they reach a beautiful coral sea. When they turn around to look at the mysterious cavern’s entrance, they find that it’s the same size. They actually shrunk down to the size of a small guppy!

Coral Sea

This isn’t your average world. Instead of taking one or two visits for the entire world storyline, you end up taking several small trips to complete the world’s story. You do not have to complete this world in order to complete the game, but in order to get 100% and bonus goodies, it is mandatory. Also, you cannot return to the World Map from the Coral Sea.

As Sora, Donald and Goofy swim through the beautiful Coral Garden, they run into a nervous clownfish, Marlin, who swims out from his anemone home. Apparently, he is trying to find his son. Marlin asks the team for their help.

After searching the coral various reeds of coral, a smaller clownfish rushes up from the coral and surprises you. Marlin rushes to his son, Nemo, who’s excited for his first day of school. Before heading off to school, you can use the save point, which is accessible here.

Afterwards, a game starts. You must quickly swim behind Marlin and Nemo, in order to get him to school on time. As they swim, they leave behind bubble rings, which if successfully swam through, will give Sora a boost to keep up with the two clownfish.

After the game is over, they arrive at the School Landing, where Mr. Ray waits with the remaining class. Marlin reluctantly lets Nemo go on the class trip. Mr. Ray takes off with the variety of fish, as he shouts that they are going to the drop-off. Marlin is stunned, as the drop-off is the most dangerous place for a fish. Marlin, Sora, Donald and Goofy quickly follow behind them.

After arriving at the Drop-Off, they see Nemo swimming out to touch the “butt”, rather a boat. Marlin shouts after Nemo. Just as the small clownfish is about to return to the undersea landing, a huge scuba-diver sneaks up on Nemo and puts him in a water-filled bag. The team chases after the boat, but the propellers blast the backwards, into the Coral Ravine.

In this area, the fish are rapidly moving past, as one of the fish hits you, the fish is revealed to be Dory, who from this point on, absent-mindedly greets you several times. Marlin tells Dory their situation and pleasantly agrees to help find “Fabio.” As they continue onwards, there is a large seaweed patch, which blocks any passage.

You need the Aura spell in order to proceed. You return to the World Map, where the new location awaits.
Sorry it’s short, but that’s how this optional worlds work.
No Jiminy's Journal until the entire world is done.

And on a side note, 400 posts! Needed to have a last-minute add-in celebration for reaching a hundred number.


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Back on the World Map, after proceeding through the new Floating Island gummi route, you enter the new world.

Port Royal

Sora, Donald and Goofy arrive in the familiar setting of Port Royal’s Rampart. Along the rampart is a save point and a Moogle Synthesis Station. While exploring the ledge, they find that it is connected to a prison. While exploring further, they enter the Prison. Once arriving in the prison, they come face-to-face with Lord Cutler Beckett and General Norrington. He tells them that he has thrown Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann in prison for assisting Captain Jack Sparrow throughout his voyage.

He decides to make a deal with Will, who is found behind the prison bars. If Will agrees to hunt for Sparrow, along with his magical compass, he will surely be no penalties against him. The compass reveals a person’s true desires. Will is let go. He greet Sora and the others and start their mission. Will takes Sora to Jack’s famed ship, the Black Pearl. They board the ship. Aboard the Black Pearl, there is a save point in the Captain’s Stateroom. Traveling along the ship is much like the way it was designed in KH2. To get from place to place, you must speak to the person steering the ship and then select a destination, afterwards a Heartless fight occurs. By the time the Heartless are defeated, you’ll arrive at the destination.

Onboard the ship, you speak to Will and choose to go to Pelegosto. Once arriving on the tropical island, you arrive at the Beach, which connects to the Tropical Jungle. The pathway through the jungle leads to the Cannibal’s Camp Site. There, they find Jack, with the rest of his crew, including Pintel and Ragetti, being held captive. The cannibals are welcoming of their new dinner.

-Boss: Cannibals-

This fight ends quickly. The five cannibals attack with sharp spears, but their use of tactics is very poor. Most likely, they’ll scream something before they start an attack. Even so, they do not have much HP, so the fight isn’t going to be that difficult.

After defeating the cannibals, Jack said that he hid here because he has a debt to pay to Davy Jones, captain of the Flying Dutchman. Jack explains that Davy Jones raised the Pearl from the ocean depths, and in exchange, Jack must serve aboard the Dutchman fro 100 years, or else, be hunted by the Kraken. Jack Sparrow joins the party. The team including Will and all of Jack’s crew return to the Black Pearl and head out to sea.

Without hesitation, the team turns back to Port Royal. There they adventure into the Town’s Outskirts, just off the rampart. Down a hidden path, they find Tia Dalma’s Loft. While seeking help from the priestess, she reveals the compass doesn’t work because Jack does not know what he truly wants. She states that the key shall unlock the Dead Man’s Chest, which contains the beating heart of Davy Jones. Whoever holds the heart, obtains control over Davy Jones. They start their search for this chest and head back to the Pearl.

Abroad the ocean, the team sees the Flying Dutchman approaching in the distance. Davy Jones, along with monstrous crew, demands Jack serve him 100 souls for his freedom. Jones takes Will captive aboard the Dutchman and states that Jack only needs 99 now. The team, minus Will, set sail for Tortuga. They land at the Pier and recoup in the Bar, where a save point is found.


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Back at the Prison, Weatherby Swann, Elizabeth’s father frees her from prison. She proceeds to the Governor’s Quarters, where she holds Beckett at gunpoint and forces him to validate a Letter of Marque, which recruits Jack and Will to become privateers. Elizabeth disguises herself as a cabin boy and sets sail for Tortuga. Upon arrival, she finds the team and Jack. Suddenly, the Heartless attack.

Back on the Dutchman, while locked in Davy Jones’ cabinet, Will reunites with his long-lost father, Bootstrap Bill Turner. With his help, they escape the ship.

After their escape, Jack, Elizabeth and the team arrive at the pier. Jack reveals his magical compass and gives it to Elizabeth. Slowly, the compass’ direction slowly points towards Jack. They head back on the ship, where an attraction starts to rise between Jack and Elizabeth. On the ship, you select the new destination available.

They set sail for Isla Cruces, a beautiful island, where the team finds the Dead Man’s Chest. Will, his father and Norrington, soon arrive on the island and meet up with the team. Sora unlocks the chest with the keyblade, which opens to reveal the heart. Then, Davy Jones’ crew appears. A three-way swordfight erupts between Will, Jack and Norrington over control of the heart. In the meantime, Donald, Pintel and Ragetti are unrelentingly trying to steal the chest. Norrington takes off with the heart and the Letters of Marque.

They quickly re-board the Pearl, which is closely chased by the Dutchman. As the Pearl outruns the Dutchman, Davy Jones summons the Kraken.

-Boss: The Kraken-

This battle is a lot like the Hydra battle at Olympus Coliseum in KH2. The team has to defeat the Krakens’ various tentacles, which surround the ship.

The tentacles will try to strike you, but can be avoided. Focus on attacking one tentacle at a time, the battle will be much easier. After the tentacles HP has run out, it will sink back beneath the sea. After all eight tentacles are defeated; Sora and the team become the victors of the battle.

After the battle, the Dutchman is already steering far away, but Davy Jones swears he’ll be back for revenge. The team is congratulated. What with the heart and the Letter of Marque being stolen, there is no certain idea on where to search next, causing Jack, Will and Elizabeth to put a halt on their excursions. Sora promises that they’ll be back to help retrieve that heart.

Sora obtains the Strong Stryker Keyblade
Sora obtains the Todd & Copper Summon, this friendly dog and fox duo, from Fox and the Hound.

Jiminy’s Journal-Port Royal

Sora and the others arrived at Port Royal and found out that Will and Elizabeth were thrown in Prison. Will was released, but had to find Jack Sparrow, along with his compass. He took the team aboard the Black Pearl and arrived at Pelegosto, where they saved Jack and his crew from the cannibals.

Davy Jones, captain of the Flying Dutchman, took Will captive. However, after reuniting with his father, they both escaped. Back at Port Royal, the team sought the help of Tia Dalma. Elizabeth’s father sets her free. She disguises herself as a cabinet boy and sets sail for Tortuga.

Upon arrival, she reunites with Jack, Sora and the others. They head for Isla Cruces, where they find the Dead Man’s Chest. A swordfight breaks out between Will, Jack and Norrington. However, Norrington steals the heart and takes off, his whereabouts, unknown. Davy Jones summoned the Kraken, but in the end, Sora and Jack conquered.

With the heart missing and no clue as to where to search, Jack halted the excursion for the time being.


  • Jack Sparrow
  • Will Turner
  • Elizabeth Swann
  • Pintel
  • Ragetti
  • Tia Dalma
  • Bootstrap Bill Turner
  • Weatherby Swann
  • Lord Cutler Beckett
  • General Norrington
  • Davy Jones
  • The Kraken

Abilities Gained:
Todd and Copper Summon

-Air Pirate
-Luna Pirate

-Air Launcher
-Battle Ship
-Barrel Spider
-Cannon Belcher

The Cannibals, The Kraken

Obtained the Strong Stryker Keyblade.

Disneyson 1

New Member
Wow! Really good, I like the idea of Sora opening the chest with the keyblade! And although I'm not one for PotC, I like your world a whole lot! But did Elizabeth really like Jack in the 2nd movie? Don't remember that.

P.S. Fox & The Hound summon = WIN!


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In the Parks
Wow! Really good, I like the idea of Sora opening the chest with the keyblade! And although I'm not one for PotC, I like your world a whole lot! But did Elizabeth really like Jack in the 2nd movie? Don't remember that.

P.S. Fox & The Hound summon = WIN!
As for ElizabethxJack, I don't know. I never liked the pairing. I always thought that there was some attraction between the two in POTC2, but by the end of the film, that was pretty much destroyed when Elizabeth handcuffed him to the ship as bait for The Kraken.

And I know! Fox and the Hound Summon. Unlikely.
Sorry I forgot to add this short cutscene. It takes place right after the closing of Port Royal.

The dark central headquarters of Villain's Vale. A group of shadowed figures are seen talking about their plans. One by one, each of the characters is revealed.

MALEFICENT: Well, it seems all of our plans are going accordingly.

EVIL QUEEN: Yes, soon it will be the time to stike.

HADES: The won't know what's coming.

CAPTAIN HOOK: They won't be able to get the best of this Captain.

URSULA: Hm. By the way that idiot Keyblade master and his friends surpassed us last time, we'll show them the true meaning of darkness.

GASTON: And don't forget their pitiful King, as well.

MALEFICENT: Enough. No matter what course Sora and the others take, our plans are inevitable. And of course, our league continues to grow.

They focus on Cruella DeVil, who enters the chamber.

MALEFICENT: It appears she has some unfinished business with those three. Something about those lost dalmations?

CRUELLA: Presicely.

MALEFICENT: Everything is perfect.

They laugh, as they focus on a silently dormant door in the back of the room. Maleficent proceeds to open the door, but is electically shocked, instead.

MALEFICENT: Impossible! This door cannot be opened by people of the dark, such as us.

URSULA: We need to find someone pure of heart to get this wreched door unlocked.

EVIL QUEEN: But who?

Maleficent laughs to herself, as she formulates a plan.

I know. This is the only scene that I actually put lines to. I thought it would be easier to understanf.


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Four, all which will be done by Monday. Hopefully, I'll add one more today.

Then on Tuesday, big, intense, cliffhanger filled mid-game breaking point, with a follow-up two week break where you'll be left in the dark, wondering "what the hell is going to happen?"


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I'm deeply sorry. But, if I have a vacation comin' up, I'm gonna use the cliffhanger to my advantage. It'll be a very long post, but it'll be so good. It's almost...t.v. season finale quality cliffhanger.

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