Kingdom Hearts III -Imagineering A Video Game


Well-Known Member
^Oh. So sorry. I wish all the best for your family.

Yeah, but I don't want to speak of it anymore. It's very personal.

Getting back to this thread now, here are the current accompanying characters I think are in the game thus far, both summons and world-centric party members:

  1. Elliott the Dragon
  2. Benny the Cab
  3. Tinker Bell
  4. Two more, both unknown

  1. Pocahontas (Native Campground)
  2. The Beast (Chateau de France)
  3. Hercules (Olympus Coliseum)
  4. Eddie Valiant (Toontown)
  5. Ariel (Atlantica)
  6. Capt. Jack Sparrow (Port Royal)
  7. Peter Pan (Neverland)

I wonder how many more world-centric party members there will be.


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Original Poster
In the Parks
Mharrington, I'm very sorry about your personal life. I wish the best for you and your famiily.
I'll try to successfully have two worlds posted tomorrow. I'll try to work on them earlier in the morning, so I'll hopefully have them up around noon (but these always take forever, so it'll probably be a bit later than that.) Neverland is coming soon. The second world I'm posting tomorrow will be Toontown. Port Royal will appear later in the game.


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In the Parks
After passing through Sunlight Storm, the next world allows access.


The team finds themselves in an unfamiliar Neverland at dusk. The sun is just about setting. Around them is a beautiful forest. Behind them is a large tree, illuminated with floating, sparkling pixels. The entire area seems to be controlled by enchanted magic. Suddenly, Tinker Bell floats from within the trees hollow and approaches the team. She circles around the team, spreading Pixie Dust into the air. Then, Peter Pan descends down and greets the team. Sora states that they’ve forgotten how to fly. Then, a flying tutorial with Peter Pan takes place. Characters can fly all over the island of Neverland.

After the tutorial, Peter insists to give the team a tour of the island and show them every last inch of the place. They agree. Right now, they are located in the Pixie Hollow Grove. They continue into the Forested Pathways area. Peter states that he’s got a problem. He’s lost his shadow and he needs to get it back. As Sora can see, Peter doesn’t have any Shadow below him. They start their quest to find the shadow. Peter Pan joins the party.

Every part of the forest is twinkling in mystical pixie dust. A group of Heartless appear to be surrounding something. The team is put up to the mandatory task of fighting them.

After every last Heartless is defeated, the team goes to see what the Heartless were surrounding. It turns out to be Wendy and two unfamiliar boys. Wendy introduces her two younger brothers, John and Michael. Peter states that they can return to Neverland anytime they’d like. They continue through the area. They arrive at the Neverland Crossroads, the central part of Neverland, which connects several destinations together. Peter decides to lead you west first, to the Indian Camp.

Once arriving at the campsite, a blazing fire is surrounded by a swarm of Heartless. Tied to a totem pole are Tiger Lily and her father, the Indian Chief. Most importantly, above the blazing fire is Peter’s Shadow. Peter lunges at the shadow, but it slips out of his grip and leaves the area. The team fights their way through the Heartless. Afterwards, they untie Tiger Lily and the Chief. Tiger Lily simply nods and makes her way into one of the tents. The Chief gives the team access to their camp grounds. Before pursuing the chase of Peter’s Shadow, you can go into the Camp: Tent and find a save point.

You race back to the Neverland Crossroads and take the eastern path, which leads to the Lagoon. For the purpose of not trying to clash any other themes, no mermaids are actually spotted. The area is a beautiful, forested lagoon with a trickling series of waterfalls, which plummet from the top of a large cavern, sending ripples across the water’s surface. The area would be much more pleasant if Peter’s Shadow wasn’t taunting the team from above the lagoon. Donald and Goofy stand guard at the exit, while Peter and Sora subdue the Shadow.

-Boss: Peter’s Shadow-

The difficulty of the battle doesn’t come from the actual fight against the shadow, but rather the environmental setting. The shadow will often fly over the lagoon, but if Sora jumps towards him, afterwards, he’ll fall into the lagoon, making him have to swim out of it to attack.

Peter’s Shadow actually rarely attacks, but its’ movements are quick and shifty. The battle shouldn’t be that hard.

After the fight, the shadow finally cooperates. Wendy sits on the lagoon’s edge, as she reveals a knitting kit. She sews Peter’s shadow back on, so it cannot escape again. They continue out of the Lagoon and back into the Neverland Crossroads. They take the northern path, which leads to Skull Rock, an area known for swarming with Heartless and other dangers.

It would be a good idea to head back to the Indian Camp now to save your game. You proceed into the area.


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In the Parks
You walk along a long rocky path, which leads into the gaping mouth of a rocky skull. Alongside the path, there is a huge river, which leads into the mouth. The receded eyes of the skull flicker with the lighting of torches. As you make your way through the area, swarms of Heartless pop out of the river and you have to fight every last one. You make your way through the Heartless-infested path, towards the skull face. Then, after fighting more-or-less one hundred Heartless, everything seems suddenly still. The only movement comes from the twinkling stars above.

But wait. Why are the stars moving? The stars clump together, forming an eerie shape-shifting enemy. It is unknown whether this “thing” is a Heartless or not. Either way, it needs to be taken care of.

-Boss: Star Plasma-

This boss will most likely be the most difficult battle yet. The enemy is capable of disappearing and reappearing in other areas. It can turn invincible, as well as deal some serious damage.

The main way to attach this time around is to use your magic spells. Casting Fire and Thunder work wonders. The spells will stall the enemy, making it turn vincible. Now’s the time to strike! However, the Star Plasma will turn invincible again, shortly after.

After the boss fight, Peter congratulates the team and they make their way back to Neverland. As they leave the area, a silent ship pulls into the mouth of Skull Rock, captained by Captain Hook.

Back at Pixie Hollow, the team agrees to return to the area soon, before leaving.

Jiminey’s Journal-Neverland

The team reunited with Peter Pan and Tinker Bell in Pixie Hollow. Soon after, they also reunited with Wendy, who introduced her two brothers John and Michael. Peter started a quest to find his shadow.

After adventuring through the forest, an Indian Camp, where he met Tiger Lily and the Chief, and a lagoon, he finally caught up with his shadow and subdued it. Finally, they made their way to the Heartless infested Skull Rock.

After fighting their way through hundreds of Heartless, a fierce Star monster appeared. The team took on the monster and successfully won. A new pathway opened.


  • Peter Pan
  • Tinker Bell
  • Wendy
  • John
  • Michael
  • Tiger Lily
  • The Chief
  • Peter’s Shadow
-Creeper Plant
-Air Pirate
-Tornado Step
-Luna Pirate
-Moon Sage
-Star Seeker

Peter’s Shadow, Star Plasma

Disneyson 1

New Member
Ooh! I like the incorporation of Pixie Hollow! And I just love the adventuring spirit of the world so far. So far so good!

P.S. You get extra points for the sewing scene!


Active Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
Where are Captain Hook and Mr. Smee? Or do they not appear until later in the game?

Otherwise, great job once more!
Ooh! I like the incorporation of Pixie Hollow! And I just love the adventuring spirit of the world so far. So far so good!

P.S. You get extra points for the sewing scene!
Captain Hook made a small cameo at Skull Rock, just after the team had left. The Captain and Smee will have bigger roles in the world's second visit.

Thanks! I know, I had to do the sewing scene. And Pixie Hollow was kinda...a last minute throw in. But it worked out well.

Disneyson 1

New Member
Actually it really did. So, new release soon?

P.S. I might just post, like, the 1st half of the mini-golf by tomorrow! See? When I'm excited, I'm certainly excited!


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In the Parks
After returning to the World Map, a new destination on the map has opened. This time, there is no gummi route to pass through, so you enter the world, directly.


Sora, Donald and Goofy find themselves in a wacky, colorful, almost dream-like world, inhabited by several different cartoon characters. Not only is the town and environment toonish, but Sora, Donald and Goofy have been visually altered, as well. They look much more toon-like in appearance, making this their first altered appearance in the game. The streets, surrounded by the various Toontown buildings, are lined with flickering street lamps.

As they move through the area within the opening cutscene, the Heartless suddenly attack the group. The Heartless fight is continuous. They just keep coming until a cutscene starts. The team is surrounded by the Heartless, when suddenly, Benny, the Cab appears from down the street, and runs over the Heartless. The driver of the car steps out and it is revealed to be Roger Rabbit.

Roger Rabbit and Benny, the Cab welcomes the team to Toontown. Now, you can save your game, while in Toontown Square. Afterwards, Sora speaks to Roger Rabbit, who invites to hop inside Benny for a ride around town. They oblige and enter the car, which takes off down the streets.

While on the car ride, Roger Rabbit reveals that there has been a Heartless invasion happening in the town. They are on a trip to Eddie Valiant’s office to discuss the matter of the Heartless.

Once they arrive at the Toontown Streets, Benny waits outside of the large office building, while Sora, Donald, Goofy and Roger Rabbit proceed into Eddie’s Office. Once they arrive inside the office, they meet with Eddie and Baby Herman, who discuss the recent breaking news of the Heartless invasion. Sora mentions that they are on an onslaught against the Heartless and welcomes Eddie to join them. Eddie obliges and joins the party.

After Eddie joins the party, they further discuss the Heartless. After their weeks of investigations, they believe that the Heartless may be working with Judge Doom and the Toon Patrol Weasels. With all of these dangers running about, Roger is afraid that his wife, Jessica Rabbit, may be in harm’s way. Eddie ensures Roger that he and Sora will go to the Ink and Paint Club and make sure that Jessica is perfectly fine.

They leave the office building and arrive back on the Toontown Streets. It seems Benny took off not that long ago. Suddenly, a variety of Heartless appear. The team fights their way through the Toontown Streets, before turning round the sidewalk corner and entering Downtown Toontown.

This area is a very flashy, showy area of Toontown. There are no Heartless here, due to many toons around. Directly ahead, is the Gag Warehouse, but there is currently no purpose to adventure down there. Down one of the several alleyways, you find a hidden Alley, which leads to a save point, a Moogle Synthesis Station and a locked treasure chest, which is unlockable. You move back into the downtown area and approach the entrance to the Ink and Paint Club. The gorilla bouncer, patrolling access to the club, asks the team what the secret password is. Of course, the team has not in the slightest clue what the password is, so it’s time to snoop around for a clue.

You look around the area for any signs of a clue. But, then you remember, the treasure chest on the secret alley. You go to the alley and then the treasure chest opens. Inside, is a small note, which reads “WALT SENT ME.” They return to the entrance and state the password. The bouncer lets the team into the Ink and Paint Club.

Once inside, they arrive into the jazz-inspired nightclub. Onstage, they see Jessica Rabbit performing, while Penguin waiters serve the audience of toons. Everything is as it should be. After Jessica’s performance is over they approach the stage. Suddenly, the Toon Patrol Weasels, along with the Heartless, capture Jessica and take her away, behind the curtain and out of the building, leaving Sora, Roger and the others to take care of the Heartless, which invade the club.

After they defeat the Heartless, they leave the club and start their search for Jessica. They return to the downtown area and start their search in the closest building, the Gag Warehouse. Now would be another good time to head to a save point. Once inside the Gag Warehouse, the Heartless sporadically appear through the maze-like warehouse. It’s very easy to get lost in this area. Throughout the warehouse, you can find many gags, such as squeaking shoes, which walk and dance around, the over-packed car, which was seen in A Goofy Movie, a flyer plane, an ode to the Goofy episode and a faintly visible small replica of Mickey’s house, among many other hidden goodies.

While exploring, the Patrol Weasels and the Heartless reappear and capture Roger, Donald and Goofy, carrying them to unknown whereabouts. Sora and Eddie are left to fight the Heartless on their own. After the battle, they follow the direction the weasels took.

They find the weasels delivering the captives to Judge Doom. When Doom sees Sora and Eddie approaching, he escapes, taking the captives with him. Now, Sora and Eddie are faced off against the weasels.

-Boss: Toon Patrol Weasels-

These toons are much like the previous battles with Lock, Shock and Barrel or Shenzi, Banzai and Ed. There are several enemies in one fight. Attack one enemy at a time, getting rid of the weasels faster and making the battle easier.

Use physical attacks and some magic spells to your advantage. Around the warehouse, you’ll find various gags. Using the reaction command “Prank”, the gag will take place in front of the weasels, causing them to laugh, hysterically. After successfully defeating each weasel, the gags cause them to laugh themselves to death.


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In the Parks
After the weasels are defeated, they finally confront Judge Doom. He has tied Roger, Jessica, Donald and Goofy, with an escape-proof rope, and put up on the power winch, which lies in the path of the dip cannon, ready to dissolve them. Doom turns it on and the battle begins.

-Boss: Judge Doom-

Throughout this battle, you must turn the dip cannon off whenever Doom starts it. You have a limited time to do so. If you do not succeed the task in the time allotted, it’s a game over. However, you have Eddie on your side, as well.

However, Doom does summon fleets of Heartless, who will attempt to turn the cannon on. Defeat the Heartless and ensure that the cannon is turned off, then proceed to continue attacking Doom. After he takes the damage, he falls to the floor.

But then, he reveals his true toon identity and summons powerful Heartless to resume the dip operations. Yet again, you must continue the same strategy as before. Doom is stronger and uses buzzsaws and anvils to thwart you. He can also fly around the room on spring-loaded shoes. He falls to the ground.

Sora and Eddie move to the Dip cannon and turn it on, just as Doom crosses it’s path. Doom dissolves into nothingness. They save Roger, Jessica, Donald and Goofy from Judge Doom.

They thank you for saving Toontown from the evil clutches of Judge Doom. As a thank you, Roger hands over the Wheel Bracelet, which resembles a toonish version of a tire. As he hands it to Sora, it emits a glow and floats above their heads. It builds up a ray of energy, which reveals the keyhole. Sora points the keyblade at the keyhole’s direction and seals it. They wish Roger, Jessica and Eddie goodbye.

Sora obtains the Benny, the Cab Summon.


After returning to the World Map, the Muses’ Cup has started at the Coliseum. For winning the tournament, Sora receives the Go the Distance Keyblade.

Jiminy’s Journal-Toontown

Sora, Donald and Goofy have arrived at Toontown, where they are introduced to Roger Rabbit and Benny, the Cab. They all go to the Toontown office, where they meet Eddie Valiant and Baby Herman. They discuss the dangers of the town. They go to the Ink and Paint Club to make sure Jessica Rabbit is ok.

While there, the toon Patrol Weasels and the Heartless captured Jessica, under Judge Doom’s order. They followed them to the Gag Warehouse, where Roger, Donald and Goofy were also captured. Sora and Eddie confronted the weasels and defeated them.

Later, they finally faced Judge Doom and defeated him with his own dip cannon. Roger, Jessica and Eddie thanked Sora for saving their lives and all of Toontown.


· Roger Rabbit
· Jessica Rabbit
· Eddie Valiant
· Benny, the Cab
· Baby Herman
· Judge Doom
· Psycho
· Smarty
· Greasy
· Wheezy
· Stupid

Abilities Gained:
Benny, the Cab Summon

-Creeper Plant
-Hot Rod
-Air Gangster
-Black Mariah
-Toon Traitor

Toon Patrol Weasels, Judge Doom

Thanks to Mharrington for helping out with this world.


Well-Known Member
Great job once again! But a couple of questions: doesn't Sora get a Keyblade from Toontown? I mean, he did get one from Timeless River. It's called the Monochrome. And Toontown is only a one-stop world. So shouldn't Sora get a Keyblade from Toontown? Also, what is this "an ode to the Goofy episode" you mentioned earlier?

Other than that, great job again! I can't wait for the next world, which I assumes is coming tomorrow?

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