Judge Rejects Challenge To Disney's No-Fly Zone

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General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
From WFTV.Com:

Judge Rejects Challenge To Disney's No-Fly Zone

POSTED: 3:18 p.m. EDT June 5, 2003
UPDATED: 3:27 p.m. EDT June 5, 2003

ORLANDO, Fla. -- A federal judge rejected Thursday a conservative Christian group's attempt to remove the no-fly zone over Walt Disney World so planes could trail banners touting an anti-homosexuality Web site over the theme park during Gay Days festivities.

U.S. District Judge Anne Conway said the Virginia-based Family Policy Network did not meet the burden of proof necessary to provide a temporary rollback of the Federal Aviation Administration restrictions. The rules were adopted to prevent possible terrorist attacks.

Family Policy Network sued the federal government Wednesday, alleging the no-fly zone violates its free speech rights. The group wanted to fly planes pulling banners reading: "JESUS CHRIST: HOPE FOR HOMOSEXUALS.COM" over the park.

FAA restrictions say that planes must remain at least 3,000 feet above the park or stay at least three nautical miles away. A no-fly zone also covers Disneyland and the company's neighboring California Adventure in Anaheim, Calif.

The 13th annual Gay Days celebration, which started Thursday and lasts four days, is expected to draw more than 100,000 gay and lesbian tourists. While Disney doesn't sponsor Gay Days -- it has several outside organizers -- the Magic Kingdom theme park is the hub of the activities.

Conway said she did not believe that she had jurisdiction over the FAA's policies.

Disney has repeatedly said the "safety and enjoyment" of its guests were the reasons the company wanted the no-fly zones, and wants them maintained.

The suit lists the FAA, the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Transportation Security Administration as defendants.

The FAA has refused to comment, aside from saying the no-fly regulations were part of an appropriations package approved by Congress in February and any attempt to repeal them would have to be addressed through legislation.

Ironically, Gay Days organizers supported the actions of the Family Policy Network.

"I don't believe the no-fly zone should be there," Chris Alexander-Manley, director of marketing for Gay Days Inc., told the Orlando Sentinel. "There was one group that was planning to fly a banner welcoming everybody."

Banners that participants at Gay Days would have sent aloft included "gaydays.com" and "The Girls at Gay Days," organizers said.


Remember - this topic gets very touchy. In the words of Melvin, "If ya can't say something nice, er uh..."

Okay, fine. In the words of Thumper, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." (Okay, so I don't have it 100%. I say they re-release Bambi anyway... :p )


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Oh Gawd! now they are suing?! :rolleyes: :zipit:

I am happy the no fly zone (under 3k feet) was not lifted...
They can still fly... just above 3000ft with the rest of the FedEx and passenger planes on approach to MCO :lol:


Well-Known Member
All I care about is that WDW is a protected place, at least from the air, and that this attempt to remove the no-fly zone has been quashed! Bravo! :sohappy: :)


Well-Known Member
its stupid this disney has this no fly zone asnyway. no disrespect to disney butthere are places more important to secure


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by FutureCEO
its stupid this disney has this no fly zone asnyway. no disrespect to disney butthere are places more important to secure

A terrorist could kill a lot of people if a cropduster were to spread a deadly agent over any of the parks. Sure, you could say that about anywhere, but the Disney theme parks have become a symbol of modern Americana that is known throughout the world. Hitting a place like the MK and killing thousands of people would be drastic to America as well as the entire tourism industry including all amusment-type parks, airlines, hotels, bus trips and the list goes on. If a high profile tourist draw were to be hit, it would undoubtedly effect tourism much like what happened after 9-11. Although, after 9-11 many people have continued to travel, but now many take road transportation and the airlines have been hit hard. If a park would be hit, where would people turn to travel and still feel a sense of comfort?

In a time of terrorism fears, I must agree that tourism doesn't seem to be important. But the rippling effects that would stem from a stopped tourism industry would be big, not only within America, but also the tourism industry worldwide.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by FutureCEO
its stupid this disney has this no fly zone asnyway. no disrespect to disney butthere are places more important to secure

Yea, and i remember that post of yours. All those places you listed, like the CIA, Pentagon and White House already have a No Fly Zone restrictions and surface to air missiles, plus occasional Combat Air Patrols.

Maybe you conviently forgot the Disney pamphlets found in the rooms of some of the 9/11 hijackers, i didn't. Nor have i forgotten the reports of them trying to get crop dusting airplanes down in florida.

If anything happened at Disney, it would wreck the Florida economy and travel industries. The economic hole this country would dive into would make this current recession look like absolutely nothing. Not to mention the sheer psycological effects on the populus as a whole.

These are nightmares i'd rather not congure up, and while it's probably not all that effective, it makes people (and myself) feel safer. So its worthwhile in my book.


Originally posted by grizzlyhall
From WFTV.Com:

Family Policy Network sued the federal government Wednesday, alleging the no-fly zone violates its free speech rights. The group wanted to fly planes pulling banners reading: "JESUS CHRIST: HOPE FOR HOMOSEXUALS.COM" over the park.

Well boo freakin' hoo for the conservative christian groups. Im sorry but stuff like this really gets on my nerves. How dare they try and push their beliefs and ideals on others. If you ask me, that statement is border line racism... and Im not even gay. But I guess this is neither the time nor the place to discuss this so... hooray for disney! :sohappy:

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
Trev - not to bother you, but that post can really offend a lot of people. I would suggest making it a bit "nicer" before this thread gets closed! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Notice how nobody had every heard of this group until they sued Disney. Isn't it interesting how that works.... :rolleyes:


New Member
Now, this is my opinion on the no-fly zones. I think that they are not good for Disney. But, they are there, and I'll follow the rules flying over 3,000 feet over the parks. But, I think that they are not good because if someone did enter the no-fly to do their evil deeds, there would not be enough time to get a group of fighter jets, get them in the air, and shoot them down. Now, what most of you don't know is that there is something that tracks the airplane so that air traffic control can see them. It is called a transponder; it puts out the aircraft id, altitude, heading, speed, type, etc. There are 4 modes of the transponder; off, on, test, and standby. We general aviation pilots usually use the standby function. But, if you are in the air and turn the transponder off, air traffic control can see your airplane, all they can see is a blip on the screen, which could be something from an airplane to a flock of birds. This is what happened to the United flight that crashed in Pennsylvania. They turned off the transponder and ATC couldn't see them. I'm done on my blabbing on flying for today. But, I'm glad that Disney has a no-fly zone to comfort the people at their theme parks.


Originally posted by grizzlyhall
Trev - not to bother you, but that post can really offend a lot of people. I would suggest making it a bit "nicer" before this thread gets closed! :lol:

Sorry.. I suppose I should think before I post. I didnt really mean to upset anyone (even though now that Ive read it I can see how it could....) I was just letting off a little steam. I guess next time Ill just call up a friend and rant over the phone.. Ill go take my place in the corner now... :hammer: Sorry everyone! No hard feelings I hope? :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
When I first heard about the lawsuit, I didn't think it would get very far. I would've been surprised if it got past the first motion in front of a judge.

As far as the no-fly zone, I guess it's kind of like the security checks (in my view). It probably won't stop someone who is serious about doing damage, but it's better than nothing. The other alternatives would be full metal detectors and wands at the entrances, and fully armed Apaches circling the park, at 2500 feet.

And there's the part of me that can't help but wonder if Disney got wind of what this group was going to do with the banner, and that's when they pushed for the no-fly. After all, business is war (reference from Michael Crichton's Rising Sun).


Well-Known Member
Like previously said, if a terrorist wanted to ditch a plane into WDW, they would, American Airforces would not be able to respond in time to shoot it down, and hey, it would land in WDW anyways.

On Sept 11th, WDW was closed down, it is seen as quite a major terrorist target from what I understand. If a terrorist was to "wreck" an American company, I'm sure Disney would be near the top of the list along with say Coca-Cola.

To me having a no-fly zone is great over Disney, it helps you to escape the outside world. Anything in the air isn't part of the Disney show.

.....and as for Christians wanting to fly banners over WDW on gaydays..... don't get me started!!!!


Account Suspended
i hope what i am about to say doesnt start a fight...if u want to argue im me or pm or e-mail me :disneyanna0521@aol.com

being gay is wrong. i am so glad i am not down their now


Originally posted by Disneyanna0521
i hope what i am about to say doesnt start a fight...if u want to argue im me or pm or e-mail me :disneyanna0521@aol.com

being gay is wrong. i am so glad i am not down their now

So are a lot of other people. And yes, you did just start a fight.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Disneyanna0521
i hope what i am about to say doesnt start a fight...if u want to argue im me or pm or e-mail me :disneyanna0521@aol.com

being gay is wrong. i am so glad i am not down their now

Wow...aren't we the perfect one...

I can handle everyone's opinion...but that was just a blatant statement said to cause trouble.

First of all...there is nothing "WRONG" with being gay (didn't we all learn this from Seinfeld?!?) Second of all...how can a true Disney fanatic actually say that they're glad that they're NOT there???

And for the record...not that it should even matter in today's society... but I am not gay, I have been down there for gay day and I had just as much fun as any other time I have gone.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Disneyanna0521
i hope what i am about to say doesnt start a fight...if u want to argue im me or pm or e-mail me :disneyanna0521@aol.com

being gay is wrong. i am so glad i am not down their now

Oh, please.:rolleyes: You knew it would start a fight. Bad, bad idea to say that.

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
Sheesh. You don't even read my opening speech. I suggested **IF YOU CAN'T SAY ANYTHING NICE, DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL** - That means, keep your grudges to yourself. Save that for something else...but not for this thread. I am saying this because people on these boards may be EASILY offended. This causes CHAOS - and it's horrible to hurt peoples' feelings like this. This is news and rumors. You may have just ruined a very valid thread! :(

If possible, let's try to avoid any further argument on the subject. Thanks...


New Member
Originally posted by Disneyanna0521
i hope what i am about to say doesnt start a fight...if u want to argue im me or pm or e-mail me :disneyanna0521@aol.com

being gay is wrong. i am so glad i am not down their now

Disneyanna, if you were looking for attention, this time, you got it girl!
Being against homosexuals, minorities and such, is wrong to the eyes of God. Aren´t we all His sons and daughters? I think you will have to re-read your Bible and do some major thinking!

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by grizzlyhall
Sheesh. You don't even read my opening speech. I suggested **IF YOU CAN'T SAY ANYTHING NICE, DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL** - That means, keep your grudges to yourself. Save that for something else...but not for this thread. I am saying this because people on these boards may be EASILY offended. This causes CHAOS - and it's horrible to hurt peoples' feelings like this. This is news and rumors. You may have just ruined a very valid thread! :(

If possible, let's try to avoid any further argument on the subject. Thanks...

heh...I'll take "Trying to Hold Back the Tide With Your Bare Hands" for 500, Alex. :rolleyes:
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