Judge Rejects Challenge To Disney's No-Fly Zone

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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by grizzlyhall

Did someone say cheese?

I like cheese!

Wow...look over there..uh...in Chit Chat! :eek: :lookaroun :eek:

I wonder...do you think they'll be able to get anyone to shoot down oncoming aircraft?

*points and giggles*

Look at him sweat, everybody!!


RunDisney Addict
Originally posted by DMC-12
Classy... real nice....:rolleyes:
Well Gee! Isn’t someone shoving his or her damn religion down your throat wrong to? :mad: (not saying you are.... just in general here).

Or... How about being a hypocrite!? Isn’t that WRONG?! I know a few people who claim/pretend to be sooooo freaking religious and perfect in life and put on a show and treat there fellow men and women nice... but, outside of church... they are the meanest, evilest people I know... and they use there religion as some kind of cover up or mask. :mad: :zipit:

The words I want to use would end up looking like


and dont forget _____!


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Originally posted by grizzlyhall
I wonder...do you think they'll be able to get anyone to shoot down oncoming aircraft?

Patrick AFB is less than 70 miles away...

and theres gonna be a private fighter school opening up in Melbourne soon enough (think a private Top Gun)...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Fievel
The words I want to use would end up looking like


and dont forget _____!
:lol: :lol: Those are the exact words that came to my mind!

BTW... I like disney too!!! :sohappy:

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by grizzlyhall
I wonder...do you think they'll be able to get anyone to shoot down oncoming aircraft?

Well, there are always the missiles that were stockpiled underneath the Castle in the '80s...or were those removed after the Soviet Union was dismantled?


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by Wilt Dasney
Well, there are always the missiles that were stockpiled underneath the Castle in the '80s...or were those removed after the Soviet Union was dismantled?

They have been moved to the old Millennium Village and also they are hidden upstairs in the Old Image works in Epcot. The glass pyramid opens when the missile silo is activated (figment has to turn the key) . :lol: ;)

Captain Cab

New Member
Originally posted by Disneyanna0521
i hope what i am about to say doesnt start a fight...if u want to argue im me or pm or e-mail me :disneyanna0521@aol.com

being gay is wrong. i am so glad i am not down their now

You just had to ruin this thread with your comment didn't you? We've already had two threads in the WDW general discussion forum related to that topic.

Originally posted by Yellow Shoes
Where are other no-fly zones?

I would guess there are quite a few.

And it's the FAA that determines where they are, not local government.

Actually, they're determined by the FBI and the FAA. The FBI tells them which places they feel are the most threatened, and the FAA will make the no-fly zones. Many no-fly zones were already in effect before 9/11 (no flying over the President at any time, or the White House, NASA facilities and certain shuttle landing areas, and some military/government facilities). The other no-fly zones mentioned by jaylenofan86 are places that attract a great number of people (WDW, Disneyland, all major sporting events (baseball, football, NASCAR and Indy/CART races), etc), are a national significance (Washington, D.C., WDW, Disneyland, etc), or can pose a major health/economic crisis should they be attacked (nuclear power plants, etc). A partial listing of the current Special Interest NOTAMs (notice to airmen) can be found here.

As for actual safety from an aerial attack at WDW, there's still a lot of things to be afraid of. I'm not saying or implying that anything is going to happen, but it was in the planning stages with the terrorists and such an attack could happen in the future. The whole 3 nm radius and 3,000 ft agl (above ground level) no-fly zone is a joke for general aviation. By the time anything serious could happen it would already be over by the time the Air Force could respond.

If WDW wanted total air security for the theme parks several critical items are missing from the current protection.

First, there needs to be several Army or Marine Corps attack choppers (AH-1 Cobras, AH-64 Apaches, or the AH-64D Apache Longbow would be great) on constant stand-by stationed somewhere on or extremely close to Disney property. This way if an attack is by a low-level, slow moving aircraft the choppers can intercept it in time from any direction from WDW. The choppers can come in fast, intercept the aircraft and try to force them to land, or ultimately shoot them down with either their chain guns or AA (air-to-air) missiles before they can pass over the resort area.

Second, the no-fly zone needs to be widened as much as possible and increased in height all the way to the floor of those sections of Orlando's Class B airspace. Right now an aircraft flying at 3,001 feet above ground level can dive bomb and kamakazi into something significant without any warning or anything to stop it. The important thing is to expand the airspace so, should an aircraft enter it illegally, the combat pilots will have more time to take the appropriate actions.

Third, there should be some kind of controlled airspace in a radius for a following 10 nm beyond the no-fly zone. Perhaps some kind of Class C airspace would work best. This would allow pilots to pass through the airspace (but not the no-fly zone), but before they enter the airspace they must establish radio contact with the controlling agency before they can legally enter the airspace. Upon enterting the airspace each aircraft is issued a four digit code for their transponder, and that allows the people looking at the radar to know which aircraft is which on their radar screens. Should an aircraft deviate from their flight path or not follow the controller's instructions, then the combat aircraft can be scrambled and intercept the intruder aircraft before it poses a threat to the resort area.

Finally, there should be constant CAPs (combat air patrol) around central Florida, especially during the busy seasons. Terrorists want to kill the maximum number of people, so the chances of a strike during the off season is less likely than a strike during summer or between Christmas and New Year's. The Navy, Air Force and Marines have a wide range of fighter aircraft (F-14 Tomcat, F-15 Eagle, F-16 Falcon, F-18 Hornet and soon the F-22 Raptor) that can easily respond to an emergency at a moment's notice should it be 30 nm away at 500 ft agl, or 2 nm away at 45,000 ft agl in a nose dive.

Remember people that most of the general aviation aircraft flying today pose little to no threat to people or buildings. It would take something special like a crop duster with canisters of biological/chemical weapons, or a multi engine propellor or jet aircraft full of fuel and fully loaded with explosives to do anything major to the parks. Remember a while back when a kid committed suicide with his stolen Cessna 172 in Tampa, FL? He was flying at full speed and barely managed to break the windows in the office building that he hit. Another suicidal person crashed his small aircraft into the White House (many years earlier) and did microscopic damage to the building, but totally destroyed his aircraft and took his own life in the process.

General aviation is not the enemy here, but we do need more restrictions around certain areas just in case the wrong people get their hands on the right kind of equipment and intend on killing a lot of innocent people. A place like WDW or Disneyland is too sweet of a target for a blood thirsty terrorist, and as stated before by someone a major attack can completely devestate the Florida tourism economy and tourism to other major theme parks across the world.

I myself have been a licensed pilot here in Atlanta, GA for over five years, and these small aircraft cannot do anything in significance as compared to a van or rental truck packed with explosives (WTC attack #1 and Oklahoma City, anyone?)

Sorry for the long post everybody, but some things are better when they are fully explained in detail.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Originally posted by Dawnie
I like Disney.

And cheese.

So where's the best place to get cheese in Disney?

in France... SACRE BLEU!


New Member
Personally, the no-fly zone at least gives me some (maybe false) snese of security when I take my children there. I want to go have fun, but I want to know that my children will have fun and be safe. Could you imgine what would happen to a childs head if something happened to them or their family in DIsney?

And on the other subject.....My mother always said not to spend your time judging other people, that's Gods job not ours. But more importantly.......my advice to my sons is always.....People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

People are people no matter. Would you be this intolerant if it was about race or gender rather then about sexual orientation? I would hope not!!! One civil thread on the matter would be much appreciated.


New Member
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53

I knew it! He wanted me to join his legion of the undead.

The only thing I have to say about the no fly zone is THAT'S GREAT! I don't want plane engines above me while I am trying to listen to the music in Epcot or religious propaganda swaying over the park never mind the safety precaution.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Disneyanna0521
i hope what i am about to say doesnt start a fight...if u want to argue im me or pm or e-mail me :disneyanna0521@aol.com

being gay is wrong. i am so glad i am not down their now

This is damn right rude.... lets see, if it wasn't for gay people we wouldn't be having this conversation because, the programmable computer was invented by a gay man. (Alan Turing) If you against gay people, then don't visit WDW, I'm sure you will find many cast members are gay. I bet gayday is a great time to be at WDW, my experience of gay people is that they are not predjudice towards hetrosexuals, so I'm sure the mood in the parks is great.



Account Suspended
i read like 4 of your posts and here i go.

1) yes i did read the opening statement, no one had to reply, i cant control that yall replied, therein creating a fight besides i said if u want to argue this im or pm or email me. i even gave u my email address

2) yes it is wrong being gay. any true Christian (there are not that many people left in the world sadly) would agree with this.

3) i love to be a disney but i dont want to see a gay couple making out (majorly gross)i would rather not being around that and disney than having disney and having to have that


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by Captain Cab
First, there needs to be several Army or Marine Corps attack choppers (AH-1 Cobras, AH-64 Apaches, or the AH-64D Apache Longbow would be great) on constant stand-by stationed somewhere on or extremely close to Disney property.

Finally, there should be constant CAPs (combat air patrol) around central Florida, especially during the busy seasons. Terrorists want to kill the maximum number of people, so the chances of a strike during the off season is less likely than a strike during summer or between Christmas and New Year's. The Navy, Air Force and Marines have a wide range of fighter aircraft (F-14 Tomcat, F-15 Eagle, F-16 Falcon, F-18 Hornet and soon the F-22 Raptor) that can easily respond to an emergency at a moment's notice should it be 30 nm away at 500 ft agl, or 2 nm away at 45,000 ft agl in a nose dive.

Totally hypothetical here....but....
Thats all well and good... but who is gonna foot the bill for something like that? Do you know how many millions of dollars something like that would cost (if not hundreds of millions)?! Not me... nope.. I aint paying for that... I pay enough taxes as it is... sorry...


New Member
Originally posted by Maria
Disneyanna, if you were looking for attention, this time, you got it girl!
Being against homosexuals, minorities and such, is wrong to the eyes of God. Aren´t we all His sons and daughters? I think you will have to re-read your Bible and do some major thinking!

actually, maria, the Bible clearly states that homosexuality is a sin. (I can give you the referance later, if you'd like) Yes, the Bible says to love people, but it says absoluting nothing about agreeing with their lifestyle. Those are two totally different things.


Just for kicks....anyone dare post a picture of two people of the same ______ kissing? I couldn't find any that weren't explicit. Oh well... haha

Anyways....I think the flight ban is good. It keeps Disney safe. People dont wanna go to Disney World and worry about planes flying over at a low distance. When I'm roaming the parks, I can't stand the sound of the helicopters. BTW, when I was there in May, there were Helicopters still flying around. I think helicopters are the only ones allowed, besides planes that are about to land.


Well-Known Member
Disneyanna0521 you really need to keep your comments to yourself regarding religion and your beliefs.
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