My wife is a huge fan of this show. I have seen most of the episodes, but I am far from a fan. I usually like telling people that the 9 most puke inducing words in the English language are, "On this episode of Jon and Kate Plus Eight." :ROFLOL:
But seriously. I could tell that this marriage was doomed early on. The whole incident at Toys 'R Us comes to mind. The way she treated him was disgusting. Then when they leave the store, she is all happy and trying to talk to her husband. When he ignores her, she asks, "Are you angry with me?" I knew right then and there that this woman needed help.
Then there is the whole gum episode. Oh my. She made that little boy so sad. "Say goodbye to your bear....he's going in the garbage." How could you say that to your crying and very saddened child? I honestly think this began the falling out between her and her brother and sister-in-law.
I want to feel sorry for this woman when she is crying about her marriage falling apart, but I believe she has made her bed and now has to sleep in it. You need to take the good with the bad with anything. Being a celebrity, you get all the perks: $50,000 - $75,000 per episode, a personal chef, free clothes from The Gap, new stainless steel appliances, a free tummy tuck and hair transplant, free trips to Hawaii, Utah and Disney World. But you want to be like a "regular" family and not have the tabloids or papparazzi hounding you? It's not going to happen folks.
I feel so sorry for the kids. Like Jon said, one day his children are going to Google him and what are they going to find? If Jon has any sense, he will never agree to another season after the current contract is up. I would want my children out of this situation very quickly. I am sure that Kate will be offered her own talk show or reality show and Jon will be offered a gig as well. Just keep these children out of the spotlight.