Ok, I'll be honest I had to look up the fish extender thing!What a cute idea! I'm already dreaming up (love using that pun now) what I'd like to make and purchase to hand out as little gifties!
If this gets to be big enough the "fish extender" thing will be something I'll put out there for everyone to decide if they want to do. Basically it's like a Secret Santa sorta thing but different at the same time. The term "fish extender" was coined on the classic ships. If you wanted to be more exact with the new ships it'd be more like "sea creatur extender". LOL! On the classic ships the little metal clippy thing outside each stateroom door for DCL to deliver paperwork and navigators to each stateroom was the shape of a little fishy. Cruise groups would compile a list of participants with names and ages of each person in each participating stateroom. Each stateroom would make a hanging pocket storage thingy that they'd hang from the metal fish outside their door. That's how the name came about. It extends the storage directly from your fish. Each organizer would have a pocket for each person in the stateroom. This is mine from our recent cruise:

There was a pocket for me & Tracey and one for each of the boys. Whenever we'd leave our room or return to it we had to check our "fish extender" pockets for goodies that were left for us by other people in the group. Stuff that was for the boys was in their pockets. Stuff for me & Tracey or for the entire family was in our pocket. We got a TON of stuff! Everything from cool embroidered sling packs to awesome magnets to yummy treats and candy. It was really neat. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. The key is having enough people to make it work. We had a smallish group last month with like 18 staterooms. I'm not sure how many different staterooms we'd need. I'd guess more than 10. Currently we're officially standing at just 3. May be a while before we decide to do the "fish extender".