I got in trouble for not going on the last one haha. I don't think mine cared so much about where I went, but that the TV was all his haha!
That's funny! I generally give up the tv to the testosterone-ites around here anyway. I'd rather read Disney crap then be the all-knowing later when they know nothing Disney and I possess all the power. Bwaaaahahahahaaa!!!!
Seriously, Tracey and I went thru a very rough time some years back and we attribute a lot of that to us not making time for ourselves as individuals. If you lose yourself in life it's truly a recipe for disaster. It definitely was for us. So since then we've tried to make it a point to encourage each other to have things all our own. We can share our interests and things but we still create that space for individuality. I've fell off on my doll collecting in recent years. The cruising and studying travel has become more my passion. He encourages that. If I can slip off and have some fun with my passion he's shoving me out the door to go do it. Me-thinks he wants me to hit Platinum so we can all reap the benefits.... I suppose that's a sacrifice I'll just haaaaave to make. LOL!