Iasw Song!


New Member
Originally posted by darthdarrel
:eek: :cry:

I´m sorry Darrel.... :(

I´m not a fighter though, so I´ll take it easy on the protectors. :animwink:

I am just against all rides with a music that stays in my head for all day long! I could also be a member of the resistance to El Rio del Tiempo! :animwink:

Besides.... queens are only decorative characters! lol ;)

General Grizz

New Member
Check the ingredients of that Alphabet Soup...:lookaroun :p

Hehe; okay, I am taking final requests! Send me your reservations ASAP if you are going to the IASW Protectors festivities this month! I need them now!! Only 3 spaces left!

Also, BLM - heightened security for this month, and especially January. You might have to send in a sasquash.


Well-Known Member
Well, like I said...I'm back...and I must say...my thoughts were a little clouded.

I boarded the IASW boat and noticed...that maybe it really is the "Happiest Cruise to ever sail" and all of the cute little dolls were really spreading peace, love, and joy...all of them were singing in harmony and dancing around... I really enjoyed myself. The song isn't that bad either...

but, then I saw one of them rip a kid out of the boat in the row behind me and savagely beat him to death and then they ripped every appendage off of him and left him there...The told him to smile or they'd do more damage and then they stuck his bloody stump of a body on a metal peg and threw robotic arms on him... (Yep, pure evil...but I had ya all going for a bit didn't I :animwink: )


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
Well, like I said...I'm back...and I must say...my thoughts were a little clouded.

I boarded the IASW boat and noticed...that maybe it really is the "Happiest Cruise to ever sail" and all of the cute little dolls were really spreading peace, love, and joy...all of them were singing in harmony and dancing around... I really enjoyed myself. The song isn't that bad either..

but, then I saw one of them rip a kid out of the boat in the row behind me and savagely beat him to death and then they ripped every appendage off of him and left him there...The told him to smile or they'd do more damage and then they stuck his bloody stump of a body on a metal peg and threw robotic arms on him... (Yep, pure evil...but I had ya all going for a bit didn't I :animwink: )

That didn't happen because you were asleep!! It was all a dream!! The dolls lulled you into their dreamland. Your thoughts were merely you're inner self trying to justify the fact you were on the ride you seem to, well, "dislike." IT NEVER HAPPENED! (How's that for a philosphical response?!!)

:p :lookaroun

The Mom

Premium Member
Originally posted by Maria
Ok ok.... since "The war begins on Jan. 2nd, 2003", count me in with the RESISTANCE!

I need to think of a title for myself.... :D

MARIA!!! How could you??? :eek: The dolls are not evil...plus Darrel is helping my fight against the giant turkeys! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Well...I guess I should start by PROVING to people that the dolls truly ARE evil... Just look at that poor defenseless froggy :cry:


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New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
Well...I guess I should start by PROVING to people that the dolls truly ARE evil...
How does this prove the dolls are evil? a poster made by the vice president of the resistance?:confused:

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