Iasw Song!

General Grizz

New Member
Originally posted by jrashadb
The lightsaber is not used solely for attack... only in defense. Plus, it can be used for many other things as well. It's not a warlike weapon... it's an elegant weapon... for an elegant age. Besides, we are all about peace. we don't eat people, the dolls do. :lol: :lol: :lol:

And pigs have wings... riiiight? :D


Originally posted by The Mom
The dolls are not evil...so speaketh The Mom! :lol:

*tries to figure out a way to win an arguement with a Mom...*

Jesus, I can't win an arguement with my mother, let alone someone else's...


Well... I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree then...

*this sometimes works with my mother...*


Originally posted by grizzlyhall
And pigs have wings... riiiight? :D

*remembers treaty*
:zipit: :zipit: :zipit:

Listen... Grizz... buddy ... pal... friend... in the spirit of holiday cheer, I offer an olive branch of peace here... Let's let bygones be bygones. Afterall, I am a secretary of defense, not a secretary of war.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by figmentmom
*Queen Figmentmom, Defender of Dolls and Purple Dragons, blushes*

Wow, I haven't felt this flattered since...um, never! :lol:

*bows before the Queen*

(only because she is Queen Figmentmom, Defender of Purple Dragons)


New Member
Originally posted by jrashadb
Spidey, you should just be a Resistance Ambassador... the Dark Side clouded your judgement. Come to the light permanently. That way we can have two ambassadors. Besides, you'll like it more over here. We have light sabers.

And, your majesty, that offer still stands...:)

And, Darth Doll Boy... Because we have a signed treaty, my saber is staying where it is... but, you're pushing it.

P.S. Hi, Ang... seems like I haven't seen you here in a while.

I've been majorly busy with school type things. I'm usually on AIM sporatically but that's about it.. I guess I'm a very boring person. At the moment I'm waiting for someone to call and I think he forgot.

I want a special position :( if there are two ambassadors I'm not special anymore lol.

Dawn S

New Member
Originally posted by Angelique
I've been majorly busy with school type things. I'm usually on AIM sporatically but that's about it.. I guess I'm a very boring person. At the moment I'm waiting for someone to call and I think he forgot.

I want a special position :( if there are two ambassadors I'm not special anymore lol.

Geez, Ang...you're sounding like me tonight! LMAO Stop that! Tonight's my pity party. Schedule yours for tomorrow & I'll make sure to show up bearing gifts, k? :animwink:


New Member
Originally posted by Dawn S
Geez, Ang...you're sounding like me tonight! LMAO Stop that! Tonight's my pity party. Schedule yours for tomorrow & I'll make sure to show up bearing gifts, k? :animwink:

Sorry hon I didnt' know yours was tonight.. mine's been all evening... *hugs* We'll be okay thouhg kay? *nods* we shall we shall we shall....

And what is with everyone calling me Ang *looks at Brian*


Originally posted by Angelique
Sorry hon I didnt' know yours was tonight.. mine's been all evening... *hugs* We'll be okay thouhg kay? *nods* we shall we shall we shall....

And what is with everyone calling me Ang *looks at Brian*

Hmm... there must be some kind of weird karma going around... I've had a ultra-crappy week too. I blame the dolls. :mad: :fork:

As for the name thing... sorry about all that. What would you like to be called?


New Member
Originally posted by jrashadb
Hmm... there must be some kind of weird karma going around... I've had a ultra-crappy week too. I blame the dolls. :mad: :fork:

As for the name thing... sorry about all that. What would you like to be called?

It's the dolls it's totally the dolls... and you can call me whatever *shrugs* totally doesn't matter. I just ... it's funny how I used to hate being called Ang and now cause of Bri I am getting used to it I guess *shrugs*. Usually online I get called Angel cause of my real name and my aim sn. LOL... I have other nicknames too but those are rather random.

I need someone to harass on aim :(


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Angelique
It's the dolls it's totally the dolls... and you can call me whatever *shrugs* totally doesn't matter. I just ... it's funny how I used to hate being called Ang and now cause of Bri I am getting used to it I guess *shrugs*. Usually online I get called Angel cause of my real name and my aim sn. LOL... I have other nicknames too but those are rather random.

I need someone to harass on aim :(


Ang...I'm sorry about that...it rolls off the tongue better :zipit:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by jaylenofan86
I love those dolls! I'll protect them with my life! LONG LIVE THE DOLLS!

Well...I see you have taken the side of the flesh-eaters...

May God have mercy on your soul...

Let me just show you something...you're getting in WAY over your head...

*lights purple lightsaber*

You have til January 2, 2003...unless you can convince Darrel to concede.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by jaylenofan86
I love those dolls! I'll protect them with my life! LONG LIVE THE DOLLS!

*no Royal Fanfare is heard, because the Royal Musicians are now unionized and taking a 20-minute break*

A warm welcome to the side of peace, prosperity, and good clean fun from Queen Figmentmom, Defender of Dolls and Purple Dragons!:lol:


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by The Mom
Look at that...two moms defending the dolls! You guys are in so much trouble. ;)

We are in a treaty now mom....just to get us thru the holidays :) UN Weapons Inspectors are in place at WDW and Tigggrl is keeping an eye on IASW in DL for me :)

Do Dolls eat turkey and Cranberry Sauce?.....or just little boys and girls left behind? :D ;)


Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
Well...I see you have taken the side of the flesh-eaters...

May God have mercy on your soul...

Let me just show you something...you're getting in WAY over your head...

*lights purple lightsaber*

You have til January 2, 2003...unless you can convince Darrel to concede.

*lights up pimped out, curved hilt, garnet saber*

It's true, dog... you'd do well to change your loyalties... come Jan. 2, unless Darth Doll Boy makes the right decision... well... we're just saying it might be a good idea to join us on the side of truth and light. Believe me... it's a lot better over here. We stand for everything that is good and decent in the world.

By the way... it might also do you well to start watching Letterman. His show is about a billion times better than Leno's pathetic show. Uncle Dave all the way... but, back to the topic at hand...

*points at unused lightsaber*

Destiny is knocking, my boy... answer the door.

And, your majesty, Figmentmom... We here at the Evil Doll Resistance stand for all things that are Figment related. We all love Figment. I want to make that clear. And, the IASW dolls, well, they have nothing to do with the sense of fun or imagination that I'm sure you hold dear. Those dolls are forced to stand in the same place singing the same unimaginative, amazingly annoying song over and over and over again. Figment wouldn't like them and neither should you.

Join the resistance today... I don't want to speak for our exalted leader, Master DMC, but I'm sure there is a place for you if you would simply use the red carpet already laid out for you and join us. All of the members of the resisrtance -- male and female, young and old -- would be more than happy to welcome you into the fold. :)


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by jaylenofan86
Well.......if you give me a postion, I'll join! Also, Letterman sucks! But, I'm of great service! I fly planes and heilcopters! Good stuff!
Where do your loyalties lie jaylenofan?
Do you beleive in joy happiness,Love and good cheer? or the evil side those that are against the dolls?!

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