Iasw Song!


Originally posted by DMC-12
Fellow Resistance Members... take it easy...as we are not the violent ones...Remember....we are under a treaty/truce....for the holidays.... :)

grrrr... :zipit:

*shuts down saber*

You're right... you're right. We are at peace for the moment. I won't do anything to jeopardize that...

*points hilt of saber at doll people*

But, you doll huggers are gettin' off light!! You're lucky I like turkey and presents or it would be so on right now... :lol: :lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
DMC! Where are ya??? Will you please tell these folks that I was one of the first to join with ya, and how I am closely monitoring the movements of things here at Disneyland??? Who better to do so??? LOL!
WAHHH now I feel like all my work is for Naught!:hammer: :hammer:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DMC-12
Fellow Resistance Members... take it easy...as we are not the violent ones...Remember....we are under a treaty/truce....for the holidays.... :)

*nods to figmentmom*

*goes to trunk*

*throws Christmas cards to Figmentmom, Grizzlyhall, Erik, and all of the evil doll supporters except for Darthdarrel*

*Glares at DarthDarrel and tosses stack of banner paper up in the air*

*takes lit lightsaber and while the paper is in the air, makes paper dolls with lightsaber*

hands them to DarthDarrel and says, "These aren't evil like yours...but Happy Holidays"

I am still on my toes though...just extending my holiday wishes during the peacetime


New Member
*sneaks away with Freak's Lightsaber*

*throws stack of papers in air*

*Swings lightsaber around*

*runs away as Papers catch fire and burn in the air*


*Quickly slides freaks lightsaber back after learning good lesson*


New Member
Originally posted by darthdarrel
WEll Dawnie we have signed a treaty with the resistance but it only holds till Jan.2 then we can kick some Resistance BOOTY!:D

OK - I've packed the glitter cannons away for the holiday season.

But I warn you - I'm on a knife edge here. The slightest provocation and I'll, I'll................................stamp my foot. :mad:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Tigggrl
DMC! Where are ya??? Will you please tell these folks that I was one of the first to join with ya, and how I am closely monitoring the movements of things here at Disneyland??? Who better to do so??? LOL!
WAHHH now I feel like all my work is for Naught!:hammer: :hammer:

Tigggrl...it's nice to see that you are keeping things in check out there on the west coast!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by spider-man
*sneaks away with Freak's Lightsaber*

*throws stack of papers in air*

*Swings lightsaber around*

*runs away as Papers catch fire and burn in the air*


*Quickly slides freaks lightsaber back after learning good lesson*

Young Padawan...you have much to learn


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Dawnie
OK - I've packed the glitter cannons away for the holiday season.

But I warn you - I'm on a knife edge here. The slightest provocation and I'll, I'll................................stamp my foot. :mad:

*extends hand out to Dawnie*


  • card2.jpg
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Well-Known Member
AHEM! (Queen Figmentmom, Defender of Dolls and Purple Dragons,, speaks!)

*slightly out-of-tune, but nonetheless heartfelt, fanfare*

Darthdarrel, grizzlyhall, hmppan and SirNimajneb - May the holiday season be peaceful and joyous for you all!

WDWFREAK - Thanks for the card! The happiest of holidays to you, too! Our handshake was sincere, even if my hand wasn't attached to me at the time!

jrash - At last, some common ground - Figment! I knew I had a soft spot for you!


New Member
Hey figmentmom, you got the coolest intros :cool:

Anyway... what exactly does Figment's mom look like since he just came into existence from Imagination?

I just wanted to find something for you to say to me.

I'm on both sides... see my signature... I am a neutral ambassador for each opposition... remember the phrase "don't shoot the messenger"?

Freak --

What did the secret message on the treaty say?


Tigggrl -- Warm greetings to our West Coast representative. I hear the dolls have a nicer place there in Disneyland. I've never been. Keep them on their toes.

Freak -- :lol: :lol: :lol: Nice moves. BTW, what's this about a message on the treaty? Are they trying to pull a fast one on us?

Spidey -- Careful with that thing...

Queen mom -- yeah... I like Figment. He's cool. I'm glad they brought him back. I was all about Figment when I was younger and made my folks buy me the doll -- at the Centorium, I believe -- when I was a kid.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by Tigggrl
DMC! Where are ya??? Will you please tell these folks that I was one of the first to join with ya, and how I am closely monitoring the movements of things here at Disneyland??? Who better to do so??? LOL!
WAHHH now I feel like all my work is for Naught!:hammer: :hammer:

Yeah Tigggrl ....you rock...you keep those dolls , at DL, at bay for me.. :D I have not forgotten about you :)

Dawn S

New Member
Ummmm...I think I've neglected this thread way too long. Geez! All Hades has broken loose in here!

Did I mention that I am SOOOOOOOO lost??? :brick:

Did anyone notice that the female Irish doll is no longer a red head? Hmmmm...wonder what happened to the little red haired Irish doll??? :zipit:

Muahahahahaha! :drevil:


New Member
Originally posted by Dawn S
Ummmm...I think I've neglected this thread way too long. Geez! All Hades has broken loose in here!

Did I mention that I am SOOOOOOOO lost??? :brick:

Did anyone notice that the female Irish doll is no longer a red head? Hmmmm...wonder what happened to the little red haired Irish doll??? :zipit:

Muahahahahaha! :drevil:

Are you trying to say... that.... that... :fork: you dyed her hair another color. :animwink: That's so EVIL in a very friendly sorta nice way. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by spider-man
Hey figmentmom, you got the coolest intros :cool:

Anyway... what exactly does Figment's mom look like since he just came into existence from Imagination?

I just wanted to find something for you to say to me.

I'm on both sides... see my signature... I am a neutral ambassador for each opposition... remember the phrase "don't shoot the messenger"?

Freak --

What did the secret message on the treaty say?

The secret message on the treaty stated:

(and it was in DarthDarrel's handwriting nonetheless)

"I WANT IT ALL! I WILL HAVE IT ALL! When I am done with the resistance, I will feed my "faithful followers" to the dolls"

But...at least he's not going back on treaty


Well-Known Member
*royal fanfare is heard*

Warm holiday greetings to you, spider-man, from Queen Figmentmom, Defender of Dolls and Purple Dragons!

(Can anyone tell figmentmom is really getting into the "royal pronouncement thing? Let me tell you, it's the most respect I've gotten in ages!:lol: )


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by figmentmom
*royal fanfare is heard*

Warm holiday greetings to you, spider-man, from Queen Figmentmom, Defender of Dolls and Purple Dragons!

(Can anyone tell figmentmom is really getting into the "royal pronouncement thing? Let me tell you, it's the most respect I've gotten in ages!:lol: )

We'd really give you the royal treatment on THIS SIDE of the treaty :) (roll out the carpet for ya and everything)...and we wouldn't do it because we felt like we HAD to...we'd do it out of respect!


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
The secret message on the treaty stated:

(and it was in DarthDarrel's handwriting nonetheless)

"I WANT IT ALL! I WILL HAVE IT ALL! When I am done with the resistance, I will feed my "faithful followers" to the dolls"

But...at least he's not going back on treaty
It doesn`t say any such thing!:mad:
I love my fellow doll protectors and would never even think of doing them any harm!:kiss:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by darthdarrel
It doesn`t say any such thing!:mad:
I love my fellow doll protectors and would never even think of doing them any harm!:kiss:

Sure....bat those eyelashes and everything will be ok huh??? Yeah right...I sure hope your "followers" can see right through you!

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