So excited you started your report! The pics I've seen of the cruise looked awesome- I absolutely hope to make it on a future Girls' cruise!!
Pictures are beautiful- love the photo love of the Grand Floridian. Beautiful!
Following along for more adventures! Getting excited for our first Dream cruise in 30-ish days! Thanks for sharing your trip.
Hope to see you there for the next adventure, too. There's more discussions going on about that very subject as we speak. I think we're nearing an announcement.
The GF is a beautiful lady. She just doesn't take bad pictures. All the credit to her!
Yay for cruising! I think I'm under 50 until my first non-Disney cruise on the world's largest cruise ship. Eeeek!
Yay! First TR is started! I will say, it's not weird seeing oneself in someone else's TR
Now I just need to get crackin' on mine (and I can't wait until the next WDWMagic cruise)
Glad it's not weird to see yourself in someone else's report. After posting the 1900 PF pics of everyone I thought about that and wondered.
I can't wait until the next run away from home, too!
I am loving your trip report and pictures! So sorry to read what you went through at Remy!
Awwww, thanks for the love. Eh, Remy is what it is. I truly am glad they make the effort to maintain a higher standard. I'd just rather see it maintained discreetely and consistantly.
Thank you. That on was with my Pentax WG1. Fantastic underwater camera. There's much newer versions of it on the market currently. Mine was a Target clearance score. One of the best investments ever. Editing was iPhoto. Nothing too technical for me to mess up.
I love all of your pictures Kelly! I even spotted myself in a few. I'll admit I tear up a bit seeing the screen shots of us leaving. It was such an emotional few minutes for me.
I'm working on my birthday trip report and then I will start on the cruise report. I'm hoping by the time I do mine, I won't have to compete with everyone. LOL. Then maybe I'll have some readers!
I think we'll all be spotting ourselves in each other's pictures! I know I've looked in backgrounds of random pictures before wondering if I'd see myself. I think our chances are a little better now. LOL!
Honestly, I'm not so sure there will be a swarm of girls cruise TRs. It'll be less than we originally thought. Still, each journey is unique and it's definitely cool to see the same trip from different perspectives.
That's a sweet limo. You definately don't see too many limos pulling trailers around. Loving the report and your outside pics at GF are wonderful.
The limo was interesting especially when the driver was trying to get it turned around and parked twice at 2 different liquor stores. The first one was closed.
Again, the GF is so gorgeous. I'm anxious to see Tammy's shots because I know hers are going to be the ultimate. She was shooting a lot of the same stuff at the same time I was.
Thanks! It was interesting having so many ladies all together. We spread out on the ship a lot and it was cool to randomly bump into the others. Or, you'd be walking along and hear your name yelled out. That's usually how it works for me since I'm so oblivious. LOL!
I think Skinner must've been the stand-in that night.

Actually, have you ever been??? The chef, Chef Patrick, looks waaaaay too much like Chef Gusteau for it to be a coincidence. Not kidding. It's true! The first time my old man & I ate there we were rolling when we saw him. LOL!
Oh! You caught that! "Oh look! There's a band!" I didn't think anyone else would. My husband is as testosterone-laden, red-blooded American male as they come and he loooooves that movie. He doesn't show it much but he's got a bit of a romantical streak.
3 quick things...
1 - I appreciate the # rule being self enforced
2 - yes I have had my luggage on the monorail...that morning @
Tiggerish and I took it from the gorgeous SSE view (among other Disney sites) at bay lake tower!
3 - it's not weird to see myself in a TR...I love that pic with Cindy! Send it to me!
It's so not weird for 27 ladies to meet on the internet...we are AWESOME!
1. Oooooh...can I be called "The Enforcer" next time?! It sounds so b@d@$$! I'll work on my you're-gonna-die look!
2. You sure did do the monorail luggage thing. Did you feel weird or kinda special? I felt like it was something I wasn't likely to do too often so I felt really special. I'm a dork like that.
3. I've got a LOT of pics to be sending out.

I'll send you the pic. Maybe I'll send it to Holly or Tammy to edit nicer first and let them send it to you.
I didn't think it was weird meeting internet friends either but this wasn't my first time traveling with internet friends. We ARE awesome!
BTW, thanks for the little textin' last night. So sweet of you. And, hey, I'll be thinking happy thoughts for you all day Saturday!
Following along. Love your pictures. They are edited amazingly. I need to get off my butt and start writing mine too.
I totally feel you on the dining experience. Mine was not the greatest but it was in the main dining rooms. I was totally expecting them to cater to my food allergies better than they did. Apparently red beans and rice is made with coconut milk? Who knew? Certainly not this Cajun lady. Lol. I ordered most of my meals the night before so I was expecting to be able to have really good food. You have almost 24 hours to prepare meals with out coconut and mushrooms but dried beans on a bed of rice was totally unexceptable for me. It was not the only thing wrong. After reading numerous trip reports of how amazing the desserts were I wanted to try them so bad. Nope. Most we're made with some type of coconut product. I was under the assumption that when you give them your allergies ahead of time they are able to make sure to accommodate you. Well I'm here to tell you it didn't happen. Horrible MDR experience. Palo was amazing for brunch. I would so do it every trip for every meal!
Sorry to be so negative. I guess I too needed to get this off my chest, too.
Eh, stay on your butt as long as you want. Not a dang thing wrong with that.
I'm sorry about your dining experiences. That stinks. I would think they'd be able to create more interesting things for you, too. Did you really try to order red beans & rice, tho? You didn't really think that could work out, did you? I learned a long time ago that when not in Southeast LA it's best to avoid any Cajun dishes. They'll all go down in flames. I get this itch to go in the kitchen, find the cook, and commence to teaching them how this works.
Totally OT but I stumbled upon a "healthy" alternative for a roux for gumbo. Don't laugh. It really didn't come off bad at all. Instead of the bacon grease & flour spread your white flour out in the bottom of a metal pan and put it in the oven. Bake at like 425F for 1/2 hour or so taking it out to stir fairly frequently, 5-10 minute intervals work. Eventually, the white flour browns. Use that browned flour and you're all set. When I told my guys I was going to try to make a healthy gumbo they all groaned. They tried it veeeeery reluctantly...and LOVED it! I swear, anyone can make good stuff using bacon grease or butter. It's an accomplishment to make good stuff that's healthy!
LOL! Planning our big days for next month on the Western ports you did last year. I've thought of y'all!
And it was so cool to meet you and Heather on the trip. I'll get to that, tho.
Fun pictures at 1900 PF! @
plaz10 - love your appropriately-themed scarf that you wore on the eve of the cruise!
Kelly, really pretty pictures! Atlantis looks like a lot of fun...glad you ladies lucked out with no other cruise ships being in Nassau that day and had the place to yourselves!
Thanks, Shannon. I was impressed with Jess' scarfy flair that first night. I can never figure out scarves and feel dumb trying to look cool.
Atlantis is really an amazing place. I know I shouldn't be advertising other travel destinations but I'd love to stay there for a long weekend someday. September look nice and quiet. It was really cool being the only ship in port that day. Contrast that for when we're in Nassau next month on the largest cruise ship in the world. I think the port passenger load for Nassau that day is like 18k+. It's also a holiday week. Um, not even trying to get over to Atlantis. No way!
Ugh, I just read your Remy-rant and I'd say it's most definitely valid. I would have been savage.
Apart from that - LOVING this TR, though pretty bummed that I wasn't there to enjoy it with you ladies

Next time we cruise I think I'll convince someone to come to Atlantis with me.. I never enjoy Nassau day, it's time to try something new.
I love the GF picture right before the smores! They all look so EPIC. I also adore the 1900 Park Fare photos.. that Cinder was a babe. I'm also pretty sure that Anastasia has been there for awhile - she looks extremely familiar. If I could be her, I would be the happiest Disney friend ever.
Unless I was friends with Meg or Jasmine or Esmerelda. Need the attitude.
Okay, proceed.
Thanks for the support on the Remy deal. Yeah, even the sweetest of gals have their inner lioness. There's some things that just push those buttons more than others for each of us.
We missed you on the trip. Maybe next time. Lookin' like it may become an annual thing so there's bound to be a year that meshes for you.
Atlantis really is gorgeous. Even if you just go to see the aquariums or wander about. They offer so much.
Speaking of Nassau day, we have another coming up next month. Originally we intended to treat it like another at-sea day since the port passenger load for the day is so sickeningly high. Plus, the ship we'll be on is all-new to us and MASSIVE. But, I made the mistake of reading and digging like I do. There's cool stuff in Nassau that I want to see now! Bahamas Rum Cake Factory. Free tours and samples. John Waitling's Rum Distillery. Tours and samples. Graycliff Hotel Chocolate Factory. Tours and samples. These 3 things are now on my must-do list. Tracey still doesn't want to go but he's just gonna have to deal. I'm going.
I know the usual "I would never stay at the stuffy GF" statement but I cannot say enough that it's worth a try to stay 1 night, especially if you can get 3 others to split a discounted room with you.

It's a beautiful place.
Mirror mirror on the wall...
It's not me. I'm not even close to fairest of them all. I can own this with noooooo problems.
KELLY!!!! Your trip report has brought me out of hiding.

I'm loving it. I'm also loving the dreaminess of your sunset photos around the Grand Floridian. And the mirror shot shout out... my favorite!
Now, I must drink, for I said your name.
Holly! I was wondering if you'd see the report! Eh, my editing still leaves much to be desired but I'm pretty happy with my composition. I don't see me ever carrying around the big-pro cameras you, Shannon, Tammy, etc. carry but I'm totally in love with my little lightweight inexpensive (in comparison) mirrorless baby. She shoots in raw for me. I haven't bought any additional lenses or anything. May never get around to that. But for something I can snap quickly then have the versatility of a raw file, I'm feeling mighty good with what I've got. I've been editing in Light Room but I'm not sure I'll stick with it. I
wish Apple's Aperture had a free trial so I could try before I buy. But, judging by how easy I interface with iPhoto, I'm prob'ly leaning more towards Apple's photo editing software moreso than others. I really need something easy for the complete novice. All the technical stuff boggles my brain. Just give me stuff to play with and I'll find my way.
The game is still ON! @
Ariel484 , you need to save the list of rules. I have a feeling the game shall be continued next time. It'll be our Epic Girls Game that we pick up each trip. Tradition. Whadya think?????
Crap, so did I. And Kelly's hashtagged twice...we're in trouble here!
...and I said your name again. Another drink for me!
Drink up, ladies! Where's the cabana boy when we need him???
Awesome photos, Kelly.
Can't wait to see the rest of them.
Another roomie!!!!
Thanks, Jen! The photos in their original forms are much better than what I'm puting out post-editing for now. I'll prob'ly slow down and take my time with the pics for part 2 of the trip.
Loved your email response this morning. Short, sweet, to the point. I told Tammy I think it's unanimous. Hoping to see some announcements soon! <--I just shivered with excitement when I typed that!