How young is too young ?


Original Poster
My husband and I have been to WDW 5 times..on this last trip we created our own little souvenier :sohappy: ..We originally said that we were not going to take her for her first trip til she was 5 years old..we spent 5 years watching parents with small children and nobody seemed to be having any fun :shrug: ..the parents were fighting about different things :brick: the children didn't seem to realize what was going on..almost as if they didn't really understand..they knew that something fuzzy and fun was talking to them, but not what it was :veryconfu ..But now I WANT TO TAKE HER !!! I told my husband I can't wait anymore..I want to plan on taking her next September (2008) I wanted opinions from people that have traveled with little kids there..pros and cons..she will be 27 months at that time and want to know if it would be worth it..I think OF COURSE..but a couple of people have told me that I am being selfish and want to go for me not for her :( any opinions..


Well-Known Member
Bring her..:)

We took Maggie when she was 7 months and when she was 18 months and had a great time both times..we are going back in december also..

Will she remember these trips?..probably not but we will and we have pictures and it was great.

Take lots of breaks..go slow..take lots of pictures and just enjoy yourselves..

Who cares if people say you are selfish...they are

she will be old enough then to get excited and laugh and clap and have a great time and you will have all the memories and tears from watching her face light up when she see's Mickey Mouse or Spectromagic or as she claps and smiles during It's a Small world:)

Take her and have fun and do not worry about what others say..:)

I have no cons...we took it slow and catered to her needs..if she was tired we took a break...and it was good for all of us..:)


Well-Known Member
I have seen infants about 6 or 8 weeks old at WDW...

I don't think there is a right or wrong answer, it is what is best for your family that you need to decide. If you want to go then go and take your child and don't worry about what anybody else says.

We took Princess #1 when she was 4, and went again when her sister was about 18 months old (they are 6 years apart). The little one had a great time that was made even more special when she got to meet Minnie. She would sit for hours looking at the photos (she still does and she is almost 13 now).

As long as you realize that visits change when there are kids involved you will be ok. You may not get to every ride or show, but the memories will last forever.


Well-Known Member
You and your husband will know when it is the right time to take your daughter to WDW. If you feel that the time is right then go ahead, book your trip and enjoy it. Don't listen to all of the other "experts" - even if you are going for you and your husband I say you both deserve it, nothing selfish about that!


Well-Known Member
The youngest I ever saw at the parks was a week old (and who knows if that was their first day in the park too).:eek: The youngest in my family was my sister at about 6-7 months. You'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
I am being selfish in NOT wanting to bring my child. Because, as mean as it sounds, I see children (at least until they are able to walk and enjoy WDW on their own) as being basically dead weight on the trip. You have to push them around in a stroller or lug them around in your arms, yet they can't go on any rides. Okay, they can go on a few, like the boat rides and such, but that's about it. You may as well carry around a sack of potatoes all day long, because a sack of potatoes can do about as much at WDW as a baby and it will be just as inconvenient to lug around. :lol: You have to get them back to the room for bedtime, so that would seem to rule out evening fireworks or Fantasmic. You never know when they are going to make a huge spectacle (like the bratty little demon that squalled in my ear on the bus all the way from EPCOT back to our resort). So, as a previous poster said, there is no right or wrong answer, but IMO, I would really PREFER not to take a child until they can walk and enjoy things on their own and actually contribute to the fun instead of being a hindrance. Yes, I know, this is a totally selfish outlook and I'm putting it in very blunt, harsh words, but IMO, it is the way it is. Now, as I have always told my wife, when it comes down to it, I would rather take the baby and have our style cramped, as opposed to not going at all, but my first preference is to leave the baby at home. Everyone has to come to their own decision about this, but I just don't really see very many ways that a baby along can make the trip more enjoyable. IMO, they only weigh you down and stop you from doing so many things that you could do if it were just you and your spouse.

Again, sorry for the crude and blunt way I presented my POV, but that is just the way I feel about it.


Active Member
Take your own advice. As others have said, you'll know when you're ready to do it.

I didn't take my son until he was 11. Now we go back every summer. I think I waited until the right time when he really could appreciate it and we both could have a great time.

And congrats!


Premium Member
Don't listen to anyone else. My kids (ages 3 and 5) have been on about 5 or 6 Disney vacations now and they had an absolute blast every time. They love WDW as much as I do.


Well-Known Member
I took two of my children for the first time when each one of them were two and they had a ball. Now that they are 6,9 &14 it is much easier but I wouldn't wait for a child to be older just go, they will be fine.:animwink:


Well-Known Member
I am being selfish in NOT wanting to bring my child. Because, as mean as it sounds, I see children (at least until they are able to walk and enjoy WDW on their own) as being basically dead weight on the trip. You have to push them around in a stroller or lug them around in your arms, yet they can't go on any rides. My daughter went on everything but the mountains and ToT and RNRC...Okay, they can go on a few, like the boat rides and such, but that's about it. You may as well carry around a sack of potatoes all day long, because a sack of potatoes can do about as much at WDW as a baby and it will be just as inconvenient to lug around. :lol: I can just not compare my daughter to a sack of potatos..:shrug: .She clapped and laughed and had a great time when we went..and we did not see her as an inconvenience what so ever..You have to get them back to the room for bedtime, so that would seem to rule out evening fireworks or Fantasmic. My daughter fell asleep in the stroller and we watched wishes and she was awake for SpectroYou never know when they are going to make a huge spectacle (like the bratty little demon that squalled in my ear on the bus all the way from EPCOT back to our resort).Kids that can walk on their own also do the same thing... So, as a previous poster said, there is no right or wrong answer, but IMO, I would really PREFER not to take a child until they can walk and enjoy things on their own and actually contribute to the fun instead of being a hindrance. Yes, I know, this is a totally selfish outlook and I'm putting it in very blunt, harsh words, but IMO, it is the way it is. Now, as I have always told my wife, when it comes down to it, I would rather take the baby and have our style cramped, as opposed to not going at all, but my first preference is to leave the baby at home. Everyone has to come to their own decision about this, but I just don't really see very many ways that a baby along can make the trip more enjoyable. IMO, they only weigh you down and stop you from doing so many things that you could do if it were just you and your spouse.We did all that before we had her..and did not feel like she weighed us down or stopped us from having fun at all...we had the best trip we have EVER had just this march and we have gone every year since I was 1 year old myself..

Again, sorry for the crude and blunt way I presented my POV, but that is just the way I feel about it.
..Again..everyone has their own view of this..I just think that if you want to bring your baby then bring will have an AMAZING time..:)


Well-Known Member
I was about 6 mos when I went for the first time.
My parents were very surprised that I remembered many things when I returned on a later trip.
Later we took my brother when he was 6 weeks and traveled well and was able to recall things laterr


Active Member
Go! My daughter was 12 months on her first trip and my son was 4. I had so many people tell me to wait until they were older, and we ALMOST listened to them. But I had the Disney bug so bad we had to go! And let me tell you we had such and awesome time that we went again 7 months later and then again right when she turned two. And we are hoping to go back this December. Each time was different because she was at a different stage, but each time was fun. The baby care centers at the parks are wonderful, and as far as rides can actually take babies on MOST of the rides, especially at the MK. I am not a roller coaster or thrill ride person, so not being able to do those did not matter to us. And you ca n always do the baby swap which is what we did on Soarin. And while my youngest may not remember these first few trips, I will....and I treasure the memories and can't wait to make more. Just go into knowing that you will not keep the same pace that you did without kids, and do not try to! Quality is better than quantity. I hope you decide to go, and I hope you have a magical time! Here is a link to some great info on taking small children.
My husband and I have been to WDW 5 times..on this last trip we created our own little souvenier :sohappy: ..We originally said that we were not going to take her for her first trip til she was 5 years old..we spent 5 years watching parents with small children and nobody seemed to be having any fun :shrug: ..the parents were fighting about different things :brick: the children didn't seem to realize what was going on..almost as if they didn't really understand..they knew that something fuzzy and fun was talking to them, but not what it was :veryconfu ..But now I WANT TO TAKE HER !!! I told my husband I can't wait anymore..I want to plan on taking her next September (2008) I wanted opinions from people that have traveled with little kids there..pros and cons..she will be 27 months at that time and want to know if it would be worth it..I think OF COURSE..but a couple of people have told me that I am being selfish and want to go for me not for her :( any opinions..

By all means, go. Doesn't really matter if she remebers or not, you are creating a foundation of very special times. Family life is all about doing things that are good for the family, and even if she is "too little" to really appreciate everything, and even though your trip will be totally different with a wee one, it is so worth it. Little kids are a lot of work, true, but also (as you know from just everyday life) a LOT of joy. Just keep in mind that you won't get to do everything you've always done (due to diaper changes, melt downs, fascination with plant life when there is an actual attraction to be enjoyed, etc) and you will have a great trip.

Best wishes!


Active Member
we spent 5 years watching parents with small children and nobody seemed to be having any fun ..the parents were fighting about different things the children didn't seem to realize what was going on..almost as if they didn't really understand..they knew that something fuzzy and fun was talking to them, but not what it was

Remember these are the types of people who always fight at Disney with or without kids. Some people just don't get it and thats OK but never compare yourself with someone who doesn't have that Disney "feel".


New Member
I am being selfish in NOT wanting to bring my child. Because, as mean as it sounds, I see children (at least until they are able to walk and enjoy WDW on their own) as being basically dead weight on the trip. You have to push them around in a stroller or lug them around in your arms, yet they can't go on any rides. Okay, they can go on a few, like the boat rides and such, but that's about it. You may as well carry around a sack of potatoes all day long, because a sack of potatoes can do about as much at WDW as a baby and it will be just as inconvenient to lug around. :lol: You have to get them back to the room for bedtime, so that would seem to rule out evening fireworks or Fantasmic. You never know when they are going to make a huge spectacle (like the bratty little demon that squalled in my ear on the bus all the way from EPCOT back to our resort). So, as a previous poster said, there is no right or wrong answer, but IMO, I would really PREFER not to take a child until they can walk and enjoy things on their own and actually contribute to the fun instead of being a hindrance. Yes, I know, this is a totally selfish outlook and I'm putting it in very blunt, harsh words, but IMO, it is the way it is. Now, as I have always told my wife, when it comes down to it, I would rather take the baby and have our style cramped, as opposed to not going at all, but my first preference is to leave the baby at home. Everyone has to come to their own decision about this, but I just don't really see very many ways that a baby along can make the trip more enjoyable. IMO, they only weigh you down and stop you from doing so many things that you could do if it were just you and your spouse.

Again, sorry for the crude and blunt way I presented my POV, but that is just the way I feel about it.
I sure hope that wasn't my bratty little demon!:eek: Which room were you in at POR? We were there at the same time!


From experience - I would say at about 4 years old to be able to enjoy a lot of what WDW has to offer

Great advice in my experience too.

I first went when I was three (both WDW and DL that year)... all I remember from either trip was riding Dumbo with my Dad... And "holding it" because I had to go potty, all the way through Space Mountain at WDW...


My own kids?

We finally went when they were 6 (son) and 4 (daughter) and they BOTH loved every minute of it!

It also happened to be my wife's first ever trip to any Disney park... She may have been more excited in some ways then they were...

And we went back in July for our 10th Anniversary - Just Us Two - :animwink:

I'll tell you one thing... I think we did just as much in MK with all 4 of us as with just me and my wife...

The kids won't slow you down - much - especially after potty training is done...

But hey, it's all up to the individual family - and how much you enjoy changing diapers in a public place.:p

Just go. And post some pictures when you're back!:cool:

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