How young is too young ?


Well-Known Member
For those who do take their toddlers/infants to WDW, do any of you drive, or do you all fly? If you drive, do you drive similar distances to the distance I drive, from Illinois? If so, how do your children do on the trip? This is another one of the concerns that the wife and I have if we opt to take our son next year. Even if we stop to sleep, we are still talking about a child under two being in a car seat for at least 8 hours. Of course, there would be breaks in there to use the restroom, stretch our legs, etc, so he would get out of the car seat from time to time. But that's still a long time on the road for a youngster like that. How do your kids do on the road trip?
I think any age is a good age at the Happiest Place on Earth, the only thing that I would put into discussion would be if a child is crying on a ride that could ruin it. Rides like Dumbo and the Caroussel might be good for any screamers. But to see a child smile is the best reward of all, which is worth any tears.
For those who do take their toddlers/infants to WDW, do any of you drive, or do you all fly? If you drive, do you drive similar distances to the distance I drive, from Illinois? If so, how do your children do on the trip? This is another one of the concerns that the wife and I have if we opt to take our son next year. Even if we stop to sleep, we are still talking about a child under two being in a car seat for at least 8 hours. Of course, there would be breaks in there to use the restroom, stretch our legs, etc, so he would get out of the car seat from time to time. But that's still a long time on the road for a youngster like that. How do your kids do on the road trip?
Portable DVD Players are God sent! Disney movies will get them into the mood as well!


Well-Known Member
For those who do take their toddlers/infants to WDW, do any of you drive, or do you all fly? If you drive, do you drive similar distances to the distance I drive, from Illinois? If so, how do your children do on the trip? This is another one of the concerns that the wife and I have if we opt to take our son next year. Even if we stop to sleep, we are still talking about a child under two being in a car seat for at least 8 hours. Of course, there would be breaks in there to use the restroom, stretch our legs, etc, so he would get out of the car seat from time to time. But that's still a long time on the road for a youngster like that. How do your kids do on the road trip?

We drive to Disney. Flying to FL with 10 people can be just a little expensive.:lol: Our tv and dvd player are lifesavers on the trip (18 hours).


Well-Known Member
We have done both and while its quicker to fly that still requires a bit of planning...trying to check in at the airport with a little on and all their stuff is not as easy as it may sound. Some little ones don't fly well because of the pressure changes and that makes them miserable as well as everyone else.

We have found its easier to drive and starting at night or nap time is the best way to go. The little one sleeps while you begin your travel, by the time they wake up its time to stop for gas or a pit stop anyway. Everyone gets to stretch their legs. Books, toys and dvd's are a great way to keep them occupied (thats for older kids too) as well as snacks so you don't have to stop just because the little one is hungry.


Well-Known Member
Our van has a pull down DVD player, so I could easily pop in a DVD for the little guy to watch. I just hope he will be a TV watcher like his Dad. :lol:


New Member
The first time we took my daughter she was just under 2. She was walking really well by then and had an absolute blast! Of course, we sort of trained her from day one to love Mickey and everything Disney. But she loved all the characters and the rides. Plus it's a great experience as a parent to see her first time in Disney World. There is so much we never did before Abby was around and it was really fun to see it all from her point of view!


Well-Known Member
Anytime before 6 years old will be a waste of money. The kids won't remember a thing. People who bring kids there when they are young do it for themselfs not for the kids. And people who bring newborns are just plain cruel.

Most people who tell stories from when they were young are only retelling stories their parents told them.

It is my decision and mine alone to deem something a waste of my money. I absolutely do NOT consider any time spent anywhere with my family, intact, a waste of money. DH works 70+ hours a week. We take one decent length vacation a year and several extended weekend trips a year. If we didn't, he'd never get a break. As for children under 6 not remembering anything, your wrong. I have very clear memories of my great grand father who passed when I was three and they are NOT stories that had been re told to me. DS 5 has his own memories of certain things from his 1st trip to WDW in 2004. I do take my children to WDW for MY enjoyment. I enjoy every minute I am able to spend with my boys. I also take them for their enjoyment as well. Just because they may or may not remember every moment of the trip, they still enjoy themselves at that time.

And yes, I did use some harsh rhetoric in presenting my opinion. It's just that we all know that kids change things and there are some things you just can't do with infants/toddlers. We can all debate whether or not WDW is one of them, but you can't (or at least shouldn't if you have any courtesy) take an infant/toddler to a movie theater, just to name one thing. I love my son and don't consider him an inconvenience. But for every family outing, you have to decide if this particular activity will be hindered or enhanced by the presence of a baby. And, for the reasons I gave, it is simply my opinion that the WDW experience would be greatly hindered by lugging an immobile baby/toddler along.

As you said, this is your opinion. There are those of us who are speaking from experience. It is totally up to the individual parent of the individual child to determine if their child can handle a situation or not. I feel these types of threads just confuse the OPs even more. Since a lot of us will post our opinions on what is too young instead of our experiences.

I just think kids that young would be happier at Chuck E cheese. And they would be home much faster. Just my Opinion though.

Do your children enjoy Chuck E Cheese more that WDW? My children would rather eat at a nice restaurant anywhere than go to Chuck E Cheese.

For those who do take their toddlers/infants to WDW, do any of you drive, or do you all fly? If you drive, do you drive similar distances to the distance I drive, from Illinois? If so, how do your children do on the trip? This is another one of the concerns that the wife and I have if we opt to take our son next year. Even if we stop to sleep, we are still talking about a child under two being in a car seat for at least 8 hours. Of course, there would be breaks in there to use the restroom, stretch our legs, etc, so he would get out of the car seat from time to time. But that's still a long time on the road for a youngster like that. How do your kids do on the road trip?

We drive down. It takes us roughly 8 hours including time change and gas stops. We always leave around midnight. DH will go to bed early the night before and I get the car packed up. I transfer the kids to the car while he's showering and off we go.


Active Member
Just an question but do people make use of the lockers?

When we take our 11mth old next month I was thinking of taking her change bag with supplies and leaving it in a locker and just taking a small cool bag (with drinks and snacks) and changing essentials in the stroller basket - and then going back to the locker to restock at various points in the day..... I know the lockers aren't particularly convenient but it would save the 'lugging' that some previous posters seem so hung up on.....


Well-Known Member
We usually drive, occasionally fly. Coming down from Illinois. With kids and frequent stops we can make it in 18 hours. Generally break it up overnight.

Our first trip was to DL and our first daughter was 18mths old at the time. It was a lot of fun. That made us want to go back to WDW, we drove and she was 21 mths at the time. To make things easier one of us drove and the other sat in the back seat with her. We had no tv/dvd to keep her occupied. Now that we have two and they are older they watch dvds, listen to books on tape etc.

I think the key is your attitude. If you want it to work out and have fun you will. If you want to complain about every little thing and resent having to make adaptations for the child then you will do that. You can walk around the parks and see who is having fun compared to who is trying to get 'the full value of my money'. Unfortunately, the second ones are the ones who always stick out in our minds.


Well-Known Member
Just an question but do people make use of the lockers?

When we take our 11mth old next month I was thinking of taking her change bag with supplies and leaving it in a locker and just taking a small cool bag (with drinks and snacks) and changing essentials in the stroller basket - and then going back to the locker to restock at various points in the day..... I know the lockers aren't particularly convenient but it would save the 'lugging' that some previous posters seem so hung up on.....

I'm not sure just how much you carry in that changing bag, but our bag was never a problem. I took 3 diapers, wipes, a changing pad and an extra pair of pants (just in case). I used a Totes folding duffel bag that hung on the back of the stroller. I put a zip bag in there with some small snacks and a few juice boxes. It was not heavy to carry and I even left it on the stroller when we were on a ride. We always took an afternoon break so if anything needed to be replenished I did it then.

I guess if you had an infant on formula and baby food you would need a few other things, but I still don't see the need for a locker to store "stock".



Well-Known Member
I do not think you will need locker at all.

We have extra stuff because she is tube fed and we had no problem at all.

We just carried a backpack and we had diapers,wipes,her pediasure and change of clothes and her feeding tube supplies in it also.

There was also a small bag with meds and a tupperware container of snacks and a few items of ours in the bag also.

We stuck it in the bottom of the stroller and we even left it in the stroller while on attractions.


Liker of Things
Premium Member
I do not think you will need locker at all.

We have extra stuff because she is tube fed and we had no problem at all.

We just carried a backpack and we had diapers,wipes,her pediasure and change of clothes and her feeding tube supplies in it also.

There was also a small bag with meds and a tupperware container of snacks and a few items of ours in the bag also.

We stuck it in the bottom of the stroller and we even left it in the stroller while on attractions.

Isn't stroller storage fantastic? On the last trip we had a double stroller (front back layout) my MIL picked up at a consignment store with storage under the whole thing. Diaper bag, blankies, camera gear etc. were stored there. It was fantastic.


Active Member
I always travel way too heavy!! Even when it was just me and DH I would take a large bag full of all sorts that I 'might' need and waste $7 (or however much it is now!) on a locker that we would never visit until closing!!!

Having a stroller will probably be a godsend as I will be able to store things underneath!!


Active Member
There are those of us who are speaking from experience. It is totally up to the individual parent of the individual child to determine if their child can handle a situation or not. I feel these types of threads just confuse the OPs even more. Since a lot of us will post our opinions on what is too young instead of our experiences.

Well said.


Well-Known Member
I think it really depends on your family and its hard for others to answer this for you. I went for my first time when I was two and I dont remember it but Ive seen pictures and videos and it seems like it was fine. I think it should be okay as long as you go slow and take brakes because little kids can get restless.


I took my son when he had just turned two. It was great. i think he would have had a great time at 18 months as well. Younger than that, its tough. It helps to have grandparents or uncles/aunts along for the trip

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