
Active Member
What exactly is the difference between a CONFIRMED rumor vs. an UNCONFIRMED rumor.

A rumor is, by its very definition, unconfirmed.
Oh, I agree completely. Like I said, you would think by simply calling a section RUMORS (or News and Rumors like it is here), that would be enough. A rumor is a rumor is a rumor. But for some reason, that's not good enough for some folks. A rumor must be backed up and substantiated, they say. "Call out the Inquisition and have that rumor monger flogged!"

A CONFIRMED rumors section would be a joke! But for those who just can't bear to read a RUMOR that might in fact be the mere hearsay that it is, they can hang out in the fairly empty and nonexistent CONFIRMED section and ride their high horse into the sunset. At that point, I think we should also have the ability to lock people out of the UNCOMFIRMED section just so they're not raining on everyone's parade. Those folks need to stop taking their geekdom so seriously.


Well-Known Member
A rumor must be backed up and substantiated, they say. "Call out the Inquisition and have that rumor monger flogged!"


The Mom

Premium Member
Moderators won't ban anyone for these reasons... This is a Disney Family forum...

If they would... (according to your theory) There wouldn't be many members left... :D

BTW... Steve (owner) is the only one who is able to suspend or ban users...

There is a difference between posting information that you believe to be true, but is not, vs posting information that you KNOW to be untrue (and have made up), just to yank everyone's chain.

BTW...Steve (owner) is not the only one who is able to suspend or ban users. ;) But he IS the only one who can "unban" them...I think. :lookaroun :lol:


Well-Known Member
Oh, I agree completely. Like I said, you would think by simply calling a section RUMORS (or News and Rumors like it is here), that would be enough. A rumor is a rumor is a rumor. But for some reason, that's not good enough for some folks. A rumor must be backed up and substantiated, they say. "Call out the Inquisition and have that rumor monger flogged!"
I think this argument misses the point in the context of this thread, though. I could come here and make up a bunch of stuff and label it as a rumour using this logic and when none of it happened turn around and say "well, I did say it was only a rumour!" I could then go on doing the same thing, but why on earth would anyone bother reading any of it? In the vain hope that despite all indications to the contrary I might just be giving them inside information? :shrug:
Awwww I was looking forward to some changes. (FYI: I didn't read the whole thread, so if any real changes can someone point them out. Thanks):wave:


Active Member
I truely believe that some of these new members posting these things were actually banned members from the past coming back and trying to stir things up on the boards. Just my opinion about all of this.

Yeah:sohappy:, Thrawn is coming back...He sure did like to stir things up. Though I wish Grizz would come back...I miss that guy.

The Mom

Premium Member
Awwww I was looking forward to some changes. (FYI: I didn't read the whole thread, so if any real changes can someone point them out. Thanks):wave:

There are a couple of threads where guests who have actually ridden the rehabbed ride talk about the changes. Just do a quick HM search. :wave:

Dr Albert Falls

New Member
Original Poster
To those arguing that false rumor-spreading should not be punished, you're right.

But there's a difference between a false rumor ("I heard...") and a lie (" I saw...")

And that holds true for "Insiders" as well.

If a CM (or someone claiming to be a CM) says "I heard from a co-worker that...", it's a rumor.

If a CM says "I saw..." or "I helped install..." and it's clearly not true, that's a misleading lie.

At worst, ReDis intentionally lied about everything just to mislead you.

At best, ReDis lied about where he heard the information (his posts suggest certain things to be FACTS he verified with his "insider status", instead of second-hand rumors)


Active Member
Your opinion is in the minority on the former, but lots of people agree with your latter statement.

Sorry, but I, for one, do not agree with the latter statement. Grizz became quite annoying and mean, IMO, before he decided to stop coming here.

Getting back on topic... Can we please give ReDis a break?!


Well-Known Member
There is a difference between posting information that you believe to be true, but is not, vs posting information that you KNOW to be untrue (and have made up), just to yank everyone's chain.

BTW...Steve (owner) is not the only one who is able to suspend or ban users. ;) But he IS the only one who can "unban" them...I think. :lookaroun :lol:
Oh crap.
(Jimbo, remember to stop talking about The Mom's Mom)


Well-Known Member
Wow. I don't check the site over the weekend (my wife says it's healthy :lookaroun) and look at all the fun I missed. That'll be the last time I spend the weekend outdoors, that's for sure!! :lol:

I just don't get why folks are getting peeved at others for calling out rumors that are now proven untrue. To me, that is part of the process... That's how guys like Lee or Corrus (with the exception of his stance on the wand leaving :lol:) build their reps. They post something, and the vast majority of the time it turns out to come to fruition.

Re-Dis didn't get jumped on right off the bat when he started posting. It wasn't really until he hung himself out there with some pretty bold info on the HM that he put himself at risk of being jumped. And when the HM opened, and we didn't see what we were told we would... Well... He was bound to catch some heat. And I see it as well deserved, because some of us don't like to be duped intentionally. And yes, there's a difference between posting something you've "heard" or "been told", and posting something you say you were a part of.

For those that say the details of his posts about HM haven't been debunked... Whoa. Common sense debunks a good amount of them right out of the gate. But then when Steve himself comes forward on a topic like this to add direct knowledge, that should say something.

Don't forget... WDWMagic is one of the best Disney Park fan sites out there. It's one of the most reliable, knowledgeable, and often times the first site to break new insider information. This happens for a reason, people. One of those reasons is that we cut through the "junk" info. We separate the wheat from the chaff. I'm not sure why anyone would suggest we should blindly believe what people come on here to "inform" us of, without question.

And it's also telling that Re-Dis hasn't chimed in here. I know I personally wouldn't... It'd be an awfully hard arugment to realistically defend.


Active Member
I don't recall Corrus chiming in to defend himself after insisting the Wand was never ever ever ever going anywhere. Talk about blatant misinformation. But then I don't remember Corrus being raked over the coals like this Re-Dis fellow has been (despite his saying to take it all with a grain of salt because things can change).

Who really cares though? These are rumors right? Are folks playing the stock market with this information or planning their vacations entirely around it?


Well-Known Member
I don't recall Corrus chiming in to defend himself after insisting the Wand was never ever ever ever going anywhere. Talk about blatant misinformation. But then I don't remember Corrus being raked over the coals like this Re-Dis fellow has been (despite his saying to take it all with a grain of salt because things can change).

Who really cares though? These are rumors right? Are folks playing the stock market with this information or planning their vacations entirely around it?

No, you're exactly right. Corrus layed low once the wand removal was announced. I would have too, just like I said about Re-Dis. Not much of a leg to stand on with that one. But I also know he definitely caught some heat about it from quite a few people (me included). That's why I even included the wand in my post.

It's hard to compare the two though (even though I kinda tried). One has a long history of being accurate and "in the know", and proven reliable. Then there's Corrus. :lol::lol: HA! I kid, I kid. Really though, that was a case of someone with a good rep being wrong on one count. With ReDis, it's a handful of wrong bits of info, shared with us from a supposed first person "involved in the project" viewpoint.

And again, I understand where you say it's a rumors section, and that it's not that big a deal. That's your personal opinion, which I have no problem with. I'm just the kind that doesn't like to feel duped... And I question those facts that I find deserve questioning. Not just with rumors on this site, but in everything I do. I call a spade and spade... And I believe this is a spade. :lol:

Tim G

Well-Known Member
I honestly don't know value of this entire (blown out of proportion) thread... But I do think it's funny and entertaining...

These forums are pure entertainment for me, don't care if people go public with "new" rumors... I love it...

People need rumors...
And there always will be people who think they know better and that ia what it makes exciting to read for alot of people... :D



Active Member
And again, I understand where you say it's a rumors section, and that it's not that big a deal. That's your personal opinion, which I have no problem with. I'm just the kind that doesn't like to feel duped... And I question those facts that I find deserve questioning. Not just with rumors on this site, but in everything I do. I call a spade and spade... And I believe this is a spade. :lol:

I feel that the majority of us on this board enjoy rumors from newbies to oldies regardless of their join date/post #. What I see as the major stab in the back is the "perception" of a flat out lie.

As The Mom mentioned earlier, "I know" vs "I heard", is a big difference.

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