

And...Zachary Quinto (Sylar) is the new Dr. Spock!

He'll be perfect.
Point of note. DR Spock is a famed pediatrician who wrote Baby and Child Care, one of the biggest selling books of all time. He also was one of the first to use psychoanalysis to better understand children.

MR Spock was a fictional character in the movie and television series Star Trek, portrayed by Leonard Nimoy.


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Point of note. DR Spock is a famed pediatrician who wrote Baby and Child Care, one of the biggest selling books of all time. He also was one of the first to use psychoanalysis to better understand children.

MR Spock was a fictional character in the movie and television series Star Trek, portrayed by Leonard Nimoy.

In the new Star Trek Spock graduates with a Phd. :lookaroun

My bad :lol:

Or should I say,

WAIT...THEY'RE NOT THE SAME?!?!?!? :lol:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Great episode this week...and this show may actually be predicting the future!

In this episode, we see Peter go into the future (2008)...and all of the heroes are dying off due to the virus.

In 2008...Heroes may be done...due to the virus (writer's strike) :lookaroun


Active Member
Volume 2 is finally picking up Petter is going to be the stand out this season.

Also Volume 2 will end in 4 more weeks, episode 11 will be the last ep till the writers stirke is over, then Volume 3 will be written, and Tim Kring syas he's going to be dropping the love story gabage and the long draggy storyline liek Hiro in old japan and the season 1 nikki storyline.
Also the spinoff Origns has been pulled and won't be produced due to the strike and more importantly the poor ratings Heroes is getting right now.


Well-Known Member
Great episode this week...and this show may actually be predicting the future!

In this episode, we see Peter go into the future (2008)...and all of the heroes are dying off due to the virus.

In 2008...Heroes may be done...due to the virus (writer's strike) :lookaroun

Or I look at it like this...could scab writers do any worse??

I am not at all thrilled with the way this year is going. The only story worthy of attention is Hiro's. The "my two dads" thing with Molly is weak, Peter is thinking with his...well, you know, Claire Bear needs to ditch high school and her stupid flying boyfriend and start to do something with her life, and the super twins are a waste of my time (ohhhhh, they picked up Sylar in the middle of nowhere...I didn't see that coming:rolleyes:). Lets get on with the Hiro and Adam rumble.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Or I look at it like this...could scab writers do any worse??

I am not at all thrilled with the way this year is going. The only story worthy of attention is Hiro's. The "my two dads" thing with Molly is weak, Peter is thinking with his...well, you know, Claire Bear needs to ditch high school and her stupid flying boyfriend and start to do something with her life, and the super twins are a waste of my time (ohhhhh, they picked up Sylar in the middle of nowhere...I didn't see that coming:rolleyes:). Lets get on with the Hiro and Adam rumble.

Hey there Timmay...

You're not the only one to feel that way.


On the chilly Monday morning that Hollywood's writers went on strike, Heroes creator Tim Kring called from the streets outside the Hollywood studio where his NBC series is shot. ''Yes, I'm picketing my own show,'' says the 50-year-old writer-producer. ''So surreal.''

But Kring wasn't calling to discuss labor woes — he was calling to explain why Heroes, suffering a creative decline and a 15 percent ratings drop from the same period last year, went from Human Torch hot to Iceman cold. The good news? A turnaround appears to be under way. After weeks of sluggish storytelling, the Nov. 5 episode recaptured some of last season's fanciful energy. We've also seen the next two episodes — and we like them, too. The cliff-hangers are back. Narrative purpose has been discovered. Old favorites like Peter (Milo Ventimiglia) and Horn-Rimmed Glasses (Jack Coleman) take center stage. Even more encouraging: Kring himself is keenly aware that Heroes is broken. Here's his candid critique:

THE PACE IS TOO SLOW ''We assumed the audience wanted season 1 — a buildup of intrigue about these characters and the discovery of their powers. We taught [them] to expect a certain kind of storytelling. They wanted adrenaline. We made a mistake.''

THE WORLD-SAVING STAKES SHOULD HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED SOONER The premonition of nuclear apocalypse created a larger context that unified every story line last season. Kring now sees that Volume 2 (the first 11 episodes of season 2) would have been better served if Peter's vision of viral Armageddon had appeared in the season premiere rather than episode 7. ''We took too long to get to the big-picture story,'' he says.

THE ROOKIES DIDN'T GREET THEMSELVES PROPERLY New Heroes Monica (Dana Davis), Maya (Dania Ramirez), and Alejandro (Shalim Ortiz) ''shouldn't have been introduced in separate story lines that felt unattached to the show. The way we introduced Elle (Kristen Bell) — by weaving her in via Peter's story line — is a more logical way to bring new characters into the show.'' (That said, Kring says a few newbies won't make it beyond this second volume, which wraps Dec. 3.)

HIRO WAS IN JAPAN WAY TOO LONG Hiro's (Masi Oka) time-bending adventure in 17th-century Japan — where he mentored samurai hero Takezo Kensei (David Anders) — finally came to an end on Nov. 5. But Kring says it ''should have [lasted] three episodes. We didn't give the audience enough story to justify the time we allotted it.''

YOUNG LOVE STINKS Kring regrets sticking Claire (Hayden Panettiere) with a super-dud boyfriend and forcing Hiro to moon over a cutesy princess. ''I've seen more convincing romances on TV,'' he admits. ''In retrospect, I don't think romance is a natural fit for us.''

Yet while Heroes has finally found some dramatic traction, this second volume is pretty much a wash. The Dec. 3 episode has been retooled to function as a potential season finale — a move inspired by the writers' strike and a desire to give the show ''a clean slate'' when it goes back into production for Volume 3. At that point, Kring wants to craft a rebooted Heroes that can attract new fans and win back those who've tuned out: ''The message is that we've heard the complaints — and we're doing something about it.''


Well-Known Member
Flying Boyfriend is a Plant.

Noah has a very bad "all about me" complex. How many more people will he kill to protect somebody that can't be hurt anyways.

Ando related to Hiro -- HAHAHAHA!!!!
(are all heroes decendents of Kensei?)

Peter and Syler may just change places. Pete Bad. Syler Good.

Kristen Bell -- Still kinda overrated.



Well-Known Member

A true classic

Ned... Ryerson. "Needlenose Ned"? "Ned the Head"? C'mon, buddy. Case Western High. I did the whistling belly-button trick at the high school talent show? Bing. Ned Ryerson, got the shingles real bad senior year, almost didn't graduate? Bing, again. Ned Ryerson, I dated your sister Mary Pat a couple of times until you told me not to anymore? Well?


Well-Known Member
Alright, stand back. I've got a lot of venting to do...let's start with a quote.

"No you say, don't spoil our fun Mr.Crow. It's my job, I'm sorry, I have to!"
-Crow, MST3K.

So I've been hearing nothing but Heroes this, and Heroes that. So me and my brother borrowed Season 1 from a friend, and we made a vow to watch it all to see what the hype is about. We're not done yet, but we're really hurting. All they did was take the classic age X-Men stories (not the huge-grand-adventure type stories in the movies, but the original, mutants-discovering-their-powers stories) and hashed them together with things "the focus group" liked. Hiro (and his sidekick guy) is the ONLY interesting story, and we only get like 30 seconds of them before it cuts to the stupid mirror-crazy-lady! WHO CARES!!! That's not even a power, SHE'S JUST A LOONY! But she takes her clothes off alot, so it tested well with the focus groups.

Barring the GLARING fact that it's mostly a new-new age rip off of X-Men, it is the MOST cliche-filled show I've ever seen. Every plot twist, line, shot, and plot unfriendly turn for the worst you can think of is in here. My favorite: The fact that SEVERAL times, a scene is diffrent when the next episode begins. AKA: A person opens a door, before getting shot, then to be continued...When we see it again in the next episode, he DOESN'T open the door, then gets shot. And does anyone else notice that Telemethapy guy who paints the future has the atom blast first on canvas, then on the floor with no canvas, then on canvas again and It's no longer on the floor.

In short, I was shocked at how many people fell for this show. While it's better than LOST, that's not saying much at all. This is another one of those shows that made me sad again that Firefly was cancelled, yet this got another season. Thankfully, it looks like it won't last!

Thanks for listening to my rant, if you still are. Sorry.

Oh, this one is just for fun, the Episode that's called "Seven minutes to midnight" had NOTHING that could even be considered anything that could be called that. Another great cliche!



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Alright, stand back. I've got a lot of venting to do...let's start with a quote.

"No you say, don't spoil our fun Mr.Crow. It's my job, I'm sorry, I have to!"
-Crow, MST3K.

So I've been hearing nothing but Heroes this, and Heroes that. So me and my brother borrowed Season 1 from a friend, and we made a vow to watch it all to see what the hype is about. We're not done yet, but we're really hurting. All they did was take the classic age X-Men stories (not the huge-grand-adventure type stories in the movies, but the original, mutants-discovering-their-powers stories) and hashed them together with things "the focus group" liked. Hiro (and his sidekick guy) is the ONLY interesting story, and we only get like 30 seconds of them before it cuts to the stupid mirror-crazy-lady! WHO CARES!!! That's not even a power, SHE'S JUST A LOONY! But she takes her clothes off alot, so it tested well with the focus groups.

Barring the GLARING fact that it's mostly a new-new age rip off of X-Men, it is the MOST cliche-filled show I've ever seen. Every plot twist, line, shot, and plot unfriendly turn for the worst you can think of is in here. My favorite: The fact that SEVERAL times, a scene is diffrent when the next episode begins. AKA: A person opens a door, before getting shot, then to be continued...When we see it again in the next episode, he DOESN'T open the door, then gets shot. And does anyone else notice that Telemethapy guy who paints the future has the atom blast first on canvas, then on the floor with no canvas, then on canvas again and It's no longer on the floor.

In short, I was shocked at how many people fell for this show. While it's better than LOST, that's not saying much at all. This is another one of those shows that made me sad again that Firefly was cancelled, yet this got another season. Thankfully, it looks like it won't last!

Thanks for listening to my rant, if you still are. Sorry.

Oh, this one is just for fun, the Episode that's called "Seven minutes to midnight" had NOTHING that could even be considered anything that could be called that. Another great cliche!


Glad you enjoyed it :lookaroun


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Original Poster
The story is obviously more a Watchmen ripoff...

You mean...like comics is general.

The show is a comic book story...nothing more, nothing less.

Wait...this isn't suppose to change the way I look at life in general?!?!?!?!

Wow...I'm disappointed ;)


Well-Known Member
The story is obviously more a Watchmen ripoff...

You mean...like comics is general.

The show is a comic book story...nothing more, nothing less.

Yes, Watchmen as well. If it's supposed to be a comic book story, why does it strive to be hip and edgy and pretend to be Lost and CSI? It dosen't really matter, the point is entertainment, and other than some of the 30 second Hiro stories, this show failed at entertainment for me. As a wise warrior-poet once said...."Nuff' said."



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I really enjoyed how last night's episode seemed like it was a new episode and things were going on in everybody's life...but, in reality, it was just Peter "repairing" his memories.

That was a cool twist.

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