Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows

Peaches Magee

New Member
Did anyone notice in the movie when Sirius called Harry, James? It was when they were fighting Malfoy and I think Sirius said...good one James. I was like...:eek: That was interesting.

Yeah I love that bit. It was in the book as well, love that they kept it in.

Movie thoughts:

I like the movie Luna more than the character I envisioned reading the book. She had the same mannerisms and all, but...I dunno....the actress was cuter and less annoying to me than the character on the page.

Cho really got the short end of it here. In the book, she and Harry just sort of drift apart after their date, as I recall, and then Marietta snitching kind of cinches it. Here, Umbridge plies Cho with truth serum to find out where the DA is meeting, and Harry basically dumps her after that...for doing something she couldn't help. Bad form, Harry.

Gambon was MUCH better as Dumbledore this time around, I thought. He's still no Richard Harris of course, but that's just not going to happen. He seems to have dialed it back a lot in terms of the temperament, and my inner Dumbledore-lover thanks him.

No question about Sirius' fate here. Bellatrix hitting him with the AK before he fell through the arch pretty much eliminated that sense of "OK, he fell...and now we're supposed to think he's dead?" that I got from that scene in the book.

I was a little disappointed with the flying to the Ministry scene toward the end. How can you film that and not go for one single gag with the kids who can't see the thestrals that they're flying on? That just seems like a reference you HAVE to make, but oh well.

Also, I'm already looking forward to seeing Alan Rickman tackle Snape's increased role in HBP. Whatever Snape turns out to be (and I guess we'll all know soon), I just love watching him portray the character, so I'm happy that he'll be getting plenty of screen time in the next one (even though I know what it means). :(

Ok so its official.. we share the same brain when it comes to Potter at least.
I couldn't agree more about everything you wrote.
ESPECIALLY the bit on the thestrals, I was like waiting for a laugh of seeing a
spread eagle riding stance of Ron with that pathetically fearful face we all love... Oh it would have been beautifully awkward! hehe

Yeah and about Sirius and the final of it all on screen. The fact that they threw in the big AK curse and green light, instead of red. Makes it seem alot more final, as in my hopeful mind I am still wishing "beyond the veil" is not complete final death. And the fact they left the mirror out kinda validated it more. :veryconfu

True I liked Luna more on screen especially when she was wlaking barefoot and at the end, felt for her, though nothing seemed to phase her, even when talking of her mother's death in her sing-songy voice.

And yeah, they changed the story with Cho and that kinda ticked me a bit.
But I guess they didnt want to intro anither character, but I think it would have been simple enough and not have to change the story around, why do they do that?

Gambon... did well. How wicked was his little over the shoulder around the head wand action! I was punching the air on that one (not really, that would be a bit 80's movie of me if so. hehe)But I was impressed with his take this time round. Hope HBP has him shine.

Ditto on Alan Rickman, I was hoping to see lots of him.
He is one of my favs. I could listen to his low cool voice over and over he is so made for that role... he is what Harris was to DD.
But was happy to see more of Oldman, he is on my list too. Brilliant.

Yeah I opened a post from a group in myspace someone posting a spoiler and I read part of it, said a friend sent it to her, and now I vow to not visit any of those anymore in fear of ruining it.

3 more days people! I am going to Barnes & Noble at midnight, not sure I will dress up cause I know the hubs wont, our little guy wants to be Harry of course. He is doing "Wingardium Leviosa" all over the house..
he hexed a guy at the beach yesterday with a strong piece of sea kelp..
I was so proud.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Ok so its official.. we share the same brain when it comes to Potter at least.

Hope that's all we share it on. Not sure I'd want anybody else poking around in there. :lookaroun

Alan Rickman...is one of my favs. I could listen to his low cool voice over and over he is so made for that role... he is what Harris was to DD.

Rickman and Harris were my two favorite casting decisions in the first movie in terms of totally BEING their characters, and five movies in, I think they are still my two favorites. :) (and :()


Well-Known Member

Just because the book comes out in a few days and this thread cannot die.

Unlike Harry.

:fork: :fork:
Rickman and Harris were my two favorite casting decisions in the first movie in terms of totally BEING their characters, and five movies in, I think they are still my two favorites. :) (and :()

Maggie Smith ain't so bad herself...I would have loved for her to have had more screentime with Umbridge in Order...*fangasm*:lookaroun


Well-Known Member
But first... a comment.
I like to think of myself as an expert on the series, because, let's face it: I'm a rabid fangirl. I read and reread, then write fanfiction. I take great pains to write stories that could happen in canon, with a little imagination. I pore over the movies as they come out and compare my interpretation to that of the director. I nitpick and I enjoy it. So, of course, when anyone has a question about continuity in the books or missing scenes from the movies, I like to think they can ask me.

That said, on to the grumbles...

I'm taking a break from livejournal after the way today went, and avoiding my normal sites until I have read the seventh book. Someone supposedly leaked a copy of Deathly Hallows and all of these pseudo-spoilers have been all over that site and others. That is my pet peeve of the day: dealing with morons who cannot put their "spoilers" behind an lj-cut (or link). So, if someone erroneously claims that Harry names his firstborn son Gluteus Maximus, well... :lol: Okay, that one was just plain silly, and obviously a hoax. But, still.

The point is that I don't want to know whether what I accidentally saw was true or not. If it is true, then I will be sad, not because of the content, but because someone had to ruin it for me. I know that this time, I will be sad when I put the actual book down, because I will have already finished it. There will be a sense of loss and of completion. There will be no other HP books, not unless JK Rowling decides to write a spin-off series without the Trio involved. For example, The Travels of Luna Lovegood...

Anyway, if someone is messing around, then it's cruel in a way. The alternative is far worse: copyright infringement. The security on these books are top-notch, and it is very unlikely for someone to be able to snap pictures of the chapters and then post them on the internet... at least, not without some form of harsh punishment. When someone tried to steal copies of the last book, they were caught. It was all over the papers and the internet. However, I haven't heard anything on the headline news sites about these alleged leaks of the final book. (not on mugglenet or jkrowling.com or even yahoo) This makes me doubt the validity of the information.

Any thoughts?
actually I have heard a rumor of a friend of a friend who has stolen the book. It happened it Texas. And my friend (who is one of my best friends) said that the info this person gave him is so detailed, that he doesn't doubt that it's the book for a second. Now, he told my other best friend who dies...but I didn't want to know...in case it was real. But I have heard of cases where the book has been stolen. Maybe they don't want to make a big deal of the stolen books this time. If they are in fact stolen...I wouldn't want to make a big deal of it. Keep it on the DL.

I agree that it's awful for people to post things that spoil though. If someone wants to find out and get it spoiled...then they should have that right...but I don't want it right in front of my face if I don't want it spoiled.


Well-Known Member
Peaches Magee said:
Yeah I love that bit. It was in the book as well, love that they kept it in.

I do not remember that. Although I didn't originally remember that George and Fred and the Creevy brothers were in the DA either. I thought that was a mistake too. Gosh I need to read these books better. :lol: I seem to miss a lot.


Well-Known Member
They've gone through great lengths to keep as little info about the last book secret as possible. All they've given us is the book title and cover art...no chapter titles, excerpts, nothing... People suck! I don't want to know anything we haven't officially been told when I sit down to read.


Well-Known Member
I agree with what you guys think about the people cast to be the main adult characters. Maggie Smith is great. Alan Rickman is subperb. Emma Thompson...amazing. Gary Oldman...couldn't pick a better Sirius. And one of my personal favorites (besides Rickman) is Jason Isaacs as Lucius Malfoy. The adult cast is one of my favorite reasons to see these movies. They are all just perfect.

Oh...and I saw the movie again last night...I enjoyed it so much more just going into it seeing it like a movie, not comparing it to the book.

Once I did sit down to watch it as a movie though, I did think the movie was a bit long. Now, it could be because I'd seen it before, but this time the movie did start to wear on me in spots.

Still, I thought it was a great movie though.


Well-Known Member
I can't wait to read the book. Of course, I'm leaving out for California on Saturday so I'm stopping by Walgreens on my way to the airport.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
I agree with what you guys think about the people cast to be the main adult characters. Maggie Smith is great. Alan Rickman is subperb. Emma Thompson...amazing. Gary Oldman...couldn't pick a better Sirius. And one of my personal favorites (besides Rickman) is Jason Isaacs as Lucius Malfoy. The adult cast is one of my favorite reasons to see these movies. They are all just perfect.

I agree. That's the one thing I really love about the HP movies is the spot-on casting. Virtually every casting decision has zapped out all of my previous ideas of what I thought the characters looked like when I first read the books which is a good thing. I hope they do a good job casting Slughorn since he is one of my favourite characters. And word on the street is that Bill Nighy aka Davy Jones is being considered to play Rufus Scrimgeour which would be great!


Active Member
actually I have heard a rumor of a friend of a friend who has stolen the book. It happened it Texas. And my friend (who is one of my best friends) said that the info this person gave him is so detailed, that he doesn't doubt that it's the book for a second. Now, he told my other best friend who dies...but I didn't want to know...in case it was real. But I have heard of cases where the book has been stolen. Maybe they don't want to make a big deal of the stolen books this time. If they are in fact stolen...I wouldn't want to make a big deal of it. Keep it on the DL.

I agree that it's awful for people to post things that spoil though. If someone wants to find out and get it spoiled...then they should have that right...but I don't want it right in front of my face if I don't want it spoiled.
I doubt it... but of course, when has friend-of-a-friend proved wrong...
I agree with what you guys think about the people cast to be the main adult characters. Maggie Smith is great. Alan Rickman is subperb. Emma Thompson...amazing. Gary Oldman...couldn't pick a better Sirius. And one of my personal favorites (besides Rickman) is Jason Isaacs as Lucius Malfoy. The adult cast is one of my favorite reasons to see these movies. They are all just perfect.
I agree.
It makes up for Daniel Radcliff.

Peaches Magee

New Member

Hope that's all we share it on. Not sure I'd want anybody else poking around in there. :lookaroun

Notice I said... for Potter at least.. I am sure we could find something to disagree on...
it's a forum on the internet..
no one ever totally agrees...
that's madness! :ROFLOL:

I do not remember that. Although I didn't originally remember that George and Fred and the Creevy brothers were in the DA either. I thought that was a mistake too. Gosh I need to read these books better. :lol: I seem to miss a lot.

Huh... I stand corrected.. I actually dove back into OotP and tried looking up the quote because I was sure it was in there, but it wasn't. Guess I am thinking of when Mrs. Weasly has to tell him that Harry is NOT James. But I am pretty sure in one of the books he actually called him James... hmm..
guess not. Sorry... apparently I need to go back and re-read as well. Sheesh. hehe

I agree with what you guys think about the people cast to be the main adult characters. Maggie Smith is great. Alan Rickman is subperb. Emma Thompson...amazing. Gary Oldman...couldn't pick a better Sirius. And one of my personal favorites (besides Rickman) is Jason Isaacs as Lucius Malfoy. The adult cast is one of my favorite reasons to see these movies. They are all just perfect.

Still, I thought it was a great movie though.

So true. The casting was amazing overall. Maggie Smith is the picture of McGonnagal. Emma Thompson as well.. and yes I so wished for more screen time for them as well. Seems they barely had 2 lines. Jason Issacs... ehh he is perfectly pure evil as Lucius.
Hopefully in HBP they get more time.
Funny I wanna see them act more that the kids. hehe
Well that is what you get for castings magnificent classically trained actors all in one film... makes you want more from them.

Hey are they EVER gonna show us Peeves!?
I wanna see that ghost! I always picture him quite like Slimer from Ghostbusters. So I need a true visual. hehe

I want to go see it again, IMAX this time, to enjoy it as a movie as well.
But still don;t think it will seem too long to me, not long enough. I will just find the part in which they could have put something else...
argh... nope that would be nit-picking, sorry can't help it. hehe

No more Sirius though :( Come on the mirror has to count for something!
Ok.. I know I need to get past my denial stage and let it go...
but it's too hard... I am doing the same for DD, complete denial.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
My dad and I came up with the most cop-out endings as possible for Deathly Hallows.:D

1. Harry wakes up and it was all a dream. There's no such thing as magic, no wizarding world, no one ever existed and he's still stuck with the Dusleys. He then grows up to be a bus driver then dives into alcoholism.

2. Everyone on earth except Harry survives when Voldemort detonates curses of mass destruction. Harry is left alone by the ruins of Hogwarts left with nothing but a pile of books from the library. He begins to read them, but accidentally breaks his glasses and can't read them. The end.

3. Voldemort kills Harry. The book ends with Voldemort jumping up and down going "I win! I win! I win! w00t!!!"


Peaches Magee

New Member
I agree. That's the one thing I really love about the HP movies is the spot-on casting. Virtually every casting decision has zapped out all of my previous ideas of what I thought the characters looked like when I first read the books which is a good thing. I hope they do a good job casting Slughorn since he is one of my favourite characters. And word on the street is that Bill Nighy aka Davy Jones is being considered to play Rufus Scrimgeour which would be great!

Hmmm... I heard that Brian was supposedly in talks to play a role, not sure if it was for Scrimgeour or Slughorn. I love Bill Nighy... but wasn't Scringeour a big, burly guy in the book?
I saw on Wikipedia that rumors of Naomi Watts playing Narcissa Malfoy and Jack Davenport (AKA James Norrington from PotC) and Stephen Rea are in talks for possible casting, doesnt say which roles.
Also says there that the original actor that played Tom Riddle may not reprise his role in HBP. Yates says he thinks he may be too old for the role. But in HBP don't we see Tom Riddle at various ages in the pensieve including him as an adult? I though he was perfect for the role, handsome and evil looking at the same time...

Ok forgive my constant Potter talk...
I am on a "3 days till DH" high right about now! hehe

Peaches Magee

New Member
My dad and I came up with the most cop-out endings as possible for Deathly Hallows.:D

1. Harry wakes up and it was all a dream. There's no such thing as magic, no wizarding world, no one ever existed and he's still stuck with the Dusleys. He then grows up to be a bus driver then dives into alcoholism.

2. Everyone on earth except Harry survives when Voldemort detonates curses of mass destruction. Harry is left alone by the ruins of Hogwarts left with nothing but a pile of books from the library. He begins to read them, but accidentally breaks his glasses and can't read them. The end.

3. Voldemort kills Harry. The book ends with Voldemort jumping up and down going "I win! I win! I win! w00t!!!"


Number 3 is like the alternate ending to Dodgeball right there. haaa!
But they have to end it with his jumping into the air in glee, then freeze frame... and a cheesy song MUST play...
such as Frank Stallone... "You're the Best" of Karate Kid fame.


Well-Known Member
My dad and I came up with the most cop-out endings as possible for Deathly Hallows.:D

1. Harry wakes up and it was all a dream. There's no such thing as magic, no wizarding world, no one ever existed and he's still stuck with the Dusleys. He then grows up to be a bus driver then dives into alcoholism.

2. Everyone on earth except Harry survives when Voldemort detonates curses of mass destruction. Harry is left alone by the ruins of Hogwarts left with nothing but a pile of books from the library. He begins to read them, but accidentally breaks his glasses and can't read them. The end.

3. Voldemort kills Harry. The book ends with Voldemort jumping up and down going "I win! I win! I win! w00t!!!"


I like 2 and 3! 1 is just too depressing.
Hmmm... I heard that Brian was supposedly in talks to play a role, not sure if it was for Scrimgeour or Slughorn. I love Bill Nighy... but wasn't Scringeour a big, burly guy in the book?
I saw on Wikipedia that rumors of Naomi Watts playing Narcissa Malfoy and Jack Davenport (AKA James Norrington from PotC) and Stephen Rea are in talks for possible casting, doesnt say which roles.
Also says there that the original actor that played Tom Riddle may not reprise his role in HBP. Yates says he thinks he may be too old for the role. But in HBP don't we see Tom Riddle at various ages in the pensieve including him as an adult? I though he was perfect for the role, handsome and evil looking at the same time...

Ok forgive my constant Potter talk...
I am on a "3 days till DH" high right about now! hehe
Wow, I haven't heard all these rumors...interesting. If they do follow through with them, Pirates will be invading Harry Potter.

I like Bill Nighy as well, but to me he doesn't fit Scringeour's physical appearance. Isn't Scringeour short and plump?

Since we're talking about casting, I agree with everyone. All the characters are perfectly cast! I didn't start reading the books till after I saw the first two movies, so I can't say if the characters up till them fit the image I had in my mind while reading. But the more recent characters like Sirius, Luna, Umbridge, and Emma Thompson are exactly how I imagined them!

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
But in HBP don't we see Tom Riddle at various ages in the pensieve including him as an adult? I though he was perfect for the role, handsome and evil looking at the same time...

Off the top of my head:

* As a kid, visited by Dumbledore in the orphanage
* As an older student, stealing his Uncle Morfin's ring
* Not long after that, asking Slughorn about horcruxes
* As a man, asking Dumbledore for a job

You never can tell what they will keep in the movies, but all of those seem pretty important.


Well-Known Member
I was always under the impression that he was tall and very noble. Also that he looked like a lion and for some reason, I always thought that he wore glasses and red robes. I think that I might have just imagined that last part.


Well-Known Member
Ahhhhhh! I think I have to go away from the internet untill I finish the book.

Apparently the book has been leaked. Some pics of the pages of the book are on the internet. People have read them and are commenting on it without giving anything away....for now. The comments are getting a bit too detailed for me, I've gotta stop reading them!

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