Goin' back to Cali - an estrogen free journey to the Golden State

There is a special relationship between a father and son. A young boy will look up to his father as a model to be. A father is almost like a superhero - always stronger and mightier than any other man. That's when it's easy to be a Dad. It's when you can do no wrong in the eyes of your your son. You can lift him up with one arm, throw him effortlessly into the air then catch him and tickle him on the way down to the ground. You show him how to do anything, answer all the questions, and be his coach and mentor.

Then the boy grows up. The son gets bigger and stronger and smarter. The Dad is no longer perfect and no longer wears the cape. He starts to leave the shadow of the father to become his own person. It's a difficult time for the relationship. The father yearns for the blind respect and awe that was given just "moments" before while the son craves his own.

And that's where I am. I have a 15 year old son (Sterg) that is growing too fast for my liking. He has found his antlers and is testing them on the "old man". The last year has been testy as the boy in the shadow is trying to overshadow his Dad. It's his quick jabs at the "love handles" or the chest that isn't as tight as it used to be that usually ends in a wrestling match with me placing him in the "Cobra Clutch" and he pleading Uncle - only I'm breathing heavier after each match.

When the opportunity came up for us to take an 8 day trip together I knew it would be more that just a trip. We were off to California to do many things; to see new things, to meet old friends and clients, to visit "Walt's park" for the first time, to compete in a Junior Olympics Water Polo Tournament, and not the least of which - to see where our father-son relationship really was.

For more background on the trip take a look at my pre-trip report http://forums.wdwmagic.com/threads/fractal-son-head-west-a-disneyland-ptr.841067/page-4#post-5060735

Our trip started at the Philly Airport waiting for our Virgin Airlines flight to LAX. This is when I found out that is was not "cool" for me to take pictures of Sterg. The one's I got I had to sneak or were under threat after I reminded him of how fortunate he was to be going on this trip. The young Sterg would eagerly pose for any picture - the smart-alec Sterg of only a year ago would offer up goofy faces, but would at least pose. This version wanted nothing to do with a camera - or was it the person behind the camera?


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We started to get hungry so we grabbed some hot dogs at Award Wieners. They had hot dogs, brats and sausages with all kinds of toppings.


As we got our food, the CM behind the counter told us that there was a celebrity that she just served and he is eating next door with his family. She would tell me who it was only if we promised not to bother him. I agree and she told us that she had just served Kevin Costner, his wife and children who was with a Disney private tour guide.

Now I'm a pretty big Costner fan. I enjoyed most of his early movies - No Way Out, Bull Durham, Field of Dreams, Untouchables, JFK, and I liked him in 13 days. I would have loved to talk to him and get a picture with him, but I agreed to respect his privacy. I'm sure its tough for him to go out in public and I didn't want to spoil his time in a Disney Park. That didn't mean I couldn't "get a look" though. We just happened to sit down next to his table.

I was determined to get a picture or two of him




Sterg, who doesn't really know who Kevin Costner is, just kept saying.

"Dad, stop being a creeper! Leave the poor guy alone."

It was exciting to be eating next to a bona-fide Hollywood Star in DCA's Hollywood Land. Talk about realistic theming!

Costner's wife looked like she was in her 20's and is/was a model. He was in charge of pushing a double stroller around with their? two kids in. I think I also spotted a few
older kids hanging around them. What's really funny is later that day, we literally bumped into them again. This time he accidentally ran into Sterg with the stroller tying to dodge a mass crowd.
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Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
"Realistic theming"... HAHAHAHAHA, I love that! You got some pretty decent photos of him. I can easily tell it's Kevin Costner, I'm a big fan of his work as well. Lucky you!


Well-Known Member
Great report!! Finally getting caught up with it! I really like that you are comparing the rides to their WDW counterpart. I am really looking forward to getting to Disneyland one day.

What I am most interested in is seeing your pictures comparing DHS's Tower of Terror to DCAs. The one in WDW is my favorite all time ride anywhere that I've ever been on for the theming the drop and everything in between. The outside of the one in DCA doesn't seem like it would do anything for me. But I am patiently waiting to see!!!! So hope you got a lot of pictures! :)


Active Member
Fantastic report. I have been meaning to say thank you for the last TR. One of the best I've read. So when I saw this one, I knew I had to read it. I appreciate the comparisons to WDW, makes it much easier for me to understand, having never been to DL. Can't wait to continue reading.


Well-Known Member
Wow- Radiator Springs is really awesome!!! Still cracking up that Sterg referred to you as a creeper w/the Costner pics. Still trying to picture him running around the parks w/a double stroller.


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I never had braces but I remember Chandler counting the days til his came off....both times. Eek!

I can't believe you haven't seen Cars! Really?!?! Are ya ready to watch it now?!?! It's really a great movie. I didn't care as much for the second one, tho.

RSRs looks amazing! I'm with you, tho. Not waiting 150 minutes for that. No way! It's interesting to see the impression of someone who hasn't seen the movie. Did the story make sense?

Never had braces either - paid for 2 of my kids to have them though. :rolleyes: Chandler had two rounds?

When Sterg was in his "Disney movies phase" it was with Hercules and Tarzan ( both vastly underrated movies IMO). By the time Cars came along, he didn't have an interest and for some reason I never got around to watching them. I wanted to watch Cars & C2 before this trip but never got a chance. I now have a reason to.

The story did make sense but I'm sure there are many,many things I missed.

My son is into Cars and Cars 2. I like the first one very much. It has heart. The second one is very hard to tolerate, even though I try.

150 minutes? Probably would wait 150 minutes for any Disney attraction if it got me out of the office for the afternoon. :D

Looks like Cars is moving up my watch list - :)

I'll tell you a very good movie to watch when your son hits 15-16 years old; Master & Commander with Russell Crowe. Good action movie and gives you a great feel of what it was like for a young man living on a war boat in the high seas.

Yes- waiting anywhere in a Disney park trumps work. Lol!


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"Realistic theming"... HAHAHAHAHA, I love that! You got some pretty decent photos of him. I can easily tell it's Kevin Costner, I'm a big fan of his work as well. Lucky you!

I wish I had gotten a better picture. I was trying to see if he was enjoying himself or not but he was giving off no vibes.

Great report!! Finally getting caught up with it! I really like that you are comparing the rides to their WDW counterpart. I am really looking forward to getting to Disneyland one day.

What I am most interested in is seeing your pictures comparing DHS's Tower of Terror to DCAs. The one in WDW is my favorite all time ride anywhere that I've ever been on for the theming the drop and everything in between. The outside of the one in DCA doesn't seem like it would do anything for me. But I am patiently waiting to see!!!! So hope you got a lot of pictures! :)

I do have more pictures of ToT @ DCA. DHS' version is much better, the complete package if you will. If DHS version is a 10, DCA's is a 7. I'll be sure to post pictures and my thoughts! Thanks for following along.

Fantastic report. I have been meaning to say thank you for the last TR. One of the best I've read. So when I saw this one, I knew I had to read it. I appreciate the comparisons to WDW, makes it much easier for me to understand, having never been to DL. Can't wait to continue reading.


Wow- Radiator Springs is really awesome!!! Still cracking up that Sterg referred to you as a creeper w/the Costner pics. Still trying to picture him running around the parks w/a double stroller.

CarsLand is wonderful and I say that having never seen the movie. I'm sure I missed a ton of stuff.

Yes - Sterg was afraid that I would "embarrass" him in front of a bunch of complete strangers. :confused:
It was weird to see Elliot Ness in jeans and pushing a big stroller - I was tempted to say " A bit old for that aren't you Kevin?"

Star Wars(the original) is my favorite movie of all time.. I can recite it for Val if you like?

Lol! I already offered but she declined. Believe it or not, she has never watched any of the SW movies. As much as I love the original one, I think "Empire Strikes Back" is the best of the series. Not a big fan of the prequels.


Well-Known Member
I LOVE Bull Durham and Field of Dreams!!! Two of my favorite movies EVER!!! (I love sports movies) That's super cool that you got to see him in person. The only really famous person I've ever been in the presence of was David Ortiz (Red Sox player - He was rehabbing his injury in the city I live in with the Sopx minor league team and offered me his chicken wings and rested his arm on my shoulder lol) and I also know a couple other baseball players on the Red Sox (the perks of having a good friend work for their minor league team!! lol)


Well-Known Member
Never had braces either - paid for 2 of my kids to have them though. :rolleyes: Chandler had two rounds?

When Sterg was in his "Disney movies phase" it was with Hercules and Tarzan ( both vastly underrated movies IMO). By the time Cars came along, he didn't have an interest and for some reason I never got around to watching them. I wanted to watch Cars & C2 before this trip but never got a chance. I now have a reason to.

The story did make sense but I'm sure there are many,many things I missed.

Yep, 2 rounds. The first time the upper brackets came off it was less than a week and I noticed he didn't look right. Took him back to the ortho and his entire right side had pushed back in and thrown everything off. He sleeps on his stomach with his face on his arm. Also, the way he grows is different from one side to the other. That's what caused his problems to begin with. He never had crooked teeth, they just didn't meet up in the back and he couldn't chew meat very well. For years I thought he was just being picky when he'd refuse to eat meat. The only time he could get it down was if he swallowed it with water. Then we found out it was because he couldn't chew it up sufficiently. Talk about feeling like the winner of lousiest mom of the decade! Sheesh! So he ended up going back into brackets on top. 18 months was more like 3 years. Didn't cost anymore, thankfully. We paid for it all 100% out of pocket. :eek:

I gotcha! Can you believe I've never seen Hercules??? When we saw the Villian's Tonight stage show on the Dream last September it was a similar situation because I wasn't familiar with Hades or Pain & Panic. The entire show is about Hades getting his wicked back. I thoroughly enjoyed the show but definitely felt like there was a blank I should fill to get the full effect. Chandler's favorites weren't even big screen fodder! He loved Rolie Polie Olie & the Brave Little Toaster movies. LOL! Brian? Jurassic Park and Dinosaur! :D


Well-Known Member
Lol! I already offered but she declined. Believe it or not, she has never watched any of the SW movies. As much as I love the original one, I think "Empire Strikes Back" is the best of the series. Not a big fan of the prequels.
I agree with ya...I hate all of the prequels... Acting is terrible and Yoda talks more of his jumbled talk then he ever did in ESB and ROTJ....


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We finished our meal then took some more pictures around Hollywoodland. Muppet 3-D was right next door. I appreciated the effort, but the exterior themeing was no where near DHS.




I love Beaker, but try to explain who he is to a 15 year old that doesn't know the Muppets.

"and why do you think he's cool???"


I really like this sign...


and the tile work on this "bench".

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The "Mad Tea Party" area is a live music/dance spot. I thought it looked cool but all Sterg said was "Dad, I'm not going dancing".


It was starting to get a bit chilly, so I decided it was a good time to start shopping for sweatshirts. There are a bunch of stores up and down this street and Buena Vista Street. I'm not a big shopper. I like to go in a store, get what I want and head out. I found the job of buying an appealing sweatshirt very difficult. The choices for a middle aged male just were not overwhelming. Sterg was having a hard time as well. We did quite a bit of shopping, but when I couldn't find what I wanted I did what any normal Disney nerd would do - take pictures of all the Disney items. Weird huh?



Actually, I was taking these so I had something to post in the "Photo of the Day souvenirs" thread. Talk about weird.


Of course, Sterg was not very comfortable with the old man walking around taking pictures of Disney display shelves.

"Dad...really?" He says.

I finally found a sweatshirt to my liking but no luck for Sterg. We continued on our voyage - now we are on Buena Vista street and who do we run into again? This time with "Hollywood" Goofy dancing along.


They really did a great job with this area. The Carthay Theater is beautifully done as is the fountain. It's just a great space to hang out at.



Next stop was Condor Flats and this cool little gift shop - but no luck yet for Sterg's sweatshirt. With the sun down and dry climate, the temperature was dropping fast.

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Then we saw a sight that made us forget about the chilly air.


We absolutely love Soarin' but on our last trip to WDW I was disappointed with the quality of the film and lack of any scents. I was really bummed coming out of the ride in Epcot. I heard much about how much better maintained the DCA version was and was up for waiting 40 minutes to see it. Before I could open my mouth, Sterg expressed the same feeling.

"Dad, Let's go on Soarin'! I'll stand in line for 40!" He said excitingly.

Now 40 minutes is pushing my limits to stand in line, but I could not say no. I'm sure glad I did.


You would think the same person that took endless pictures of Mickey-ears and Sulley coffee mugs would have at least taken a picture or two of the inside queue for Soarin' - arguably that same person's favorite ride. Well if you thought that you would be wrong. I don't know what they heck I was thinking but I still can't believe I didn't take any pics of that queue. Especially because of how much I enjoyed it. It's a mini museum honoring the history of aviation. Lots of aircraft parts and artifacts hanging on the walls and ceiling, the inside itself is themed to look like an airplane hanger. Also on the walls, as you make your way down the line, are pictures and profiles of the pioneers and greats of aviation. It was well themed overall, and certainly had a connection to the ride itself and was educational in a fun way. Do I even have to compare it to Epcot's version? There is no comparison.

Now to the ride. If you are a fan of Soarin', but like me are bummed with the state of its condition in Epcot, a flight to California to experience it at DCA may alone be worth the price of the ticket. In a word - it's flawless. The picture is clean and crisp, and ALL the smells are back! I literally had a tear in my eye flying over the orange groves and taking in the citrus smell. The difference is that when this ride is in its proper condition - it transports you. You really start to believe you are flying over California. Your mind and heart want to feel that its real and this version of Soarin' is missing the flaws that prevent that. How can you be convinced for those few minutes that you are chasing a hang glider in Yosemite when there are hairs in the picture? Swooping through the forest while taking in the pine scent or flying over the coast and breathing in sea air - it was awesome!

After this near religious experience, we continued through Condor Flats and towards Grizzly Rapids. This rapids ride looked great and we were actually debating to ride it in the dark cool air. Just then we stumbled across the entrance to the Grand Californian Hotel. With your park ticket and a hand stamp, you could enter this hotel and then return back to the park. This meant that if you stay there, you could simply walk into DCA from the Hotel. The lobby is an easy 5 minute walk to this park entrance. Our first stop was the gift shop and while Sterg started his sweatshirt search, I took some pictures of the "Grand" lobby.



The look of the place was very classy but also casual. Right up my alley.


They had a guy playing the grand piano in front of the fireplace. I was tempted to find a bar, a seat and chill-out here for an hour or so.


Then I remembered I was responsible for a teenage boy I left behind in a gift shop.

Sterg got his sweatshirt - a nice red one with Disney's Grand Californian stitched on the front. I would be lying if I said I like my selection more than his. With that, we went back into DCA.
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Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Great photos of the Grand Californian. Wish I had the money to stay there!

I'm so glad you were able to enjoy Soarin' Over California! You're the first person I know who cried during the ride.:)

Uncle Lupe

Well-Known Member
I LOVE Bull Durham and Field of Dreams!!! Two of my favorite movies EVER!!! (I love sports movies) That's super cool that you got to see him in person. The only really famous person I've ever been in the presence of was David Ortiz (Red Sox player - He was rehabbing his injury in the city I live in with the Sopx minor league team and offered me his chicken wings and rested his arm on my shoulder lol) and I also know a couple other baseball players on the Red Sox (the perks of having a good friend work for their minor league team!! lol)

Being a pretty woman does not help at all. :D I'm jealous, the only baseball player I've meet was John Rocker. That was at a church in Macon, GA. A few weeks before the Sports Illustrated article broke. We know how well that went over.

Great update Fractal! Sterg should have over played being hit by the stroller so you could get a better picture. Just think a picture of you, Costner and your Star Wars shirt could have been in People magazine.

"Kevin Costner hits tourist with stroller but stops to apologize and pose for pics to make amends." - Picture courtesy Fractal, WDW Magic contributor.

Also, if you like aviation history visit the United States Air Force Museum in Dayton, OH. If you are in that area and like that stuff it is a really cool place to see. Not Disney/Kevin Costner cool, but cool.


Well-Known Member
Also, if you like aviation history visit the United States Air Force Museum in Dayton, OH. If you are in that area and like that stuff it is a really cool place to see. Not Disney/Kevin Costner cool, but cool.

If either of you are in Pensacola, Florida I highly recommend the Naval Air Museum at Pensacola Naval Air Station. The museum is incredible. Displays that you walk thru that make you feel like you're in that time and place being portrayed. I've been to the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum in DC and was highly disappointed. The historic aircraft and artifacts there are incomparable but the presentation cannot touch what the Naval Air Museum has. Personally, I think it's every bit as cool as Disney and/or Mr. Costner but then I suppose that depends on how much of an aviation nut you are. :D

Great update to the report, Chris! I'm thoroughly enjoying it. I so want to see the displays in line for Soarin'. I imagine we'll spend quite a bit of time letting people pass us up so we can enjoy it all. LOL!

The Grand Californian looks wonderful! I want to stay there someday!!!!


Well-Known Member
The Grand Californian Lobby is stunning. I remember there being about a dozen or so little Mission style leather chairs for the kiddies. My son wanted to take one home. Also thought the carpet and marble/granite tile patterns flowing into one another were gorgeous. I'd love to stay threre someday as well!


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Any crazy thought we had of rafting on Grizzly Falls was quickly squashed when we saw the standby wait time of 120 minutes. Still looked like a great ride and loved the look of it.





We continued along the same path and soon found ourselves next to The Little Mermaid ride and overlooking Paradise Pier. There was a massive crowd building for the World of Color show.

It was here where we had our second encounter with Costner. Almost running over poor Sterg - actually it was more of a bump. If I would have been a bit sharper I could have said " Watch it there Crash Davis!" Instead I was trying to take it all in. It was surprising enough to see Costner at a hot dog joint, now to see him trying to maneuver a double stroller through a mass of humanity was frankly shocking. Then to have him run into Sterg topped it off. Is this really happening? At that moment we locked eyes. I was hoping for at least an "excuse me" but didn't get one. What I did get was a look into the eyes of a man that seems bewildered and somewhat scared. Like "someone get me out of here!". I also noticed that nobody, not one person acknowledged him. He was just an ordinary dad fighting through the crowds with his kids - and it didn't seem at that point that he enjoyed it. Before I knew it he was gone - disappeared into a wave of people.

"OK Sterg, we can stay here and watch this show or do something else" "The Little Mermaid looks like a walk on. Wanna try it?"

"Little Mermaid dad? The two of going on the Little Mermaid together? Seems awck (teenager talk for ackward)."

"Ah, who cares? It's a new ride and I want to check it out"

Off we went to see Ariel under the sea.

I will be the first to admit that this ride is not targeted to 44 year old men - nor is Sterg in its demographic wheelhouse. Nonetheless, we are both always up for a good Disney dark ride so I figured it would be enjoyable. I did see TLM many times and like the movie, the music and its historic meaning to Disney animation.


The animatronics start off pretty good, then your clamshell turns around so that you are going backwards and down. The lighting tries to convey the feeling of being underwater and above you is this classic scene from the movie...


It wasn't easy getting good pictures in the dark sitting in a moving clam shell.

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Dark rides with a kit lens is not a good combination. Next lens purchase will be a fast prime.

Ariel without the "ice-cream cone hair".



Ursula was definitely the best part and the best AA.


Then we "kiss de girl". I hated the plastic water spouts coming from the fishes mouths. Looked too fake.


OK King studly Trident - take us home!


Does that turtle look familiar? He's the same spinning plastic one in the beginning of the ride. Kinda lame.


Now they're married!


Overall, this ride was eh...OK. Anybody expecting an E-ticket dark ride in the new Fantasyland is going to be disappointed. Pirates and Haunted Mansion have nothing to fear from this new comer.

Next up - night time photos of Carsland, Tower of Terror and the rest of DCA!
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