Disney Irish
Premium Member
I think several people here are looking through the perspective of Disney on Star Wars.
That doesn’t matter. You can’t say “that was Lucas, not disney”. This isn’t a normal movie franchise. When Disney bought it...they bought the baggage.
I don’t know how you can apologize away a bad/rough start after the warnings were there.
Lucas claims the fans drove him from his own company. It doesn’t matter if that’s overstated or not - the narrative is widely accepted. You just can’t make bad Star Wars and get any good will. It was never gonna happen.
I can say it and I did, its my opinion. If other fans want to lump them all together and say the sins of the father shall be laid upon the children like some Shakespearean melodrama, well that is their prerogative. But for me I can separate it into pre-Disney and post-Disney. For me Disney SW started with EP 7, and I treat it as part of the same universe but separate from anything pre-Disney. So with that Disney has put out only 4 movies. All of which are completely different stories, but no real unifying story line to connect them all together. Which gets back to my previous post, they need a singular vision for the Disney SW Universe lead by a single person like a Dave Filoni.