I think Star Wars Classic was pure entertainment that reminds us of a “perceived” better day...and many are being shamed unintentionally for having ever thought that.
Things change...it’s hard to apologize for everything.
The prequels were about money...Lucas - for all his bluster - just became a greedy sumofa....
The current debaucle is about Disney’s misguided “globalization” and “sending a message”. I said the other day that classic Star Wars fans have been discarded...and of course, it was anti disney so the pixie dust cavalry didn’t like it...
But it’s clear to me (opinion) that the classic Fan has been discarded. Ripping apart the ethos/pathos of the story isn’t gonna be made up for by building a millennium falcon simulator in a new ambiguous land as a carrot for middle aged men...
Does that answer your question,
@Disney Irish Bruh ??
Or is it too veiled/nuanced?