None of what I going on now is due to Solo. It's because of TLJ. Plain and simple. I believe a lot of people are still in shock after watching TLJ. What's disturbing is LFL and Disney just does not get it. And that is what will be the downfall of SW if they don't make some drastic changes... and soon.
I liked The Last Jedi but wasn't excited for Solo, based on the trailers. None of us know the real reason Solo under performed.
I find it hard to believe in such a huge backlash to TLJ. If The Phantom Menace couldn't kill the franchise, nothing can. Granted, that's another movie where it's hard to tell how people really feel as the people who disliked it were/are extremely vocal about it.
This rumour that various films are on hold, is also just that, rumour. Apparently the Obi-Wan movie may have stalled due to the director leaving, but there seems to be a lot of enthusiasm in the fan base for Ewan MacGregor to reprise that role.
The criticism that the new trilogy wasn't planned out from the start is valid, but maybe a bit exaggerated. We've known for a while that the third was to be Leia-centric and focus on her relationship with Kylo Ren. They had at least an overall idea of what the trilogy would cover.
Even Lucas made it up as he went along. Return of the Jedi went through many different drafts, and was quite different at some point. He didn't have a definitive conclusion to the original trilogy planned.
We have people saying that Kathleen Kennedy has to go and there needs to be someone who will make Star Wars movies with broad popular appeal.
Who is going to do this? George Lucas couldn't make Star Wars movies that pleased everybody. J.J. Abrams made a generally crowd pleasing movie, but also got a lot of criticism for playing it safe and rehashing what had come before.
I get that people are passionate about Star Wars but it's not easy to make a movie like that, that is almost universally beloved. It's almost impossible in fact. Mixed reaction to TLJ does not mean the franchise is in bad shape.