Fun Fan get together for EPCOT's 25th on Oct 1st


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
What time are you planning to arrive? I may just join you. (Before it closes to the common people):lol:
well, i plan on hangin a bit with Master Yoda on sunday eve, then parting ways with them and running all over MK to get as much ridden as i can in the short MNSSHP, then off to the room for sleep at close... hmmmm, this is a great question. ill be tired BUT, if everyone has the idea of getting there early, and check in is at 8 for braclets, i might get there around 6-6:30 so i can just relax, collect my thoughts and avoid parking tolls. lol


well, i plan on hangin a bit with Master Yoda on sunday eve, then parting ways with them and running all over MK to get as much ridden as i can in the short MNSSHP, then off to the room for sleep at close... hmmmm, this is a great question. ill be tired BUT, if everyone has the idea of getting there early, and check in is at 8 for braclets, i might get there around 6-6:30 so i can just relax, collect my thoughts and avoid parking tolls. lol

On Monday morning checkin will begin well before 8:00, although we are still confirming the exact time.


Well-Known Member
The tags aren't pre-printed with names (except for VIPS and Staff), there are boxes in which attendees can write their names (and, if wanted, their WDWMagic forum names).

Note to self: practice handwritting Prototype font :)

Adam - I heard your conversation with Lou on WDW Radio - job well done!


Active Member
thats what im going to do... save my butt $9 on parking

im going to stop at a local store, get me a grande coffee get to epcot parking lot and sit on the trunk while watching all the cars drive in. pure entertainment. maybe ill have a sign that says "Epcot Closed" for all the common people :drevil: #2

Those of us with AP's get to park for free anyway:p, but I'm still planning on getting there by 7am anyway


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Those of us with AP's get to park for free anyway:p, but I'm still planning on getting there by 7am anyway
dont make me wear oven mittens :D

I thoght it was 880 at last count and I know of at least one more person who signed up so my guess is 881!! Belle
oh, i havent been paying attention. man, last i heard it was around the 820 range.

Last night at 9:12 pm it was 891. Looks like we should hit 1000 by Friday!
i really cant believe that noone took me up on the beverly bet. oh well.


Active Member
Fantastic! I'm sure the donations rounded up from our group will put Lou over his goal. :sohappy:

I believe that is very possible, considering that from what I have seen from both our scrapbook and our memories video, they will be well worth the price (including the few extra dollars that go to charity). I got my first demo of our video today and I can honestly say it looks perfect!

Haha - I'm pleased to see that my idea of having the Inferno Barge burnoff mark the end of the evening made it to the schedule of events. Will there be a designated place that we will all watch this from, where we could all do a mass countdown and cheer?

On Sunday, I think it would be possible, but for Monday's Dessert Party, only those attending will be grouped together to count down the event. I saw my first burnoff two weeks ago and I have to say it was amazing. Defintely the "bang" we need to end off our amazing event!

I figure Sunday would be possible for the entire group to see it, but I think it is definitely the "bang" we need to end off our amazing event!

Adam - I heard your conversation with Lou on WDW Radio - job well done!

Thank you very much! Lou really is a great guy and his help with our event has already made a major impact...

Up to date count for the Main Event is??? :: Drumroll:: Belle

Well... Here it is... And yes, this is without Jenn or I's parties included...

932 registered attendees. We are definitely going to hit 1000 before Friday! :sohappy:


New Member
I am truely amazing at how things are going. As far as Beverly goes I might do a few shots of it anyways lol. Also a bit OT but any AP holders out there that I can use their AP to get the AP 25th pin I would be very thankful. Also thanks for all the flight/hotel info that should help me out a bit.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I doubt you would be able to use someone else's AP to buy the limited pin. I am fairly sure they ask for your ID when you go to make the purchase.....

Yes, there are some nice flight and hotel deals out there now. Grab em' while you can!

Has anyone tried booking one of the Value Resorts for the 30th and found no "regular" rooms? There is a rumour floating around that the Values are nearly booked up solid due to some crazy Event happening at one of the Parks........


Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Adam....I have now just officially registered for the Event. I could'nt remember if i needed to or not ( this has been going on for so long now..!) so figured it would be better to be safe then sorry. I should now be on there....#999 maybe?

Please be sure to send me any updates and info via either of my e-mails. If you have that "tentetive" Schedule of Events ready i would like to view it.



Well-Known Member
There is a rumour floating around that the Values are nearly booked up solid due to some crazy Event happening at one of the Parks........


:ROFLOL: That's redonkulous! I love it.

Maybe our buddy JPVonDrake could tell us.

Glad I made my ressies much earlier in the year - I was gonna be here whether y'all were or not. :p


RunDisney Addict
I doubt you would be able to use someone else's AP to buy the limited pin. I am fairly sure they ask for your ID when you go to make the purchase.....


I think he meant if an AP holder wasn't planning on buying it for themselves that day, and would be willing to buy it and then sell it to him.

I'm willing to do the same. I'd like that pin, and if anybody would be nice enough to take my money up to a souvenir cart and pick one up for me, I'd be more than grateful.


Active Member


Any word yet on if the word is sweeping through the CM ranks?

Considering the fact that we have an article in the "Daily Reporter" at Disney plus 35 monorail drivers confirmed to attend, I think it is safe to say, yes.

Adam....I have now just officially registered for the Event. I could'nt remember if i needed to or not ( this has been going on for so long now..!) so figured it would be better to be safe then sorry. I should now be on there....#999 maybe?

Please be sure to send me any updates and info via either of my e-mails. If you have that "tentetive" Schedule of Events ready i would like to view it.


I'm going to send you our schedule tomorrow (hopefully) for your stamp of approval. I'm still working on getting Disney's stamp of approval, considering what they say, goes. I mean... With 942 people attending, I think management is going to be a little intimidated by our group... :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
I'm still working on getting Disney's stamp of approval, considering what they say, goes. I mean... With 942 people attending, I think management is going to be a little intimidated by our group... :lookaroun

I can hear it now at the E25 task meetings...
"Don't worry -- they're just as scared of you as you are of them."


Well-Known Member
Hi all -- new member here.

I just registered yesterday for the main event. I won't be able to attend the dessert party, but I'm looking forward to the rededication and just being at Epcot to commemorate a quarter century.

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