Fun Fan get together for EPCOT's 25th on Oct 1st


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Should we make it, Michelle respectfully requests as many girlfriends of the male fans attend as possible, so they can all have a good moan at our obsession with the parks :lol:
yeh, sam was like, "wait, we are riding SSE a third time in a row to try and see what... a curtain, a satelite and Tomorrow's what?"

she gave up with trying to figure us out a loooong time ago.

Hey there Marni1971: If this helps any, tell Michelle that i came up with this idea for a get together for EPCOT, and I"M A GIRL!!!!

Yes folks, even us girls can get overly obsessed with the Parks!!!

your a chic!

*sits down to ponder the situation*

C-O-O-L ill have to pass along to sam and tell her it is ok to come out of the closet and be a Turbo Disney Park Ride System and Secret Dork. not impling anything about yall, that is what i refer myself as.


Active Member
I'll definitely try to be there, work allowing (hard to know 7 months in advance). But since it's a Monday, it'll be a lot easier than if it were Fri-Sun. (Believe it or not October is a big wedding month - bigger than June - and wedding cakes just don't bake themselves! )

Epcot in it's present incarnation is amazing, but even if I had only visited the park twice in the 80's - early 1983 and Nov 1986 - and didn't visit again until 2003, those first visits made enough of an impression on me to instantly make it my favorite Disney park. I'll admit there are a couple attractions I never saw - like JII ver 2, and others I know I rode, but can just barely remember - SeaCabs, Horizons. And there are things I vividly remember from that first visit 24 years ago, like the original SSE postshow area (though I can't recall the original name) and it's video information systems, as well as the video info kiosks scattered around the park, seeing the original lucite columns in front of SSE at night, standing in line for SSE for for 45 minutes with it actually wrapping around both sides of the globe, the witch scene in Magic Journeys, eating a fruit & cheese platter at Le Cellier, and drinking barley tea from Japan. Things I wish could return, but I know they won't - so I'll just keep them inside, just like everyone else here, in our own idealized EPCOT's, while I enjoy what the park has become and will become.


New Member
My DH and I plan to be in the area around that time (for a long delayed honeymoon of sorts) and I am sort of excited about the prospect of this event, but I when reading through this thread I keep finding myself more and more intimidated by the prospect of feeling like a complete idiot among(st?) a group of EPCOT fanatics (the good kind of course :) ). We are by no means uninitiated to the wonders and wonderfulness that is EPCOT, but we're simply not as informed or aware of all history and nostalgia of every nook and cranny. So if possible, I think it would be really cool if there was some sort of "tour" or "walk" lead by some of the more passionate and informed that could introduce some of this nostalgia to those of us who are in a sense "newbies". Not so much an introduction type of thing but more of a Hidden EPCOT or EPCOT Then and Now type deal. You know all the attractions and details that make it such a special place. This could be great for the spouses, significant others, and children of the serious EPCOT devotees who may not be as informed themselves, or for people like my DH and myself who love EPCOT and want to celebrate but are intimidated by the idea of being lost or out of place with the truly devoted. I know Disney offers different tours of EPCOT themselves, but this could be a fun event for those who don't have the time or simply can't afford one of the official tours. I don't know if this is even possible but it was a thought at least.


New Member
As a current Epcot CM, I had already fully intended on being there that day one way or another. And I'm entirely excited, so of course, count me in.


Active Member
Remember everyone, you will only be a part of our group if you register on the site. If you do not, you cannot get any of the perks that may be included with the event.


Well-Known Member
Remember everyone, you will only be a part of our group if you register on the site. If you do not, you cannot get any of the perks that may be included with the event.

You might want to put the link in each one of your post, or put it in your signature. If not, the "latecomers" may not be able to find it.


Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
So if possible, I think it would be really cool if there was some sort of "tour" or "walk" lead by some of the more passionate and informed that could introduce some of this nostalgia to those of us who are in a sense "newbies". Not so much an introduction type of thing but more of a Hidden EPCOT or EPCOT Then and Now type deal. You know all the attractions and details that make it such a special place. This could be great for the spouses, significant others, and children of the serious EPCOT devotees who may not be as informed themselves, or for people like my DH and myself who love EPCOT and want to celebrate but are intimidated by the idea of being lost or out of place with the truly devoted. I know Disney offers different tours of EPCOT themselves, but this could be a fun event for those who don't have the time or simply can't afford one of the official tours. I don't know if this is even possible but it was a thought at least.

What a EXCELLENT IDEA!! :sohappy:

I applaud you Maharet...this really is something fun and informative that we can do. I'm sure that this is something that would natually happen in some cases, but with so many serious Park enthusiests coming together, what better time to share the legacy of this great place with everyone by sharing what many of us know? I'm more then happy to hear anyone point out some interesting details, or trivial things to those who wish to know more about the surroundings. Stuff like: The last remaining orignal land corner of the Horizons pavillion ( do YOU know where it is??).....finding hidden Mickey's.....Pointing out some of those often-overlooked little details and hidden in-jokes WDI sneaks into things ( EPCOT has them just like any of the other Parks...).

I don't consider myself an "expert" on EPCOT myself....just someone with a good memory of it's early years and some of the things that have come and gone. There are some neat things i would be more then happy to share with and maybe even be able to "introduce" to the younger fans coming into the fold.

Don't worry if you are not a total "Disney geek" this meet up is not for just this community, but for EVERYONE who has ever enjoyed this great Park and what it has stood for over the years..DO come and enjoy yourself! You WON"T be bored girls-of-Disney Park Fan-hubbies! YOU WILL BE AT WDW with a bunch of people who LOVE the Parks as much as YOU! :)

Don't be shy, and don't be afraid thinking you will be "out of place" and out of the loop. No siree Ladies and Gents...this party is for ALL FANS no matter how "into" it you are or not! It's a open welcome mat for all who have ever enjoyed the wonders that this special WDW Park other place on Earth is quite like our EPCOT!!



Active Member
If we get the numbers high enough to be considered an official group, we can work that into the event.

Just one thought, can anyone create a dialogue for a commemorative plaque to describe Epcot's influence over the years? Nothing too big but nothing too small, as there is a chance with the celebration that we could give this to Epcot.


New Member
If we wanted to go this route...

we could do a "VIP" tour thingy that would basically be tailored to our specifications (within reason, obviously). Cost is fairly steep -- $125/hour for a six hour minimum. But if we get 30 people, that'd be $25 each.

I'm not so sure this VIP tour is what you're thinking. As a CM who works at SSE, we see these groups come through all the time, generally very large families, who don't want to be bothered with planning their day themselves. So far as I know, there's not a whole lot of information to be gathered from them (nothing that people like us who are fanatics wouldn't already know). Seeing as my ride doesn't generally have a wait time ever, I'm not sure if they improve them on other rides, but I woiuldn't likely say it'd be useful in this type of plan.


Well-Known Member
I know that this is probably hoping in vain. However, I don't think we should be thinking about a concrete plan yet for that day, at least not until maybe a month away. I still have a nagging suspicion that Disney will come to some sense and will hold something to commemorate the occassion. If that actually happens, then maybe we can plan to include it.

If we don't hear anything 3-4 weeks before the event, then maybe we should plan on something.



Well-Known Member
The last remaining orignal land corner of the Horizons pavillion ( do YOU know where it is??)

Ooh ooh! Could you share where this is? I always love standing by the remaining "diamond shaped" concrete planter outside M:S and reminiscing. I'm heading back to Epcot this weekend and would love to find this hidden secret too!

As for the get-together, I'm hesitant about signing up since I'm not 100% sure I'll be able to make it. Is there a way I can sign up, then take my name off if plans change?


Active Member
I'm not so sure this VIP tour is what you're thinking. As a CM who works at SSE, we see these groups come through all the time, generally very large families, who don't want to be bothered with planning their day themselves. So far as I know, there's not a whole lot of information to be gathered from them (nothing that people like us who are fanatics wouldn't already know). Seeing as my ride doesn't generally have a wait time ever, I'm not sure if they improve them on other rides, but I woiuldn't likely say it'd be useful in this type of plan.

If that is the case, we will hold off on those plans. Any alternative suggestions?

I know that this is probably hoping in vain. However, I don't think we should be thinking about a concrete plan yet for that day, at least not until maybe a month away. I still have a nagging suspicion that Disney will come to some sense and will hold something to commemorate the occassion. If that actually happens, then maybe we can plan to include it.

If we don't hear anything 3-4 weeks before the event, then maybe we should plan on something.


I myself has the same suspicion, but we cannot wait to confirm these details until a few weeks before as there are people coming in from our of state (or country) that have to be ready to come and will not be able to change their plans on a whim. Personally, my hope is that even if they don't end up with a specific event, we can have some kind of ceremony where we pass on a celebratory/commerative item (hence, my idea for a plaque) to Epcot's management. That is another reason that we need to plan in advance. If we would like this event to be acknowledged, it has to be known about in advance (and not just my a month or two).

As for the get-together, I'm hesitant about signing up since I'm not 100% sure I'll be able to make it. Is there a way I can sign up, then take my name off if plans change?

Certainly! In fact, we encourage all members considering the event to sign up so that we may get a better estimate of how many people will attend. If you decide that you cannot make it for any reason, just email me at so that I may remove your name from the list.

Edit 2/15/07: We have just recieved a ton of new people confirmed to be joining us on the 1st. Screamscape is now advertising the event, which is great! Things are looking very good for us right now!

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Wow...Sceamscape is noting it? Sweet!

Anyone have a link?

I'm getting more excited about this with every passing day....and it's only February!



Well-Known Member
Epcot was the first park I ever stepped foot into at WDW, and as a result it holds very special place in my heart. I can still remember the feeling I had stepping off the bus and walking up to Spaceship Earth, its what made me a Disney fan forever.

I'll finally be down at UCF(Rosen) by then, so I'd really like to attend the event. I won't sign up until it gets a little closer to the date and I know exactly how everything is going in my new location.

I appluad you for trying to get this all togther, it really is a shame that Disney isn't going to officially recognize it.


Active Member
I sent the news to Screamscape...

Hey guys!! I just wanted to tell you all that I was the one that sent a very long emotional letter describing our situation to Screamscape which led them to post a message to their page. So there's evidence that we should keep up the letter writing campaigns to the press and Disney management, here's to Epcot's 25th!:sohappy:


Park History nut
Premium Member
Anyone know Brad Rex's email address?

All we want is a small ceremony recognising the parks anniversary. No bunting. No parades. No `25th` on every lampost.

Oh, and a "We've Just Begun to Dream" tag on RoE :D

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
This could be HUGE! I can FEEL it in my bones!

We need help though in getting the word out, so big thanks to cupanudles for sending in the news to Screamscape!

I think it would be a good move to alert all the other popular Disney Park Fan sites of our get together. If any of you are as passionate as i am about this, do not be shy and let others know about our upcoming gathering! I was on Epcot Central last night reading some of the posts there, and many of the articles were wonderful to read. Epcot Central would probably be keen to get involved... seems like just the sort of thing they would enjoy supporting.

MiceAge, Laughing, and the like should know about this too!

The more the merrier i say.....

I would like to see this go all the way to the top..and maybe even possibly motivate some of the higher-ups to come down and join us on the Anniversary!

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