Frozen is excellent because it doesn't have a clear cut villain a tradition that I am okay with them turning away from I think Miyazaki stated it best in his films for example Princess Mononoke, Lady eboshi is a kind caring woman, but she is also capable of being ruthless and selfish. People aren't black and white they are mixture of a whole more complex issues and emotions. Merida is important because she doesn't have to define herself to what is consider the norm for women quite the contrary she challenges it and in doing so changes a tradition that felt oppressive to her. She is her own heroine and is a fully fledged dynamic character who can be selfish at times just like real people above all the story is about her understanding her mother and her mother understanding her. They find an equal ground in it and I think that is pretty dang great for a film. You call the snow queen a great villain, have you read the original story for which you love so much?
She abducts kai certainty but kai's heart turning into ice was nothing more than an accident of the troll mirror shattering. She takes him away to her palace to live and will grant him his freedom if he can spell out words in ice or something, when the characters come to confront her she isn't even there. She left to go spread snow or something somewhere else. Love comes in many different shapes and forms and I think Disney has done enough films about a man and a woman falling in love, if that is what you are looking for please go see their collection of other films you have about 40 or something to chose from. For once they are focusing between the bonds of family no less two sisters that in itself is not only interesting, but heartfelt.
You claim Disney is afraid of the girl saving the boy and call that sexist (Again using tears) but you seem to be afraid and disgusted that the story is revolving around two women. Quite the double standard. Also a woman saving another woman shouldn't frighten men anymore than a woman saving a man. I believe Rapunzel brought Flynn back to life and bargained her own freedom for his life, ariel saved eric from drowning. Tiana destroyed the vodoo whatever and killed Faciler. Clearly woman doing the saving isn't turning anyone away. The original story was nice, but clearly wasn't able to be used and was far outdated in terms of its plot and treatment of the heroine. Anna is still very much like gerda and based off the reviews she seems to be extremely capable and likable individual. Again I know you are just finding any excuse to hate the film at this point but come on dude you can't seriously be that headstrong. This is a film long overdue. There hasn't been a fairy tale yet that focuses on the bond of two sisters.
She abducts kai certainty but kai's heart turning into ice was nothing more than an accident of the troll mirror shattering. She takes him away to her palace to live and will grant him his freedom if he can spell out words in ice or something, when the characters come to confront her she isn't even there. She left to go spread snow or something somewhere else. Love comes in many different shapes and forms and I think Disney has done enough films about a man and a woman falling in love, if that is what you are looking for please go see their collection of other films you have about 40 or something to chose from. For once they are focusing between the bonds of family no less two sisters that in itself is not only interesting, but heartfelt.
You claim Disney is afraid of the girl saving the boy and call that sexist (Again using tears) but you seem to be afraid and disgusted that the story is revolving around two women. Quite the double standard. Also a woman saving another woman shouldn't frighten men anymore than a woman saving a man. I believe Rapunzel brought Flynn back to life and bargained her own freedom for his life, ariel saved eric from drowning. Tiana destroyed the vodoo whatever and killed Faciler. Clearly woman doing the saving isn't turning anyone away. The original story was nice, but clearly wasn't able to be used and was far outdated in terms of its plot and treatment of the heroine. Anna is still very much like gerda and based off the reviews she seems to be extremely capable and likable individual. Again I know you are just finding any excuse to hate the film at this point but come on dude you can't seriously be that headstrong. This is a film long overdue. There hasn't been a fairy tale yet that focuses on the bond of two sisters.