I would love to see your new one( Hotel window collage ) as well. What are you celebrating there?
Well, i'm not celebrating anything really...but for my yearly pilgrimidge to Property i usually put together a nice new photo collage to decorate for room window with. It's a little tradition...i started doing it back in 2002 i think. Currently i have a 'Retro WDW' theme going, so i guess you could say it is 'celebrating' WDW! It is much smaller then the EC 25 monstrosity...but still neat and compact. It has stuff on it like old images from the 70's, classic EPCOT Center bits, more copies of my old school tickets...that sort of thing.
So if anyone here is down staying at All Star Music this mid-September, keep an eye out for it!

Which ones do you refer to? ( Old Park tickets...) I can't really imagine using a ticket from the 1980s now, and still hasn't expired!
I have three 3-Day 'WorldPassports' from 1983. Two only have 2 days used ( stamped May of 83') and they are still vaild for admission to both MK and EC. I also have a 89' 4-Day when MGM was new, with one day left on it as well.
As with all WDW ticket media before the 'Magic Your Way' ticketing began in ,what, 2005 was it....Tickets NEVER expire. That is not the case today...but back in the 'old days' if you did'nt use up all the days on your ticket/pass during your visit, the leftover days, as Disney used to say, 'Do not expire until YOU DO'! So between those oldies, i have 3 days coming to me....but i will never use em'. It is just far too cool to own my first ticket to WDW and still have it valid. Nowadays of course you have to pay additonal fees to make your tickets of today 'non expiring'. Just had to point that out so no one reading will get confused....