Drinking in WDW


Think for yourselfer
Original Poster
This seems to come up a lot in threads that are not meant to be arguments about drinking. So I though why not start a thread that is specifically about this topic. Hopefully everyone can stay civil about it, and maybe understand each sides points of view.

I fall on the side of drinking being perfectly fine. I am 27, have gone to WDW at least once a year for the past 7 years or so, and once every couple of years before that. I have had only one experience with people that were a little bit out of control drunk, and they were not even that bad. It was very late (when PI was still open) and they were being a little raucous on the bus, since me and my GF where the only others on the bus it was not a big deal. Other then that I have never witnessed a problem.

I personally love going to WS and drinking around the world, then hopping the bus back to our resort. WS at night, drinking and eating and Illuminations has fast become my favorite thing to do in WDW. I wish PI was still open as well, because the AC was the best. So thats my opinion, drinking in WDW is fine by me.


Well-Known Member
People just need to know their limits, and that is anywhere. The first thing that comes to my mind is the guy climbing the mexico pav. Yup, too much!!!!

We always go and have some drinks at Epcot, and have even done around the world, but yet, we know our limits. Remember, everyone is there to have a good time, so just be respectful!

Oh, and bring back PI!!!!!!


Active Member
People just need to know their limits, and that is anywhere. The first thing that comes to my mind is the guy climbing the mexico pav. Yup, too much!!!!

We always go and have some drinks at Epcot, and have even done around the world, but yet, we know our limits. Remember, everyone is there to have a good time, so just be respectful!

Oh, and bring back PI!!!!!!

Do we know the guy was drunk or did he come from the shallow end of the gene pool...


Well-Known Member




Drinks are on me in this thread! Everyone take one. :D


New Member
I have no problem w/ anyone drinking at the World, but when your drinking is causing others to not have a magical exprience then you should have stopped a few drinks back.
I know when we are at the World, my DH& I will have a drink or 2 to just relax.
I know I had posted on another thread about our expreince on July 4 in Epcot and trying to watch illuminations and a few guys were clearly feel the alchol, they were being disruptive in the crowd. I was surprised that no CM had asked them to control themselves. But we just tried to ignore them.


Well-Known Member
I think drinking is absolutely fine when in WDW. You are are vacation, right? I think people get annoyed when those drinking don't know their limits and go over board.


Well-Known Member
I don't mind people who have a glass or two of wine with their meal.
I don't mind people who have a beer or two with their Bratwurst.
It's the people who drink to get drunk at WDW that anoy me.

There's a saying I like.

One is enough
Two is too many
Three is only half enough.

It's so true for some people. They just don't know when to quit.
Like the lady last year who came running into the MEN's bathroom by the United Kingdom Pavillion while I was relieving myself to vomit in the urinal next to me.
We BOTH got an eyefull that evening.:lol:


Active Member
I don't mind it at all, just as long as they ain't coming up to me talking jibberish and trying to kiss me....the drunks that is, not the drinks.


Well-Known Member
Being one of the only mid-20's male in the world that does not drink out of a person choice (not religion, moral, or history) I have no problem with alcohol being served in appropriate locations. I believe World Showcase is a great example of this. The point of a pavilion is to showcase the culture of a country. Many countries have their native drinks as a hallmark of their countries.

I don't see the point anywhere else though, with the exception of adult themed venues. No problems in the table service restaurants or having bars and lounges in the hotels. I was slightly disturbed by the amount of counter service alcohol in MGM on New Year's Eve in 2006. I don't think it was necessary and there are a myriad of other places you can go to enjoy that type of entertainment.

I think it's a fine line. I don't see the need for counter service alcohol in any park other than WS. I don't think that's the reason why people attend these parks even if they are responsible adults.


I'll be in Disney with my family for my 21st birthday later this year and am looking forward to having a drink in the World Showcase to celebrate. But I totally disagree with drinking to get drunk, especially in Disney. I worked at one of the nicer restaurants in Disney for a short time during my program, and saw more people come in drunk for dinner than I care to remember. Besides that, I may have seen a few people here and there at the Studios that were obviously drunk, but nothing too bad. The worst I can remember is a guy walking into a wall after we had to ask him to leave the restaurant.


Drinking is fine. Heck getting drunk is fine as long as you act like you've been drunk before. Just don't be obnoxious.

I'll admit I've had a few beers/drinks at EPCOT before, I didn't ruin any one's magical time. I know better than that. As long as you aren't driving, get drunk if you can handle yourself.


Think for yourselfer
Original Poster
Drinking is fine. Heck getting drunk is fine as long as you act like you've been drunk before. Just don't be obnoxious.

I'll admit I've had a few beers/drinks at EPCOT before, I didn't ruin any one's magical time. I know better than that. As long as you aren't driving, get drunk if you can handle yourself.

Exactly my feelings. I have definitely had one too many while touring the world, but I certainly did not ruin anyones good time. Getting drunk is fun sometimes, just handle yourself appropriately. There is a large gap between drunk and belligerent, just don't cross that bridge and its all good.


Well-Known Member
Though I don't drink myself, I got nothing against the idea of drinking at WDW. Do people really expect an entire resort complex twice the size of Manhattan to be completely "dry?" You can do that with one little park, but the idea of trying to do that with an entire resort complex just seems ridiculous to me. Plus, after some of the attractions your kid is gonna drag you on, you could probably use a drink :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
I agree with most of the posters here.
I don't mind anyone having a few drinks with dinner.
I mind the annoying drunks (which I have never seen at the World)
I enjoy drinking to the point of tipsyness once in a while. I would not feel comfortable doing that in the parks. Pleasure Island was the only place I would have been comfortable doing that before.


Active Member
People just need to know their limits, and that is anywhere. The first thing that comes to my mind is the guy climbing the mexico pav. Yup, too much!!!!

We always go and have some drinks at Epcot, and have even done around the world, but yet, we know our limits. Remember, everyone is there to have a good time, so just be respectful!

Oh, and bring back PI!!!!!!

I have a different way of drinking around the world-now that I am Grandmother age<g> I am drinking myself around the world 1 country-1 drink each time I go to Epcot. LOL Long gone are the days of drinking challenges. <g> Next time---Mexico! BTW my son's think this is a crazy way to do it. LOL

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