Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


Well-Known Member
tigsmom said:
Most of the recipes are pretty simple, if you need any help just let me know. :wave:
Gracias :D

Right now I found this site for beginners of the diet, and it has a lot of information that is pretty much given to you in the books and all that. It even gives you a glycemic index food chart which is very useful. Oh man Phase 1 is going to suck :lol:


Trophy Husband
How's everybody doing? At the beginning of December, I was at 194.5. After Disney World and the holidays and too much food and too little exercise, I shot up to 202 by the beginning of January, and now I'm back to 196.5, so I'm close to my low point. I hope to be solidly below 195 by the end of Jan so I can begin making progress from there.


Well-Known Member
I weigh myself this weekend, but I plan to be pleasantly surprised. 2 weeks of working out 4 days a week has made an impact as far as how my clothes fit already :sohappy: I'm hoping to be able to wear the pretty new winter coat my MIL got me from J Crew yet this winter :lol: (She has such faith in me, always buys me things just an eensy bit too small ) :lol: :eek:


Well-Known Member
I'm down 5 pounds! Oh course I still weigh waaaaay too much, but I haven't been working out because we have all been sick. Hoping to get back into the groove in the next few days. I need to get outside for some sun, but its been too cold, rainy/snowy. :(


Trophy Husband
MouseMadness said:
I weigh myself this weekend, but I plan to be pleasantly surprised. 2 weeks of working out 4 days a week has made an impact as far as how my clothes fit already :sohappy:


MouseMadness said:
I'm hoping to be able to wear the pretty new winter coat my MIL got me from J Crew yet this winter :lol: (She has such faith in me, always buys me things just an eensy bit too small ) :lol: :eek:

Let's just hope she has faith . . .

and isn't just being a .:zipit: :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
I lost all the weight I gained over Christmas plus another half. So I'm down six since New Year's.

And I filled out the paperwork for the gym. Haven't actually entered the building yet. :( Just the thought of walking in there makes me so nervous. It was so much easier in college... free gym, all girls' college, so no men. Is it wrong to feel like I'm "too fat to go to a gym?"


Well-Known Member
BeachClubVillas said:
I lost all the weight I gained over Christmas plus another half. So I'm down six since New Year's.

And I filled out the paperwork for the gym. Haven't actually entered the building yet. :( Just the thought of walking in there makes me so nervous. It was so much easier in college... free gym, all girls' college, so no men. Is it wrong to feel like I'm "too fat to go to a gym?"

I think a lot of women (and I'm sure men) feel the same way. I hate feeling like I'm being judged because I'm a lot heavier than most of the women there...who are size 00 and really need to be there. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
The gym I went to (It was a Lifetime Fitness) had all shapes and sizes. Yes, there were the personal trainers who spent their days eating skinless chicken and steamed broccoli and working out, but there were also the ones who couldn't make it much more than 5 minutes on the treadmill. I never felt judgemental towards them, on the contrary, I was in awe of the courage it would take to get up and take those first steps, knowing that they probably felt very self conscious doing it.

Let's just hope she has faith . . .

and isn't just being a .
I've wondered myself... :lookaroun



Well-Known Member
Ok, here's story I think you'll all enjoy...I was scheduled to fly from Albany to Minneapolis on a Friday night flight a few weeks ago. (Our daughter works in management for an airline, so we get to fly for free sometimes...woo hoo!) Anyway, there were about four empty seats on the plane, so I was pretty sure I'd be able to get a seat. Sure enough, the ramp agent issues me a boarding pass, and I hop on the plane, all smiles.

About ten minutes later, the flight attendant comes and taps me on the shoulder, and tells me she has to escort me off the plane. Everyone stares as I am politely-but-firmly hustled off the plane, wondering nervously just what the heck I had in that luggage after all :lookaroun.

Once off the plane, the ramp agent says to me, "I'm really sorry, but you put the plane right over the weight limit!" :eek:

...now, I joined up here to put on a few pounds, but I didn't actually think I'd been all THAT successful...apparently I WAS... :lol:


Trophy Husband
figmentmom said:
Ok, here's story I think you'll all enjoy...I was scheduled to fly from Albany to Minneapolis on a Friday night flight a few weeks ago. (Our daughter works in management for an airline, so we get to fly for free sometimes...woo hoo!) Anyway, there were about four empty seats on the plane, so I was pretty sure I'd be able to get a seat. Sure enough, the ramp agent issues me a boarding pass, and I hop on the plane, all smiles.

About ten minutes later, the flight attendant comes and taps me on the shoulder, and tells me she has to escort me off the plane. Everyone stares as I am politely-but-firmly hustled off the plane, wondering nervously just what the heck I had in that luggage after all :lookaroun.

Once off the plane, the ramp agent says to me, "I'm really sorry, but you put the plane right over the weight limit!" :eek:

...now, I joined up here to put on a few pounds, but I didn't actually think I'd been all THAT successful...apparently I WAS... :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Okay, let's think about this a second. I have no idea what planes weigh, so I'll throw out a ballpark number of 300,000 pounds fully loaded. So what they're saying is their maximum is 300,000 and you put them at, what? 300,050?

If they have reason to believe that too much weight will make them fall out of the sky, and they need to get rid of one person . . . if I'm on the plane, I'm hoping they get rid of the biggest, fattest person they can find. Let's not take any chances.


Well-Known Member
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I think Mary is one of the few women on the planet who wouldnt' have been completely mortified by being told that. That is so funny :lol: :lol: I would've turned fifty shades of red myself. :eek:

I wanted to mention, too, that I got a copy of Light & Tasty, and made a few of the recipes for dinner last night. Got NO complaints from ANYBODY! :eek: :eek: That is unheard of, that out of the 6 of us, not one person complains about dinner LOL So I think I'll get a subscription :)


Well-Known Member
MouseMadness said:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I think Mary is one of the few women on the planet who wouldnt' have been completely mortified by being told that. That is so funny :lol: :lol: I would've turned fifty shades of red myself. :eek:

I wanted to mention, too, that I got a copy of Light & Tasty, and made a few of the recipes for dinner last night. Got NO complaints from ANYBODY! :eek: :eek: That is unheard of, that out of the 6 of us, not one person complains about dinner LOL So I think I'll get a subscription :)

I know I would have died right there on the spot! :eek:

Glad you liked Light & Tasty, you should give Quick Cooking a try too... its easy to convert some of the "heavier" meals to light, which most of us have been doing anyway. I never get a complaint from anyone when I use their recipes either (as long as I don't tell them all of the ingredients - they can be so picky at times).


Well-Known Member
Today Leah was watching me do my workout (Because, you know, when you are making a jackass of yourself, there's nothing better than an audience :rolleyes: :lookaroun ) The lady on the dvd was counting the reps back, 4, 3, 2, 1 and Leah said, "That lady doesn't count so good." :lol:


Well-Known Member
I'm 135. I should start on Atkins. :lookaroun

Seriously, though, I should probably be eating healthier. My cholesterol will probably kill me by 25... as much as I try, I can't make out to Subway as often as I want to! (Mad: The Canadian Subway restaurants. Without salads. :lookaroun)


New Member
Down 4 since the start of the year. THe problem is the starting point was way to high. Within 5 pounds of being the heaviest I have ever been.

A lot of friends have had tremendous success with Weight Watchers. I have a hard time spending money for someone to tell me what I already know. Eat better and increase the activity. Sounds sooooo easy.


Well-Known Member
I joined a gym! :sohappy:

That was a big deal for me, because I was totally freaked out about the whole locker room/shower/people skinnier than me laughing at me thing. But I found a solution.
The gym is next to my office and I work out after work, so I change into workout clothes in the bathroom at work before I leave. When I get to the gym, I just put my bags and coat in the locker and hit the machines. When I'm done, I throw my coat on and head for home. No shower, and no nakedness in public locker rooms. So far, so good.

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