Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


Well-Known Member
BeachClubVillas said:
I joined a gym! :sohappy:

That was a big deal for me, because I was totally freaked out about the whole locker room/shower/people skinnier than me laughing at me thing. But I found a solution.
The gym is next to my office and I work out after work, so I change into workout clothes in the bathroom at work before I leave. When I get to the gym, I just put my bags and coat in the locker and hit the machines. When I'm done, I throw my coat on and head for home. No shower, and no nakedness in public locker rooms. So far, so good.
no nekkidness.....how is that fun

I am down 6 or 7 since the start of the year.....working out now...but most is due to a lack of eating...been too busy


New Member
BeachClubVillas said:
I joined a gym! :sohappy:

That was a big deal for me, because I was totally freaked out about the whole locker room/shower/people skinnier than me laughing at me thing.
There is a gym near where I work whose tag line is "The gym for real people, not posers". :lol:


Well-Known Member
Down 6 pounds myself. The diet part I've gotten down pretty well, its the consistant working out that I have trouble with. I'm working on it though. :wave:


Well-Known Member
garyhoov said:
Cool! Sounds like people are doing well. I've been traveling, and too many brats and too much beer have been taking their toll.

Well, I've been getting booted off airplanes for excess weight...:eek:

(...my husband LOVES that story...) :lol:


Good morning all, Tigsmom directed me to this thread , so I thought "what the heck?"

I've just recently been diagnosed with Type II Diabetes. My sugars are much more in the "normal" range now, but of course I've been told that I need to take off some weight to help make my life better. (Well, duh...)

Anyways, I was weighed for the first time in years at my diabetes education center. They actually have a scale that goes up that high.:brick:

I cannot remember spcific decimels, but here's my 3 week progrees so far, I have been weighing myself wearing nearly identical clothing at the same time of day etc.

January 4 - 442
January 11 - 439
January 18 - 436
January 25 - 429

A grand total af 13 to 14 pound so far. When I break the 400 barrier I'm going to be overjoyed.

I have my sights set on our July 7th trip to WDW. If I can keep up the 3 pound average, I could potentially be down another 70 ish pounds. Of course I know thats not necessarily going to happen, but I'm going to shoot for it. The other goal will be hit when I'm below 350 and can weigh myself on my own bathroom scale.

Right now I;m wearing clothes I haven't in years, a watch that never fit me and I'm having trouble keeping my wedding band on. It's truly exciting!

OK, I'm done rambling....


Well-Known Member

Welcome! Such big accomplishments in a short amount of time! :kiss:

Anytime you need a little pick me up, feel like bitchen' or crowin' stop on by. If you read thru you can see that we have all had our shares of ups & downs...



Trophy Husband
Good job DarkImage! Do you want me to add you to the list to post a photo on June 1st?

I hit a new "post Disney World" low this week. I still have a couple more pounds to get back to my real low point, but at least I'm close now:


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Well-Known Member
DarkImage4 said:
Good morning all, Tigsmom directed me to this thread , so I thought "what the heck?"

I've just recently been diagnosed with Type II Diabetes. My sugars are much more in the "normal" range now, but of course I've been told that I need to take off some weight to help make my life better. (Well, duh...)

Anyways, I was weighed for the first time in years at my diabetes education center. They actually have a scale that goes up that high.:brick:

I cannot remember spcific decimels, but here's my 3 week progrees so far, I have been weighing myself wearing nearly identical clothing at the same time of day etc.

January 4 - 442
January 11 - 439
January 18 - 436
January 25 - 429

A grand total af 13 to 14 pound so far. When I break the 400 barrier I'm going to be overjoyed.

I have my sights set on our July 7th trip to WDW. If I can keep up the 3 pound average, I could potentially be down another 70 ish pounds. Of course I know thats not necessarily going to happen, but I'm going to shoot for it. The other goal will be hit when I'm below 350 and can weigh myself on my own bathroom scale.

Right now I;m wearing clothes I haven't in years, a watch that never fit me and I'm having trouble keeping my wedding band on. It's truly exciting!

OK, I'm done rambling....

Congratulations on your loss so far and welcome! :wave:
It's great to have you here. I'm also going to the World in July. Maybe we can have a skinny meet up! :lol:


Well-Known Member
I just have to tell you all how much I love my gym. I go every day after work. I'm still using the free guest pass they gave me, so I'm just sticking with the stuff I know. I do 45 minutes on the elliptical machine and 15 minutes on the bike. Today is the last day my pass is good, so tomorrow I sign up for real. I get a special gov't employee rate :)D ). With that, I get a trainer who will create a program for me based on what my goals are. Basicaly my goal is to be able to wear shorts in Disney in July. Do you know how uncomfortable it is to wear capris or jeans in WDW in the middle of July? It bites. Then, I get to meet with the trainer every 4-6 weeks to make sure the program works. And it's all included. I love it, and remember how freaked out I was about joining a gym?


Well-Known Member
:sohappy: That's fantastic! The gym isn't as bad as we think before going to one. :lol: Not everybody is super fit or musclebound.

Good luck with the trainer. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

I read some of the posts, not all 2,567,111 of them... but I just started dieting (again) and saw this post so I opened it read, some and here I am. I read of a June 1 goal but not sure what happens then. Saw posts about photos, but saw none, can someone explain? I am hoping that doing this with others might help me.

My situation is this. I was a skinny kid until about 5th grade. Went on a 3 week trip to FL which included two full weeks in WDW and came home a larger me. For the most part ever since, I have been bigger than I should be.

I was in the high 180 range in high school and only dropped below that when I first moved out of my parents house. It was because I was basically poor and had no car so I walked to work every day for a few years. I got down in to 167 which was the smallest I ever was since being a kid I guess.

After I stopped being so poor and got a car I jumped up again. When I was married I was 198 and that was the biggest I had ever been, not knowing I would do anything to be 198 again.

About 5 years ago I started the Atkins diet to see how it would work for me. I started at 228 and got down to 212. I started hearing from a ton of people about it was not good for me so I stopped and shortly after I gained all my weight back and then some.

So I did not step on a scale again until about right before the holidays. I knew I had gained a bit but was shocked and horrified to see I was 262 when I stepped on. I nearly cried. It was something I was not prepared to see. It was a like getting punched as I thought I was around 235 (that is what I kept telling myself I weighed). So anyway I got kind of depressed and did not know what to do. I got through the holdays before attempting anything as I knew it was a bad time to try and was just going to set myself for early failure. I knew I needed to diet and just as importantly, exercise. I get none, and am not what you call a real athletic person. I decided to purchase a spin cycle as I like to ride a bike but where I live there is really no place to ride. I am currently saving for one as they are around $500 for a cheaper one.

My mother started doing Weight Watchers as her husband did it about 2 years ago and lost about 20 or so lbs. She talked to me about trying their new core plan which is different than their points plan. I decided to try it when I got back from our January WDW trip. So I went to WDW in early January and started doing the core plan the day I came home. I found it to be very hard as the way it works is you can eat almost as much as you like but are limited to certain foods. I found it so limiting I could not do it.

So about a week ago I started doing the points plan of Weight Watchers. My mother gave me the books as I don't want to go to the groups. I just don't want to do it for some reason. Anyway, weighed myself tonight for the first time since I weighed myself in December and I was 250 on the nose. I know it can't all be from the diet I just started as it has only been two weeks but it is still a motivation knowing I have dropped 12 since December. The books say I should be around 170 give or take for my size. I am about 5' 10 1/2". Right now my first goal is to have a 1 in front of my weight, not a 2. If I can do that, it will be the first time in 13 years.

Anyway, if someone can tell me what this group is doing. How you are leaning on each other if you are and such. I want to join in if possible as I want to lose weight so bad as I don't want have any more health issues.



Well-Known Member
Welcome! :wave:

June 1st is the day we have picked to post our "after" pictures. Gary, in his infinate generosity has been donating money to charity (in our names) for everyone that posts.

Mike, we are all here because we need to get healthier...some want to lose weight, others gain it ( :fork: :lol: ) and some just need to start working out to tone their muscles, especially the most important one...the heart.
Me, well I have a metabolic condition that went undetected for years and now I have diabetes, high BP and a few other problems. Like you I just about died when I stepped on the scale as I had no idea I weighed so much! We really have no set diet plan, just whatever works for each person...so for me its a modified Atkins or South Beach as I need a certain amount of carbs because of medications. We come her for moral support, to share our success and to share tips, recipes, etc.

Even with the best of intentions we sometimes fail to meet our goals, but don't give up...we have had people come and go from the group and there is no judgement...just do the best you can. I hope you decide to stay. :kiss:


Trophy Husband
I was down to 193.5 this morning. I think that was a bit of a fluke (my average for the week was a little over 196), but at least it's an encouraging sign. I'm just about back to where I was before my Disney trip.


Well-Known Member
garyhoov said:
I was down to 193.5 this morning. I think that was a bit of a fluke (my average for the week was a little over 196), but at least it's an encouraging sign. I'm just about back to where I was before my Disney trip.

Good for you!

I was down three pounds after a week at the gym. This week, I'm up one. I tell myself it's a pound of muscle. :lookaroun
The trainer told me that I may be doing too much cardio, which I didn't even think was possible. I'm doing 45 minutes on the elliptical and 15 on the bike, 5 days a week. I don't think that's too extreme.


New Member
Hey Mike :wave: Welcome aboard. Your and my story are very similar. Graduated highschool at about 178 (was down to 160 during football season), got married at 203, had two pregnancy sympathy weight gains with my wife to hit 245, dieted down on South Beach to 218, went off of it for similar reasons as you mentioned (and the fact that I LOVE BREAD), ate too much and hit 245 again. I have lost 5 so far this year with a 1st stage goal of 225 by the end of June, a stage 2 goal of 200 by the end of the year and a final goal of 185 by the end of 2007. I really feel good at 200 and may be happy there if I am able to add more muscle.

Best of luck to you. The support on this thread has been great since day 1.

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