Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
tigsmom said:
*pays gary to kick Jer twice as hard!* :fork:

HMPH! :mad: :fork: :fork:

I am gonna buy Gary lots of Mickey Ice Cream bars & fatten him up. :slurp: :lookaroun :lol: :lol: :p


Well-Known Member
DMC-12 said:
HMPH! :mad: :fork: :fork:

I am gonna buy Gary lots of Mickey Ice Cream bars & fatten him up. :slurp: :lookaroun :lol: :lol: :p

You know I hear people go crazy over them all the time. Whats the big deal? Its just an ice cream bar?


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
tigsmom said:
You know I hear people go crazy over them all the time. Whats the big deal? Its just an ice cream bar?

yes... but its in the shape of Mickey :rolleyes:

Dove bars are WAY better.


Trophy Husband
194.5 this morning. Over the past year and a half, I've had 12 days below 195 counting today with my lowest ever at 193, so I'm at the lower end of my range.

So if I can really work hard between now and Nov. 1st I could be close to the 185 I had hoped for a couple months ago, but I'm doing it the hard way instead of the slow, easy, methodical way.


Trophy Husband
Here's my latest weekly weight chart. This is the lowest I've been (by a small amount). With just a little less than 3 weeks left until Nov. 1st, it's going to be very difficult, but possible to be below 190 by then.


  • weight.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Yay! :sohappy:

I'm down another 2 pounds, which for me, is a big deal. (or so they tell me)

To many factors are conspiring against me. Another medication change so hopefully I'm on my way once again.

And where is the good Dr? Has anyone heard from him lately?


Well-Known Member
So, we're still on for November 1, huh? :lookaroun


j/k... although I haven't weighed myself in ages, I can tell by how my clothes fit that at worst I'm just the same as I was before (and I've started back to the gym consistently again, so who knows what will happen)

:wave: Congrats Mad!!


Well-Known Member
Being 'Choosy' About Carbs and Other Foods May Be More Important Than Counting Calories
Sunday October 16, 3:00 pm ET

VANCOUVER, BC--(MARKET WIRE)--Oct 16, 2005 -- Counting calories and portioning food is tough for many dieters. Now a new study suggests you might be as successful at weight loss by changing the types of foods you eat without counting calories.

"Our results showed that a modified carbohydrate diet is a successful and alternate way to lose weight without counting calories," said lead researcher Kevin Maki, Ph.D., who presented his findings today at the North American Association for the Study of Obesity conference (Abstract # 308P).

This study, funded by Kraft Foods (NYSE:KFT - News), was conducted by Dr. Maki and his colleagues at Radiant Research -- a research company that specializes in conducting clinical trials. Kraft announced an alliance with "The South Beach Diet" and its author Dr. Agatston in June 2004 and is committed to supporting research to document the effectiveness of the diet.

Dr. Maki and colleagues evaluated the weight loss of 86 overweight/obese men and women, ages 18 to 65, who followed two different diets for 36 weeks. The first 12 weeks of treatment focused on weight loss while weeks 12 through 36 focused on weight maintenance.

One group followed a traditional low-fat, portion controlled diet and was instructed to shave off 500 to 800 calories a day.

The second group was told simply to eat until hunger was satisfied. They were instructed to follow a "modified-carbohydrate diet," which was consistent with the recommendations outlined in "The South Beach Diet," developed by Miami cardiologist Arthur Agatston, M.D. These participants changed the type and amount of carbohydrates -- replaced refined grains with the slower-digesting and more nutrient-rich whole grains -- and focused on lean sources of protein.

Impact of Modifying Carbohydrates

The dieters on the modified-carbohydrate eating plan lost significantly more weight and body fat compared to their counterparts on the low-fat, portion-controlled diet during the first 12 weeks. At nine months, while both groups lost weight, the modified-carbohydrate group lost weight more quickly than the control group.

"Adopting an eating plan that includes a moderate intake of carbohydrates with an emphasis on nutrient-rich whole grains appears to result in weight loss," Dr. Maki said.

"It's encouraging to see the results of this study, which are consistent with what I have seen in my own practice," said Dr. Agatston. "My patients are able to enjoy a variety of foods without counting calories or feeling deprived," he said. "This is more evidence that calories still count, but that you don't necessarily need to count calories."

Calorie Balance

The participants in the study who followed the principles of "The South Beach Diet" tended to consume fewer calories than those on the portion-controlled plan, even though they were not counting calories and were instructed to eat until hunger was satisfied.

"Our results add to the growing body of evidence suggesting that modifying the quantity and quality of carbohydrates in the diet and changing the types of food you eat may have important influences on regulating calorie balance," Dr. Maki said.

While the reasons dieters on the modified-carbohydrate plan consumed fewer calories are not fully explained, Dr. Maki said one hypothesis relates to the satiety value of the meal plan. Participants may have experienced greater feelings of fullness so they ate less, he said.

"The South Beach Diet" focuses on the right carbohydrates, the right fats and lean sources of protein to help people feel more satisfied on fewer calories.

Source: Maki KC, Rains TM, Kaden VN, Quinn J, Davidson MH. A randomized, controlled clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of a modified carbohydrate diet for reducing body weight and fat in overweight and obese men and women. North American Association for the Study of Obesity 2005. Abstract # (308P).

The North American Association for the Study of Obesity (NAASO) is the leading scientific society dedicated to the study of obesity. Since 1982 NAASO has been committed to encouraging research on the causes and treatment of obesity, and to keeping the medical community and public informed of new advances. NAASO's membership includes over 1,700 basic and clinical researchers, who have published extensively, and care providers in obesity treatment and prevention.


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
Being 'Choosy' About Carbs and Other Foods May Be More Important Than Counting Calories

The Glycemic Index! :sohappy:

Its the good carbs vs the bad carbs ... Nutrisystem is using this now and is haveing great success.

I have been using the glycemic index for 3 years now... just wish the foods I really love were good instead of bad. :(


Well-Known Member
Mom did nutrisystem for a few weeks, lost weight like crazy, but, um :lookaroun all the soy and fiber didn't agree with her system, so she had to quit it. :( Shame, because she felt good otherwise and was having much success with the program.


Well-Known Member
MouseMadness said:
Mom did nutrisystem for a few weeks, lost weight like crazy, but, um :lookaroun all the soy and fiber didn't agree with her system, so she had to quit it. :( Shame, because she felt good otherwise and was having much success with the program.

Yeah, you have to add fiber slowly. :lookaroun

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
**Just a little post to bump this to page 1 so it is easier to find for someone who might be wanting to lose a pound or two**




Well-Known Member
MKCP 1985 said:
**Just a little post to bump this to page 1 so it is easier to find for someone who might be wanting to lose a pound or two**



Awww, did you do that for me?? :kiss: So sweet.


Well-Known Member
When I was at home this past weekend, I got on the scale that I know is right, and it had me at 176. I'm really REALLY happy with that, as I had been between 185-190 for a while.


Well-Known Member
tigsmom said:
Way to go Scott! People usually put weight on wehn they go away to school. Keep up the good work. :sohappy:

It's been my goal to keep my weight going down. I love to cook, and I only buy diet foods (lean cuisines, fat-free/sugar-free foods, skim milk, all that sort of stuff to cook here in my dorm). They always say the freshman 15 when people go off to school, but since I'll be a Junior in January, I say that I'm having the almost-junior negative 15 living here. :lol:

I'm doing my best with it, and I hope to get down another 15-25 before I'm around where I want to be. Thanks for the encouragement though! *hugs*

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