Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


Well-Known Member
garyhoov said:
:lol: So does that mean you'll be able to better control what you eat . . . or are you just a crappy cook.

I'll have a much better control of my diet and am proud to say that I'm an excellent cook! :sohappy: I've got my huge George Foreman grill and everything else for healthy eating while I'm there!


New Member
I see the Atkins company has gone bankrupt. At those prices, I'm not too surprised.

Anyhue, I'm back on the 13 stone mark (182lbs) having discovered I was three or four pounds over it. I've not done anything particularly different to shed the pounds. I think it's probably just a natural fluctuation.


Well-Known Member
I was too scared to weigh myself this weekend. :eek: However, I did wash and wax the minivan today, I think I will count that as my workout for, oh, say, the next four days. :lol: That's hard work! :dazzle: Now I know why you gotta pay so much for somebody else to do it! :lol:


Well-Known Member
MouseMadness said:
I was too scared to weigh myself this weekend. :eek: However, I did wash and wax the minivan today, I think I will count that as my workout for, oh, say, the next four days. :lol: That's hard work! :dazzle: Now I know why you gotta pay so much for somebody else to do it! :lol:

In a bikini? :lookaroun


Trophy Husband
My fat seems to somehow know where the little black lines on my chart are, and it seems afraid to cross them. I'm going to try to get more drastic this week to see if I can break through:



New Member
garyhoov said:
My fat seems to somehow know where the little black lines on my chart are, and it seems afraid to cross them. I'm going to try to get more drastic this week to see if I can break through:

The fat may have crossed the line, but if you are bulking up your muscles then that puts on weight.

I've not lost weight over the last few months, but my waist has continued to shrink. I now fit 34" trousers :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone :). This thread got buried and out of sight/ out of mind. I'm up to 35lbs. I'd love to join in for November and I'm sorry I'm late but I may be able to get a pic from someone. If you still want me, Gary the trophy husband, PM me with what I need to get to you :)


Trophy Husband
Debbie said:
Hi everyone :). This thread got buried and out of sight/ out of mind. I'm up to 35lbs. I'd love to join in for November and I'm sorry I'm late but I may be able to get a pic from someone. If you still want me, Gary the trophy husband, PM me with what I need to get to you :)

Great job!

You don't have to do anything yet, just keep going until November 1st and then post a photo. If you have trouble posting the photo, let me know then, but if you post a photo, I'll donate $10 to the Make-a-wish foundation for everyone who posts.


Well-Known Member

Just wanting to see how everyone is doing. I haven't checked lately, and the $5 scale I bought at WalMart is basically trash, so I can't trust it.


Well-Known Member
Meh... *shrug* :lookaroun


Past 2 weeks have been busy, and I've made myself workout for a couple days, but now that we're settling into a school routine a bit better, I am going to make myself workout more.


Trophy Husband
I've had absolutely no movement for the past 4 weeks, so I've been really working this week.

I've been eating better, and I've had some really good workouts, but my experience has been that there's a lag from when I start really working until I see the results, so I'm hoping to break through the barrier and hit a new low next week.


Well-Known Member
Sooooo! :lookaroun How's everybody doing? :eek:

I've been eating like a pig and working out maybe a day or two a week at best. :eek: Haven't had the courage to even come near a scale lately.

But, the real reason I'm posting here is to sing a song. :lol: :lookaroun Andy's adopted it as his new theme song. :eek: :lol: :lookaroun (It's country, so I figured most of you guys had never heard it :p )

Well Momma was exhausted after she had me,
it took two nurses to hold me, one nurse to slap me.
Doctor turned to momma and shook his head,
whiped the sweat off his brow, and then he said ,
"This boy is way off the charts, as far as I can tell,
ooo bpppp momma he's a double X L!"

By second grade I was 5' 2"!
By fifth grade I was wearing a size 12 shoe!
In eighth grade I was shopping at the, Big and Tall,
and the coaches had me playing High School football.
Uncle Roy said "Boy you'll make the NFL!
ooo bbppp son, you're a double XL!"

Double XL, Double XL!
Dont call me on the phone just ring my dinner bell.
Double XL Double XL!
Im a lean, mean, love machine that likes to be held,
ooo bbbppp baby Im a double XL!

Here we go!

Country cuties in Texas,
string bikinis in Florida,
Barbie Dolls driving Lexus, out in California.
A skinny little pretty boy aint what they wanna hold,
they want a real man with meat on his bones!
I'll yank their Yankees, ring their Southern Belles,
they say "ooo bbbppp we love a double XL!"


Double XL solo!

Well double XL double XL
Dont call me on the phone just ring my dinner bell!
Double XL, double XL!
Im a lean mean love machine that likes to be held,
ooo bppp baby Im a double XL!
Well if you ahve any doubts
you can see for yourself,
why all the girls love a double XL
ooo bppp yeah Im a double XL!


Well-Known Member
Met with the dietician yesterday... I've managed to maintain my WDW weight loss even though I've been sick. :sohappy: I really, really need to get serious and exercise everyday and to pay more attention to what I'm eating. *sigh*
The holidays are coming and I don't want to gain (again).

Had anyone seen Judd lately?


Trophy Husband
Christy :lol:

Mad :sohappy:

I've been feeling pretty good and getting some good workouts, but the scale's not budging.

Is anybody still in for November? Should we chicken out again and push it back or just deal with it and post our fat a$$es anyway?


Well-Known Member
garyhoov said:
Christy :lol:

Mad :sohappy:

I've been feeling pretty good and getting some good workouts, but the scale's not budging.

Is anybody still in for November? Should we chicken out again and push it back or just deal with it and post our fat a$$es anyway?

I'm going home Oct 20-23, so I'll get an idea of my weight. I bought a cheap $5 scale when I moved down here, but I don't trust it.

According to my scale, I'm down anywhere between 5-10 lbs.


Trophy Husband
WDWScottieBoy said:
I'm going home Oct 20-23, so I'll get an idea of my weight. I bought a cheap $5 scale when I moved down here, but I don't trust it.

According to my scale, I'm down anywhere between 5-10 lbs.

Sounds good!

Maybe if I really work at it, I can lose 10 pounds in a month.

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