Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


New Member
Originally posted by MouseMadness
10 year class reunion alert! :eek: The perfect motiviation I needed to FINALLY get rid of those last however many pounds it is. *cough 10 cough*
My 20 year reunion is coming up next year! :eek:


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by darthdarrel
My 20 year reunion is coming up next year! :eek:

My 10 year is this year... I dont think I am going though... HS really suuuu-diddly-uuuucked for me... they were all mean and said I would never amount to anything, (alot like my family constantly said LOL!) :fork:

But it would be fun.. just to go back and say "HA!" and show them that they were all wrong! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
30 year HS reunion next summer for me. :cry:
Since I only moved 20 miles away I run into people all the time. Boy, have they gotten old! :lookaroun

Got home from vacation about an hour ago......tomorrow we re enter the real world. :eek: (can you say 5:30 am wake up call? )


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DMC-12
My 10 year is this year... I dont think I am going though... HS really suuuu-diddly-uuuucked for me... they were all mean and said I would never amount to anything, (alot like my family constantly said LOL!) :fork:

But it would be fun.. just to go back and say "HA!" and show them that they were all wrong! :sohappy:

And to y'all heehaws who thought I'd never rank,
I'm goin
HA HA HA HA all the way to the bank, ! :lookaroun


New Member
Original Poster
We haven't had a reunion since the 10 year. My wife was pregnant at the time with our second daughter. I hope we have a 20 year in 2007.

As for the low carb breakfast/meal replacement drinks. . . had the carb solutions vanilla this morning. Suprisingly not sooooo bad. While I was in Seattle last week on business (good ol' Boeing) I hit the vanilla latte's pretty hard. Turns out a vanilla latte has 23 grams of carbs - must be the steamed milk since espresso has only 1 to 2 grams. I feel like I am starting over (didn't gain any weight though). Oh well, a little over 7 months until our WDW trip, still plenty of time. . .


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by MouseMadness
And to y'all heehaws who thought I'd never rank,
I'm goin
HA HA HA HA all the way to the bank, ! :lookaroun

:lol: I may have to borrow that from ya! :lol: :sohappy: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DMC-12
:lol: I may have to borrow that from ya! :lol: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Artist: Kid Rock (duh to those who thought it would be someone else. :lookaroun :lol: :p )

Album: Cocky

Song: Lay it on me

*does the cabbage patch*

CURSES!! Too many smileys.... I shall write them in text... LOL!!

Let's see... I had a "lol" "animwink" "stick out tongue" and "kiss"


Well-Known Member
i think my school has a 5 year reunion
which is kinda...dumb. i feel like im the only person that moved more than 5 miles away LOL and thats only temporary (at school)
oh well... im no sure im going to go because i'll have nothing to say...umm yeah i just graduated and i have nothing
no thanks


Well-Known Member
I don't know of anybody that goes to the 5 year. 10 year is going to be somewhat better, I think, but I think 15 will definitely be where people have established themselves in what they're doing, and where they're living. (I hope, by that point, anyway) :lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by JBSLJames
As for the low carb breakfast/meal replacement drinks. . . had the carb solutions vanilla this morning. Suprisingly not sooooo bad. While I was in Seattle last week on business (good ol' Boeing) I hit the vanilla latte's pretty hard. Turns out a vanilla latte has 23 grams of carbs - must be the steamed milk since espresso has only 1 to 2 grams. I feel like I am starting over (didn't gain any weight though). Oh well, a little over 7 months until our WDW trip, still plenty of time. . .

Try the SlimFast low carb drinks & bars. I think they are the best. (and about 1/2 the price of the Atkins ones).
Hit the scale this morning...Katie lost 8 pounds! I stayed the same. That was my goal...not to gain.
Its the milk & sugar in the Latte that will kill you. (yeah, I know, they taste soo good). Not being a coffee drinker I can't get excited about them. We switched to half & half because its so low in carbs. Back on plan today...cheese omelette with diet bread (12 carbs). :wave:

I've never gone to any of my reunions. It wasn't the best time for me. My best friend from HS died a few years ago and I run into a few other people in the mall. Wen to my DH's 20th with him. Had a blast. These are the people we hang out with anyway (and our kids have known each other for years). Can't tell you how many people said I've changed so much since graduation (since I didn't go to that school I think thats pretty neat. :lol: )


Well-Known Member
my mom went to an inner city school
she told me at her last reunion...35th? i dunno...the people at her table were going through the year book saying.. jail jail dead jail jail...
my dad on the other hand went to school in a tiny town and at his reunion..he is LITERALLY the only one that moved out...and all the women are either teachers or nurses... but they all still know each other

not such a small world after all huh


Well-Known Member
We have 2 in jail that I know of, one was a teacher who got "caught" with some students :eek: and the other murdered his wife for $50K in insurance money. :eek: :eek: :rolleyes: Apparently the dummy kept calling the insurance company (like 3 times, the story I heard) to verify that if she were murdered would he still get the money. THEN they found letters she'd written saying she was afraid of him and afraid he might kill her. Anyhoo, now that we're all weirded out and depressed...

Atkins is back on for me today!! I just need something to bump those last ten pounds off, then I'll be set. They are vanity pounds, the pounds that I just can't seem to get too worked up about losing until summer and/or major events are lurking just around the corner. And as of right now I have...

BIL's graduation from med school
BIL's wedding (which I'm in... wearing a strapless dress! :eek: )
10 year reunion

So yes, spit spot, and off we go. (To the salad) :lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MouseMadness
We have 2 in jail that I know of, one was a teacher who got "caught" with some students :eek: and the other murdered his wife for $50K in insurance money. :eek: :eek: :rolleyes: Apparently the dummy kept calling the insurance company (like 3 times, the story I heard) to verify that if she were murdered would he still get the money. THEN they found letters she'd written saying she was afraid of him and afraid he might kill her. Anyhoo, now that we're all weirded out and depressed...

Atkins is back on for me today!! I just need something to bump those last ten pounds off, then I'll be set. They are vanity pounds, the pounds that I just can't seem to get too worked up about losing until summer and/or major events are lurking just around the corner. And as of right now I have...

BIL's graduation from med school
BIL's wedding (which I'm in... wearing a strapless dress! :eek: )
10 year reunion

So yes, spit spot, and off we go. (To the salad) :lol:

There was a table at my DH's reunion, complete with memorial candles, for all the people who had died. (I think there were about 12 or 14). I lost 3 of my classmates the last year of HS due to illness & 6 more the day after graduation in a horrific accident.
Altogether we have lost about 25 from a class of 245.

Christy, that strapless gown makes my cringe. We just saw a funny videos segment where a bridesmaid (complete with strapless gown) jumped & reached for the bouquet. Lets just say the dress didn't quite reach the same heights as she did. :eek: (always my worst fear *shudders* )


Well-Known Member
Just got my SPLENDA newsletter. Here is an interesting recipe:

Tiramisu Parfait

Preparation Time: 30 min.
Chill Time: 3 hours or overnight
Makes 8 servings

1 Sugar-Free Angel Food Cake
3 1/2 tsp. Decaffeinated Instant Coffee
1 1/2 cups Hot Water
1/2 cup Mascarpone Cheese
8 oz. Fat-Free Cream Cheese
2 Tbsp. Dark Brown Sugar
1 cup SPLENDA® No Calorie Sweetener, Granular
1/2 tsp. Vanilla
2 tsp. Cocoa Powder

Cut sugar-free angel food cake into one-inch cubes. Set aside.
Dissolve instant coffee in hot water. Chill in refrigerator.
Combine mascarpone cheese and cream cheese in a medium mixing bowl. Beat until smooth. Add 2 Tbsp. chilled coffee, brown sugar, SPLENDA® Granular, and vanilla. Mix well and set aside.
Pour remaining chilled coffee into a 9x13 inch pan.
Assemble Tiramisu. Quickly dip half of the angel food pieces into the coffee. Remove immediately and place in a medium glass serving bowl. Spread half of the cream cheese mixture on top of the angel food cake pieces. Sprinkle with 1 tsp. cocoa powder. Repeat process with remaining angel food cake, cheese mixture and cocoa.
Cover and chill for three hours or overnight before serving.

Nutrition Information per serving

Serving Size 1/8th tiramisu

Total Calories 120

Calories from Fat 60

Total Fat 7 g

Saturated Fat 4 g

Cholesterol 20 mg

Sodium 170 mg

Total Carbohydrate 8 g

Dietary Fiber 0 g

Sugars 3 g

Protein 5 g

Exchanges per serving: 1 starch, 1 fat

This recipe, when compared to a traditional recipe, has a 70% reduction in calories, a 58% reduction in fat, an 85% reduction in carbohydrates, and a 94% reduction in sugar!

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