Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


Well-Known Member
My shirt from wdw! :lol: :lookaroun (Mine's white, though)



Well-Known Member
OMG!! :eek: Just got my bloodwork results back from the doctor :lookaroun

Total Cholesterol: 268 :eek:
LDL (should be less than 130) 164 :eek: :dazzle:
Triglycerides are ok, though, and my thyroid and liver are still fighting the good fight for me. :lol:


Well-Known Member
MouseMadness said:
OMG!! :eek: Just got my bloodwork results back from the doctor :lookaroun

Total Cholesterol: 268 :eek:
LDL (should be less than 130) 164 :eek: :dazzle:
Triglycerides are ok, though, and my thyroid and liver are still fighting the good fight for me. :lol:

Has he decided to start you on any meds?

My numbers were worse than yours 2 years ago and my doctor started me on 10mg Lipitor (smallest dose) and within a month they were well within normal.


New Member
Original Poster
MouseMadness said:
And a pubic "HMPH! :mad: " to you!




Okay then. You just go ahead with your bad self :lookaroun

Anyone catch the Oprah show on Wednesday. I am Low Carbing it no more. I don't want my liver looking like that. Going back to a more balanced diet with increased cardio and weight training. till going to reduce or completely cut out sugar carbs and most processed stuff. Stay with Whole Grains, brown rice, fruits and veggies. Also, back off on beef and increase the fish intake. This will be hard since my family is not much into fresh fish.

Getting too old to not take care of this NOW!!!



Trophy Husband
WDWScottieBoy said:
Finally down under 180! That means I'm at least 17 less than what I started 3-4 weeks ago! :sohappy:

Great! I'm getting stalled around 197 right now and trying to break through. I've got to really work at it this weekend if I want to make 190 by June 1st.


Trophy Husband
JBSLJames said:
Anyone catch the Oprah show on Wednesday. I am Low Carbing it no more. I don't want my liver looking like that. Going back to a more balanced diet with increased cardio and weight training. till going to reduce or completely cut out sugar carbs and most processed stuff. Stay with Whole Grains, brown rice, fruits and veggies. Also, back off on beef and increase the fish intake. This will be hard since my family is not much into fresh fish.

I've been around long enough to have just about everything go from being good for you to being bad for you to being good for you and being bad for you again (heck, did you see last week's report that being fat might be good for you?).

I just stick by the old standard eating less, exercising more. As long as I can actually do it (and that's the trick), it works.

The Mom

Premium Member
Now Gary, no where did the CDC say that being FAT is good for you. :rolleyes: It's just not as bad for you as previously thought, and that a FEW extra pounds MIGHT be better for you than being underweight.

Which has been my belief (based solely on anecdotal experience) for a few years. Had my father been overweight, he might have lived longer. He couldn't take in enough calories...on his restricted renal diet...to maintain his strength, so he didn't have enough energy to exercise and build muscle, which inhibited his mobility, which led to his frequently developing pneumonia. The last bout did him in. :(

My mother is supposed to be following a diabetic diet, but I let her eat whatever she wants. :animwink: She's 84, alone, and really doesn't want to live forever. :lol: I figure she's going to die of heart failure or pneumonia before she develops any diabetes related problems. (She currently has none, despite being "diagnosed" over 20 years ago.)

I've only lost about 7 pounds, but have lost inches and decreased my fat by 3%. I'm fitting into some of my size 8s again; size 6, here I come. :sohappy:


Trophy Husband
The Mom said:
Now Gary, no where did the CDC say that being FAT is good for you. :rolleyes: It's just not as bad for you as previously thought, and that a FEW extra pounds MIGHT be better for you than being underweight.

I know, I know (but if I only read the headlines, that would be the impression I'd get;) ).

The human body is such a complex thing that it's impossible to truly isolate one variable and therefore any medical "study" can be questionable.

Give me a grant to prove that eating nothing but bacon doused in syrup is good for you, and I'll bet I could (with carful wording and selected variables) "prove" that.

According to the BMI tables, I am technically "obese", but I can bench press over 300 lbs. and I have a resting heart rate of about 35. I'd like to lose some more weight, but I'll bet I'm healthier than a lot of people in the "normal" weight range.


New Member
garyhoov said:
According to the BMI tables, I am technically "obese", but I can bench press over 300 lbs. and I have a resting heart rate of about 35. I'd like to lose some more weight, but I'll bet I'm healthier than a lot of people in the "normal" weight range.
We all know that BMI tables are not the be all and end all.

I've just calculated mine, and I'm almost in the normal range :D 25.3 and the "normal" upper limit is 24.9.


Well-Known Member
tigsmom said:
Has he decided to start you on any meds?

My numbers were worse than yours 2 years ago and my doctor started me on 10mg Lipitor (smallest dose) and within a month they were well within normal.

No, I should probably practice a little self control and see where that gets me before I start on meds. :eek: I am having such a rough time getting back into my workouts. I think my brain's still in Lake Buena Vista. :lol: It was a good day today, mostly because I got to watch all the pretty horsies on t.v. while running. :) (Derby week!) I weigh myself Sunday morning, so I'll see where I am then.


Well-Known Member
garyhoov said:
196.5 I should be on track to be at 190 by June 1st if I can keep my current pace.

So what does everybody have against July, anyway? :lookaroun

Just another month, really... not that long... really...

FINE! *eats celery sticks* :mad:


Well-Known Member
MouseMadness said:
So what does everybody have against July, anyway? :lookaroun

Just another month, really... not that long... really...

FINE! *eats celery sticks* :mad:

*has some ice cream from Cold Stone Creamerie while watching Christy* :slurp: :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
MerHearted said:
*has some ice cream from Cold Stone Creamerie while watching Christy* :slurp: :lookaroun

*pokes you in the gut* :lookaroun Smooshie! :p

As soon as that scale tells me 10 pounds are gone, I'm going to spend some alone time with a Stone Cold Creamerie sundae! :slurp:

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