Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


Trophy Husband
MouseMadness said:
*pokes you in the gut* :lookaroun Smooshie! :p

As soon as that scale tells me 10 pounds are gone, I'm going to spend some alone time with a Stone Cold Creamerie sundae! :slurp:

That 15 pound burger is only a few hours drive for me.:lol:


Well-Known Member
garyhoov said:
That 15 pound burger is only a few hours drive for me.:lol:


So today I've finally ( :eek: ) started to REALLY pay attention to what I'm eating, and not letting myself mindlessly pick at food all day long. (A hazard of being a stay at home mom :( ) But I've noticed this sensation... in my stomach. So odd... I did some research, apparently folks refer to it as being "hungry". So strange!


Well-Known Member
barnum42 said:
Just met up with a bunch of my theatrical friends who have all commented on how much thinner I look :D

Congratulations Joe on a job well done this far.

I've noticed that I've lost quite a bit of weight and can't wait to lose 2x as much, if not more.

Keep up the great work everyone! :sohappy:


Trophy Husband
Here's my chart after just over a year, October 1st marked with red. I've been making my best progress recently, so hopefully - if I can keep it up, maybe I'll be close to 190 by June 1st.

I'll still be pretty fat at 190, but hopefully you'll see some difference.


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New Member
Original Poster
Man, I just can't get this diet thing going. Exercise is doing real good. More committed to that than anytime over the last 5 years. Now if I could just put down those Twinkies. . .


New Member
JBSLJames said:
Man, I just can't get this diet thing going. Exercise is doing real good. More committed to that than anytime over the last 5 years. Now if I could just put down those Twinkies. . .
Move to the UK, they don't sell Twinkies over here :D

I've found if I'm regularly exercising that I don't get the urge for sweet munchies.

The week my ski machine was broken I found I was very tempted by the munchies.


Well-Known Member
I've been trying to up my walk/toning intensity. The one mile program just wasn't cutting it anymore so I moved to the 2 mile. I made it 1 1/2 miles thru, the pace was insane! I'll keep at it though. I'm watching what I'm eating, but the scale hasn't moved. I'm right back where we were when all this started. :cry:


Well-Known Member
JBSLJames said:
Man, I just can't get this diet thing going. Exercise is doing real good. More committed to that than anytime over the last 5 years. Now if I could just put down those Twinkies. . .

Well, in my completely unprofessional opinion, that's okay. Maybe you can try changing just one snack or meal a day to something more healthy, gradually add more fruits and veggies where the twinkies once were. :wave: Just once a day, maybe.


Trophy Husband
MouseMadness said:
Vince now knows how much I weigh. :eek:

Why did I not lie, like every other woman on earth would have? :lol: :mad: :lol:

Yeeeaaaaah;) . . . we understand;) . . . and I don't know why I didn't lie when I told him I was 150 lbs. either;)

:lol: :wave:


Well-Known Member
garyhoov said:
Yeeeaaaaah;) . . . we understand;) . . . and I don't know why I didn't lie when I told him I was 150 lbs. either;)

:lol: :wave:

Mock if you will, but when one weighs.... a hundred and... twenty pounds :lookaroun and 20 of it is in your chest, well, you can see why dropping a few is of such importance. :lookaroun


Trophy Husband
So how's everyone feeling for June 1st?

It sounds like some people are doing pretty well, but others are kind of discouraged.

I probably shouldn't open this can of worms, but should we consider pushing back to July 1st? I'm thinking we should stick to June 1st since that's what we said, but I'm wondering if some people aren't really ready and, therefore, won't post on June 1st. Would it be better to take another month if we'd get more people participating?

Personally, I could go either way. I've been doing pretty well recently, and part of the reason has been that June 1st date has been rushing up like a freight train. I should be better on June 1st than I was on October 1st, but I could be even better still by July 1st.

What's everybody think? Should we hold to June 1st or consider pushing back so more people will be ready ( I definitely wouldn't want to go any later than July 1st . . . at least for this round).

Let me know.


Well-Known Member
garyhoov said:
Does that mean either June or July? If so, I'll take you off my sig.


This round, whenever you decide it to be. All my medications have been re adjusted, but we won't know if its right until the second week of June when I have my blood tests. I really don't feel any better and even though I'm working out and watching what I eat I'm still having problems.

If you decide to do another round after June just let me know. Hopefully everything will be back on track. As much as I would like to shed the weight, right now I'm just working towards regaining my health.


Trophy Husband
tigsmom said:
This round, whenever you decide it to be. All my medications have been re adjusted, but we won't know if its right until the second week of June when I have my blood tests. I really don't feel any better and even though I'm working out and watching what I eat I'm still having problems.

If you decide to do another round after June just let me know. Hopefully everything will be back on track. As much as I would like to shed the weight, right now I'm just working towards regaining my health.

Okay, I took you off. I'll probably shoot for another one on November 1st (before the holidays).

Take care of yourself.


Well-Known Member
garyhoov said:
So how's everyone feeling for June 1st?

It sounds like some people are doing pretty well, but others are kind of discouraged.

I probably shouldn't open this can of worms, but should we consider pushing back to July 1st? I'm thinking we should stick to June 1st since that's what we said, but I'm wondering if some people aren't really ready and, therefore, won't post on June 1st. Would it be better to take another month if we'd get more people participating?

Personally, I could go either way. I've been doing pretty well recently, and part of the reason has been that June 1st date has been rushing up like a freight train. I should be better on June 1st than I was on October 1st, but I could be even better still by July 1st.

What's everybody think? Should we hold to June 1st or consider pushing back so more people will be ready ( I definitely wouldn't want to go any later than July 1st . . . at least for this round).

Let me know.

To paraphrase Jerry Maguire... "You had me at 'can of worms'" :lol: :lookaroun

I think this may just be a bad time of year? So much going on, it's kind of hard to keep my focus. (Don't know about everybody else) Plus, an extra month of nice weather would give us all a chance to get outside and be active. Also, I know that my appetite goes WAYYY down in the summer. (Something so unappealing about eating heavy, greasy food when it's so warm and sunny)

Keep up your good work, Mad, even if the scale is trying to convince you it's not doing anything. :wave:


Well-Known Member
MerHearted said:
My lips are sealed. I only told TO. :lookaroun :p


Me: :eek:

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