Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


Trophy Husband
I signed up for slimming world last night, but am finding it a bit confusing. Its all red days and green days - anyone done this one? I have heard a lot of success stories.

Afraid I don't know anything about that system, but welcome!:wave:

Hopefully someone else can help you out.


Well-Known Member
I have been so out of the loop and have not weighed myself in months. I did the other day and I am down a little more. I am down a total of 30 lbs from this time last year. 50 more and I would be where I would like, 33 to go until I would be happy though. I am at 232.


Well-Known Member
I have been so out of the loop and have not weighed myself in months. I did the other day and I am down a little more. I am down a total of 30 lbs from this time last year. 50 more and I would be where I would like, 33 to go until I would be happy though. I am at 232.

Great job! Any weight loss is still a loss!

I haven't weighed myself in about three weeks. Since I'm just trying to lose mainly vanity weight I hit a plateau early. However, I've recently kicked up the cardio and have gone down at least half a size. I plan on weighing tomorrow.


Trophy Husband
I have been so out of the loop and have not weighed myself in months. I did the other day and I am down a little more. I am down a total of 30 lbs from this time last year. 50 more and I would be where I would like, 33 to go until I would be happy though. I am at 232.

Cool! I haven't weighed myself recently, but I know I'm up. I've been crash dieting over the past few days. I hope to be able to get down to my lower weight range when I go to Disney World in just over . . . 2 weeks now.:eek:


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Ooooo whats this.... :eek:


OMGZ!!! The Pumpkin Cheesecake Fairy came!! :sohappy: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
"I've never done any of the group things. I go for the "Stop eating so much junk and up the exercise" method. Something I have not been doing for the last several months and am now paying for it. Back on the ski machine and no more sweeties."

I've tried this, the problem is, I don't really eat junk food, I eat quite healthily, I haven't really got a sweet tooth, but I am tempted by bread, butter and cheese! (although admittedly I don't get enough exercise).

Anyway, its been 5 weeks, and I have lost 7.5 pounds. Not a great deal I know, but its in the right direction, and we can even have a small Chinese takeaway once a week (no batter or any of the really bad stuff!) Oh, and my husband is doing it too - he has lost 19 pounds! One week, he lost 5 and I put on half a pound, and we had been eating the same foods, only I ate less! This week, we both lost one and a half pounds, I was thrilled, but he was disappointed, he has been losing 3-5 pounds a week!

We will keep at it, but, it is my daughter's birthday party tomorrow, and I will have to have a small piece of cake, then we have a family meal on Sunday, and we leave a week today for 2 weeks in WDW with the DP! I think a feel a few pounds creeping back on....


Trophy Husband
Anyway, its been 5 weeks, and I have lost 7.5 pounds. Not a great deal I know, but its in the right direction, and we can even have a small Chinese takeaway once a week (no batter or any of the really bad stuff!) Oh, and my husband is doing it too - he has lost 19 pounds! One week, he lost 5 and I put on half a pound, and we had been eating the same foods, only I ate less! This week, we both lost one and a half pounds, I was thrilled, but he was disappointed, he has been losing 3-5 pounds a week!

Sounds good! Nice job!


Well-Known Member
Interesting thread but remember, Fat is a frame of mind. It is just that my frame no longer listens to my mind, it only listens to Hostess and Skyline.

Who am I kidding.

Fat, fat, fat fat

Fatty fat fat.

At least my cat still loves me. . . of course that's because he is FAT.


Well-Known Member
Interesting thread but remember, Fat is a frame of mind. It is just that my frame no longer listens to my mind, it only listens to Hostess and Skyline.

Who am I kidding.

Fat, fat, fat fat

Fatty fat fat.

At least my cat still loves me. . . of course that's because he is FAT.

Hi, WildcatDen! :wave: Welcome to Magic (I haven't "seen" you around before!)


Trophy Husband
Paul lost 9 lbs in one week!!!! Go Paul :sohappy: :sohappy:

(now he just needs to keep going in that direction....:lookaroun )


Hi, WildcatDen! :wave: Welcome to Magic (I haven't "seen" you around before!)

Must not be as fat as he thinks he is.;)

And I'm convinced our cat loves me, because he's thinking how good I'll taste when I drop dead from a heart attack.:lookaroun


Le Meh
Premium Member
Dropped another 2.2 this week. I was pleased given I travelled all week and we (I) had a huge dinner last night. I mean it was huge....but broiled. :slurp:


Well-Known Member
Dropped another 2.2 this week. I was pleased given I travelled all week and we (I) had a huge dinner last night. I mean it was huge....but broiled. :slurp:

and the dinner was seafood too, I seem to be able to eat more fish and do well at weigh in. Congrats on the loss (and getting back on program).

My weight is still about the same, I really need to be faithful to my exercise plan. :brick:


Le Meh
Premium Member
and the dinner was seafood too, I seem to be able to eat more fish and do well at weigh in. Congrats on the loss (and getting back on program).

My weight is still about the same, I really need to be faithful to my exercise plan. :brick:

Yes, I love the fact I can eat like a dozen shrimp grilled or boiled for one or two points.

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