Do you ever cry?


Always! Not boo hoo sobbing, but a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes, yes!

When first entering MK and seeing the castle down the street

When the lights go down and the fanfare at the beginning of Spectromagic begins. (I just did it a few minutes ago watching the Disney show on the Travel Channel. They showed part of Spectro and the beginning of the music. I got tears in my eyes just hearing and seeing it on tv!)

At American Adventure when Golden Dream plays.

Seeing the kid's faces and hearing their squeals when they first catch sight of Mickey and Cinderella.

ok...thats enough... :cry:


Active Member
:wave:I cry when we pull into disney property. when they have the "hello" show at MK. when I walk down the street and see the castle. when I watch the planning video. the day before and the day we leave I cant stop crying or tearing up all day. its awful. Last time I cried all the way up to the top of Florida in the car. Pathetic, huh???


I probably cried when I was 5 years old and it was time to leave..

Now that I'm an adult it seems.... excessive.

Excessive? Probably so, but how often do you get to go to WDW? We're able to go once every 3 yrs or so. It becomes so special and a little emotional when you haven't been in years and know you won't be back again for a long time.


No one's said this, this thread, but the Finale music from Spaceship Earth always chokes me up. We went the to WDW the past 3 years in a row, and Spaceship Earth was the first ride we went on at Epcot, and the last ride we go on, when we leave. It's a tradition. So that music near the end of the ride has a dual meaning. It means we are back (Joy) and it means we are leaving (sadness).


New Member
Epcot makes me cry (or at least choke up) a lot. RoE really does it for me, especially right after it's over; SSE does too. I remember crying when I was leaving in 2006, and I knew right then that I was destined to work there (destiny came true!), and I've cried really bad usually the night before or when I leave for good. They're happy tears :) Can't wait to get back and do it all over again!


Well-Known Member
I've found myself on 2 accounts finding a tear escapes me.

First Being Wishes During "Starlight Star bright" and Go The Distance (I like the movie Hercules)

And Illuminations - The Song "We Go On" got me once.


Well-Known Member
I kind of teared up while we were leaving last weekend. I was standing on the dock waiting for the boat to arrive. I had my video camera out and got the kids saying goodbye to Disney. As I looked back at the Disney buses and saw all of the people heading into the park I teared up. It will be a while before we return and I knew this so I think that's why it was hard. I was fine a week ago but now I have the fever again. Will this ever end??


Well-Known Member
OMG! I love this thread! I knew I wasn't the only one. :lol:

The first trip we took our sons to WDW, the hubby and I clung to each other crying from the time the plane left the ground in Orlando.

The 2nd trip we took our kids I got sick with the flu the day after we arrived and probably cried a few times because I couldn't believe my rotten luck. I was miserable.

The 3rd trip we took our sons we also took my in-laws for their very 1st trip. We worked thru the crowds down Main Street and I was busy keeping us all together. As we approached the hub I looked back at my mother-in-law who was sobbing and I lost it (along with the hubby & father-in-law). It was such a sweet moment. During that trip I had a Disney-meltdown (we all know what those are) because the kids were being difficult. I cried a bunch then. Same trip, as we were leaving MK on our final night all the way up Main Street I kept looking back over my shoulder. After 3 or 4 times my DH stopped, looked back, and asked me what I kept looking at. Then he looked at my face and saw I was crying. I hated leaving.

This past trip, 4th trip with the kids, I timed my cd's so that as we passed under the WDW sign driving in I had "On My Way" from the Brother Bear soundtrack playing. I soooo was crying. LOL!

Generally, RoE makes me cry, the American Adventure show brings tears, Wishes of course, and (I guess I'm weird here) the big movie montage at the end of GMR makes me all misty. The new Finding Nemo musical was a teary moment. Leaving always makes me cry. I hate going back to life as usual. Then, of course, if my kids cry when we leave I will totally lose it. LOL!


New Member
I'm a very emotional person and I will get very choked up at the drop of a hat. I can't begin to explain how much WDW/Disney means to me on so many different I won't attempt to try, but I will tell you some of the things that get me choked up every...single...time.

-My first glimpse of the castle
-Walking down Main St.(the sights, the sounds and the smells just overwhelm me sometimes)
-Wishes(especially when Tink makes her flight)
-Illuminations(specifically "We Go On" and the special tag during the holidays)
-The Fife and Drum Corps at the American Pavillion(I almost lost it during thier presentation back in April)
-The Voices of Liberty
-Everything at Christmas(especially the Osborne Lights, Candlelight Processional,the Lights of Winter,etc. I basically just walk around with a lump in my throat the whole time I'm there at Christmas time)
-When I first walk into the lobby of the Animal Kingdom Lodge or the Wilderness Lodge(especially at Christmas)
-I listen to the park soundtracks all of the time and I still get choked up listening to Wishes.
-Sometimes something as simple as a great experience with a CM who genuinely cares and truly tries to make our trip Magical will get me choked up.
-I start getting very emotional the last night of our trip and I'll stay that way for several days after we get home. I especially hated leaving last Christmas and when we got home I became very depressed and bawled like a big blubbering baby several times during the following week)

No one besides my wife understands my emotional attachment to WDW and I get alot of flack for it from friends and family, but I'm so glad I have some amazing WDWMagic friends who understand and can relate. I don't know what I would do without you guys.:wave:


Excessive? Nah!!! Don't you know that REAL men cry?:veryconfu


Premium Member
Nah I don't cry. I know I'll be back again, so it's not like Disney is dead when I leave. :lol:

I make sure to wear myself out really good at the end of the trip so I'm anxious to go home and rest and write my trip report and stuff.
I start tearing up at different things about 2 days before we leave.
The last day gets me and I just get very quiet...

My hubby understands this and just lives with it.

We have been lucky enough to go 2 times a year since Nov 2005, but our next trip is our last big trip alone with our dear daughter. she will be starting "big" school next fall so I know when we leave this time I will be NUTS.

We are taking a big family trip in the spring ... but with 10 people to corral I think it will be difficult.

I'm glad to know I am not alone
Back when I was a young kid I cried during the Fantasy in the Sky Fireworks and thought I was never coming back to Disney...well, it turned out to be the first trip of many throughout the years, but each time I get ready to leave Disney I get a little choked up and sometimes you might catch me shedding a tear during Wishes on our last night at the parks, or as we pass through the property gates and the road signs change from purple to seems like as you pass through the boundaries for the property you sadly transform back into the real world from the greatest fantasy on earth.


Our first trip with our kids was when my son was almost 5 and my daughter was 2 1/2. My son loved Winnie the Pooh, and we decided to go when we did because he was convinced that he needed to meet Winnie the Pooh.

Our first day there we booked a breakfast at the Crystal palace. (This has now become a tradition.) We were greeted at out table by Tigger, which was nice, but my son wanted to meet Pooh. We saw him by the buffet, and went to wait in line to get a picture with him. When we started getting close, my son grabbed my hand tightly and started hopping up and down. he looked at me with tears of excitement in his eyes and exclaimed, "He's real... it's really him! I thought it was just going to be a guy in a mask, but it is really pooh!"

Yes, I cried (or at least my eyes filled up). I knew right then that every penny we had spent on the trip was going to be worth it. Even if we would have had to leave 10 minutes later, every penny would have been worth it.

On our last trip, I got to experience that feeling again when my daughter (who was weraing her Cinderella dress and tiara) got her picture taken with Cinderella at 1900 Park Fare. The smile on her face was something I will never forget. (A few tears for me that time, too.)


Well-Known Member
FYI, I teared up a lot reading this thread. It's amazing to me that there are other people out there like me.

I identified so much with what others say about how WDW is more than just a place. I represents so much to me, so much more than I can explain or that there are even words to describe.

I know not everyone had the fairytale enchanted childhood. I'm not special or different just because mine was...well...what it was. From before I can even remember, WDW has been my happy place. My parents took me there twice, I think, before divorcing. Then I got to go back when my grandparents came to visit us when we lived in Central Florida. I adored my grandparents and each memory I have with them is a treasure. As I grew up I generally visited with my dad once or twice a year (he was active duty Navy). The best days were when he'd pop into town unexpected and grab my brother and me for a getaway weekend. He'd take us to Disney and spoil us silly. My younger step-sister and I have lots of memories of wandering the parks together just the two of us being the silly little girls with all the silly little fantasies that we couldn't have when we were around my step-father. I know y'all would just die to hear it, but I have lots of memories of being in the parks getting into all sorts of mischief with my older, more devious brothers. LOL! Then, later in life, I had the pleasure of taking my DH to WDW for his very first time, just the 2 of us. We've taken our sons 4 times now. I've been to WDW with my in-laws, whom I totally adore, for their 1st trip ever. I also had a chance to heal some old wounds while spending time in The World with my ex-step-father.

WDW is my happy place. It's where I can escape. It's where make-believe is real. Dreams aren't just dreams. Anything is possible. The sky's the limit. The everyday dull life leaves you at the sign as you enter the property and you're on Disney Time while you're there. I swear, even if it's raining or the kids are fussing or the lines are long or my feet hurt so bad I could just lay down and let people walk across me, it's the closest thing to heaven for me. I hope when I get there heaven looks a lot like WDW...only better.

If I get a bit teary eyed or overwhelmed while I'm there, then so be it. Just imagining the emotions and the sounds and the sights and the experiences is enough to get me all misty.

I love WDW. I'm glad y'all do, too.


Active Member
OK, I'm a very sentimental guy, and I cry when we leave every trip. Maybe not tears streaming down my face, but the biggest lump in my throat and very, VERY misty eyes.

We always have a tradition for our last day. The MK is always the last park to visit, and we can usually stay throught the afternoon parade. Immediately afterwards, we go to the picture spot on the Tomorrowland bridge with the castle in the background. I take a picture of our son with and then he takes one of us, and then a big hug and we tell each other we're coming back next year. Then we leave, and I get very emotional thinking about the times we had on this trip and the great times we've had before.

Only 10 days till we are back and then 16 days till I feel a emotional farewell coming on.

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