Do you ever cry?

I blubber all the time when I watch the fireworks. It makes me feel like I was little again and I'm watching them for the first time.
I always cry when I leave the park though!! lol
ive never cried when leaving, however, like many people have shared, ive gotten choked up during the american adventure and during wishes. in my defense, im always tired by the time i see them! theres also been tears of anger when fighting with family members! haha, always ends well though!


New Member
oh the memories!!!!

Just this past November, my DH and I planned a trip and asked my parents to go with us well somehow, it ended up into A TRIP for TWELVE. It was so amazing My DD's and My DS and BIL Their sons and DM and DDad, DH, and my Dgrandparents so it was a 4 generation trip. Now mind you the first time my grandfather ever got to go was back in 1993 when he was 65 and he went with my high school as a chaperone He was like a little kid. It was so amazing just to have my kids get to experience this with their great grandparents, their grandparents, and the whole family.

Any who we were sitting at Chef Mickeys the day before we left and eating breakfast and Mickey came over and gave Grandma a hug and I look at my mother 5 minutes later and the tears are just rolling down her face. We asked her what was wrong and she began with I dont (sob) wanna(sob) go home (sniff sniff) It was amazing. Never before in the past 4 years has my mother cried. I know this was probably the last trip I will get to take with my grandparents who are the youngest 80 yr olds I have ever met, but I look back and thing how many kids can say they went with 4 generations to WDW!!! AMAZING!!!!!:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:


Well-Known Member
Here's my list....
1. When I watch videos as we pack for our trip
2. When I see the first billboards on I-4
3. When I see the WDW exit sign and traffic keeps me waiting for 45 mintues :cry:
4. When I see the main entrance to WDW
5. When I hear "Welcome Home" as I walk into the resorts
6. When I see the castle for the first and last times
7. At Mickey's Philharmagic, Beauty and the Beast, Fantasmic, Wishes, Peter Pan, Soarin', and the American Adventure

I'm really a very happy person....:lookaroun



Active Member
Yes I cry and this is my niece on the DME heading home



New Member
On my first trip to the world I started crying like a baby when I saw the "Welcome to Disney World" sign. I was just so excited. Then I cried during Illumanations and when we we're leaving. This upcoming trip I'll be prepared with some
I have to admit that I did cry twice over my last WDW trip. First I cried during the HSM School's Out Parade. (I'm part HSM fangirl, and seeing all of the crowd sing and dance along just got to me. :eek:) Then I cried on our last night in the parks. We were at EPCOT and I cried during Illuminations.


New Member
I get teary eyed many times during my Disney vacation, sad to say. Like many others, I get teary eyed during the fireworks, on my first day when I first see either SSE or the castle, and when I leave. On my last trip I cried during The Candle Light Processional! That was really beautiful!!!:cry:


I cry when we walking down mainstreet for the first time on each trip. I cry when I see my kiddies loving all the magic. I cry when we visit the Boardwalk....we got married there. I cry when we have to go home.

I'm pretty sappy.


New Member
I am not a sappy person...however..I cry during Wishes. Both in 2004 and 2006. I cried last spring [2007] when we couldn't go to Disney. And I cried this spring [2008] when we decided to go to Disney.


Well-Known Member
I am an emotional baby when I am in WDW!!! Not all out crying but you know, choking up, and letting a tear out here and there.

I get teary eyed when I see the big sign.

Wishes! never fails to get me going either. Everytime. No matter how many times I see it.

When Beauty & the Beast come out during Fantasmic! I choke up.

Of course when I leave I get really sad and I usually cry either leaving the room, or when we pass under the sign that says "See ya real soon!".

I get emotional when I see children just in "awe" over their favorite characters.

And two times I get emotional... because there is a real tie with these is:

Illuminations and its a small world (and not because of the song lol)

In May of 2005 I took a solo trip to WDW. I was getting ready to watch Illuminations, and a woman and two of her friends came up next to me and asked if they could stand there, and I explained to them it was fine because I was there alone. Well of course, now they knew I was alone, and they chatted with me. Well the woman who I spoke with was named, Millie. She explained to me that she was a CM at a store at DHS, and she proceeded to tell me about a friend of hers, who would go down to Florida and visit her frequently, and his favorite show was Illuminations. She started telling me how much it meant to her to continue seeing it, because unfortunately her friend had passed away 6 months earlier. Well Millie started to cry and I just felt so honored that a woman I never met, would share such an important story with me. So now whenever I see Illuminations I think of Millie, and her wonderful friend, and how lucky I was to have met her. And well, I can't help but get emotional. And if anyone knows where Millie is now please let me know!!! Several times I have gone to WDW and asked for her, but she never seems to be working (Celebrity 5 & 10 is where I think she said she worked) so if anyone knows of and where Millie is please let me know!!!

As for it's a small world... this is why it makes me emotional...

My grandmother passed away when I was 7, and she was a school teacher. She saw IASW at the world's fair, and it inspired her to have her 2nd grade class do a play based on it. She is the person who put the Disney Magic in me. And I will never forget that. When she died of cancer, I was only 7, but I asked my mom if "gramma was in heaven with Walt Disney" and my mom said yes. And I said "wow she's lucky. i bet she's happy to finally meet him" and it almost made me feel at ease that she was "in heaven with Walt" because I thought she would be happier. A few years ago, we found some home videos she had taken before she passed away, in one of them, my grandfather was videotaping my cousins dancing, and I was sitting next to my grandmother, who was playing her organ, and she was teaching me how to play... and the song she taught me was "its a small world"... of course I bawled my eyes out watching the video and wondering if without her I would "get" the Disney Magic as I do now. So now whenever I go on the ride(this may sound silly), I leave a bit of a space next to me (permitting the ride isn't too busy), and I know my grandmother is sitting right next to me, and I have all I can do not to cry throughout the ride, and I just smile and remember how special it was for her to share her love of Disney with me.

Ok now I need tissues lol. Thanks guys lol:wave:


I get a tear in my eye far too much at WDW....

When I watch Wishes
Watching Illuminations I get a lump in my throat every time
Seeing disabled kids and the great CM's doing something to make their visit extra special.
And for some reason IASW always gets me as it has some simplistic world peace message that as an adult you know will never happen.


New Member
The Last Trip we took May of 2007.
It was the last evening of our 2 week vacation and we had a 6:00 AM Flight back to San Diego in the morning.
We had to leave so we could get back to the Resort & start getting packed up.
Also we had to drop off the Rental car before our Flight.
We had chosen to end our Trip with a full day's visit to Magic Kingdom.
As we Made the Agonizing decision to Reluctantantly leave, The Spectro Magic Parade with All of it's Lights and music Blaring away...... we made it just past the Right side Train Station Archway before the realization truly set in that we were actually leaving and the magical 2 weeks were over.
There sitting on one of the Brick Planters my Fiancee' and myself just held each other blubbering like a couple of 10 year olds!:cry::cry::cry:

The happy Ending is we swore at that moment we were coming back!!!

22 Days until that promise is Fulfilled!!!!:sohappy::sohappy::sohappy:


We were just on the Disney cruise last week. After the final show they had on friday night we went back to our room, and my 6 year old just lost it. He was crying so hard becaues the trip was over, I felt so bad for him, and just held on to him. It got me so choked up seeing how sad he was because it was all over. He was ok on Saturday though because him and I just walked around WDW sampling all the Disney transportation, monorail, bus and boats. He was so happy just to ride all the different things. He even got to ride in the front of the monorail for a little while. So everything worked out in the end.


Well-Known Member
Every time I see the 2 brothers during the Civil War scene in Amercian Adventure.

Being Ex-Military and dont cry I tell everyone my Alergies are really acting up all of a sudden.

Absolutely - that scene gets me every time. In fact, MOST of the American Adventure has that effect on me, because so many of the people in it have passed away. (JFK, Martin Luther King, Bobby Kennedy, John F. Kennedy, Jr., saluting his father's casket...):(


New Member
My hubby always makes sure that we take lots of kleenex with us, b/c I cry at just about everything at the parks (esp wishes & ROE). The 1st time I took him to WDW when we were dating he freaked out and thought he had done something wrong b/c I had a total meltdown on the last day (it had been 5 yrs since my last trip there) and was crying in the lobby of Sports refusing to leave. I still cry every time we leave & at every Disney commercial I see on TV when we get home even though we are DVC members and go a few times a year. It's amazing how a month or 2 away from the magic seems like f-o-r-e-v-e-r!!!

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