Disney(World) vs. Disney(land)?


Well-Known Member
Dude they have hundreds of plans. When they need to react they take out the portfolio and start making decisions. A bit of tweaking here and there to bring the plans into the current decade and magically you get a plan.

They have invested heavily in that portfolio. You can bet they use it.
It's one thing to have plans and another thing to execute them. You have to work for Disney .


Well-Known Member
Raising prices and lowering quality is the first sign of panic. There is no way Disney is not in panic mode. The decline in service,lack of maintenance and all around lack of accountability show otherwise. No company plans on playing catchup. It's not in the company or shareholders best interests. I agree the mouse is smarter but does anyone listen to him anymore.

We will just have to disagree. And if all was as bad as you describe the numbers would have fallen off much quicker. I have to give you credit though, you have all the talking points down.

If you look at TWDC and the stock price they are thriving. WDW is getting the attention needed now that they have sealed all the leaks in other divisions. If Iger had of panicked (and he had every right to) the boat might have sunk. But as it is right now, it is all clear sailing. Which may be why Universal Orlando seems to be panicking a bit. Stress can be a great motivator.

But the mouse never panics.


Well-Known Member
I don't see Universal panicking at all they saw an opportunity to improve their product and they did. If anything they strengthened their brand. Yes the stock is thriving but if their decision process doesn't change it could dip.


Well-Known Member
But the mouse never panics.

Isn't panic driving the rumoured overhaul of Hollywood Studios that we've heard so much about recently? Having seen for myself how certain standards have slipped at WDW and what Disney will have to do to fix them, if they aren't panicking they should be.


Well-Known Member
I don't see Universal panicking at all they saw an opportunity to improve their product and they did. If anything they strengthened their brand. Yes the stock is thriving but if their decision process doesn't change it could dip.

Seriously, don't even bother.

Uni is bringing in record profits, attendance gains, and going through a substantial amount of building, one part of which was to decrease their taxable income.

But they're panicking.

The poster you're responding to could give the National Enquirer a run for their money.


Well-Known Member
There is a possibility of creating so much content that central Florida is ensured of remaining the number 1 tourist destination in the world for decades.
More tourists visit Times Square a year than visit Central Florida, and that's not even close to the numbers who visit New York City. Worldwide, France is the number 1 tourist destination. So let's dispense with this "most visited" nonsense. Yes, it's high on the list, but it's not the highest.


Well-Known Member
I have no doubt that those that have their bonuses impacted might have a problem with lower numbers even if temporary. But the big cheese (and those that matter) prefer ever increasing numbers arriving at MCO.
Not when those increased numbers are having no impact on occupancy at the resort and in fact are having the opposite result in overall revenue. There has been a fundamental shift on how tourists are experiencing Orlando and its not playing out in Disney's favor.


Well-Known Member
Again I ask you to put real numbers up between Uni and WDW. Tourist for tourist, occupancy rates vs occupancy rates, revenue dollars vs revenue dollars. Thank you.

There is no panic.
I'll try again (although I suspect I'll be banging my head against the wall like so many others have). In the private sector market trends are more important than market share. Good management is always looks for ways to grow the business, to grow market share. Bad management sits on their duff, offers discounts, and expects to sail thru based on past performance. When business is stagnant or declines while the competition grows, even bad management realizes it's time to figure out what the competition is doing right and what they are doing wrong.


Well-Known Member
I'll try again (although I suspect I'll be banging my head against the wall like so many others have). In the private sector market trends are more important than market share. Good management is always looks for ways to grow the business, to grow market share. Bad management sits on their duff, offers discounts, and expects to sail thru based on past performance. When business is stagnant or declines while the competition grows, even bad management realizes it's time to figure out what the competition is doing right and what they are doing wrong.
Thank you for putting this in words a lot better than mine


Well-Known Member
I have already addressed this but in case you missed it.....

I contend that Disney is not overly concerned with Universal and Sea World and Legoland being successful. They were more concerned with what would have happened had DCA not been fixed first. Or that they did not have near enough supply to meet demand on the Disney Cruise Lines. The mouse was more concerned with incorporating Pixar successfully into the fold than Potterville grabbing a bit of market share. They were more concerned with making aquisitions like Marvel to shore up a content deficit.

This board's insiders, Like 74, Lee, Martin, etc. dismissed your contentions with actual knowledge. And while I don't always agree with 74's opinions, I trust the veracity of his claims. You have no sources. You admit to having no sources within the TDC, and yet dismiss claims by insiders because it doesn't correlate with your conjecture. The insiders here know (as much as insiders can know) Disney's internal responses to the actions of Universal or Sea World or Legoland. You don't. You can contend all you want, it doesn't make it true.

I read an article a couple years ago from the Orlando Business Journal that talked about the advantages of larger and more varied content of the central Florida tourism portfolio. There is a possibility of creating so much content that central Florida is ensured of remaining the number 1 tourist destination in the world for decades. Rest assured there are very wealthy interests that want that title. From the middle-east to the far-east, there are real threats to Orlando's crown.
I'm going to reiterate that central Florida is not the world's number 1 tourist destination. A quick Google search brings up a large number of sites with facts and figures...central Florida is high on the list, it's just not the highest.

That does not mean Disney will not need to compete against Universal etc, but I do not think they mind the idea of a rising tide lifting all boats. And they do not mind being reactive rather than proactive. The relatively flat numbers of the last couple years are not that major a problem compared to the other issues they faced in other divisions.
Oh please. Companies hate spending money to make a profit. I don't think Disney's numbers would be any better if Universal hadn't expanded. The fact is Disney hasn't really done anything that screams to people "come visit Disney World!" If anything, the new tourists to Orlando because of Harry Potter have probably made the decline at WDW less than what it would have been without IOA's Harry Potter addition. And I will admit that this is conjecture with no basis in numbers, but I am basing this opinion on logic.

The FLE begins the turnaround. It will suprise people and is only a first step to begin to regain numbers. I know you and others deperately need to believe TDO really screwed up due to all the theories of greed and short-sightedness and incompetence.
How is it going to surprise people? Other than capacity, they aren't adding anything of real substance. The only major attraction that is opening with it is a kiddie coaster that won't open for another few years. And the Little Mermaid Omnimover is practically a walk-on in California, and that was before Carsland opened.

PS- also consider that Disney may have been waiting for some new technological advancements. These take time too.
Disney was a company that made technical advancements, they didn't sit around waiting for them.


Well-Known Member
Putting aside the competition factor down in Florida, WDW should be improving and upgrading their theme parks and resorts regardless of the improvements being made at Universal and elsewhere. There is simply no excuse for WDW being in the state it currently is, they got comfortable and complacent and thought guests would keep coming back and be satisfied. People don't go to WDW to be satisfied, they want to be blown away by the innovation and immersiveness that once was synonymous with the resort. The FLE is a step in the right direction but it's merely one step and there's quite a way to go before WDW returns to the heights it once scaled; three out of their four parks need work IMO (I don't think Avatar is enough for AK right now) as well as Downtown Disney. Change won't happen overnight and it won't be cheap but it is needed, not because WDW's rivals are improving their own product right now, but because the WDW of today pales in comparison to the one that made us all fans of the resort in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Some have been scared to death for a long time now.

Its only recently that more of the suits have begun to dig their heads out of the sand, see the real world picture, and panic like hell.

Please don't treat FLE as a new renaissance. It was always coming. Its just late.

Universal, SW, BGT and Legoland have continued to add new attractions and shows over the last 5 years while Disney has stood still. They also have not only gone after the tourists but they also have go really hard after the locals and have added more special events for passholders. WDW seems to not care at all about locals esp with the recent jacking up of the AP prices. If with all they have added Universal has stayed pretty steady with their AP prices the last few years. And yes the other parks do need locals to get by. However, WDW may not depend on locals as much as DL but they need them to come out but if they lose the locals they will lose even more tourists cause all those people who come and visit us locals here in FL won't recommend going to WDW and take our friends to Universal, SW, BGT and Legoland.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what rising tide you're talking about.

According to figures from Themed Entertainment Association (TEA), attendance at Universal from 2009 (the last full year without WWOHP) to 2011 (the first full year with WWOHP) was up 35%, an amazing 66% at Islands of Adventure. Meanwhile, combined attendance at WDW's 4 theme parks was down 0.1% during the same period. I don't know what tide you think is lifting the WDW boat.

When the competition increases attendance by 35% and your attendance declines by 0.1%, it's time to panic.
The thing they are also panicking about is guest spending. It has gone through the roof at Universal and the only thing that has caused guest spending to go up at WDW is the fact they keep jacking up prices.


I still believe the FLE was mostly a reaction to Legoland. An MK expansion was necessary and inevitable. Legoland decided the content. Otherwise I think we would have gotten the rumored Frontierland and Adventureland projects sooner. And maybe a PH in Fantasyland.
Expanding FL into the old 20k spot has been the planned next expansion for at least 10-12 years, predating Legoland.

The old Villain Village concept was my favorite. Much cooler than what we're getting.


Well-Known Member
20K threw a bunch of quotes up but never made a specific case for where I stated something as fact.

LOL! :rolleyes:

I said it over and over... I didn't offer ANY comments on your quotes other than to say I thought they were funny. I said multiple times it was up to the readers to decide what your intent was. And I think the response was clear.

Sorry, Mom, to derail the thread... But (surprise, surprise) I needed to correct a bit of mis-information. ;)

In fact, for those interested... The post in reference:



OV 104
Premium Member
Had drinks with an interesting couple the other night at a certain WDW location. Come last call and bill time the couple's ENTIRE bill comped. I asked them how they did that so I can get on it. Come find out she writes for a certain blog/magazine. Hearing from verifieds is assuring. Seeing and believing first hand is a whole nother level. I was flat out baffled

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