Disney Princesses in Reality


New Member
Hi all :wave:

This article was in a celebrity blog that I read.
I found this pretty interesting how the Disney princesses (minus Little Red Riding Hood and Rapunzel) are shown in "real life" situation. Not too sure what I think beyond that though.


What do you think?

:lookaroun why does belle need plastic surgery? or am I missing something.
Cinderellas quite funny to me, or maybe the cowboys looking at her are.
Anyway nice catch there princess, somewhat dark and creepy humor but she mentions that. :D


Well-Known Member
Whatever. I can see that some would interpret this as "art" but in my opinion this is stupid. I hope that no children see this. IMO Disney promotes fantasy and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. None of the Disney characters need to be injected into "reality" because they aren't real. If this photographer is trying to show reality, why not show the positvie sides of it as well? How about some happy families, or a princess going to college and becoming a doctor, or inspiring young people? To me this "art" is cliche and simplistic at best with very little imagination. This has about as much imagination as with Disney characters. BTW there is a Disneyworld that has a dose of reality in it as well...it's called Detroit.


Active Member
Whatever. I can see that some would interpret this as "art" but in my opinion this is stupid. I hope that no children see this. IMO Disney promotes fantasy and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. None of the Disney characters need to be injected into "reality" because they aren't real. If this photographer is trying to show reality, why not show the positvie sides of it as well? How about some happy families, or a princess going to college and becoming a doctor, or inspiring young people? To me this "art" is cliche and simplistic at best with very little imagination. This has about as much imagination as with Disney characters. BTW there is a Disneyworld that has a dose of reality in it as well...it's called Detroit.

I agree 100%.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Interesting stuff. I think it works better as straight-up dark humor than the social commentary angle she seems to be going for, though. Some of those pics make me laugh, but I don't think they really "say" anything.


Well-Known Member
well alrighty then. i agree i don't know how i feel about it. it reminds me of something America's Next Top Model would do or something...but I just I don't know.


Certainly a funny concept but I agree that labeling this "reality" is a big stretch. Plenty of women lead nice normal happy lives and leaving that part out while still considering this reality isn't accurate at all. Typical for shock art, in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
as a father of a 6 year old girl(who loves the princesses), I have always tried to encourage her to be strong and confident. I think Mulan is the strongest woman(although technically not a princess) character and best role model for a young girl. I have always been kind of torn about the idea of a princess needing a man to always come and rescue her.

As far as the pics, not really funny but not really offensive either....


Naturally Grumpy
Full justification for the need for fantasy that these stories represent. While happily ever after is probably a stretch...it is a far better goal than the depression and failure expressed in these pictures.

Put them right down there with Disney ""
Both worthless, just meant to shock by destroying icons.


I'm gonna have to agree with durangojim on this one.

They're interesting-looking pictures, but I'm not a fan of the overdone label of "reality" for these princesses. Who says they couldn't live a happy life with jobs and nice families? But I suppose that wouldn't make for a very eye-catching photo series :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I will agree with the shock assesment, shock without much thought.

She claims these images address the various issues such as body image that most women deal with every day. - OK, sounds good so far.

But we have Snow White home with 5 or so infants all the same age - so i guess most woment deal with quituplets.

We have Rapunzel who lost her hair, via what I can only guess is chemo. Not every woman deals with cancer, and for the ones that I know that have delt with it, loosing their hair due to the chemo was the least of their worries (dying seemed to outrank that)

Jasmine is off fighting a war. Is that somthing that most women deal with? I know there are a lot that are in the military, and they are to be congratulated. But is it something that the majority of women deal with every day? I understand (sort of) the connection of Rapunzel loosing her hair with chemo, but what is the Jasmine connection here? Is it because Jasmine is middle eastern? Is this supposed to suggest middle eastern women are all terrorists?

It's just poorly though out (and photoshopped) shock work.



Well-Known Member
People look too deep into things! My 3 year old daughter loves the princesses because she loves their dresses and the color of them and loves to where any kind of dress all the time. Reality is what you make it. You bring your children up to understand the world for what it is at the right age appropriate time for each issue or happening. A world without any fun fairytales is a very sad, scary, boring place. It is called using your imagination. Get a grip to those who have to ruin all the fun!


I agree with most of the negative posts on here.

I will add to the comments by saying: Great excercise but it's mostly based on photoshop abilities, rather than actual photography per se.

These images are a little tired and cliched to tell you the truth.... I get where the photographer was trying to go, but they really took the easy way out and didn't put much thought into their concepts.... Really, who wouldn't think about Jasmine living/fighting in a war torn region?? C'mon... Talk about playing stereotypes.

Why couldn't Rapunzel loose her hair at the end of the military razor during enlistment?

Are these real life situations? I dunno guess it depends whose life your talking about, some people will never experience any of the artists chosen topics, while others will experience all of them... I think more mundane topics like Cinderella trying to catch a bus in that big dress and glass slippers would have been more apropos and interesting...

If anyone is looking for something that will really spin your wig off your head listen to Tom Waits rendition of "Heigh-Ho" or perhaps give a listen to Cursive's take on Pinocchio on their full length album "The Ugly Organ"... IMO, both creative twists on Disney Classics, while maintaining high standards of production.


Well-Known Member
Are these real life situations? I dunno guess it depends whose life your talking about, some people will never experience any of the artists chosen topics, while others will experience all of them... I think more mundane topics like Cinderella trying to catch a bus in that big dress and glass slippers would have been more apropos and interesting...

I think this image is much better, and speaks more toward the "what if the princesses were everyday people" idea than the images that were shown.

How about Rapunzel in the grocery store with a cart full of shampoo and holding a single bottle and looking at the price tag with a look of exasperation.

Belle at the library trying to find her library card in her purse

Jasmine trying to find a place that sells Purina Monkey Chow because they just had to have Apu for a pet. (It would be even more salient if it was her KIDS that wanted the exotic pet) - or, at the vet looking at $1,000 bill for "monkey services" or some such pet related expense.



Active Member
These pictures rather disturbed me... I don't like them at all.

Some may consider it art, but even then, they seem poorly done. The lighting is cheap in all of them. It just looks like someone used some friends and a disposable camera.

Like some of you have said, these 'realities' aren't even THAT common... want reality? I think reality is more like how Sittle and Phonedave suggested.


Well-Known Member
I hope I don't see these in the Art of Disney anytime.

I see the princess (and most traditional cartoon characters) as a representation of innocence (or evil of course). I see them as representing a fantasy world where things aren't real and if we're honest, we don't really draw any comparison to the real world. The artist however seems to think that the princesses are a representation of perfection within society (or something like that... I'm no art critic!)

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