Disney Dining Experience Changes


I don't like screaming kids either but if it is in the case of an infant up to 2 or 3 years old, I don't really feel that is the parent's fault if their child is crying.
I also don't feel that people with infants should be excluded from enjoying a nice meal. I suppose they could get a sitter, but on vacation that is not always an option.
But your right, the higher end or offsite restaurants are more likely to not have alot of small children. It is probably the best way to go if that is something that really bugs you.
If it's interrupting me, it's their fault. If they chose to bring a non-quiet aged child to a quiet event (movie, restaurant...) it's THEIR fault. I would really prefer that they just keep them at home until they are of a more appropriate age or are more well mannered, but the fact that they would subject everyone else to a crying child indicates that they are not that considerate and/or intelligent to begin with. Personally, I'd like to see a new replacement for the old smokin/non smoking sections, children/non-children. The children's section would be encased in sound proof glass so as not to disturb anyone else.


Active Member
It doesn't matter what they are eating, there are six of you. And children are just as, if not more taxing on a server.

That is a load of crap..if only 4 are eating, they are only bringing 4 meals, not 6. My kids are also very neat (or I pick up after them)and do not require more work than an adult. I should not be forced to pay extra for someone who in essence is DOING THEIR JOB-nothing more and nothing less..but I do. it is just crazy that servers expect a big tip when they cant even keep drinks filled, or get orders right and then just comment on how cheap people are--maybe if you did your job better, you would get better tips.


Well-Known Member
I hate to agree with absolutely hating the automatic tip thing. They seem to be making worse and worse choices lately. We were planning on taking another family with us to WDW next year and were trying to get them to the DP but I really don't think they are going to be into it with all these changes.

On my last trip we had good service except for Ohana's, where I had to actually get out of my seat and stop our waitress to ask for a glass of water since she kept running past our table. We were on the DP then and I really resented her getting an automatic 18% tip for that. If I went there now and the same thing happened only I had to pay the tip out of pocket, I'd be really miffed. Yeah, this whole thing might lead to some pretty nasty arguements.


Well-Known Member
I would feel much better about this arguement if I thought the majority would be more inclined to tip OVER 18%. However, having many connections to the service industry, I know how disgracefully cheap many people are in regards to tipping. 18%+ is standard is standard at any decent restaurant, quit your whining.

Whether people tip 18%, 20%, 5%, etc. - It doesn't matter! The fact is, is that now it is forced upon us. A tip was originally a TIP, an abbreation for To Insure Promptness. It was left up to the discreation of the customer, not a service charge to be tacked onto our bill, which is what it has become! We (at least I am not) are not whining about the amount, it is the simple fact that it has become mandatory now!


Active Member
If it's interrupting me, it's their fault. If they chose to bring a non-quiet aged child to a quiet event (movie, restaurant...) it's THEIR fault. I would really prefer that they just keep them at home until they are of a more appropriate age or are more well mannered, but the fact that they would subject everyone else to a crying child indicates that they are not that considerate and/or intelligent to begin with. Personally, I'd like to see a new replacement for the old smokin/non smoking sections, children/non-children. The children's section would be encased in sound proof glass so as not to disturb anyone else.

K..this is totally off topic and I will not even get into this argument!! How about a loud and obnoxious drunks section and a well-behaved citizen section?


Well-Known Member
I thought this was interesting. Here is the Merriam Webster definition of the word gratuity:

something given voluntarily or beyond obligation usually for some service

Are they going to start calling it something else when it is no longer voluntary? :shrug:
Another good point. Service charge? Server's fee? Convenience charge? I think we should all start referring to it as the "mandatory service tax." I mean, since "ripoff" is already taken. :lookaroun

By the way... anybody ever glance over the in-room pizza service thing at Pop Century? There's a "service charge," a "delivery fee," AND a "gratuity" added (in addition to the already-exhorbitant price)!


Well-Known Member
K..this is totally off topic and I will not even get into this argument!! How about a loud and obnoxious drunks section and a well-behaved citizen section?

Now this made me smile! I know, there's nothing you can say to that! Maybe families and children should just be banned from WDW - what nerve do we have bringing our children to WDW anyway!?!:brick:

(But my children behave themselves, so maybe I'll sneek them in and they won't notice.):lookaroun


Active Member
Give me back the days when you walked up to a video kiosk in the morning hours at Epcot and made dining reservations for the same evening.

Yeah, I used to love doing that. You could decide that morning what kind of food you'd feel like for dinner. Then with a quick stop at video kiosk when you entered the park you could get a reservation at any of the World Showcase restaurants.

This year for my upcoming December trip I couldn't get many of the reservations I wanted when I booked the trip 80 days out.


As soon as I saw "upgrading" and "some exciting new developments" in my email, I went OH NO! This kind of PR is always used to try and sugar coat a negative change and by the end of the letter, I knew it had happened again. Not good....not good at all.


Well-Known Member
In case you'd like a name to send your flame letters to, this was posted by Spirit of 74 over at LP...
... if you don't like the policy, I'd drop a letter, email or phone call to Dieter Hannig, Head of WDW Food and Beverage and to Erin Wallace, Sr. VP of Ops for the WDW Resort.


Now this made me smile! I know, there's nothing you can say to that! Maybe families and children should just be banned from WDW - what nerve do we have bringing our children to WDW anyway!?!:brick:

(But my children behave themselves, so maybe I'll sneek them in and they won't notice.):lookaroun
Don't forget Brazilian tour groups.
If it's interrupting me, it's their fault. If they chose to bring a non-quiet aged child to a quiet event (movie, restaurant...) it's THEIR fault. I would really prefer that they just keep them at home until they are of a more appropriate age or are more well mannered, but the fact that they would subject everyone else to a crying child indicates that they are not that considerate and/or intelligent to begin with. Personally, I'd like to see a new replacement for the old smokin/non smoking sections, children/non-children. The children's section would be encased in sound proof glass so as not to disturb anyone else.

are you effing kidding me? im sorry, but for someone to assume that restaurant in disney is a quiet event is a tad bit ridiculous.

and you just compared having children to having a harmful, bad habit. Im going to go out on a limb and assume you don't have kids.

ps...im really hoping this was sarcasm.


Well-Known Member
Two points to ponder...

Point 1: Maybe this was the planned info release after-all. It does follow the typical "send out bad PR on a Friday" rule.

Point 2: "Propertywide" is a curious choice of words. I'm sure it was meant to be all-inclusive of hotels and parks. But... what about third-party table service at DTD? What about Rainforest, which although third party, straddles in/out of park. Moreover, what about in-park third party restaurants (Yak & Yeti)? Does this affect any or all of them?


That is a load of crap..if only 4 are eating, they are only bringing 4 meals, not 6. My kids are also very neat (or I pick up after them)and do not require more work than an adult. I should not be forced to pay extra for someone who in essence is DOING THEIR JOB-nothing more and nothing less..but I do. it is just crazy that servers expect a big tip when they cant even keep drinks filled, or get orders right and then just comment on how cheap people are--maybe if you did your job better, you would get better tips.
Maybe. Maybe you're right. Maybe the vast majority of people would be better about it. But I don't think so.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, The DDE card still isnt a bad deal. Remember the 18% mandatory gratuity is for EVERYONE!!!!!!!!! This means if you are a DDE Card holder, paying for your meals out of pocket at the full rate or on a dining plan!!!!! So in the end the 18% gratuity is being added to everyone's bill you are just getting the bill pre-gratuity at a rate of 20% cheaper. Belle


are you effing kidding me? im sorry, but for someone to assume that restaurant in disney is a quiet event is a tad bit ridiculous.

and you just compared having children to having a harmful, bad habit. Im going to go out on a limb and assume you don't have kids.

ps...im really hoping this was sarcasm.

I'll respond point by point.

1. No, a meal at Disney, or anywhere else is not specifically expected to be quiet. You can, however, expect not to be overly disturbed by your surroundings. Take the kids out of the equation, how would you feel if there was a car alarm going off at the table next to you? If someone were talking on a cell phone in a movie theater? Quick story, I goto to a movie some years ago. Went to the The Negotiator with Sam Jackson and Kevin Spacey. Good picture. Lady comes in and sits down in front of me with an infant. Midway through the loud, explosion picture, kid starts crying. I tap her on the shoulder and mention that MAYBE she should take the child into the lobby. She angrily turns around and tells me "It's not his fault, he can't help, he's a BABY!"
2. Yes, I did compare a crying child to a bad habit only for their shared ability to disturb others.
3. It was sarcasm...to a point. It's really more of an overall lament for the loss of courtesy in today's world. Just goto a Wal-Mart on a Sunday afternoon and you'll see what I mean.

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