Disney Diet Buddies...


Well-Known Member
Great Job! Hope you have a great weekend!!

Thank you! :sohappy:

OMG! I can relate! Tracey was all of 120 lbs. @ 6'2" and wore a size 28 waist when we got married. Of course, he was only 21. LOL! For years it's bugged me to death how he doesn't balloon as easy as me. He's put on some lbs. in the past 5 or so years but I don't think he looks terrible. What used to kill me is that I had to work to be able to run any distance at all and he could spontaneously throw his sneakers on and prance circles around me all day long with no work required. Ugh! Made me so mad! Then he'd stop drinking soda for a week and instantly drop 5 lbs. I don't even drink soda!!! One cup of coffee in the morning, 1 cup of skim milk during the day, and the rest is water. That's it. And I fight to keep from gaining. I will say, tho, that age has been the great equalizer. I laugh but it's true and Tracey will be the first person to tell you so. He can't outrun me anymore and it's not like I really put the work in like I should. He has more trouble with cramping, his feet & legs, etc. His weight is a bit harder for him to fight, too. I'm sure being put on blood pressure meds correlates. It was around that time that things got tougher on him. Still, yay for not being as old as he is and still being in pretty good shape! No, I'm not competitive at all.....

Wow, 6'2" 120? What a beanpole! :lol: Will is 5'8" 135, and the boy EATS. I keep thinking it's going to catch up to him, but his parents and grandparents are pretty thin too, so...:shrug: Hopefully our children will inherit his great metabolism. I'm like you, I need to work my a** off to get in shape. And it drives me nuts when people automatically look weight giving up pop. My mom tried to convince me that I would easily lose 5 lbs giving up Coke a few years back, and I did before my wedding...didn't help! :cry: As for boys being able to easily pick up running, look at my brother and I during the marathon. I KNOW he didn't train as hard as I did, yet he left me in the dust at mile 23 and finished stronger than I did. I'm glad he did well, but still...BOO :mad:

Um, yeah! I remember after having my 2nd baby being upset at how heavy I still was and people like Madonna could spit out babies and come out a month after delivery better than before. Tracey said, "Well, yeah! Like it's hard when you have a staff of people cooking healthy for you and working you out daily." So true! If only, right???

"If only" is right! This would totally be easier if I had a team telling me what to eat and when to work out/what to do. I'm lucky that I get WW and the gym free at work though...I know that the great majority of people don't get that, and I am trying to take advantage of it.

So, okay, still not losing much of anything but I'll be honest and say the effort hasn't been on the running and working. Still doing very good with the eating which is an accomplishment of sorts for me. We ended up going to Saltgrass in Kemah for Chandler's 16th birthday steak-n-lobster feast vs. Shula's in Houston. ((Couldn't get a table for 7.) I'm proud! I didn't touch the bread or butter, ordered a steak-topped dinner salad, and only ate 1 slice of tiramisu. ((You know your kid is old when he opts for a specialty Italian dessert vs. a traditional birthday cake.)) So no cake pig-outs for me!!!

I know I need to get motivated on the exercise. It's almost like I dread doing any of that part. Always reasons I can't. I'm a creature of habit. My relaxed mornings, sleeping until at least 7 but often 8 or 9, etc. has been a helluva habit to try to break. If I'm going to make time to start my day with a run or a workout I've GOT to do it earlier or it's just not going to happen. **sigh** I'm pathetic.

Someone come to my house and beat me with a stick. Make me do it!!! I'll gladly give you people my cell phone number so you can call me and nag me out of bed in the mornings!!!! I'm not kidding. I could ask Tracey to do it but then I know I'd be mad at him and tell him to take a flying a leap. I'd never do that to my friiiiends. So who's up before 6 a.m. CST???

Good job! I think I heard/read somewhere that weight loss is 80% diet/20% exercise or something. I could totally be wrong on those numbers. I've always been good with the exercise and lost 5 pounds when I started marathon training without changing my diet. That was August - about Christmas...just 5 pounds even with all the running. Then I got the diet under control and from about Christmas until now I've lost 16 pounds, and that was after marathon training, i.e. not running as much. So eating better made the difference for me.

LOL at one of us calling you! :lol: Let me know if you need an enforcer Mondays-Thursdays!

Squats, mountain climbers and burpees oh my!! Great workout today after being out for two days with the stomach bug. Feeling good now!!

Way to go! Sounds like a super intense leg workout...glad you're feeling better!

Just finished my last workout of this program. Yay! Some stats from the past 9 weeks...

4,897 calories burned
49.2 miles "traveled"
126bpm average heart rate

I think all those sounds good to me.

Nice job Erin! Okay, so I'm lame and out of touch...what is EA Sports? Is it a video game? :veryconfu :o

I think you're way ahead of me, but I had a couple of good workouts in this week. I'm struggling right now though, every time I work out - especially since pollen levels are getting higher - my asthma kicks in and attempts to cut off my lungs, regardless of how much I use the inhaler.

Ugh, that sucks. I don't know much about asthma...is it a matter of finding the right inhaler/medicine or is it something you just have to wait out until the pollen levels aren't so bad? Do you think it will get better as your cardiovascular system gets into better shape? I hope you feel better!


Active Member
Not sure where ya are, deary, but I certainly feel for ya. My little Brian has really bad allergies. He's been suffering something fierce the last week or so. He can't hardly go outside at all, not even to go play with his friend across the street. I think it's had him a little under the weather this week. He's been sleeping a LOT and saying he doesn't feel so well. My poor baby....even tho he's not really a baby. :D Kudos to you for hangining in there and trying to push thru. Be careful, tho. K?

I will be, I promise! It's a bit cooler out today (only going to be in the 50s), so I'm thinking I should do better with running this evening after work. Guess we'll find out when I get there!
And I'm up in Delaware, so our weather is going through crazy changes right now. Yesterday, it was so nice and warm outside... currently, it's low 40s and super windy. :( I'm ready for some consistent weather!

Ugh, that sucks. I don't know much about asthma...is it a matter of finding the right inhaler/medicine or is it something you just have to wait out until the pollen levels aren't so bad? Do you think it will get better as your cardiovascular system gets into better shape? I hope you feel better!

Mine's athletic induced, so it's always been an inhibiting factor with working out.. I remember spring time last year, back when I first started to really work out, I had to stop halfway through a Zumba class and go outside with my inhaler because I would hit a wall and not be able to breathe. I played lacrosse with it in highschool for a season though, so I know there's got to be a way to tame it... just need to figure out how!
Now it triggers with higher intensity (ie, 12% inclines lol. That was brutal on my lungs), but I think I might have tried to push myself a bit too much with my run the other night? I'm not sure. The doc said it's also a part of being overweight (officially no longer obese! woohoo!), so the more I lose the easier it will be to manage?


Well-Known Member
weight loss is 80% diet/20% exercise or something.
It's unfortunately definitely more diet than exercise, I've also heard the 60% to 40% ratio...which I like better. :animwink: Exercise is really just the key to maintaining. It stinks for me because I truly love good food, at the same time I love a good workout. I cook healthy for the most part and limit junk food in my house. But it's tough to find the right balance with 3 little ones and a very picky husband.

Thanks!! :) It is the most intense leg and butt workout, I love it!! She does intervals with and without weights to make it even tougher. Kicks my butt, literally. :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
:sohappy: I think you're way ahead of me, but I had a couple of good workouts in this week. I'm struggling right now though, every time I work out - especially since pollen levels are getting higher - my asthma kicks in and attempts to cut off my lungs, regardless of how much I use the inhaler. :(

Ugh I hate when the pollen count gets crazy, it's just so debilitating. Stupid allergies. Definitely be careful when you're outside.

Squats, mountain climbers and burpees oh my!! Great workout today after being out for two days with the stomach bug. Feeling good now!!

Whew! That sounds intense. I have to come to realize that I cannot effectively do mountain climbers, then hurt my hips too much. :(

Well, big ol' congrats to you on the big finish! :sohappy: Amazing stats there! So what's next for you???

Thanks! :D I plan to do more strength training and focus on hips/thighs/bum...typical trouble spots. I want nice toned legs for swimsuit season.

I'm proud! I went out for a run this afternoon!!! Amazing! The wind was really blowing hard and I tried to focus on keeping the heartrate up for the walking intervals. Made it way more challenging which I liiiiike. Talked more with Tracey about it. Think I'll try to do 30 minute power walks on my off days. Only supposed to run every other day. That way I'm still maintaining the habit of going outside for the 30 minute window. Then, I'm sure I'll do some Quick Fix routines. Love those ab workouts!

Woo, I couldn't imagine running during heavy wind. But good for you for sticking to your 30 minutes! One ab workout I found I actually liked (*gasp*) was doing crunches with punches. It was done at a mild pace and I'm sure you could up the intensity with weights.

I've always been good with the exercise and lost 5 pounds when I started marathon training without changing my diet. That was August - about Christmas...just 5 pounds even with all the running. Then I got the diet under control and from about Christmas until now I've lost 16 pounds, and that was after marathon training, i.e. not running as much. So eating better made the difference for me.

It truly is amazing what can happen when you change up your diet. And those are some awesome results, my friend!

Nice job Erin! Okay, so I'm lame and out of touch...what is EA Sports? Is it a video game? :veryconfu :o

:lol: You're not lame, and yes it is a video game. It come with the motion sensors you strap to your forearms (one is a heart rate monitor) and your right leg. The motion is pretty accurate. It didn't do as well because it came out right around the same time the Kinect did for Xbox. I was surprised how much I liked it. And I gotta tell you, running in place was never so hard! :lol: The best thing about it was the variety of exercises -- everything from basketball drills to sprinting to mountain biking. After the first two weeks I felt awesome!


Well-Known Member
Mine's athletic induced, so it's always been an inhibiting factor with working out.. I remember spring time last year, back when I first started to really work out, I had to stop halfway through a Zumba class and go outside with my inhaler because I would hit a wall and not be able to breathe. I played lacrosse with it in highschool for a season though, so I know there's got to be a way to tame it... just need to figure out how!
Now it triggers with higher intensity (ie, 12% inclines lol. That was brutal on my lungs), but I think I might have tried to push myself a bit too much with my run the other night? I'm not sure. The doc said it's also a part of being overweight (officially no longer obese! woohoo!), so the more I lose the easier it will be to manage?

Ugh, that sounds horrible. But lacrosse seems somewhat bada** to me (never played)! That's cool that you played.

SInce getting into better cardiovascular shape, I definitely notice that I have been able to breathe better. I don't have asthma or anything, but I feel like my lungs are clearer and I can take deeper breaths. Hopefully the same will happen for you soon!

And way to go moving out of the obese category...that has to be great feeling! :sohappy:

:lol: You're not lame, and yes it is a video game. It come with the motion sensors you strap to your forearms (one is a heart rate monitor) and your right leg. The motion is pretty accurate. It didn't do as well because it came out right around the same time the Kinect did for Xbox. I was surprised how much I liked it. And I gotta tell you, running in place was never so hard! :lol: The best thing about it was the variety of exercises -- everything from basketball drills to sprinting to mountain biking. After the first two weeks I felt awesome!

Wow, that sounds so cool. Like you're your own video game?! I'm with you on the variety thing...it's good to keep stuff interesting.


Well-Known Member
I haven't posted on here in about two weeks. I haven't been hiding in shame! Just busier than normal. I'm still working on my diet each and every day. I have breakfast, lunch, and dinner under control lately. However, it has been the in between that has gotten me. Two weeks ago I started staying an hour later at work two days a week to hold free ACT tutoring for students. I bought granola squares at 80 calories to hold me over until I got home and could work out.

Many of you have mentioned your husbands. Mine is the exact same way! 6 months ago when we did Insanity he lost weight, while I gained (and our diets stayed the same!). It was so frustrating. He is very disciplined though with his diet, and he can drop weight very quickly.

If anyone is still wanting some workouts for your thighs try some power squats and power lunges. For power squats you get into a squat position and jump while landing in a squat. The same thing with power lunges only you alternate which foot is forward while jumping. It won't take many of those to feel the burn. Also, I enjoy doing burpees. They will give you a quick total body workout. For those you squat down, place your hands on the floor, jump your legs back to where you are in a plank, jump your legs back to your hands, and finally, jump back up.


Well-Known Member
I will be, I promise! It's a bit cooler out today (only going to be in the 50s), so I'm thinking I should do better with running this evening after work. Guess we'll find out when I get there!
And I'm up in Delaware, so our weather is going through crazy changes right now. Yesterday, it was so nice and warm outside... currently, it's low 40s and super windy. :( I'm ready for some consistent weather!

Well, I'm down here in southeast Texas and the weather has been all over the place here, too. We were in that killer drought what seemed like an eternity. Then the skies opened up and we're all reminding each other that we should've been more careful what we wished for. Towards the end of last week the temps were in the upper 70s and super humid. Then the wind started to blow. Overnight it got cooooold (well, cold for us anyways). :lol: Today it's back up to the mid to upper 70s and muggy out. Rain off and on. I'm trying to watch the radar so I can sneak out a 30 minute run. I hope the skies will help me out.

Soooooo, I went for my next weigh/measure at the doctor's office today. I didn't expect much change at all. I know I've not been 100% onboard with the exercise over the last month. A week or 2 doesn't a big change make. Yet. Plus, the old-bod is holding onto the water this week big time ((:lookaroun)). I was pleasantly surprised. I lost a pound, 3 inches in my hip, and 1/2 an inch in my waist. I wasn't expecting that at all. Big yay! I'm pumped. Maybe I'll just go out and run storm or no storm. I'm so excited! This means my body is starting to turn into the right direction. Once the momentum picks up I'll be movin' right along! WoooHOOOOO!!! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I haven't posted on here in about two weeks. I haven't been hiding in shame! Just busier than normal. I'm still working on my diet each and every day. I have breakfast, lunch, and dinner under control lately. However, it has been the in between that has gotten me. Two weeks ago I started staying an hour later at work two days a week to hold free ACT tutoring for students. I bought granola squares at 80 calories to hold me over until I got home and could work out.

I think I have those same granola thins...Nature Valley with the chocolate? They are tasty! :slurp:

Many of you have mentioned your husbands. Mine is the exact same way! 6 months ago when we did Insanity he lost weight, while I gained (and our diets stayed the same!). It was so frustrating. He is very disciplined though with his diet, and he can drop weight very quickly.

So annoying! BOYS. :mad:

If anyone is still wanting some workouts for your thighs try some power squats and power lunges. For power squats you get into a squat position and jump while landing in a squat. The same thing with power lunges only you alternate which foot is forward while jumping. It won't take many of those to feel the burn. Also, I enjoy doing burpees. They will give you a quick total body workout. For those you squat down, place your hands on the floor, jump your legs back to where you are in a plank, jump your legs back to your hands, and finally, jump back up.

YES. I tried a new workout today with plyometric squats and lunges, with burpees at the end. My butt is KILLING me.

Soooooo, I went for my next weigh/measure at the doctor's office today. I didn't expect much change at all. I know I've not been 100% onboard with the exercise over the last month. A week or 2 doesn't a big change make. Yet. Plus, the old-bod is holding onto the water this week big time ((:lookaroun)). I was pleasantly surprised. I lost a pound, 3 inches in my hip, and 1/2 an inch in my waist. I wasn't expecting that at all. Big yay! I'm pumped. Maybe I'll just go out and run storm or no storm. I'm so excited! This means my body is starting to turn into the right direction. Once the momentum picks up I'll be movin' right along! WoooHOOOOO!!! :sohappy:

Way to go Kelly!! :sohappy: That's great that they measure your inches too. I wish I'd been doing that. Did you get your run in??


Well-Known Member
Way to go Kelly!! :sohappy: That's great that they measure your inches too. I wish I'd been doing that. Did you get your run in??

I did! Today was a big jump in the intervals which I worried a little about but went for it anyway. Still not more than I can handle while I continue to feel like I'm pushing with a nice little challenge. Love the app voice during the longer stretches. It comes in every minute to tell me how much longer so I'm not thinking "Is this thing working? How much longer?!?!" Nope, I know what I have ahead and it helps.

Guys all had pizza tonight from Papa Johns. I continue to behave and fixed myself a leftover steak and peppers sandwich. Mmmmmm....

And yay for the butt-burn! I know it's not fun in the moment but it means really awesome things are happening! I'll be there with ya tomorrow. Gonna do the 10-minute Quick Fix with Minna. That chick is a squattin' fool!


Active Member
Ugh, that sounds horrible. But lacrosse seems somewhat bada** to me (never played)! That's cool that you played.

SInce getting into better cardiovascular shape, I definitely notice that I have been able to breathe better. I don't have asthma or anything, but I feel like my lungs are clearer and I can take deeper breaths. Hopefully the same will happen for you soon!

And way to go moving out of the obese category...that has to be great feeling! :sohappy:

It was loads of fun when I got to play it... but they didn't train me well for my position (goalie), so I just got thrown into the next and bashed up a lot. :rolleyes: But I loved it anyway.

I got a bit farther with my last training exercise... 2.23 in 30 minutes, and the asthma didn't bother me at all that time.
My friend (one of the crazy people lol) thinks that we tried to intensify the workouts too quickly, so no more 12% inclines for a little while for me. :lol: And we knocked the pushups back to 40 per gym workout instead. And more focus on running than anything else :)

And I'm so excited about the out-of-obese category. It's by .1, but it's still out!

Well, I'm down here in southeast Texas and the weather has been all over the place here, too. We were in that killer drought what seemed like an eternity. Then the skies opened up and we're all reminding each other that we should've been more careful what we wished for. Towards the end of last week the temps were in the upper 70s and super humid. Then the wind started to blow. Overnight it got cooooold (well, cold for us anyways). :lol: Today it's back up to the mid to upper 70s and muggy out. Rain off and on. I'm trying to watch the radar so I can sneak out a 30 minute run. I hope the skies will help me out.

Sounds like here too! We were down in the 30s on Saturday :eek: and today is almost 80. As much as I love the warm weather, Mother Nature just needs to pick something and stay with it so I don't get sick! mehhhh.

Soooooo, I went for my next weigh/measure at the doctor's office today. I didn't expect much change at all. I know I've not been 100% onboard with the exercise over the last month. A week or 2 doesn't a big change make. Yet. Plus, the old-bod is holding onto the water this week big time ((:lookaroun)). I was pleasantly surprised. I lost a pound, 3 inches in my hip, and 1/2 an inch in my waist. I wasn't expecting that at all. Big yay! I'm pumped. Maybe I'll just go out and run storm or no storm. I'm so excited! This means my body is starting to turn into the right direction. Once the momentum picks up I'll be movin' right along! WoooHOOOOO!!! :sohappy:

I wish my doc would measure inches... instead they just tell me that I've gained weight instead of lost. :rolleyes: Those jerks!

But that's so exciting Kel! Woooooo, I love when I see the inches come off, it's the best feeling out there!


Well-Known Member
I wish my doc would measure inches... instead they just tell me that I've gained weight instead of lost. :rolleyes: Those jerks!

But that's so exciting Kel! Woooooo, I love when I see the inches come off, it's the best feeling out there!

I do the medical weight loss program at my doctor's office. It's a weekly shot (b-12, lipotropics, & small doses of HCG <--the pregnancy hormone) with a weigh-in. Once a month you go for a blood pressure check, weigh-in, shot, prescription renewal for diet pills, and measurements. Those are the big-deal appointments. I always try to make a good show when I get to them. I did the same program back in early 2008 from February to May and lost a little over 20 lbs. Of course I was also going to Curves 4 days a week and running 5 days a week then. That was before we pulled the boys from public school to home school so after I dropped them off I had nothing to do before lunch but hit the gym & trail at the park. :cool: Not so much, now. Even with them doing 99% of their course work via computer I have to keep a wary eye because they also like to give themselves YouTube breaks...often. :fork: :lol: Plus, with them home all day the house can go from clean to disaster in no time at all. Grrrrr!!!!


Well-Known Member
I think I have those same granola thins...Nature Valley with the chocolate? They are tasty! :slurp:

So annoying! BOYS. :mad:

YES. I tried a new workout today with plyometric squats and lunges, with burpees at the end. My butt is KILLING me.

Yes, they are the Nature Valley ones. I buy the peanut butter and dark chocolate ones. They are so delicious! I'm glad that they come 10 to a box because my husband discovered how good they are too!

I have an absolute love/hate relationship with plyo. I hate it because it hurts, but I love it for that same reason.

I haven't weighed myself this week, but I will say that I've noticed a decrease in my appetite. I've been running steadily on a small snack in the afternoon where before if I even dared snack it was almost like opening a floodgate.

Keep up the good work everyone!


Well-Known Member
What is a good diet that is easy to stick to and can be done in 3 months time?

I'm currently doing the weight loss program at my doctor's office. I've done it before on and off since 2008. In 2008 I lost a little over 20 lbs. in 3 months but I was really working hard to do it. I watched everything I ate carefully, laid low on the obvious carbs/calories/fat/sodium, and worked out religiously. Losing weight and keeping it off has to be a permanent change in how and what you eat as well as staying dedicated to keeping the fitness level up. Like I told my boys yesterday when I was huffing & puffing away on my stair stepper and they were telling me about how a friend got his video game system taken away for doing bad in school, life is full of consequences for poor decisions. Killin' myself on the stepper is in no way FUN for me. Not eating all the things I like best really does blow. However, it's the consequences I have to pay for living it up, eatin' like a pig, and choosing to do other things I like better than working out. :wave:

Sooooo, hit my aerobics hard yesterday w/20 grinding minutes pounding the stepper. Today I did my run just like I should. There's a big drawback to taking prescription diet pills and requesting a switch to a different one. The first one, Adapex, I take 1/2 a pill with lunch. I get a good little boost of energy, not hungry until dinner, and I can sleep okay when it's bedtime (relatively speaking...it doesn't add to the obstacles of the usual insomnia battle). Well, I asked to be switched to the other diet pill, forget the proper name for it, but it's a time release pill. I have to take it early in the morning, no later than about 7. It gives you a bit of an energy boost all day and it does a dang good job with curbing the appetite. The first week I took it a year or 2 ago I had a hard time remembering to eat at all. Well, yesterday I was totally NOT thinking. At lunch I went to grab my diet pill and the new bottle was sitting right with the old Adapex one. Guess which one I took? Yep. NOT the one I should be taking mid-day. Man, I had a fantastic afternoon. I was amazed at how I dashed into the kitchen at 6, cooked a healthy lasagna dish from scratch for the first time ever, had the kitchen completely clean, all dishes clean & put away, and dinner on the table at 7:30. You'da thunk I was possessed by Martha -frickin- Stewart herself. I kid you not. And I loathe cooking with every ounce of my being! Yet there I was whippin' up something healthy and delicious in no time at all like it was something I did every day. So strange. Then it was bedtime. :eek: I think I was more like this guy --->:lookaroun all stinkin' night. Aaaaall night loooooong. Tracey's alarm went off at 3:30. He rolled over and slept until 4. Then I got up with him to see him off on his business trip to San Francisco. I finally dozed off at 6 this morning. Niiiiice. My 16 year old is just like his daddy, if he's up someone else has to be up, too. So I was up at 9 to start the new day. FUN! I'm proud to say I made it thru the day. I hit my run regardless of how tired I've been all day. I got the groceries. It wasn't the worst day ever, by far. But geez, ya gotta be careful which stupid diet pill you take at what time of day. I have myself to thank completely on this one. :hammer:

That said, goodnight everybody. I'm going to pass out now. :snore:


Well-Known Member
Just finished my cardio for the day. Finally got around to getting some hand weights and I went with the 8lbs. My arm strength is there but it definitely needs some help and I don't want to overdo it. Slight setback, I managed to hyperextend my left elbow. :mad: I think I might have done it sleeping, or lifting something wrong at work because it's been bothering me all week All I know is that I had to be real careful while I was doing some heel drops this evening.

Awesome motivator...Since the weather has been nothing short of beautiful this week I was able to pull out some of my spring/summer clothes. I was both anxious and excited to try them on. My shorts fit great! So did a top I only wore like twice last year because it didn't sit right over my hips. :D Hooray for progress!


Well-Known Member
I weighed myself this morning, and I was down 1.5 lbs. I was really glad to see that, especially considering that my exercise habits were not that great this week. However, my appetite was significantly lower than it has been for awhile.

Last night I went to a Zumba party with a friend of mine. It was my first time doing Zumba, so I was pretty nervous going into it. It was a two hour party, and I had an absolute blast! My friend and I were the only two that didn't drop out for a break at some point. I was sweating so badly within the first 30 minutes. I will attribute part of that to being in a crowded room, but it felt good to sweat out a lot of things that have probably been in my system. I would never use this to replace my regular workouts - while it was good cardio there was no toning to it - but I can see how this attracts many women.


I’m baaaackkk. :wave: Hard to believe that I haven’t posted on these boards since before my Nov. trip to WDW. Life has gotten incredibly busy the last couple of months and has made reading and posting almost impossible. I have tried to keep up with this thread as much as possible though. It is a great reminder that I need to get back on track.

So not only have I not shown those last 7 lbs who is boss, 5.8 more came and joined them. I did great maintaining through the fall. Even managed to lose 2 lbs on our Disney trip (no free dining). Then came Thanksgiving, Christmas, and all the half-price chocolate after Valentine’s Day. I’m finally ready to start my weight loss regime again. The real kicker was trying to get into my shorts this weekend. Let’s just say winter white, fat flesh isn’t attractive!

Once again, I’m going to use y’all as my “weigh in” group. I saved a lot of money last time around using this group as my accountability instead of going to my WW meetings. And as before, I’d much rather put that money into my Disney fund than into WWs.

So…officially weighed in at 157.8 this morning. I’ll check back in next Monday (or sooner with progress if I have time.)

Thanks in advance for the motivation!


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
I’m baaaackkk. :wave: Hard to believe that I haven’t posted on these boards since before my Nov. trip to WDW. Life has gotten incredibly busy the last couple of months and has made reading and posting almost impossible. I have tried to keep up with this thread as much as possible though. It is a great reminder that I need to get back on track.

So not only have I not shown those last 7 lbs who is boss, 5.8 more came and joined them. I did great maintaining through the fall. Even managed to lose 2 lbs on our Disney trip (no free dining). Then came Thanksgiving, Christmas, and all the half-price chocolate after Valentine’s Day. I’m finally ready to start my weight loss regime again. The real kicker was trying to get into my shorts this weekend. Let’s just say winter white, fat flesh isn’t attractive!

Once again, I’m going to use y’all as my “weigh in” group. I saved a lot of money last time around using this group as my accountability instead of going to my WW meetings. And as before, I’d much rather put that money into my Disney fund than into WWs.

So…officially weighed in at 157.8 this morning. I’ll check back in next Monday (or sooner with progress if I have time.)

Thanks in advance for the motivation!

Welcome back! We've missed you! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Welcome back, echovictor!

Yay for everyone's continued progress!

This morning was officially the middle mark on Ease into 5k. They hit me with a full 6 minute run interval which really had me worried considering the longest up to this point has been just 3 minutes. Not only did I survive, I did just fine! I was amazed!

The icing on my cake for today (I know, bad pun!) was my weigh-in. Down 3 lbs. to 176! I'm so psyched! Finally my body is getting the momentum!

Challenge for the week: I'm headed to my parents house to help clean since she's still laid up from foot surgery. I'm not going to try to push further with the program while I'm gone. Think I'll hold where I am because the hills on the running trail where I used to go to school are a huge challenge compared to the absolute flat I run on at home. :D


Well-Known Member
It's wonderful inspiration to read everyone's progress. I am maintaining and continuing my 7 day a week yoga practice. It has gotten difficult now that I am teaching so now I have to set more time aside. That is not a complaint, just a fact. Sometimes I wish there were just a few more hours in the day!

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