Did you cry...


I'm not a crier, so I can't say that I've actually shed any tears at WDW for emotional reasons (...though my first time was as a baby, so I'm sure I cried at some point... :p). But I'll admit that I do feel a swell of emotions when I first walk into any of the parks, especially MK and Epcot.


Well-Known Member
Every year, when I watch Illuminations with my son, I cry! When he was little, I told him, every time you see these fireworks, you will remember this moment, and now, 22 yrs young, HE DOES!! Always says "Thanks Mom, for so many good memories here, you're the best!!) :cry: :cry:


Well-Known Member
Never cried but at the end of every visit I always try to convince my dear wife to retire to Florida, or at least somewhere closer to Walt Disney World.


Well-Known Member
First time, I was about 9, so no. But now as an adult I admit I have. Usually the last night before we leave, and we are watching Wishes..Yeah.

And I did cry when my son was there for the first time, it was just like wow. Full circle here....loved it.

Susan Savia

Well-Known Member
I've never cried in the parks, coming or going etc. But, I do tear up at the commercials....When you wish upon a Star.....that gets me...


Well-Known Member
Never cried but at the end of every visit I always try to convince my dear wife to retire to Florida, or at least somewhere closer to Walt Disney World.

Every time we go I try to convince the hubby how great he'd look in purple (the bus drivers uniforms) and now that they are black....So much more flattering....Yeah , he's still not biting! Well August is coming I"ll try again!


Well-Known Member
The only time I would qualify as remotely crying would be me getting all misty eyed over the ending of Spectromagic seeing it for the first time. When the song played out to the lyrics "music surrounds us..." it just got me. I still get chills whenever I hear it.

I get chills when that big part of wishes plays where its almost the end( the Da, da, yeah that helps but I'm sure you know which part) I look around and love seeing everyone looking up and the emtional ball I am I think "god if only Walt could see this"..That and in Illuminations when they start playing ' We go on"....Eh actually I tear up for that whole thing!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Yes, I did cry the first time I took my kids but it was more than just their first time that got to me... it had been 14 long years since I had last visited the World. It was the fact I was there again but this time with my own little family. I remember sitting on the ground in FL with son (3 at the time) in my lap watching Wishes. He looked up at me and said, "Mommy, fireworks make me happy!" Well that was it, I lost it and tears started rolling down my face. The whole moment has been permanently etched in my mind! In fact, I get tears in my eyes just typing it out.


Well-Known Member
I was too little to have wanted to cry. I was in extreme awe though. But a couple of years ago when I saw wishes for the first time, I was in tears. I had goosebumps like you wouldn't believe. It was so magical.


I think I cried a bit during the Illuminations show in Epcot, the music for the show was perfect. I felt really emotional leaving Magic Kindgom for the final time too, even though I'm going to go back there soon, it was still sad to leave Disney World.


Well-Known Member
I didn't cry the first time I went. I was far too excited (I remember my sister did cry when my mom told her to hug Mickey mouse. She was terrified!!)

Now, I am positive I will be crying the next time I go. It's been 15 years, we always went with my dad but now he's out of the picture, so it'll just be my mom, my sister and me. It will for sure be an emotional moment (as in sadness and extreme happiness at the same time) I can tell there will be tear dropping from all 3 of us

LOL!! now that I think about it, if any of you who will be there in Sept see 3 women crying like idiots, please feel free to take a pic,(I'm asking you so it won't be considered as stalking) and pleeeeaseee send it to me! it would be hilarious to see that!!!:p


Well-Known Member
DH and I have been discussing our trip to WDW in October and decided we wanted to bring our best friends and their 1 year old daughter. Their anniversary is in October and ours is in September so it is a belated anniversary trip. We had planned a trip with them 2 years ago but my friend ended up getting pregnant and had to cancel. We've been talking about one day going as a group (they have never been!) but right now their money is tight with only one of them working. DH and I discussed and while we have the means to, we decided to surprise them with a trip :)

I went to their house this past Monday with a WDW planning book wrapped up in a gift bag and an anniversary card. I was so anxious to tell them lol! They opened the anniversary card and were really confused (being it is still 5 months away and all!). Then she opened the WDW book and just looked at me. I told her to open the cover. When she did a paper fell out with a copy of their package reservation. She started reading it and realized that their 3 names were on the paper. I've never heard someone scream so loud! It was priceless! They both had tears in their eyes and were shaking! Of course, I started crying lol! It was worth it to cancel two years ago because now they can share their first visit with their beautiful baby girl!

But the more I think of bringing them with us, passing under the WDW sign, seeing their reactions, seeing their daughter's reactions... I can't help but choke up a bit. I know they will "get it". And WDW is magical all the time, but to see first timers experience it, no matter the age, is so special. It doesn't take much to get the emotions going in WDW, but I think this will be at the top of the "things that make me cry in a good way" list :)


Well-Known Member
Yes, I did cry the first time I took my kids but it was more than just their first time that got to me... it had been 14 long years since I had last visited the World. It was the fact I was there again but this time with my own little family. I remember sitting on the ground in FL with son (3 at the time) in my lap watching Wishes. He looked up at me and said, "Mommy, fireworks make me happy!" Well that was it, I lost it and tears started rolling down my face. The whole moment has been permanently etched in my mind! In fact, I get tears in my eyes just typing it out.

I get tears reading about it lol!

Walt Disney1955

Well-Known Member
I was 10, so no I didn't cry but I had a wonderful time and I didn't go back for another 4 years. What kept me going (pre-Internet) was holding onto the maps and looking back at them with nostalgia.

Come to think of it I have never cried there. I am not an emotional person at all. I am a very, very sentimental person however the machoism in me causes me not to cry in front of anyone. I cried on my wedding day but didn't when our son was born recently (however I was ear to ear smiles and too proud to cry).

As for Disney, I always get chills and sometimes paralyzed watching things like Wishes or...........wait for it...........Its a Small World. If I was more in touch with my feelings I would certainly cry when leaving on the ferry at the end of the night so in a way I am crying inside. Does that count?:lookaroun

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