Did I Really Just See That.....in Disney World?????


Well-Known Member
I wonder if an off duty Florida State Trooper or county police officer ever arrested anyone while on property.
I know Disney has their own police, but still can they?
I don't know about the State Troopers, but I think that the Orange County Sheriff's Department is the law enforcement of choice at WDW. I am not aware of what authority the in-house security has, but I think that they can detain for a while and then either have to release or call in the Sheriff's.
We did a trip to WDW with the inlaws, we don't see them often. We were on the bus to AK, my daughter who was about 12 at the time, was sitting with my MIL, behind me. DD leans forward and whispered, I don't feel very good. NO! Please NO! for the love of God NO! it was too late, I hear her wrenching and splat, barfed all over the floor of a crowded WDW bus.:depressed: My MIL looked on as if it wasn't happening, clearly impressed:rolleyes:. I tried to shield the rest of the passengers by holding up a park map. lol
We got to AK, the bus driver was so nice, actually everyone on the bus was very nice and understanding. Told her they hope she felt better soon as they avoided the mess. Anywho, the driver had to call a clean up team. We got on another bus back to our hotel where she and I stayed the rest of the day while the rest of the family hit AK.


Active Member
A few summers ago, I saw a bunch of Brazilian tourists throwing garbage on the ground throughout the queue for Splash Mountain. I also saw a kid tell his mom to F off in front of the whole crowd of people at the Courtyard Pool and he ran back into his building at the Grand. It was ridiculous and the mother didn't say a word!


Well-Known Member
The first time my daughter and I stayed at CBR, some drunk kept knocking on our door (no, I didn't open it). After the 3rd knock, I yelled that I was calling the police and he stumbled off, muttering about not being able to find his room. Fortunately for him, I never saw him again because I was going to tell resort management the next morning about drunks wandering around their property - lord knows if he was a guest.

And don't get me started about parents and strollers. We've been run over by strollers more times than I care to think about. And the parents are COMPLETELY clueless. I was at AK walking to Expedition Everest when a dad, too busy on his phone, let go of the stroller his baby was in and I watched it start to roll down that hill and he was still clueless, on his phone. Fortunately, I was quicker than he and grabbed it. He was still clueless on his phone when I returned the stroller to him, with his now screaming child. His wife ran up, gave me a grateful look, and proceeded to smack her husband.

Then there was the lady at EPCOT who didn't know how to operate her scooter and after the security check, she proceeded to floor it (I didn't know those things to go that fast), backwards, right into me. Fortunately, I'm pretty quick. Perhaps they should give driving lessons to people before renting them a scooter.

The best is what happened while waiting for a bus at Downtown Disney. It took several buses before there was room for us to get on and return to our resort. However, one dad decided he shouldn't have to wait, so as soon as the bus stopped, he ran up, cutting in front of all of us who had patiently waited our turn (including a mom with two adorable twins babies) and jumped on the bus as soon as the door opened. The driver told him to get off - he had opened the door to lower the ramp for someone in a wheel chair. The dad (who was carrying a sleeping 9 year old - really?!) cussed out the driver and refused to get off. The man's poor wife was yelling at him, telling him to get off that others were there first (bless her), but he completely ignored her. She was soooo embarrassed. Needless to say, we all gave him dirty looks and one old man proceeded to tell him how rude he was.

I have a suggestion for Disney. Please, please have a stroller/scooter free day. If your child cannot walk around the parks (and I've seen 8-9 year olds in strollers), leave them at home that day. If you cannot get around without a scooter (and I wonder if some are more mobile than they let on), stay home that day. And then have a Stroller/Scooter Day. Just because you are pushing a stroller the size of a 747 doesn't mean you can plow into me. I am just so amazed that people haven't figured out that a 3 month old baby will not remember that trip but those you ran over with your Rolls Royce stroller will. My parents didn't take me to Disneyland until I could walk without being carried - which means I was at least 5. And god forbid if I pitched a fit and demanded to be carried - THAT would have been my last trip to DL.
Why didn't you just tell the "drunk" that he had the wrong room? Or, why didn't you just call the front desk and advise them that someone kept knocking on your door? Anyway thanks for the update that drunks have invaded CBR and are roaming the grounds like the Walking Dead. Fascinating news.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Why didn't you just tell the "drunk" that he had the wrong room? Or, why didn't you just call the front desk and advise them that someone kept knocking on your door? Anyway thanks for the update that drunks have invaded CBR and are roaming the grounds like the Walking Dead. Fascinating news.
Sounds like a party!


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I was waiting in line to meet a character in Camp Minnie/Mickey in 2009 and I was talking to a couple in front of me when their 7ish-year-old son pulled down his pants and started peeing in the bushes in the queue line! Seeing the appalled look on my face they started apologizing and told their son not to do that. They then told me that he does this all the time at home and he loves to pee off their elevated deck. I just stood their nodding my head while I nonchalantly tried to back away from them.

Dear Lord you must have met up with my DH nephew. He gets out of their family pool and pee's in the potted plants.

Doesn't smell like roses around their place.


Resident Curmudgeon
I wonder if an off duty Florida State Trooper or county police officer ever arrested anyone while on property.
I know Disney has their own police, but still can they?

Ordinarily it's the Orange County Sheriff who does the arrests, However Disney does have a few sworn officers for RCID, Perhaps someone with LE connections can tell us how that works down there.


Active Member
I have a suggestion for Disney. Please, please have a stroller/scooter free day. If your child cannot walk around the parks (and I've seen 8-9 year olds in strollers), leave them at home that day. If you cannot get around without a scooter (and I wonder if some are more mobile than they let on), stay home that day. And then have a Stroller/Scooter Day.

Soooooo....that year that I broke my foot the first day of our vacation, I would have been screwed if it had been your "No Scooter Day"???? Dude, you have had more scooter/stroller encounters than I in all my years of going to Disney. Are you sure that you're not a magnet of some sort? How about not caring so much about others around you and just worrying about yourself??


Well-Known Member
In January 2009 we stayed at the Poly so we did many, many monorail laps out of necessity and just for fun. One of those laps, a maybe 6 year old boy got on with his family, excited and happy. The monorail began moving and he held onto the center pole for support. He looked right, then left, and checked things out again and he then stuck his tongue out juuuust enough to touch the pole. We laughed HYSTERICALLY. We still do to this day and my husband loves telling people the story of how this kid at WDW licked a monorail pole which likely contained every Bacteria under the sun. Gross.


Well-Known Member
not at WDW but on our cruise, DH went up to the smoke deck which was in the adult area. He said a mom came up there to smoke, making her 5yr old sit down the stairs and about 20ft away from the stairs out of the adult area. The child cried the whole time as she sat alone while mommy had her smoke

a few years ago, my husband yakked in the bushes of TL after hotdogs from FL. we still laugh about that.

one year, after waiting for a bus, we actually had a guy loudly complain about my son's wheelchair getting loaded first and how that wasn't fair since he had stood there just as long. I turned to him and said I would happily trade that "perk" for my son to have the ability to stand on his own legs in a regular line as long as you can. Sadly, he never will but at least he won't be a tool like you.

women who wear crazy tall stilletos to a theme park


Well-Known Member
well, I thought I had seen most of any thing.. but , we were at Animal Kingdom riding KALI RAPIDS.. and all of a sudden, here comes Mom, wearing a very very small BIKINI on 6 foot tall woman.. here I am .. every one look at me.. yes, it was HOT.. and yes you can get wet.. BUT TO GO TO THE LADIES ROOM and come out in a BIKINI? with your daughter in tow? this happened on Tuesday past.. even my wife said, SHE DOESN"T LOOK THAT GOOD..


Well-Known Member
well, I thought I had seen most of any thing.. but , we were at Animal Kingdom riding KALI RAPIDS.. and all of a sudden, here comes Mom, wearing a very very small BIKINI on 6 foot tall woman.. here I am .. every one look at me.. yes, it was HOT.. and yes you can get wet.. BUT TO GO TO THE LADIES ROOM and come out in a BIKINI? with your daughter in tow? this happened on Tuesday past.. even my wife said, SHE DOESN"T LOOK THAT GOOD..
The bathrooms r always so busy by that ride because a lot of people change clothes and try to dry off...lol...me and my son have done it in the past...there is usually always a line for a stall...


Well-Known Member
While checking into the Caribbean beach, all available cast members were busy assisting guests. We were being waited on and was told to go to a certain booth to complete our check in process. Well we noticed a woman not in any certain line but was in the middle of the room looking to run to the next available clerk. Apparently she didn't want to wait her turn. Well our cast member told us to meet her at this booth across the room. As we headed to it the impatient woman ran to our clerk. We told the hurried woman to please excuse as we are not finished checking in. At the top of her lungs she screamed "The next person that cuts in front of me I'll cut my wrists!" She sure looked stupid doing that.

I would have said "Go ahead and don't leave a mess"! Better yet, "be sure to clean up when you are done"!
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Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
well, I thought I had seen most of any thing.. but , we were at Animal Kingdom riding KALI RAPIDS.. and all of a sudden, here comes Mom, wearing a very very small BIKINI on 6 foot tall woman.. here I am .. every one look at me.. yes, it was HOT.. and yes you can get wet.. BUT TO GO TO THE LADIES ROOM and come out in a BIKINI? with your daughter in tow? this happened on Tuesday past.. even my wife said, SHE DOESN"T LOOK THAT GOOD..
how can we judge if theres no visual evidence.


Well-Known Member
I think one of the worst things I have seen in recent years was a young father on a mobility scooter bash through a gate at the MK as he wouldn't wait for someone to open for it, he then scooted off leaving his poor kids to actually have to run after him to keep up. he also knocked into a load of people as he was too busy eating cheerios straight out of a carton to steer the scooter properly. he then proceeded to shout at the people that he almost ran over as he seemed to think it was their fault! i was actually lost for words. :facepalm:


Well-Known Member
I might be guilty of one of these moments, but was in a "what can I do" situation a few years back. I had my 3 year old son with me at the Magic Kingdom in December. We had just picked up food a Casey's Corner and found a good spot in the hub to watch the castle lighting. Just as we get situated and the crowd around us starts to build, my son has a pee accident in his pants. Luckily I have a change of clothes and a towel in my backpack. But what to do? I can't take the food into the restroom, can't leave it behind. If I throw away the food, by the time I take him to the restroom and get more food, we will miss the lighting (which was the thing he really wanted to see that day). So I get out the towel and try my best to keep it wrapped around him while I change his clothes. I am crouched down in front of my son, his back is to a planter wall, and a towel is draped as best I can around him. Unfortunately, a 5 year old girl next to us notices whats going on and alerts her parents just as I am trying to pull his underwear up. I look up to see the parents looking at me with indignation. I apologize by explaining that he just had an accident and I am the only one here. They cover their daughter's eyes, make a judgmental grunt, and drag her off. Sorry :(


Well-Known Member
I have a suggestion for Disney. Please, please have a stroller/scooter free day. If your child cannot walk around the parks (and I've seen 8-9 year olds in strollers), leave them at home that day. If you cannot get around without a scooter (and I wonder if some are more mobile than they let on), stay home that day. And then have a Stroller/Scooter Day.

Soooooo....that year that I broke my foot the first day of our vacation, I would have been screwed if it had been your "No Scooter Day"???? Dude, you have had more scooter/stroller encounters than I in all my years of going to Disney. Are you sure that you're not a magnet of some sort? How about not caring so much about others around you and just worrying about yourself??

I have put in my time with stollers and I am glad it is over. I am very cautious about not running into any but, sometimes it can not be avoided. Within a crowd of thousands of people you will have those who are not aware of where their stoller is or when they step in front of someone. In defense of moms and dads who have to use a stroller, here is my message to those who always complain about stollers. Do your part and dont stop in the middle of a sidewalk, cut in front of someone or walk aimlessly thru the park staring at your smart phone.

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