Did I Really Just See That.....in Disney World?????


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
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I don't know about the State Troopers, but I think that the Orange County Sheriff's Department is the law enforcement of choice at WDW. I am not aware of what authority the in-house security has, but I think that they can detain for a while and then either have to release or call in the Sheriff's.

Funny the things you learn when taking the Keys to the Kingdom tour..... Disney Security are cast members who have been "cast" in that role and the uniform is a costume which has been designed to look like security. Disney security are NOT law enforcement officers. If someone needs to be arrested, then Security CM will detain them until Orange County sheriffs show up to arrest and remove the individual. Disney Security can escort, or attempt to escort, a guest from the park, but they have no arrest authority.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
I might be guilty of one of these moments, but was in a "what can I do" situation a few years back. I had my 3 year old son with me at the Magic Kingdom in December. We had just picked up food a Casey's Corner and found a good spot in the hub to watch the castle lighting. Just as we get situated and the crowd around us starts to build, my son has a pee accident in his pants. Luckily I have a change of clothes and a towel in my backpack. But what to do? I can't take the food into the restroom, can't leave it behind. If I throw away the food, by the time I take him to the restroom and get more food, we will miss the lighting (which was the thing he really wanted to see that day). So I get out the towel and try my best to keep it wrapped around him while I change his clothes. I am crouched down in front of my son, his back is to a planter wall, and a towel is draped as best I can around him. Unfortunately, a 5 year old girl next to us notices whats going on and alerts her parents just as I am trying to pull his underwear up. I look up to see the parents looking at me with indignation. I apologize by explaining that he just had an accident and I am the only one here. They cover their daughter's eyes, make a judgmental grunt, and drag her off. Sorry :(

For a 3 year old who had a pee pee in his pants?! Seriously?! They had to cover the eyes of a 5 year old in case she saw the business end of a 3 year old.... What jerks. I would have asked if I could help in any way (get wet paper towels, etc.) so you could take care of your son and he then would be more comfortable.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
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I have put in my time with stollers and I am glad it is over. I am very cautious about not running into any but, sometimes it can not be avoided. Within a crowd of thousands of people you will have those who are not aware of where their stoller is or when they step in front of someone. In defense of moms and dads who have to use a stroller, here is my message to those who always complain about stollers. Do your part and dont stop in the middle of a sidewalk, cut in front of someone or walk aimlessly thru the park staring at your smart phone.

I agree about aimlessly walking through the park on your cell phone. I am waiting for some clueless guest to walk smack into a lamp post - and I will have a great laugh at their expense. I make every effort to be cognizant of parents and their strollers, but some act as though they have the right and authority to barrel through a crowd... and it's gotten worse now that Anna and Elsa are located in the MK. There is still a mad rush AFTER rope drop in the morning. Saw it on Sunday.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
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post of the day right here...:eek:
well, I thought I had seen most of any thing.. but , we were at Animal Kingdom riding KALI RAPIDS.. and all of a sudden, here comes Mom, wearing a very very small BIKINI on 6 foot tall woman.. here I am .. every one look at me.. yes, it was HOT.. and yes you can get wet.. BUT TO GO TO THE LADIES ROOM and come out in a BIKINI? with your daughter in tow? this happened on Tuesday past.. even my wife said, SHE DOESN"T LOOK THAT GOOD..

I still think the not-too-slim women (young and old) in leggings - and now they are patterned - get my vote. And we saw Star Wars leggings (and her underwear - the leggings were thin and stretched tight enough that yes, we could see her underwear through them) this past weekend. Ladies, unless you are model thin (and I would still rethink that clothing choice even then), LEGGINGS ARE NOT, I REPEAT, NOT PANTS!!!!! But thanks for giving the rest of us a good laugh. :joyfull:


Well-Known Member
I agree about aimlessly walking through the park on your cell phone. I am waiting for some clueless guest to walk smack into a lamp post - and I will have a great laugh at their expense. I make every effort to be cognizant of parents and their strollers, but some act as though they have the right and authority to barrel through a crowd... and it's gotten worse now that Anna and Elsa are located in the MK. There is still a mad rush AFTER rope drop in the morning. Saw it on Sunday.

Go NHL and body check 'em. Seriously. When I see someone doing this I do not alter course. I keep walking. The person will sometimes run into me, and sometimes they will come up short and give me a dirty look. I'm fine either way. I've bumped quite a few people to the ground doing this. I don't go out of my way to "shoulder dig" someone, but I don't yield either. I do the same thing at the grocery store. If I am walking down the primary aisle, and someone walks out of the side aisles without looking then they are getting a grocery cart slammed into them. I don't even slow or stop. These people are too used to others jumping out of their way and saying "excuse me" that they think it is some right of theirs to walk where they want without consequence.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
I think one of the worst things I have seen in recent years was a young father on a mobility scooter bash through a gate at the MK as he wouldn't wait for someone to open for it, he then scooted off leaving his poor kids to actually have to run after him to keep up. he also knocked into a load of people as he was too busy eating cheerios straight out of a carton to steer the scooter properly. he then proceeded to shout at the people that he almost ran over as he seemed to think it was their fault! i was actually lost for words. :facepalm:

And funny how many of those people are able to get out of the scooter and walk to the ride with no difficulty? I don't have a problem with scooters, per se, as there are people with true mobility or health issues that affect their ability to walk. But the pure lazy people that want to game the system or sympathy of CMs I have no tolerance for.


Well-Known Member
And funny how many of those people are able to get out of the scooter and walk to the ride with no difficulty? I don't have a problem with scooters, per se, as there are people with true mobility or health issues that affect their ability to walk. But the pure lazy people that want to game the system or sympathy of CMs I have no tolerance for.
Without trying to flame a scooter war, I'll just say don't judge people.


Well-Known Member
And funny how many of those people are able to get out of the scooter and walk to the ride with no difficulty? I don't have a problem with scooters, per se, as there are people with true mobility or health issues that affect their ability to walk. But the pure lazy people that want to game the system or sympathy of CMs I have no tolerance for.
same here It's great that they can help people get around that otherwise might not be able to experience WDW, but when you can see someone blatantly abusing them its infuriating


Well-Known Member
62 pages and the scooter war has begun anew.


Some need it, some don't. Some you can see clearly abusing it, some you cannot. Some people clearly do not care if it is abused, others freak out over it. Some need the scooter and you cannot tell. People are never going to agree about this. So, as Elsa says....


Well-Known Member
Really? You're going to keep at the fight? This "debate" never ends well, or with both sides agreeing. What does happen is both sides degenerate into name calling and juvenile attitudes.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Quote of the day right there!! LOL
Well for the record I straddle both sides of the fence on this issue. When I see someone get off a wheelchair or other ambulatory aid and walk seemingly without a care my thought process is often "Wha...why they...they don't need...oooooh...OK...I don't know 'em...that could very well be as much as they can walk...they could be doing their best to avoid walking like a limp so they look 'normal' and not get looks of pity...hey look a shiny object" and the curiosity and the rage are both gone.

The transition gets faster as I get older. In part because EVERYTHING in my body hurts now, but I'm pretty good at not showing it. As I write it seems (according to people who've dealt with similar issues) that I have some kind of pinched sciatic nerve after throwing my back out, the pain steers from my back around my right, down my butt cheek and around to the front of my leg like one long perpetual "charley horse." I can walk without looking like an old man but I need to get it checked before my next trip or else it's gonna be unbearable. So I can better relate to people who put on that brave face because they don't want to draw attention to themselves. I know I don't want to draw attention to myself. It's hard enough I'm so damned handsome.
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