Did I Really Just See That.....in Disney World?????


Active Member
I just remembered another thing that happened that really disturbed me a few years back. We were on the WDW railroad at MK and there was a family, I think they were British, that was sitting in front of us. The child was clearly about 4 years old - no longer a toddler, a "kid". Well the child was complaining about something to his mother and then she pulls him close and proceeds to lift her blouse and the kid began to breast feed. Now don't get me wrong, I think that it is the most natural thing in the world - FOR AN INFANT!!! Seriously - I was very disturbed by this and so was everyone around me. So wrong!

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
You have to make a report when you go to first aid, and we told guest relations at the hotel what had happened, but Disney didn't do anything. I wasn't expecting anything, and by the next afternoon I was feeling better, but it wasn't a very good night. Bottom line - it happens and can happen to anyone, so you get over it and just try to enjoy the rest of your vacation!

I'm very surprised...I once sprained my leg at MGM and CM's were very attentive.

Well,in any case,I'm glad you felt better.:wave:(also,this is why I don't eat burgers outside of my own house)


I was doing my thing in the Mens Bathroom by The UK pavillion when suddenly a Woman came running in and proceeded to vomit in the urinal right next to me.

Ya gotta Love night time at World Showcase during the Food and Wine Festival.:rolleyes:

i have to saying being British and European i am amazed at how prudish it is in America for the ladies and gents rest rooms my wife has dived into the mens rooms many times when she has needed to go and there has been a huge que for the ladies. She never felt ashamed and quiet often would tell the other ladies to save them selves the embarrassment as we are all human at the end of the days and we all have to go.
I just loved the looks on some ladies faces saying well !!!!!

It makes me laugh so much when this happens.:ROFLOL:


Active Member
I love reading those threads where we talk about what is your favorite, most disgusting, most embarrasing, most magical (etc.) moments in Disney World. I thought I would start a similar type of thread.

Have you ever seen somebody do anything in Disney World so outrageous, so jaw-dropping, and so out there that literally stopped you in your tracks and made you ask yourself if you really saw what you just saw (good or bad)?

One situation that comes to mind for me happened in March 2007. My wife and I were returning to the Contemporary resort via the monorail after a full day at Epcot. While waiting in line for a monorail, there was a family of four a few spots in front of us (Mom, Dad, Boy - 9ish, Girl - 5ish). Well, the older boy was leaning on the metal chains. The Mom asked him to stop. He did for all of 10 seconds and then proceeded to lean on the chains again. Well, the Mom did not appreciate it much. She proceeded to take off her belt, yell at her son that she had enough, and began whipping the boy with the belt right there in front of everyone. You could tell who wore the pants in the family because the Dad was looking away trying to ignore the whole thing. While this was going on (throughout the 4-5 lashes lovingly bestowed on the Boy), the little girl was singing happily that her brother was getting the belt. Are there people out there really like that? Did I really just see that?

Talk about making everyone on the plaform feel uncomfortable, not to mention how awful we all felt for the Boy, who was hysterically crying. A man standing next to them told her to stop, and she then lashed out verbally at the man to mind his own business. And wouldn't you know it? They sat in the same car as us.

(off topic - has there ever been a thought of opening an additonal forum for these types of "favorite" posts so we don't have to sift through multiple pages in the General Discussion forum?)

It's horrible to see a child or anyone being abused and I agree 911 probably should have been contacted.
Well we had an incident this past April when visiting. It was one of those moments where I was like "Did that just happen in WDW?" My Husband, our 20 month old daughter and myself went into the MK about 1 1/2 hrs before spectromagic. We bought her a balloon, clear with a colored Mickey head in it. We found a place to watch the Parade from and I stayed with our daughter while my husband got some food. By the time he got back there was a very unhappy family just crowding my daughter's stroller, not caring that they are going to be in the direct view of her seeing the parade. We had tied her balloon snuggly to the back of her stroller and my husband kind of had it tucked between him and the strolller so it wouldn't bother anyone. Well, the wind picked up and the balloon waved a little in the air and out of the corner of my eye I see a very miserable woman beating the ever living you know what out of the balloon, trying to pop it! I said "Excuse me could you please not do that, I'll get it out of your way!" She said "Get that Fn balloon away from me or I'll Fn pop it!" My blood boiled! I told her not to stand there, move, and she proceeded to tell me she was waiting there for over 2 hours for the parade. Such a complete load of BS as we were in that spot first. She then took a pen out of her purse and actually tried to pop my baby's balloon! I couldn't believe it! My husband grabbed it and calmly told her to give us the $10.00 for the balloon and she could have her hissy fit on it and pop away. She raised her voice clenched her fists and screamed "GET THAT FN BALLOON AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!! (it wasn't near her at this point) I couldn't believe it, there were children, not to mention my own watching this over heated woman absolutely loosing it. I almost got security but there were enough people around that we all got her to relocate! It was terrible! This was our first trip with our baby and it nearly broke my heart! Needless to say we saw the parade, our baby loved it and the balloon stayed intact!


Well-Known Member
i have to saying being British and European i am amazed at how prudish it is in America for the ladies and gents rest rooms my wife has dived into the mens rooms many times when she has needed to go and there has been a huge que for the ladies. She never felt ashamed and quiet often would tell the other ladies to save them selves the embarrassment as we are all human at the end of the days and we all have to go.
I just loved the looks on some ladies faces saying well !!!!!

It makes me laugh so much when this happens.:ROFLOL:

I see this all the time at concerts. It never phases me when the womens line is really long, if I was a lady I would do the same thing. But you still do the double take when you see a women come into the guys restroom.


I know exactly what you were feeling, I had to puke in a trashcan in an eating area at WOF (Kc MO) one year , It was very embarrassing, but better than making someone clean it up.


Well-Known Member
There was a non english speaking family (isn't every family at wdw nowadays) waiting in line with us for the enchanted tiki roon last August. the little girl had to go to the bathroon so the father pulled her pants down, lifted her over the back rail, and held her as she added own waterworks to the lake/stream that flows behind the queue. When she was done, he shook her a bit to make sure she was done then put her down and pulled her pants back up.

When she was done the whole queue was staring at them in disgust...it didnt seem to phase them...guess it's normal where they come from.


Well-Known Member
I am surprised that the women did that in public. :eek: My mother would be in jail today for child abuse if we were growing up now. I am 50 and that is how my mother disiplined me and my brother growing up. I had welps on my legs from the belt. And it doesn't surprise me that when someone said something to her she told them to mind their own business. You can only imagine what the poor child gets in private at home. :(

Same here - from toddler to teen :cry:. Clearly my mother needed medication.


New Member
My son got food poisoning and "tossed his cookies" in Minnie's living room. Now, when we tour Minnie's house we give him a hard time about it, too, and tell him Minnie is going to send him a bill for the house cleaning.
(Disney did come in swiftly and cleaned, disinfected and sanitized the area within 2 minutes, thank goodness.)


Original Poster
It's horrible to see a child or anyone being abused and I agree 911 probably should have been contacted.

The guy who confronted the mother also missed the monorail to talk to a CM. I assumed that it was to report her. The family got off at the Polynesian so I do not know what happened to them, if anything. Looking back, you guys are probably right, 911 should have been called.


Original Poster
I just remembered another thing that happened that really disturbed me a few years back. We were on the WDW railroad at MK and there was a family, I think they were British, that was sitting in front of us. The child was clearly about 4 years old - no longer a toddler, a "kid". Well the child was complaining about something to his mother and then she pulls him close and proceeds to lift her blouse and the kid began to breast feed. Now don't get me wrong, I think that it is the most natural thing in the world - FOR AN INFANT!!! Seriously - I was very disturbed by this and so was everyone around me. So wrong!

I have 3 kids (4 years, 2 years, and 4 months). I am a big supporter of my wife who has no issues breastfeeding in public. With that said, it would be very disturbing to see a child that age being breastfed. I think this was on an episode of ER a few years back. Too funny.


Active Member
I know exactly what you were feeling, I had to puke in a trashcan in an eating area at WOF (Kc MO) one year , It was very embarrassing, but better than making someone clean it up.
My point exactly!!! I didn't want anyone to have to clean up after me - Why should anyone else have to suffer! ::p


New Member
There was a non english speaking family (isn't every family at wdw nowadays) waiting in line with us for the enchanted tiki roon last August. the little girl had to go to the bathroon so the father pulled her pants down, lifted her over the back rail, and held her as she added own waterworks to the lake/stream that flows behind the queue. When she was done, he shook her a bit to make sure she was done then put her down and pulled her pants back up.

When she was done the whole queue was staring at them in disgust...it didnt seem to phase them...guess it's normal where they come from.

Even though I don't know where this family was from, I recently went to Madrid, Spain and yes, apparently it's okay to just "go" on any street corner. It was really gross.


Well-Known Member
Honestly though,I woulda complained.Disney is better and more responsible than that.
Just reading through her initial statement and while it seemed that eating a place and getting sick after words would be food poisoning, but a good percentage of the cases are not. Mostly like her getting sick had to do with heat exaustion, dehydration, or simply eating too fast. Further proof of this not being food poisoning is that fact that she felt better hours later. Most people with food poisoning will be sick for sometime as the food and bacteria needs to pass out of the body.

Now my "did that really happen" moment:

I was working at the Land Pavilion lining up guests for the boat ride when the person running the dispatch area asked the child that was swinging his body over the canal to stop before he accidently fell in. As I turned to look at the row that had this child I over heard the mother state, "Disney has deep pockets."
:eek: What, money is more important than your own child? I wanted to push the mother into the canal and see how she liked it. I was ferious over what she said. Of course the child continued to do it and the Dispatcher refused to let a boat come forward until the child quit misbehaving. Which his mother finally amonished him.


Well-Known Member
Our last trip my DD & I stopped at the Restroom at AK near Everest. When we went up to wash our hands. There was a lady holding a little boy (looked to be 3 or so) over the sink while he used the bathroom. Well it totally freaked DD out. (me too) I mean this where you wash your hands! It wasn't like the stalls were full either not that that would have made it any better. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Well I've got one...

After exiting the MK after the fireworks in June (you get the picture) we headed to the bus stop for AS Music. Just as we got there a bus came and it was packed (of course) but we still could have got on the bus. It was standing room only and we had two young children who were asleep. So instead of trying to drag those two tired children on a bus to stand we let some people go ahead of us and we decided to wait for the next bus... this is where the story gets interesting...

we waited, and waited, and waited! Buses came and went for other resorts (numerous times) and yet we were still there waiting. Everybody was frustrated and tired! Anyways, there was this man in the line up who was very VOCAL about his frustrations. It was starting to get on everybody's nerves as I could hear people's whispers about how they wished he would just shut up! It was a bad situation and he was just making it worse. Just when we thought things couldn't get any worse this man starting making a scene and stormed over to other buses that were coming to yell at those bus drivers. Finally after 45 mins a bus showed up and he stormed up to the front and went crazy on our bus driver. I felt so bad for our bus driver (I'm sure the problem had nothing to do with him). After the man was done with his rant the bus driver driver looked like it really bothered him!:(

My story doesn't end here though! This man was determined to pack as many people on that bus as humanly possible. He felt the need to "organize" the bus. He stood at the front of the bus telling people where to sit and yelling at those who were already seated telling them to squat together. Well, my husband and I (at the risk of being yelled at) squat ourselves, two children, two strollers, and a backpack into TWO seats. Then this man looked at us and said, "can you fit anybody else in that seat?" And both my husband and I replied "NO!"

We've talked about the night ever since - we couldn't believe it even happened!

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Just reading through her initial statement and while it seemed that eating a place and getting sick after words would be food poisoning, but a good percentage of the cases are not. Mostly like her getting sick had to do with heat exaustion, dehydration, or simply eating too fast. Further proof of this not being food poisoning is that fact that she felt better hours later. Most people with food poisoning will be sick for sometime as the food and bacteria needs to pass out of the body.

Now my "did that really happen" moment:

I was working at the Land Pavilion lining up guests for the boat ride when the person running the dispatch area asked the child that was swinging his body over the canal to stop before he accidently fell in. As I turned to look at the row that had this child I over heard the mother state, "Disney has deep pockets."
:eek: What, money is more important than your own child? I wanted to push the mother into the canal and see how she liked it. I was ferious over what she said. Of course the child continued to do it and the Dispatcher refused to let a boat come forward until the child quit misbehaving. Which his mother finally amonished him.
Still,at least let them know so they could step up the cleanliness some...I dunno but for me it's too big of a issue just to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Sorry about the thread hijacking.:o


Well-Known Member
I saw a kid squat behind a trash can and take a dump while his parents looked on lovingly once. True story.

Yup I saw the same thing. But it was by splash mountain. The other time was I was at a resort and I lady took her bathing top off. A CM ran over and told her you cant do that so she put that back on.

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