courtesy on disney transportation

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New Member
Maybe I am just one of those people, but I get more joy from giving someone my seat and seeing their thankful face, then I do from being greedy and making someone who could benefit more, stand.


Well-Known Member
Why am I not surprised this post came from the Northeast? :rolleyes:
People can criticize the south all you want, but you rarely encounter this mentality around here. Sheesh.......This is why I never pull for the New England Patriots....
Here's your sign
Can we not fight the Civil War again. :lol: That is a gross generalization anyway. I am from the northeast and I do give up my seat.


Active Member
What really got to me once was the time we got on the bus with our girls, who had just run out of steam and started falling asleep while waiting for the bus. Of course, our line was the only one that was several busses long, and that no busses came for ....

We finally were able to get on a bus, and had to stand there, with a 6, 4, and 2 year old. I was holding the youngest, while the other two clung to DH and I. Some rude couple, 20-ish, were sitting next to me, chatting about how mean we were for forcing our kids to stay out until they were asleep. Clearly, a couple without children, because they had no clue that kids could be completely amped up one minute, and totally crashed out the next. It just killed me, though, that they sat there debating my parenting decisions, all the while, watching me struggle to hold one sleeping child on my hip, and one my leg, and try not to fall over with the bus starting and stopping in the manner they do.

For the record, now that my kids are getting a bit bigger, I try to find a seat for the youngest (just now 5), and let the other two hold on ... I would never remain in my seat if there's someone holding an infant, or a pregnant woman fighting to stand .. I remember too much how difficult it was to be ignored when I was in a similar situation. The same goes for the monorails .. I will always get up if there's a child or needy adult. I am too capable to stand if there's someone who needs the seating more than myself.

I never wanted to be in the parks pregnant for this very reason!


Well-Known Member
I know I am going to get flamed for this but I do not think people should have to give up their seats. If there are no seats left on the bus then wait for the next one. Why should people who got in line first give up their seat just so someone else does not have to stand? Being older or having children is not a reason to get preferential treatment. I do not know how many times my husband and I got in line for a bus and then when it was our time to board we just stepped out of the way because we did not want to stand. If you don't want to stand, don't get on the bus.

This mentality is shocking to me. I am in my mid 30's and my girlfriend and I always give up our seats to elderly and/or people with small children. Why should people who got in line first give up their seats to those with greater need's than yours? Simple. It's called manners. Unfortunately this is a growing trend, me first ... others second, it's quite sad and I do feel sorry for the person who posted this. Hopefully others do not treat you as your post would lead me to believe you treat them.
I think be blame is parenting. We parents are responsible to the teachings of respect others, it's not about "me".

Yes, being the mother of small children, I appreciate a seat where I can lap them. My husband will get up if someone is in need. We often gave up out monorail seats for those in need.

On another note, I do not understand the total lack of respect kids have to parents and especially, other older adults. I am sorry, but I am almost 30 years old and I still tell the kid at McDonalds talking my order please and thank you.

I take alot of time teaching my daughter to be polite and you address other adults as mam and sir.


Well-Known Member
My daughter who is 12 has gotten up and given her seat to an older person or someone with a child be it man or woman. I asked a gentleman once who had a child if he wanted my seat and he said no thanks but could my little one share your daughters seat with her? I was like of course. He was thrilled with that. And of course my hubby always gets up.

Edisto Pluto

New Member
I know I am going to get flamed for this but I do not think people should have to give up their seats. If there are no seats left on the bus then wait for the next one. Why should people who got in line first give up their seat just so someone else does not have to stand? Being older or having children is not a reason to get preferential treatment. I do not know how many times my husband and I got in line for a bus and then when it was our time to board we just stepped out of the way because we did not want to stand. If you don't want to stand, don't get on the bus.
Wow, you should be taken to task. What a selfish comment. We have taught our children to respect others and to be sensitive to others less fortunate. I will say Mom who is 79 has been offered a seat from a nice person almost every time we are on WDW transportation. Thanks to all of those folks.


Well-Known Member
My fiance and I were in WDW in January of 08 and we noticed many people giving up their seats for those traveling with small children. We usually just didn't take the seats until everyone else was seated because we felt that since we are in our 20's traveling with no children its only responsible to let everyone else sit first. We noticed many people our age doing the same thing and very rarely did I find people with small children standing. Maybe its the time of year :shrug:


Well-Known Member
I know I am going to get flamed for this but I do not think people should have to give up their seats. If there are no seats left on the bus then wait for the next one. Why should people who got in line first give up their seat just so someone else does not have to stand? Being older or having children is not a reason to get preferential treatment. I do not know how many times my husband and I got in line for a bus and then when it was our time to board we just stepped out of the way because we did not want to stand. If you don't want to stand, don't get on the bus.

It's called common courtesy, good manners, having compassion...whatever you want to call it. I'll keep the rest of my opinion to myself :zipit:

Why am I not surprised this post came from the Northeast? :rolleyes:
People can criticize the south all you want, but you rarely encounter this mentality around here. Sheesh.......This is why I never pull for the New England Patriots....
Here's your sign

Excuse me? Rudeness has nothing to do with someone's geographical location and believe me I can attest to the fact that southerners can be just as rude. I NY born & raised and, if you look at my earlier post you will see that courtesy is a learned attribute, not something you are born with.


Well-Known Member
Can we not fight the Civil War again. :lol: That is a gross generalization anyway. I am from the northeast and I do give up my seat.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Your avatar!:D

Oh and I always give up my is called common courtesy...:shrug:


New Member
The sad thing is it is not just Disney. I live in the Washington DC area and teh rudeness has become a part of our day culture. Childern no longer say sir or Maam. I have seen grown men speak bump into a woman and instead of him saying I am sorry his response is watch were the @*)&! your going. This gentlen was dress decent, so it was nt like he was getto trash.

Sadly this time has become of ignorance, selfish no common courtesy. I become so frustrated in these situations & my DH is so laid back he needs to pull me back & remind me not to go to that level. So with that even on vacation people cannot think anything but themselves.


Active Member
How old is old though? By that I mean, how old do I have to be before your child gives up his seat for me? Now, I'm 50 (though I hate to admit it). At the end of a day walking around MK, my hip is killing me so it is not a visible thing unless you see me start to limp and I will try for you not to see that. I just hate it. Anyway, it gets bad enough that it makes me ill. So, I will sit because of the comfort it gives me. But, lots of people will not see me as old even though several years ago 50 was considered old!

By the by, I work at a convenience store and the rudeness I see everyday - everyday - is incredible. I've had customers look at me without answering a simple question, grab money out of my hand without acknowledging me, just everything. Ages range from kids to adults older than I am. My father would so kill me if I treated anyone like that!


P.S. As long as I can stand up, I would not expect anyone to give up the seat.


Active Member
This isn't unique to Disney issue, it's really a societal issue.

I don't want a seat just because I'm a woman, but when I've been pregnant, a seat would be nice at times!! I was always surprised to go some place that required waiting, find all the seats filled and no one was willing to give a 8 month pregnant lady a seat.

Why is that so wrong? It's more than just standing on a bus. It's evident everywhere, even here in the south.


Well-Known Member
The sad thing is it is not just Disney. I live in the Washington DC area and teh rudeness has become a part of our day culture. Childern no longer say sir or Maam. I have seen grown men speak bump into a woman and instead of him saying I am sorry his response is watch were the @*)&! your going. This gentlen was dress decent, so it was nt like he was getto trash.

Sadly this time has become of ignorance, selfish no common courtesy. I become so frustrated in these situations & my DH is so laid back he needs to pull me back & remind me not to go to that level. So with that even on vacation people cannot think anything but themselves.

We were just there in mid-June visiting...and I got seperated from my wife and kids on one Metro trip - people just kept pushing me back, even though they saw I was with my family - they just didn't care.

I will say, however, there were a few nice YOUNGER people that offered to move or share a seat with one of the kids - they were just outnumbered.


Well-Known Member
How old is old though? By that I mean, how old do I have to be before your child gives up his seat for me? Now, I'm 50 (though I hate to admit it). At the end of a day walking around MK, my hip is killing me so it is not a visible thing unless you see me start to limp and I will try for you not to see that. I just hate it. Anyway, it gets bad enough that it makes me ill. So, I will sit because of the comfort it gives me. But, lots of people will not see me as old even though several years ago 50 was considered old!

By the by, I work at a convenience store and the rudeness I see everyday - everyday - is incredible. I've had customers look at me without answering a simple question, grab money out of my hand without acknowledging me, just everything. Ages range from kids to adults older than I am. My father would so kill me if I treated anyone like that!


P.S. As long as I can stand up, I would not expect anyone to give up the seat.

That's a good question. You are only 8 yrs older then me so just to be honest, unless I knew you were in pain, I probably wouldn't give my seat up. I guess I would look at someone and listen for my mom in my head telling me to get my butt up and offer that person my seat.:D

I have also worked in retail and people are NASTY. I worked in a one hour photo lab and people would come up to the counter talking on their cells and you are supposed to stand there and wait. I finally got to the point where I would say " let me know when you are done on the phone". They usually got off pretty quick. And this kid came in once, he was about 10. He was the rudest kid I have ever met. He yelled at me and told me to just look for his pictures, wasn't that my job? It took everything I had not to smack him. He didn't even know what the last name was on the pictures. I told him to tell me a last name or there was nothing I could do, that I couldn't look thru hundreds of evelopes to find his pics. Then I called my daughter who was about 5 at the time and told her how happy I was that she was so sweet and polite to everyone she meets.


Active Member
Had this chick come into the store, on her cell, go get a 2 liter bottle of soda, put it on the counter, still on her cell. Didn't say a word to me, just handed me the money. I handed her back the change. " Uh, are you going to put it in a bag for me?" - real nasty, did the clicking with her tongue before she talked to me and afterwards. I actually told her, "I don't know, do you want me to? You never said." She grabbed the bottle and told the person on the other end I wouldn't even put it in a bag for her. Horrors of horrors, she had to carry it in her hand! But, now she is polite to me whenever she comes in. I probably could have gotten in trouble, but at the time, I could care less. Little brat. If I ever saw my son react like that, I would have his head.



Well-Known Member
I myself enjoy given up my seat for anyone. It just makes me feel a little better inside. Some people are just rude and figure they were there first so it's theirs.


Well-Known Member
My fiance and I were in WDW in January of 08 and we noticed many people giving up their seats for those traveling with small children. We usually just didn't take the seats until everyone else was seated because we felt that since we are in our 20's traveling with no children its only responsible to let everyone else sit first.
Same here. Though I always find it surprising when we offer parents our seats and they say "no, we wouldn't ask you to do that" and we watch a toddler cling to their leg the whole trip. It terrifies me and happens more often than you'd think!


Active Member
My story is kinda the opposite. A few yrs. ago DH and I got on a bus and were standing and some guy in his 30's offered me his seat and said he was a lot younger than me so I could sit down! I was kinda insulted he thought I was old. ha.ha. DH and I always give up our seats to the elderly or people with children. And I hate it,too, when parents wont put their young kids on their laps and let someone else sit down......


Active Member
This sounds stupid, but I forget just how old I am sometimes. I am told I look about 35 which is great considering, but something will happen and remind me real fast just how old I am. I have a friend who I worked with who is a few months younger than my son. We went out to dinner once and the server, who was her friend, asked if I was her mother. I was so insulted until I realized, uh, yeah, I can be her mom! So, I probably end up giving my seats away to women younger than I am! :lol:

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