Confessions of a DFTW Bride To Be


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You look gorgeous in that dress! Congrats! I got a little teary looking at the pic. I hope your wedding is just "magical".

Thank you so much, you are so sweet :) It is sure to be a magical trip and I can't wait to get to meet my wedding planner in person in a few weeks! I'm sure I'll have lots to dish when I get back!

You're dress is gorgeous and you will be a beautiful bride! My daughter is getting married in Oct and I really thought she would do a Disney wedding but we live too far for friends to attend so she opted out.. I think she might go there for the honeymoon but then I don't get to go to that!!!...LOL

Best Wishes!

Thank you! :) I love my dress so much and I can't wait until my first fitting which should be in about a month. It's too bad your daughter opted out of the disney wedding and I hope she does a Disneymoon! I don't blame her, many of our friends and family have expressed disappointment that we are only having 18 people. It's really hard to make that decision but it is the right one for us.

Down the home stretch...

Last week was the toughest week for me to get through but now that it's over I'm home free for the next 11 days until our SWW trip!!! We got our travel documents from MEI MouseFan Travel and our Travel Agent even wrote us a thank you note. It was truly magical :)

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL YOU DISNEY MOMS! Have a magical day :wave:


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Fate stepped in to see me through!

A few weeks ago I eluded to something going on in my life that I couldn't talk about yet. Well now I can tell you that I have been interviewing for a new position and yesterday I got it! I am so relieved and SO ready to go play in WDW in just 9 days (single digit dance!!). I really need a vacation right now :sohappy:

I do not suggest any other brides job hunt while planning a wedding. It has been very tough on me and incredibly stressful especially because I'm in Baltimore and I had to fly out to San Francisco for the interview (I'm not moving there, that's just where the headquarters is). It was especially stressful because I already have a job so I was juggling everything all at once. Let me tell you, I definitely had a few meltdowns. But now all is well and the word is out so I can sit back and relax finally!

Fate stepped in to see me through!

A few weeks ago I eluded to something going on in my life that I couldn't talk about yet. Well now I can tell you that I have been interviewing for a new position and yesterday I got it! I am so relieved and SO ready to go play in WDW in just 9 days (single digit dance!!). I really need a vacation right now :sohappy:

I do not suggest any other brides job hunt while planning a wedding. It has been very tough on me and incredibly stressful especially because I'm in Baltimore and I had to fly out to San Francisco for the interview (I'm not moving there, that's just where the headquarters is). It was especially stressful because I already have a job so I was juggling everything all at once. Let me tell you, I definitely had a few meltdowns. But now all is well and the word is out so I can sit back and relax finally!


YAYYYY!!!! Congrats! Now you have another thing to celebrate next weekend! Isn't that a nice sounding phrase?! Next weekend.... :ROFLOL:

You are going to have to share all of the details about the planning session and of course SWW!!! Since it is moving weekend DF and I don't know when we will get to DHS :( We move the 18th and I think we are leaving for Mobile on the 27th unless he doesn't get scheduled to work!

I hope my job hunting won't be that stressful! I am worried about my CP not extending into the spring or not getting a PI and having to go job hunting 3 months before the Wedding :(

Enjoy your much needed vacation and wedding meetings! Who knows maybe out paths will cross next week! :wave: hi's are always nice :wave:


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YAYYYY!!!! Congrats! Now you have another thing to celebrate next weekend! Isn't that a nice sounding phrase?! Next weekend.... :ROFLOL:

You are going to have to share all of the details about the planning session and of course SWW!!! Since it is moving weekend DF and I don't know when we will get to DHS :( We move the 18th and I think we are leaving for Mobile on the 27th unless he doesn't get scheduled to work!

I hope my job hunting won't be that stressful! I am worried about my CP not extending into the spring or not getting a PI and having to go job hunting 3 months before the Wedding :(

Enjoy your much needed vacation and wedding meetings! Who knows maybe out paths will cross next week! :wave: hi's are always nice :wave:

Thank you so much Karen :) And yes, "next weekend" is music to my mouse ears! I am SO ready for this vacation even though it's a short one. I really hope everything works out for you so you're not job hunting right before your wedding because it's the pits!

My TR for SWW will be split into 2 probably...I'll post a normal TR for the trip and then the wedding stuff in this thread. I can't wait to go to Franck's and tour the Wedding Pavilion! SQUEE!!


New Member
Fate stepped in to see me through!

A few weeks ago I eluded to something going on in my life that I couldn't talk about yet. Well now I can tell you that I have been interviewing for a new position and yesterday I got it! I am so relieved and SO ready to go play in WDW in just 9 days (single digit dance!!). I really need a vacation right now :sohappy:

I do not suggest any other brides job hunt while planning a wedding. It has been very tough on me and incredibly stressful especially because I'm in Baltimore and I had to fly out to San Francisco for the interview (I'm not moving there, that's just where the headquarters is). It was especially stressful because I already have a job so I was juggling everything all at once. Let me tell you, I definitely had a few meltdowns. But now all is well and the word is out so I can sit back and relax finally!




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Wooohoooo! Congratulations on the new job, Shelley. :sohappy::sohappy::sohappy:

Thanks Holly!! With my new free time, I'm gearing up to read your wedding TR finally!!


Thank you! I'm surprised I'm still engaged at this point, I've been under SO much stress and Jason and I haven't had much time to spend together and I have had a few meltdowns. Looking forward to an intergalactic romantic Star Wars Weekend!

Congratulations on the new job! And have fun on your upcoming (very soon!!) trip!!! :) I can't wait to hear all about it.

Thank you so much! It's sure to be a fun trip, we totally have "the fever" right now. I can almost smell the Disney air conditioning and popcorn on Main Street. Our first stop is sure to be EPCOT for a Grey Goose lemon slush in France and then sushi in Japan's Yakitori House. MMMMM!! :sohappy:

I'm also glad it worked out so I don't have to go to Atlanta for a conference before our trip. Our original plan was for Jason to fly down 7AM on Thursday and I would meet him in the evening. He was going to spend a day alone but now we get to be together!


Well-Known Member
Thank you so much! It's sure to be a fun trip, we totally have "the fever" right now. I can almost smell the Disney air conditioning and popcorn on Main Street. Our first stop is sure to be EPCOT for a Grey Goose lemon slush in France and then sushi in Japan's Yakitori House. MMMMM!! :sohappy:

I'm also glad it worked out so I don't have to go to Atlanta for a conference before our trip. Our original plan was for Jason to fly down 7AM on Thursday and I would meet him in the evening. He was going to spend a day alone but now we get to be together!

Now that you say you can smell it, I can just picture it all now and smell it too!!

Thats good you get to be together! I can't wait to hear about Franck's and the Wedding Pavilion Tour!!!


Well-Known Member
Well big ol' congrats to you on the new job! :sohappy::sohappy::sohappy:

Taking all that! Let's just call you "Superwoman"!

Have fun at SWW. Take lots of pics at Francks! I can't wait to hear all about it!!!!

Safe travels to ya! :wave:


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Now that you say you can smell it, I can just picture it all now and smell it too!!

Thats good you get to be together! I can't wait to hear about Franck's and the Wedding Pavilion Tour!!!

I'm dreaming of the Main Street Bakery this morning...I love getting to MK early and getting a pastry. MMM

Well big ol' congrats to you on the new job! :sohappy::sohappy::sohappy:

Taking all that! Let's just call you "Superwoman"!

Have fun at SWW. Take lots of pics at Francks! I can't wait to hear all about it!!!!

Safe travels to ya! :wave:

Thanks Kelly! I think the term "Superwoman" only applies to Mothers :) If I am still doing all of this when I have kids I think I will have earned that title!

You gave me a good idea...I think I'll put Father Of The Bride on my iPhone while I'm working today! I'll take plenty of pictures of the WP and Franck's, I can't wait! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Have fun this week, Shelley! I hope you and Jason have the most perfect pre-wedding trip EVER... :sohappy: And, of course, I also hope that the new Star Tours rocks your face off. :lol:


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Have fun this week, Shelley! I hope you and Jason have the most perfect pre-wedding trip EVER... :sohappy: And, of course, I also hope that the new Star Tours rocks your face off. :lol:

Thanks Holly!! We're home from work, packed and in full vacation mode! We're leaving for the airport tomorrow @4:30AM!! I am not going to be able to sleep tonight. Hmm maybe I should stop drinking this diet mountain dew...:ROFLOL:


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We're Going To Disney World!!

We're getting ready to head to the airport on this fine Thursday morning :) We're SO excited (to say the least)! Last trip I woke up @1AM and watched I Love Lucy reruns all night. This time I only got to sleep about 4 hours and I watched Wings on Netflix. I love that show! Anywho I'm turning off my laptop now...going dark. Radio silence for 5 days!! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
OMG! We were just talking about Wings the other day! We used to love that show, too.

I'll think about y'all and hope you have the most fan-tab-u-lous time ever! :wave:


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OMG! We were just talking about Wings the other day! We used to love that show, too.

I'll think about y'all and hope you have the most fan-tab-u-lous time ever! :wave:

Wings is a great show! We've been watching old sitcoms on Netflix lately because tv sucks these days!

We had an incredibly magical vacation and I can't believe it's over :( We're sitting on DME on our way to the airport. But now at least I have a trip report to write and a new countdown to start! 124 days until our Disney Fairytale Wedding & Honeymoon :)


Well-Known Member
Wings is a great show! We've been watching old sitcoms on Netflix lately because tv sucks these days!

We had an incredibly magical vacation and I can't believe it's over :( We're sitting on DME on our way to the airport. But now at least I have a trip report to write and a new countdown to start! 124 days until our Disney Fairytale Wedding & Honeymoon :)

I'm sad you had to come home. It's never fun to leave WDW. But now you're that much closer to the wedding trip! I know if I'm excited about your wedding you must be absolutely over-the-moon! Wow! Only 123 days to go! Not long and you'll be doing the double-digit-dance!

I'm with you. I love my old sitcoms. I think I'm officially transitioning to "old fuddy-duddy". Last week I caught a couple episodes of Friends & Seinfeld. I sat on the sofa doing some sewing and giggling while the boys just sat there asking questions. :lol:


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I'm sad you had to come home. It's never fun to leave WDW. But now you're that much closer to the wedding trip! I know if I'm excited about your wedding you must be absolutely over-the-moon! Wow! Only 123 days to go! Not long and you'll be doing the double-digit-dance!

Jason said something so true when we landed at BWI - he said "We're home :( Or we're back at the place we live. We just left home." We seriously talked about moving somewhere closer to Disney because now with my new job I work from home 100% so we can live anywhere. On our way back to MCO we passed by a nice residential community that said starting in the low $100s. OMG you can't live anywhere in Maryland but the ghetto for the low $100s. These houses had garages and everything! It's something for us to think about after the wedding :)

I'm running all of our pics through filters and converters now. I hope to start the trip report tonight! We had a magical time and we can't wait to share our favorite memories! There will be lots of wedding goodies - RevKev was SO awesome, we toured the Wedding Pavilion & UK Lochside, and met with our wedding planner. Jason feels all important now because he picked our Dessert Party menu :) I totally burst into tears when we walked into the Wedding Pavilion. I'm tearing up just writing about it! No video or picture does that place justice. The castle is so prominent through the window behind the altar, it's breathtaking. :sohappy:


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Wow it took over 3 hours to upload all of our pictures to PhotoBucket LOL. I have the beginning of my TR up:

I decided to put all of the wedding stuff in the TR and then post the summary here in this thread (just in case ppl don't have time to read the whole TR). For the past 2 trips I've used the iTripBook app on the iPhone and I kept a journal every day. So basically my TRs are written for me when I get home and I just have to add pictures. I also like it because I really write down every single thing that happened which I wouldn't be able to do otherwise because I wouldn't remember. I usually have enough time to journal about everything while waiting in line for rides or the bus.

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