You look gorgeous in that dress! Congrats! I got a little teary looking at the pic. I hope your wedding is just "magical".
Thank you so much, you are so sweet

You're dress is gorgeous and you will be a beautiful bride! My daughter is getting married in Oct and I really thought she would do a Disney wedding but we live too far for friends to attend so she opted out.. I think she might go there for the honeymoon but then I don't get to go to that!!!...LOL
Best Wishes!
Thank you!

Down the home stretch...
Last week was the toughest week for me to get through but now that it's over I'm home free for the next 11 days until our SWW trip!!! We got our travel documents from MEI MouseFan Travel and our Travel Agent even wrote us a thank you note. It was truly magical

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL YOU DISNEY MOMS! Have a magical day :wave: