Check-in to Hell


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DMC-12
:lol: Please tell me that thing does NOT play the IASW evil doll national anthem :eek:

*that would drive me to instant madness... and the Resistance would have to be called into active service* :lol:

:dazzle: Dolls are good, dolls are good :dazzle:


Well-Known Member
64 to go! :wave:

And a big all my peeps in the hell thread...


So who's throwing the big 666 party? :lookaroun


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by objr
64 to go! :wave:

And a big all my peeps in the hell thread...


So who's throwing the big 666 party? :lookaroun

I am... its part of my Hellish 4th of July Extravaganza :lol: :sohappy:

*chases the devil around with the Jesus fish that was on my Volvo* :lol: :lookaroun


Trophy Husband
Originally posted by DMC-12
:lol: Please tell me that thing does NOT play the IASW evil doll national anthem :eek:

*that would drive me to instant madness... and the Resistance would have to be called into active service* :lol:

I wish! I could break her with that, for sure.

It has Mickey and Minnie saying: "Hiya" then singing: "La, la, la, la, la... la, la, la" and giggling.

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Hey Hey!! The Olsen Twins just turned legal a few days ago, so hell will be a lot less exciting. All you guys that were after illegal blood will now be free to roam about the normal world. You are no longer perverts, just people will poor taste. :lol:


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by garyhoov
I wish! I could break her with that, for sure.

It has Mickey and Minnie saying: "Hiya" then singing: "La, la, la, la, la... la, la, la" and giggling.

Wow... that sounds pretty wicked and irritating :lol:

If I were you, I would of already:

Me: "Shut your giggle hole!" *thows clock against the wall and watches it shatter into pieces... but the giggling continues :mad:* "It wont die! ACK!" :eek: *flushes the clock pieces down the toiliet* :lol:

All gone


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by One Lil Spark
Hey Hey!! The Olsen Twins just turned legal a few days ago, so hell will be a lot less exciting. All you guys that were after illegal blood will now be free to roam about the normal world. You are no longer perverts, just people will poor taste. :lol:

Only 3 years until the sassy brit from HP is legal :lookaroun



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by garyhoov
So Linda and Ryan are taking a trip to see Linda's sister in Maine and won't be around for Father's day. They gave me this:


Now for the Hell part.

This thing has Disney sound loops on it that are so insidious even I, a rabid Disney fan, am on the verge of madness.

Something's gotta give. I have been setting it to the same Mickey/Minnie loop for the past two days, and I'm much to stubborn to admit defeat and turn it to a normal tone or radio until Linda begs me to do so.

Linda, of course, is much too proud to beg, so this will likely go on for some time.

At some point, of course, one of us will be driven over the edge.

The ensuing murder trial will likely be clouded by the posturing of lawyers, finger pointing and "He said, she said" testimony.

I just want all of you to know what really happened . . .

You see the madness the hoovfamily puts me thru?! It's a wonder jillhoov has turned out this normal. :lookaroun

(Do you think that when momhoov is in serving her time for murder that I can have the BMW?) :lookaroun


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by DisneyJill
(Do you think that when momhoov is in serving her time for murder that I can have the BMW?) :lookaroun

Nah, I dont think you would want it.... I am sure Gary will have it all fartted up by then. :lol: ;)


New Member
Originally posted by SpongeScott
*books Disneyanna to jump naked out of the cake*

Hey, this is hell!

Dust off my seat......

Is that something that can really be booked at such a short notice or do you need more time to hatch your devlish plot?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by JBSLJames
Is that something that can really be booked at such a short notice or do you need more time to hatch your devlish plot?
I don't think she is high in demand for the task at hand.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by SpongeScott
This is hell.

Everyone must watch.

On the front row.

With binoculars.

(Gary, Jer, and Brian get to lick off the icing)

Pffffft Screw that.... *goes to play volley ball with the devil* :lol:


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
LMAO... about weird

We are talking about stopping this thread at "666"... well a new radio station called "NINE" launched here in Chicago today... and I was just browsing thru there playlist and imaging liners... and came accross this... :lol: :

10:06AM : “Nine... Unless you look at us upside down. Don’t do that... 99-9 FM WRZA Park Forest-Chicago.”

:lol: :lol: Coinkeydink? I think not! :lol: :lookaroun

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