Changes to Peter Pan's Flight at Magic Kingdom


Well-Known Member
Flight of Passage and Soarin are both better rides than the OG Peter Pan's flight.

I'm not saying the OG Peter Pan's flight needs to go, but I also think it's had a good run and it wouldn't be the end of the world if it was massively changed. TBH I think the Haunted Mansion is the only Magic Kingdom ride I would be devastated to see go. Most of the other attractions I like, but am not so attached to that it would ruin the park if they were replaced with something else. I'd be fine with swapping out classic Pirates of the Caribbean with the version Shanghai has.

Sorry, can't agree with you. Get rid of Pirates and the classic scenes and animatronics? That would be awful.

I'm not against new rides and new technology, but we have to respect the classics. Those rides have made Disneyland and Magic Kingdom what they are.


Well-Known Member
My wife just staged Peter Pan Jr.

Publishers typically require you to perform a play exactly as written, with no leeway given for interpretation. MTI basically said ‘if you think this is problematic, feel free to change it.’
MTI is often very ignorant of what things schools change (I know from experience) - this is one of the few examples where it was explicitly allowed within the license.


Well-Known Member
I just watched the Tokyo Peter Pan version - I can't believe people want to replace MK's absolute classic Peter Pan with that!
It's literally all screens. Kind of a mix of FOP and Soarin? I mean, maybe for a different, new ride with a different IP, but I think MK's version just needs some sprucing up.

Gosh, I hope that doesn't happen. Doesn't anyone love just physical sets anymore?
If it helps any, WDW's Peter Pan's Flight building is about the size of a thimble. No chance that Tokyo's massive new ride will replace it.

I too am of the opinion that Peter Pan's Flight is merely long overdue for a good, healthy sprucing up that fully respects what's already there. Bring the show quality standards up to 2024 level while keeping the concept and general execution firmly rooted in 1971. Tweak some of the sets, improve character animation, give it some fresh paint and litter it with fiber optic stars - Even Disneyland's 2015 update went too far with projection tech, in my opinion. Show restraint.

Let it stay what it is, just the best possible version of it. It can and should dazzle with old school flair.

Ice Gator

Well-Known Member
If it helps any, WDW's Peter Pan's Flight building is about the size of a thimble. No chance that Tokyo's massive new ride will replace it.

I too am of the opinion that Peter Pan's Flight is merely long overdue for a good, healthy sprucing up that fully respects what's already there. Bring the show quality standards up to 2024 level while keeping the concept and general execution firmly rooted in 1971. Tweak some of the sets, improve character animation, give it some fresh paint and litter it with fiber optic stars - Even Disneyland's 2015 update went too far with projection tech, in my opinion. Show restraint.

Let it stay what it is, just the best possible version of it. It can and should dazzle with old school flair.
Is Tokyo going to do away with their PPF at their Magic Kingdom gate? I recently saw a POV of the new attraction at DisneySea and while it looks like a fun experience, I noticed that it follows almost the exact same story/ elements as PPF. I could see them replacing the old dark ride in the TDL park with a new restaurant or dark ride.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
As long as they don’t touch the tin foil lining the inside of the volcano your pirate ship soars over during the experience.
Literally, when you fly over the volcano, look straight down and view the glory of 50 year old slightly blacked tin foil!

If the tin foil is removed, some of us will riot.
That foil has been there since Opening Day …or at least it sure looks like it has!
Gotta preserve what last bits of the original Park still exist….



Disgruntled Walt

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
This is a forum for discussing Disney parks, not politics. It's unfortunate that the lines are being blurred as much as they have been for the last five years. I for one am hopeful that we're turning a corner.

But being hateful on a forum for talking about things that bring people joy is inexcusable. Let's all just discuss peacefully, leave name-calling and politics out of it, and enjoy (or criticize, which is also completely allowed!).


Well-Known Member
Very suspicious that most of of the “us vs them” is “Woke Disney removes Splash Mountain for pronoun dyed hair?” Vs “Hey guys I think that being more culturally sensitive is good actually.

And it’s not a matter of more trolls being on the site, it’s a matter of culturally aware individuals wanting to discuss the parks, but not entertaining the stupidity of some people.
I don't think you're helping your argument by calling people who are against these sorts of changes stupid. Some of whom, including myself, are actually very much "woke" about cultural issues in real life that cause actual legitimate harm to people. Getting all miserable and offended by Disney cartoons and angry at people who don't share this obsession is one of a number of reasons why there's a failure to get people on your own side. Again I say this as someone who IS otherwise on that side.

I've found that both extremes of this are stupid and miserable people.


Well-Known Member
I don’t often post here, but have been encouraged to do so. I agree with different people’s points. Certain aspects of older Disney movies are in fact, problematic. The depictions of indigenous people in Peter Pan and the accompanying ride definitely are not a good look in 2024. It is completely reasonable to call someone out on this; Disney themselves is trying to remedy the portrayal as they should. I don’t really concur with name calling and such, but that sometimes is the nature of online discussion


Well-Known Member
As long as they don’t touch the tin foil lining the inside of the volcano your pirate ship soars over during the experience.
Literally, when you fly over the volcano, look straight down and view the glory of 50 year old slightly blacked tin foil!

If the tin foil is removed, some of us will riot.
That foil has been there since Opening Day …or at least it sure looks like it has!
Gotta preserve what last bits of the original Park still exist….



It will have its own display case in One Man’s Dream.

The Mom

Premium Member
So we’ve talked more about forum moderation that PPF. Is anything going to be removed/added? Maybe just lighting effects?
That's the problem - nothing official has been announced about any changes, just that it will be closed for renovations. Yet, posters are arguing about the changes that haven's been announced. And tossing insults at those who disagree.

The Mom

Premium Member
I don’t often post here, but have been encouraged to do so. I agree with different people’s points. Certain aspects of older Disney movies are in fact, problematic. The depictions of indigenous people in Peter Pan and the accompanying ride definitely are not a good look in 2024. It is completely reasonable to call someone out on this; Disney themselves is trying to remedy the portrayal as they should. I don’t really concur with name calling and such, but that sometimes is the nature of online discussion
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